Killer Love

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Killer love

A sadistic girl falls deeply in love with her creepy stalker. The duo soon become a couple and trouble
quickly leaps on their paths. Watch them slice, dice and creep their way to their ultimate goal of
becoming the richest couple in the world.

A young girl is walking into a store.

A young boy is watching her from near distance.

The shopkeeper asks the girl if she knows the boy.

She replies yes.

The shopkeeper tells her to be careful since a lot of killings have been happening lately.

She assures the shopkeeper that she’ll be alright.

She leaves the store and proceeds on her way.

The mysterious boy is tailing her.

The pretentious bastard leaned in onto her and for the first time, she found herself
in defensive. With no where to run and no weapons on hand, our sinister princess
of calamity wastes no time and proceeds to wrap her bloodied hands around his
neck. He lustfully looks down at her with eyes of approval, but still, not letting his
guard down. She slowly carcasses his face as if tracing a trail on a map before she
found the 'x', his lips.
"What a surprise."
He gracefully leans in closer and whispers into her ears as he removes her hair
from her face.
"Has the princess finally fallen?"
She pursues in silence, this time she is the one pressing onto him. Their faces close
enough for them to hear each others breaths. She grabs the hair at the back of his
head and launches herself onto him, wrapping her exposed legs tightly around his
"are we really going to do this he-"
He added, not being able to finish as she seals his lips with hers. He suddenly
backs off, screaming in pain, dropping her onto floor. With her blood stained
mouth, she sits there smiling. He falls and whines as his pain intensifies.
“I bet you never wondered to know why I was quiet"
She mentions to the now bloodied man as she stands up.
"maybe if you knew what I was hiding in my mouth, you’d have killed me"
She adds.
"and one more thing. A QUEEN never lets herself fall before a peasant"
She hops over to him as he tries to crawl out the door he had earlier sealed shut.
She reaches into her brassiere and pulls out her signature dagger.
“I always wanted an expensive toy"
She whispers as she sits herself down onto his back. After multiple sudden swings
to his neck, the man dies. She sits there in a pool of his still flowing blood and
picks up his head.
"it was fun while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end"
She said as she removes two razor blades from his tongue and inner mouth.
(chapter 1) Sweet Dreams
Once a spring rose, now a winter thorn.
Lily sat there in tranquility, unbothered by the unpleasant sound of the door
creaking open. Her family's screams and the sounds of gunshots were now nothing
but silence. The slight open crease of the door sent a struggling gasp of air that
gently brushed against her moonlit face. At that moment, she reached into her
nightstand as elegant and calm as could ever imagine, and for a brief moment she
wore a slight smile. The sound of footsteps echo across her room as the intruder
closes the door behind him. She now stood up, as if ready to confront the intruder.
A tall, bulky male figure stood there barely visible to her eyes, yet still she was
unfazed. His teeth are seen grinning down at her with lustful intentions as he
reaches into his pocket. Her face was now lit up by a devilish smirk smeared across
it as her hand remained in the night stand. The tension in the room skyrockets and
the intruder is at this point questioning his endeavor . She gently raises her hand
from the night stand, towards her cherry flavored lips, and lustfully licks the small
dagger she took out. The intruder rapidly grasps his pocket out of fear and out falls
the bloody blade used to massacre her family. He briskly tugged at his other pocket
hoping to grip his gun, only to realize why his reflex went for the knife in the first
place. He was out of ammunition. His eyes now coated with a layer of fear and his
lips trembling as if he was rapidly repeating the word “but”. In sheer strength he
most obviously overpowered her, but what could ever make this mountain of man
so hesitant. Was it that sadistic smirk of confidence piercing those smooth cherry
blossom cheeks, or was it the bloodthirsty aura surrounding her small figure. His
dazed mind unable to provide clear thought. Lily kicks his knife to his feet.
"A new toy."
She mutters as she swiftly dashes behind him and slashes the back of his neck, and
then the back if his knees. The intruder falls to his knees, unable to grip the knife
lying just a few inches away from him due to the immense pain he's in. The
vengeful yet seemingly poised Lily skips around him before stopping in front of
his fear stained face. She carcasses his face with the tip of her blade until it reached
his neck.
"please, I was just hired"

He begs as the knife blade sits on his sweat soaked neck. Lily replies with yet
another devilish smile and it was at this moment, the intruder knew he was done
for. A slim, frail looking girl. No one would suspect her to be capable of such a

“I wont slit your neck, I need that piece attached"

She says as she trails the knife down to his stomach.

