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Dead Poets Society Quiz Name:

1. Welton Academy was an all-male preparatory school that graduated how

many students in its first year?

A) 6
B) 37
C) 75
D) 5

2. The four pillars of Welton Academy are: Tradition. Honor. Discipline. And

A) Excellence.
B) Travesty.
C) Horror.
D) Excrement.

3. It was school as usual, until Mr. Keating’s class. This was where they read
poetry in the foyer and Mr. Keating expressed to them, “Carpe Diem!” This
means what?

A) “Be in a hurry!”
B) “Seize the day!”
C) “Stop trying!”
D) All of the above.
4. Mr. Keating had student Neil Perry read the introduction to their poetry
textbooks during his class and then ordered all of the boys to do what?

A) Run a lap around the school.

B) Highlight all the pages containing the introduction.
C) Rip out the entire introduction.
D) None of the above.

5. “Excrement,” Mr. Keating said. “That’s what I think of Mr. J. Evans

Pritchard. We’re not laying pipe. We’re talking about poetry.” Why did
he say this?

A) Because others have said there is a formula to creating poetry and fail to
experience some of the benefits of poems which are “to savor words and
B) Because poetry expresses “words and ideas that can change the world.”
C) Because particular poems can influence societies and cultures, not merely
expressing science, but explaining the human condition.
D) All of the above.

6. (Complete the sentence) Mr. Keating goes on to say, “That the powerful
play goes on, and you may contribute…” What?

A) “…a verse.”
B) “…a dollar.”
C) “…nothing.”
D) All of the above.
7. Some of his students found an old senior annual (year book) with Mr.
Keating’s picture in it. He was voted, “Most likely to do anything,” and
was a member of what club?

A) Dead Poets Society.

B) Study Group Club.
C) Higher Learning Society.
D) None of the above.

8. (Complete the sentence) Mr. Keating spoke, “Boys you must strive to
find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely
you are to...” What?

A) “…succeed.”
B) “…find it at all.”
C) “…sing in a church choir.”
D) All of the above.

9. Neil becomes inspired and tries out for the play, “A Midsummer Night’s
Dream.” He gets one of the main roles, but he still had to ask his father
for permission. What does his father say?

A) “Don’t you dare talk back to me.”

B) “It’s bad enough, that you have wasted your time with this, this absurd
acting business.”
C) “Now, tomorrow, you go to them and tell them that you’re quitting.”
D) All of the above.
10. Charlie published an article about “Dead Poets Society” in the school
newspaper (Welton Honor). How did the school respond?

A) The headmaster shook Charlie’s hand and thanked him.

B) All of the students laughed when they heard Charlie’s response to the
headmaster’s announcement.
C) The headmaster severely spanked Charlie and told him to name all the
members of Dead Poets Society and apologize to the school or be expelled.
D) Both B and C.

11.“Tradition, John. Discipline,” the headmaster spoke to Mr. Keating.

What was one of John Keating’s main reasons for teaching?

A) To be lazy and do nothing.

B) To prepare his students for life, by educating them to think for themselves.
C) To correct papers and not enjoy any free time.
D) None of the above.

12. Neil wants so badly to be in the play but cannot find a way because of
his father. “I’m trapped,” Neil confesses to Mr. Keating. What was Mr.
Keating’s response?

A) “No, you’re not.”

B) “You’re playing the part of the dutiful son. I know this sounds impossible
but you have to talk to him.”
C) “Sorry, I can’t help you.”
D) Both A and B.
13. After performing in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and receiving a
standing ovation, Neil returned home with his father who chastised him
for participating in theater. Later that night, Neil committed suicide.
Who does the school ultimately blame for this?

A) Mr. Keating
B) Todd Anderson
C) Neil Perry
D) None of the above.

14. As Mr. Keating is gathering his personal affects from his classroom, all of
his boys defy the headmaster and climb on top their desks to say
goodbye, “Captain, my captain!” as Mr. Keating responded:

A) “Good riddance!”
B) “Thank you, boys. Thank you.”
C) “Bye, bye.”
D) None of the above.
Essay questions

1) What do you feel the important aspects of open and honest

communication between family, friends and other members of society are?
And, how much of an impact, do you think, language has on a person’s

2. Suicide is very tragic and leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Please

explain why suicide is permanent, not solving an otherwise solvable,
temporary problem(s).
Answer Key: Dead Poets Society Quiz
(x) Correct
1. Welton Academy was an all-male preparatory school that graduated how
many students in its first year?

