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The gentle September winds coax the branches of willow trees into a waltz under the afternoon sky

while drizzles of rain cloak the old maroon clay brick pavement of a small part of Seoul, South Korea. A
woman, Kim - Minchi, no taller than 5’4” steps out of a hospital, her eyes a faint red and cheeks just as
vibrantly bruised. She hails a cab before quickly wiping her face with the sleeve of her beige plaid coat
and getting in. A single paper in her hand occupies her attention while her eyes develop a layer of tears.


She sniffs and reaches into her coat to retrieve her buzzing phone.

“Soo-Jin” the notification read followed by the message, “How did it go?”

A pitiful smile finds itself on her face.

“Not so good-“… she types then deletes.

She contemplates for a moment.

“It went well, I’m feeling great ;D”, she then sends.

Taking a deep breath she finds herself staring through the cab window.

The trees on the roadsides look rather beautiful today, she thought to herself.

The plain world she'd previously become bored of seemed so fresh, like an adventure, waiting just for

Moments later the cab arrives through a narrow street teeming with busy cars and bicycles.

“Stop here” She says at the base of a tall apartment building before stuffing the paper into her bag.

She makes her way into the elevator arriving on the 3rd floor. “Home sweet home”, the small mat at the
entrance to her room welcomes her. She steps in, dropping her coat and bag along the way before
greeting her housemate Lilith.

“Greetings madame.” She says with a bright smile.

The pretty feline replies with a gentle purr while circling it’s food bowl.

Minchi pours some kitty chow out for Lilith when she notices the neglected stack of papers sitting
carelessly at a desk in the corner. She sighs and takes the papers into her room.

“A happy ending?” she says to herself, fidgeting a pen between her fingers before fetching her laptop
and typing away into the peace of the night.

She manages to stay awake long enough to just barely close the laptop when she's done. The tranquility
of the night takes her into it's embrace lovingly urging her to shut her tired eyes until she falls asleep on
her work desk.

“beep beep beep beep”

Morning sunlight greets Minchi through the window of her room following the sound of her alarm. With
ruffled hair and weary eyes she wakes to feed Lilith and prepare for work.
The lime green cafe sheltered by overarching branches of a beautiful golden tree dropping it’s leaves
ever so delicately onto the road is teeming with costumers as the nearby college just reopened from
summer break.

Minchi clocks in and prepares for the long day of obnoxious young adults doing young adult things that
lies ahead.

“ding” the door bell rings.

Already? She sighs.

Minchi looks up to the shilloute making it's way to the counter, the light gleaming through the open
door behind the figure obstructs her vision until the person completely arrives. It was a young looking
man, no older than 25 with skin like smooth caramel and hair a tinted brown brushed to either side of
his face reaching just onto his bristle brows that shelter his kind eyes. He wore a smile, however anxious.

“what will you be having sir?” Minchi asks.

His eyes examine the menu as his fingers caress his chin.

“I’ll have a soju” He says, much to Minchi's surprise.

“A soju?” she glares at him from head to toe then back up again. “I’ll need ID.”

He steps back startled yet somewhat offended.

“ID? I didn’t bring any.”

She adds another glare as the man gulps nervously.

“Then I can’t serve you soju boy.” Minchi denotes.

“Boy? I’m a senior. Who even carries ID around?”

“ I’ve never seen you around here in the last 3 years so as far as I know you're a 1st year. If not then go
get the ID.”

The two exchange chaotic bickering each trying to overpower the others' voice until the young man pulls
a document from his bag.

“Here’s my transfer form!” He yells.

She snatches the paper from his hands and reviews it.

“Ok, mister Ling – Yuri.” She says mockingly. “Eh, you came from an elite college? Oh! You'll be 20 this

He reaches for the paper but she swiftly pulls away. She brushes through the few pages of the document
seemingly unimpressed.

“Fine, I’ll get you your soju. Gimme a minute.” She insists before handing him his document and
retreating to the back room to prepare the drink.
She returns shortly after with the large cup in her hand.