"You're going to feel a little pinch, try not to scream"

She adds with the smile of an angel. In a swift slash she slits his stomach open and
proceeds to remove his insides. His agonizing screams for terror just seem to
encourage her, until his dead silence takes over. She probed his corpse for clues of
anything that related to who hired her family’s murderer. Sitting to the bottom of
his left pocket was a folded up piece of paper. For once a little hesitant, she
glanced at it, only before ripping it to tiny shreds. The only evidence pointing back
to the mastermind behind her family’s killer, gone.

She looks down at the gruesome scene on her floor. Her first murder. Her first
victim. Her family's murderer. She found herself laughing in pleasure at the sight
of her blood soaked floor and ripped apart victim. Her composure is a sight to

"This is gonna be tough to clean"

She mentions with a now emotionless expression, as if a murder was just another
chore for her. She retires to bed for the night, leaving the bloodied mess to clean in
the morning. The sound of sirens fill the surroundings until fading off into
nothingness. Her eyes closed for what seemed like a second.

(chapter 2) Infiltrate and Assassinate

If chaos was a girl, she’d be the most beautifully destructive existence.
The light of morning sun polished Lily’s golden peach skin. Her lavender eyes
glistened and quivered as they struggle to remain open and she stretches her slim
legs off the bed to greet the floor with her undersized feet. She sits up and pushes
herself off the bed, ruffling the sheets along the way. Standing at a petite 5’3”, with
rose gold hair brushing against her lower back, Lily yawns and stretches once
more, launching her seemingly fragile arms into the air.
A beautiful morning indeed. She walks languidly towards the bathroom, dropping
her champagne colored, satin night gown on the way.
“what a beautiful dream”
She whispers to herself.
“one would call it a nightmare. To have the memory of the death of their family
replayed to them, but I like to look at it differently. It was a thing of the past, three
years ago to be precise. Ah, to be young. It provided me with great life experience
and thought me a valuable lesson. Experience being jail, and the lesson being that
you cant claim self defense after ripping someone’s insides out and covering their
corpse in wax.”
She continues, while stepping into her bubble bath, reaching over to the table
beside her for a small picture laying there. The photo is one of a fancy looking, tall
and slim man seemingly somewhere in his mid 30s, with hair combed back
brightened by grey rooted streaks fading away into pitch black and a suit to
compliment his sugar daddy look.
“After 6 months in jail, 1 and a half years in an asylum and year of searching, I
finally find you, enjoying life, being rich with no worries. I would have found you
sooner if your imbecile of a client hadn’t been so secretive.”
She adds as she looks over to the bathroom closet at the wax statue that used to be
the said client.
She finishes her bath and dries herself before making her way back to bedroom to
select clothes for the day.
“Your death by my hand is inevitable.”
She says to herself as she decorates her fingernails with a bright, red polish.
“Your trust gained by my lips will be voluntary”
She adds, while applying a dark scarlet shade to her lips.
“I will ensure that your end will be the result of your own vulnerability.”
Lily reaches into her closet and removes a luxurious, scarlet colored evening gown
complimented by a thigh high slit on the left side and sheer sleeves accompanied
by dazzling rhinestones. It fits close to her body showcasing her figure in all it’s