A) 6
B) 37
C) 75
D) x5

2. The four pillars of Welton Academy are: Tradition. Honor. Discipline. And

A) xExcellence.
B) Travesty.
C) Horror.
D) Excrement.

3. It was school as usual, until Mr. Keating’s class. This was where they read
poetry in the foyer and Mr. Keating expressed to them, “Carpe Diem!” This
means what?

A) “Be in a hurry!”
B) x“Seize the day!”
C) “Stop trying!”
D) All of the above.
4. Mr. Keating had student Neil Perry read the introduction to their poetry
textbooks during his class and then ordered all of the boys to do what?

A) Run a lap around the school.

B) Highlight all the pages containing the introduction.
C) xRip out the entire introduction.
D) None of the above.

5. “Excrement,” Mr. Keating said. “That’s what I think of Mr. J. Evans

Pritchard. We’re not laying pipe. We’re talking about poetry.” Why did he
say this?

A) Because others have said there is a formula to creating poetry and fail to
experience some of the benefits of poems which are “to savor words and
B) Because poetry expresses “words and ideas that can change the world.”
C) Because particular poems can influence societies and cultures, not merely
expressing science, but explaining the human condition.
D) xAll of the above.

6. (Complete the sentence) Mr. Keating goes on to say, “That the powerful
play goes on, and you may contribute…” What?

A) x“…a verse.”
B) “…a dollar.”
C) “…nothing.”
D) All of the above.
7. Some of his students found an old senior annual (year book) with Mr.
Keating’s picture in it. He was voted, “Most likely to do anything,” and was
a member of what club?

A) xDead Poets Society.

B) Study Group Club.
C) Higher Learning Society.
D) None of the above.

8. (Complete the sentence) Mr. Keating spoke, “Boys you must strive to find
your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you
are to...” What?

A) “…succeed.”
B) x“…find it at all.”
C) “…sing in a church choir.”
D) All of the above.

9. Neil becomes inspired and tries out for the play, “A Midsummer Night’s
Dream.” He gets one of the main roles, but he still had to ask his father for
permission. What does his father say?

A) “Don’t you dare talk back to me.”

B) “It’s bad enough, that you have wasted your time with this, this absurd
acting business.”
C) “Now, tomorrow, you go to them and tell them that you’re quitting.”
D) xAll of the above.
10. Charlie published an article about “Dead Poets Society” in the school
newspaper (Welton Honor). How did the school respond?

A) The headmaster shook Charlie’s hand and thanked him.

B) All of the students laughed when they heard Charlie’s response to the
headmaster’s announcement.
C) The headmaster severely spanked Charlie and told him to name all the
members of Dead Poets Society and apologize to the school or be expelled.
D) xBoth B and C.

11. “Tradition, John. Discipline,” the headmaster spoke to Mr. Keating. What
was one of John Keating’s main reasons for teaching?

A) To be lazy and do nothing.

B) xTo prepare his students for life, by educating them to think for
C) To correct papers and not enjoy any free time.
D) None of the above.

12. Neil wants so badly to be in the play but cannot find a way because of his
father. “I’m trapped,” Neil confesses to Mr. Keating. What was Mr.
Keating’s response?

A) “No, you’re not.”

B) “You’re playing the part of the dutiful son. I know this sounds impossible
but you have to talk to him.”
C) “Sorry, I can’t help you.”
D) xBoth A and B.
13. After performing in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and receiving a standing
ovation, Neil returned home with his father who chastised him for
participating in theater. Later that night, Neil committed suicide. Who does
the school ultimately blame for this?

A) xMr. Keating
B) Todd Anderson
C) Neil Perry
D) None of the above.

14. As Mr. Keating is gathering his personal effects from his classroom, all of
his boys defy the headmaster and climb on top their desks to say goodbye,
“Captain, my captain!” as Mr. Keating responded:

A) “Good riddance!”
B) x“Thank you, boys. Thank you.”
C) “Bye, bye.”
D) None of the above.
Essay questions

1) What do you feel the important aspects of open and honest

communication between family, friends and other members of society are?
And, how much of an impact, do you think, language has on a person’s
(Answers will vary.)

2. Suicide is very tragic and leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Please

explain why suicide is permanent, not solving an otherwise solvable,
temporary problem(s).
(Answers will vary.)

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