“Here. Why are you even drinking soju this early?” Minchi inquires.

Yuri turns away evading eye to eye contact with Minchi just when he notices she wrote his name on the
cup, decorated with flowers and butterflies nonetheless.

“Whats this?” He asks with a cringed expression.

“What? Your name?” she asks. “We always write costumer's names on their cups.”

“I know that much, but what’s with the decorations?” He quarrels.

“Cute isn’t it, Yu-Ri” she says with a pitch in her voice.

“Cute!?” he is taken aback, almost spilling his soju. He sighs as she nods teasingly. “Just tell me how
much is for the drink so I can be on my way.

Minchi hands him a reciept to which he responds with wide eyed silence. His parched lips fumble to
stutter his words.

“19…₩1900?” he smiles. “ Are you sure?”

Minchi extends her arm over the counter and onto his shoulder. “Enjoy your water.” She says followed by a

Yuri’s smile instantly vanished. “Water?” He takes a sniff of the substance in his cup, bland, and no trace of
alcohol. “What is this!?” He shrieks.

“Water of course. I’d be caught dead serving soju to a student this early in the morning.” Michi retorts.

The two engage in yet another back and forth bickering about their ideals until Minchi finds herself climbing
over the counter to attack Yuri following him saying he refuses to pay for the water which he had by then
spilled due to his abrasive movements.

Yuri finally settles, reaching into his pocket for ₩2000 to pay for the water he let go to waste.

“A pleasure doing business with you!” Minchi shouts ever so enthusiastically as Yuri leaves through the door
without his pride and ₩2000.

Lunch break soon came and college students filled the small cafe. Minchi was as busy as ever taking and
serving orders along with her coworkers Jennifer and Ming.

Once lectures resumed and the hassle had come to an end Minchi asked Jennifer and Ming to take over her part
while she steps out for a while. She grabs her unusually large side bag and heads out to the nearby bus stop.
The sky was a soft grey hinting at coming rains while the air carried around the scent of autumn.

Minchi sat at the bus stop decorated with leaves dyed in shades of gold. The beauty of death painted such a
divine scene she couldn’t help but admire until the bus arrived not long after.

She steals a keepsake of the moment in the form of a fallen leaf before boarding the bus and being on her way.
She stops at a posh building complete with gorgeous outdoor plants in all their veridesent glory and makes her
way in where she meets the kind receptionist.

The tag on her blouse reads “Karol”.

“An English name.” Minchi thinks to herself.

“Good morning ma’am, I have an appointment with the editor.” She says.

The woman escorts Minchi to a separate space and tells her to wait until her name is called. Long afterwards
an older woman, the editor, invites Minchi to her office where she offers her coffee and cakes.

“You're much more lovely than I expected.” Minchi says immediately regretting it.

The backhanded compliment is met with an awkward smile and a stuttered “thank you” before the editor
insists in getting down to business clearing the room of the anxious tension.

The two engage in a brief conversation before Minchi hands the woman a flashdrive and courteously leaves.

A warm smile formed from her rose colored lips as she leaves the building. The sky outside is lit ablaze as the
raging hue of the setting sun stretches across it’s fading blue, while the wet air that comes after rain and
exaggerates the fresh autumn aroma flurries through her hair.

She walks for a while, occasionally stopping beneath trees to shower in the falling leaves, until she arrives at
the edge of a beach. The afternoon tides are as calm as they are beautiful while the low sun adds glistening
sparkles to the tiny ripples in the waves.

Minchi stands still for a moment, observing the beauty from afar, her eyes quiver but dare not let the eager
tears escape. She smiles, sticking her thumb up at the horizon which responded with a cool breeze.

The time is a few minutes past 5pm.

“They’ve probably already closed up the cafe.” She sighs. “I guess I should go count up the sales.”