petite glory.
She adds thigh high, black, lace stockings to decorate her exposed leg, not
forgetting her newly bought ruby earrings and necklace. She thickens her lash line
with a bold black eyeliner and adds a sparkle to her face with highlight.
To complete her trophy wife look, she adds lovely pair of red, rhinestone shoes and
pulls her gorgeous hair into an elegant bun.
“infiltrate and assassinate”
She whispers to herself as she clutches her black purse and flirtatiously walks out
to a cab waiting outside.
“thank you”,
She says, as she places on fingers on the cab window.
“for the shelter you provided”
She continues, as she admires the exterior of her apartment building. The cab pulls
off and she finds herself memorizing the cracks on the road and the leaves on the
trees as if it was a moment of final goodbyes. One might call it cliché or even
unfair for someone who’s set out with the aim of killing someone else to think this
way, but even Lily didn’t want to die. She cherished life, not for the sake of living
though, but for the sake of killing.
“Miyori Hotel please”
Lily says, as the sight of a giant skyscraper labeled ‘Miyori’ is seen just a few
blocks ahead.
After the cab stops, Lily leans forward and stabs the cab driver in the neck with a
syringe containing some sort of opaque liquid causing him to fall asleep and would
blur his memory of at least meeting her. The advice of fellow jail mates she had
during her six months seem to be really paying off.
“Always take precautions and make yourself anonymous”
Wise words from a prisoner Lily met, who had been caught after her cab driver
identified her for going to the house of the previously alive, pension collecting
millionaire, whom she had poisoned with intentions of looting his riches.
After being injected, the cab driver falls unconscious and Lily exits, proceeding
towards the building entrance. Like a goddess, Lily catches the gaze of every
onlooker. One leg before the other, swaying her hips as she walks. She pays no
attention to those around her, just captivating them with her presence. All but one.
A tall, slim, handsome man with shoulder length scarlet hair pulled into a tie at the
base of his neck, walked right past Lily without even taking a glance. She smirked
at the sight of his back from her perspective and continued behind him. Inside the
building Lily begins her plan, “ infiltrate and assassinate”.
She has a flashback, leading 3 years into the past on the night of her family’s
death. It was the paper she found in the killer’s pocket. On it said “Miyori hotel.
Kenzo. Password: Mr. Cedrick.”
Cedrick happened to be the man in the picture Lily was looking at while in the
bath, and also the man who hired her family’s assassin that Lily killed 3 years ago,
and Kenzo was his stepson. After investigation using the most advanced searching
system known, aka google, Lily found out that Kenzo is the heir to the hotel since
his mother all to coincidentally died shortly after marrying Mr. Cedrick.
A commotion of women, dressed erotically to impress enter the building and are
given a VIP escort towards the back rooms. All too evidently, these women are
here to entertain Mr. Cedrick. It was no secret to the public that he enjoyed the
company of free women.
His exhausted voice calls as he lays there strapped to the bed.
"Why do you call for me so quietly now, I want you scream my name like you did
all those nights"
She replies while walking over to him with a class of water.
"im going to fix you, just like how you fixed me. Now drink up pretty boy"
"! I change my mind"
He exclaims, now drawing bigger breaths as Lily leans the straw into his mouth.
"No refunds dear, you wanted this. You wanted to feel what i feel, you wanted to
