Dead Poets Society Movie Analysis

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Name: Dead Poets Society Movie Analysis

1. Describe each character in one word..







2. When in the film do you see the following themes… ( no need for complete sentences,
just tell me when in the movie you see it, what are the events happening?)


Carpe Diem:





The Right to Choose:

Directions: Please answer questions 3 through 6 in 1 to 2 complete sentences

3. What do you think the main message of the movie is?

4. Why do you think Welton Academy is not racially diverse?

5. Have you ever found it difficult to be your “true self” around others?

6. If the setting of this movie were in a public school, instead of a prestigious academy,
would the message be any different?

Please Choose on of the following assignments to complete

Option A.) Directions: Please choose ONE of the following prompts/ questions to answer.
Please answer in 5 - 7 complete sentences. You May Use the Back of this paper

1. How was Mr. Keating different from the other teachers?

Describe one specific lesson that Mr. Keating used, and explained his purpose in that

2. What was the purpose of the original Dead Poets Society?

3. Was Mr. Keating supportive of the boys’ attempts to bring the Dead Poet’s Society back
to life? Explain.

4. Discuss the circumstances behind Neal’s death. Did you find Neal’s death a surprise? Or
could you have predicted his suicide? Do you believe Mr. Keating is responsible for
Neal’s death? Or the rebellion brought on by the Dead Poet’s Society?

5. How do you feel about expressing your feelings to your parents? What types of ideas do
you openly share? When is it difficult to confide in them?

6. Why do you think Welton Academy wants to hold Mr. Keating responsible for Neal’s

7. Why do you think Welton Academy wanted the Dead Poet’s Society disbanded?

Option B.) Choose a poem to read for the class, share what you believe to be the meaning
behind it and why you chose it.

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