The bus drops her back at the stop from which she boarded earlier where the leaves that once coated the
sidewalk had already been removed making way for a new set to meet their beautiful end.

The lights from the cafe could be seen from the end of the otherwise dull street. Minchi tries to make out the
sounds as she cautiously approaches.

“Another!” an all too familiar voice exclaimed just as Minchi arrived at the door.

Her eyes first met the relieved faces of Jennifer and Ming then the distasteful sight of a wasted Ling-Yuri
whom sat slouched onto a table. In one hand he held a single cup of soju and in the other he held his pride.

“He came in just before closing and ordered a soju. We thought he'd take it and be on his way but we ended up
with this mess instead.” Jennifer said.

Minchi sighs. “ It’s getting late, you two can clock out now. I’ll handle him.amd lock up.” She insists.

“Are you sure?” Jennifer asks with concern with which Minchi responds with a nod of certainty.

“Keep this just in case.” Ming says as she drops a small pepper spray in Michi's palms.

The two leave and Minchi closes the shop before sitting down with Yuri. By this time he's half asleep,
mumbling incomprehensible words as his cheek rests on the table. His hair scattered on his head made him
look almost childlike.

“One glass of soju has a man this messed up.” She teased to which Yuri responded with a foul belch.
His drunken mumbling dissolved into calm breathing as his body finally gave in to the temptations of sleep.
Minchi goes through his bag hoping to find some clue of where he lives but all she discovers is that her new
friend has a gift for art as seen in the pages of his notebook where he drew portraits so divinely gorgeous.

At this point, with Yuri's soft childlike demeanor and his all too quirky artistic personality, Minchi finds it in
herself to play good samaritan, after all, how could she leave a presumably sweet 19-year-old student to the
cold nights. Minchi puts Yuri's arms over her shoulders and drags him to her car outside before locking up the

The drive to her apartment was as obnoxious as it was eye-opening. From Yuri occasionally jumping into
temporary consciousness to her overthinking inviting a young college boy to her home, Minchi's mind was
muddled, but alas, she arrived home. In her reasoning, there was no turning back now.

She walked him through the entrance and towards the elevator, suspicious stares from her neighbors and other
tenants coax the path behind them but she continues unruffled.

Minchi lays Yuri on the couch where Lilith finds comfort on his warm head.

“Rather peculiar of you madame Lilith.”

Minchi looks about at the distasteful sight of her apartment, books scattered across the carpets and pieces of
clothing lounging on all the furniture. It was rare for her to have guests.

Swiftly now she gathered her cleaning supplies and toiled into the wee hours of the night. The room looked
exquisite, from the glistening tiled countertops to the glossy wooden handle of the vintage coffee table set to
the neatly stacked set of books.

Minchi sighed, allowing herself to rest for a moment beside Yuri on the couch. She admired his soft cheeks
once more brushing his hair away from his forehead. A jovial smile adorns her face before the noise of ice
maker in the freezer jolts her back to consciousness.

She throws a blanket over Yuri and places a note on the table beside the couch before taking the pile of clothes
she collected and retreating to her room.

“Beep beep”

Another sunrise lures it’s rays through the open window of Minchi's room. She wakes to the scent of frying
meat and the sizzling sound of oil. Without a second thought she hops out of bed and pelts into the kitchen.
Her eyes see double but she’s able to make out the sight before her. Yuri stood before the stove in an apron and
oven mitts frying bacon and eggs, his hair pulled into a sloppy ponytail atop his head letting the shorter strands
to the back fall loosely.

The room spins and before minchi knew it she saw the fearful face of Yuri grasping towards her until
everything went black.

Drizzles of cold water caress her cheeks bringing her back to an awakened state. She sat crouched in the arms
of Yuri, his smooth caramel skin brushing against her own.

“You're awake.” He said, holding a soaked washcloth in his hands.

“I am,” Minchi replied. “You can let go now.”