go through my pain. So sit and look at your sweet, delicious girlfriend as she looks
at you take your last breaths"
She says, lifting the handcuffed girl from the floor onto the bed.
"Girls like you always blame other women for your man's greed. He knew what he
was doing. Leading on an insane yet innocent girl like myself with his money. I
must admit, I enjoyed his riches, but tonight he wanted to push it a little too far."
The girl lays on the bed with her boyfriend as tears drown her eyes. Lily gently
leans over and dries her eyes.
"Do you know what he wanted from me. He wanted my most precious belonging.
The one thing I wont let anyone but kenken take from me. He wanted my
The girls eyes widened as Lily sat there wearing her usual smile.
"I tried telling him that i have a boyfriend, but he wouldn’t listen. Then he made a
Footsteps are heard prancing outside as if someone was dusting their feet to enter
then a little bang on the door.
"He said he would hire a gang to kill my KenKen, hahahahaha"
The man still on the bed with a mouth to full of water to talk and a mind too full of
fear to think. A heavy feeling of impatience fills the room as Lily continues
laughing and the door knob starts to turn open.
"oh my, you're here already"
Lily mentions as she turns around to face the door only to see kenken there
carrying a large bag.
"Is this the bastard that wanted to pick the cherries from the garden I work so hard
to take care of"
Kenken asks with a satisfied look on his face as he stands in front the open door.
The backlight and rain from outside adds to the dramatic tension and horror the
two on the bed feel. Lily gets up and jumps on Kenken, clinging to him like a child
on it's mother. She notices a bruise on his lip and her expression becomes a dark
and gloomy one.
"who hurt your lips?"
She asks as she reaches for her all time favorite dagger.
"no one, i just hit it on the door on my way in"
He ensures her. Her mood is restored and the room is engulfed in a loving aura as
the two partake in a romantic exchange of words and kisses. Lily gently leans in
and pinches KenKens bottom lip with her teeth as he slides his tongue over .
"does it hurt"
She asks as the bruised lip sits between her teeth.
"nothing you do can ever hurt me"
He replies , placing his hands beneath her legs. The two engage in a timeless kiss
as their hostages lay on the bed in confused silence. Kenken gently puts Lily down
and makes his way to bed, tossing the girl off. Lily stands there in excitement as
Kenken reaches into his mysterious bag. He pulls out a gag ball to ensure his
victims silence. He then reaches in into the bag once more and what he pulls out
leaves everyone in the room speechless. The victims handcuffed girlfriend sat there
lost in panic as the victim himself struggles to get untied from the bed.
"if you'd just give her the money and not ask for anything in return this wouldn't
have happened'
He says as he starts the chainsaw and lowers it to the man's neck. Lily continue
watching in excitement until kenken suddenly stops.
"you did get the money right"
He lovingly asks lily.
"but of course, getting the bag was easy"
She replies. also lovingly.
"good job babe"
He praises her as he continues the chainsaw. Blood starts splashing in every
direction as the man's feet and hands start to shake from him still trying to escape
until he makes a sudden stop. The handcuffed girl sat there in tears, fearing for
"Don’t worry dear. We wont hurt you. You're actually the first person I've ever felt
sorry for"
Lily says as she unties the girl and sends her out.
"is it ok to just let her go"
kenken asks.
"she knows what would happen if she exposes us, so I wouldn’t worry about it"

she ensures him while walking seductively towards her blood covered lover. She
slowly unbuttons his shirt and rubs her hands against his chest, proceeding to lick
him from his chest to his neck.

"why do you start things you don’t intend to end”

he asks, meaning the several times she wanted to have sex but then decided not to.

"im actually feeling it tonight. Seeing you get so angry for me, i can be your
fountain tonight".

She pushes him to sit on the bed, beside the headless corpse as she casually
removes her top and bottom.

“I would be a bad girlfriend if I don’t reward you this once"

She adds, planting her feet beside him on the bed, allowing him to see her in all her
glory. He stood up, gripping her behind the waist with one hand, pulling her
closing to his perfectly toned body. Sweat drips from her chin to his chest as his
eyes lustfully glances upon her off the shoulder bra strap, leaving her left boob
slightly exposed. He amorously slides his second hand along her under thigh and
into her skirt. Lily lets out a soft moan just before Kenzo pulls his dripping hands
out to cover her mouth.
“already making sounds by just a touch”
Kenzo mentions, placing his lubricated fingers into Lily’s mouth.
“I just cant contain myself when its you”
She replies, proceeding to twirl her fingers down kenzo’s heavenly carved chest
and mouth watering abs. He grips both her arms and holds them tightly behind her
back before lifting her onto himself and sucking the literal life out her neck. She
shrieks and is left with a flushed face, leaving Kenzo concerned.
For the first time ever, Lily seemed vulnerable.
“did I hurt you”
He asks, releasing her hands and holding her chin.
“n-no, im just, not comfortable doing it here”
She replies, now blushing even more.
“of course, its your first time. How thoughtless of me”
He responds, lifting her into his arms and carrying her outside onto his bike.
“we’ll get cleaned up and continue this at home”
He adds, as he starts the motorcycle. She grips him from behind and the two
bloody lovers journey back to Kenzo’s penthouse.
He carries her inside, recommencing to lift her in his arms. He prepares a bath,
serves her tea, and does the dishes, before going to shower in the separate bath.
After his bath, he is greeted by the seraphic scent of amber nior scented candles.
He treads down the hall leading towards the bedroom where the unblemished,
lecherous and all round delicious Lily lays naked and serene on his bed. Her legs in
the air as she sways them, unaware of his presence. He steadily steps in, trying not
to startle her, but, highly knowledgeable about stealth, Lily instantly notices when
his step made the most tranquil sound.
She faces him, now sitting with her legs open and folded beneath her. Her
bewildering eyes makes his to know that she’s prepared. She gestures him to come
towards the bed where she greets him by wrapping her arms around his neck, chest
to breast. She held his face close to hers, giving it a lick that seemed to signify her
The sweet scent of a fresh shower lingered in the air almost as much as the sexual
tension. Before long, she planted her lips onto his, greedily pulling his tongue over
her mouth. Kenzo stood there, baffled by how much she was into it, of course,
accepting the invitation of lily’s tongue with his own.
He reaches to grip her behind the waist once more, but she catches his hands
midair, and directs them towards her petite breast. His towel shakes around his
waist, providing signs that his partner in crime was enjoying the thrill. She takes
his free arm and places it between her naked legs.
The minimal sounds of a continuous splashing fill the room as Kenzo moves his
hand in a fluctuating manner. She releases his lips for a moment to release a
momentary moan as she starts to soak the bed. She pulls his hand out and brings it
to both of their faces, before licking the fluid off it and kissing him once more.
She puts both his hands behind his back as she descends to the floor, kneeling
before him.
“are you ready”
She asks, placing her hands over the towel covering kenzo’s lower half.
“I was ready since the day we met”
He responds, holding her chin up. She returns his hand behind his back and
proceeds to leisurely caress his crafted abs, before pulling her hands to below his
waist, where she fondles his semi hard genitals through the towel. The towel bulks
out, hard to the touch, as if a thick iron rod was hidden beneath.
She enthusiastically removes his towel, only to be slapped in the face by his
impressive, sturdy and lengthy member. It sat on her face for a moment, slightly
twitching every other moment.
“what are you waiting for”
Kenzo asks, as he looks down at his handful of a dick sitting on the face of his
“let me admire its graciousness”
Lily responds, gripping the “member” with one hand and measuring it with the
other. She indefinitely placed the tip on her lips and before she knew it, she was
swerved off the floor and hung upside down. Before she could grasp the situation
she felt a great sensation and looked up only to see kenzo’s face buried between
her thighs. His tongue launched into her heavenly gates as he continuously pulled
on her “lips”.
Lily flinched in pleasure and moaned once more, gripping on the muscular legs of
her lover. She decides to quiet herself by consuming the 8 incher dangling in her
He begins stroking back and forth, pushing it deeper and deeper down her throat.
Determined to satisfy him, she adds tongue play, which only seemed to make It
throb. She so desperately want to release the throbbing monster and scream In
pleasure for her highly skilled with his tongue beau, but decides to gut it to
continue satisfying him.
That only seemed to encourage him more, noticing that he adds a finger now.
Unable to bear it all she releases the 8 incher to relief herself of a lecherous scream
as she soaked her lovers face. It seemed the soaking was even more satisfying for
him, for now she noticed the 8 incher throbbing even more.
Concerned she might be displeasing him, she sticks it into her mouth once more
only to get filled by a thick, warm liquid. Kenzo holds her head to his pulsing cum
gun, forcing her to swallow the liquid. He releases her back onto the bed where she
lay with lascivious eyes and her tongue hanging out her mouth. He smiles at places
her properly in bed before lying beside her, cuddled and retiring to sleep for the

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