“oh- of course”

The two share an awkward moment of silence before Minchi insisted on having breakfast. Hesitant but
mannerly, Yuri serves his bacon and eggs to Minchi.
“Are you alright?” He asks while pouring a glass of juice.

“Im fine, you just startled me.” Minchi replied, stuffing the bacon slices 3 at a time into her mouth. “So you
read the note huh?” She continues.

Yuri smiles through his diminished pride while innocently rubbing the back of his head.

“Sorry about last night, I actually hoped preparing breakfast would…make up for the trouble I caused?”

“Breakfast is appreciated, but there’s nothing to make up for.” She pulls his cheeks. “still, I can’t believe the
insolent boy that fought me for soju yesterday turned out to be such a cute drunk and a commendable cook

“I didn’t fight you! And who're you calling cute.” He rebuttals.

Minchi sighs, bringing the conversation to an end before heading to the washroom.

“Finish breakfast and get tidied up, I’ll drop you home before I head to work.” She said, giving him not a
second to respond.

Yuri scoffs at being bossed around but complies accordingly, still, something couldn’t help but taunt his mind.

“why was she dressed like that?” he thought, referring to the white, vintage, peasant sleeve dress she wore ever
so elegantly along with a fitting corset like straight out of a western period drama. The way her brown,
uncombed hair fell gracefully by strands on the base of her neck while the rest fit loosely into a bun and her
freckled olive skin glistened in the sneaky rays of sun that pierced through the cracks in the blind. All of it
crossed his mind, he became invested.


The washroom door opens and Minchi comes out, all prepared for work. The two leave just as they came the
night before, complete with strange looks from the tenants and neighbours nonetheless before getting into the
car and being on their way.

Books upon books sit stacked in the backseat that looked to have never carried a passenger in it’s time.

“A reader?” Yuri inquires, gesturing to the books.

“Sure.” Minchi replies nonchalantly.

The car ride after continued in awkward silence ignoring the brief moments Minchi had to ask directions until
they finally arrive at Yuris home, a big family house sitting on a well paved street decorated with trees in an

“Thank you-“

“Just go get changed it’s late, I’ll drop you back at school.” Minchi insists before shutting the door.

An old man comes out to collect Yuri. His distressed face captures Minchi's attention.

“How could he not be worried. His son was missing all night.” Minchi in her good nature exited the car and
made her way to the house. The man invites her inside for tea while Yuri gets refreshed for school.

Upon inquiring Minchi found out the man was Yuri's uncle who was to look after Yuri during his time in Seoul
for school. When asked why Yuri slept out, and with a woman at that Minchi formulated the most bizarre
“He got beat up and fell unconscious, I took him to my place to rest.” She said.

The old man seemingly believed it and thanked minchi for half-truth thoughtfulness before yuri returned and
they take their leave.

“I got beat up!?” Yuri exclaimed as he got in the car.

“Well, I couldn’t tell him his precious all good doing nephew got wasted and had to be carried to a stranger’s
house!” Minchi countered.

Yuri pouted, accepting the defeat of his pride once more. For the image of him in the thoughts of his uncle to
be a college kid that got saved by a random cafe girl from bullies, his high and mighty nature was slightly
impaired, temporarily at least.

They arrive at the college gates and Yuri thanks Minchi for her kind nature and consideration before retreating
to class.

“One day he’s fighting me for soju and being a drunk and the next he's making me breakfast and thanking me.”
Minchi sighed.

“men.” She sighed, driving on to the cafe.

With great difficulty she managed to find a parking spot, one of the struggles that come with working near a
college campus. As she prepared to leave the car a glare of light caught the corner of her eye. She peered down
to the floor of the passenger side where the obnoxious light came from only to see that Yuri had mistakenly
dropped his phone.

“It probably slipped out his pocket.” She thought before taking it with her to the cafe. “I’ll just return it when
he comes by during break.”

The mere sight of the early coffee crowd drained the already scarce will to work Minchi had arrived to the cafe
with, still, just as she’s been doing everyday for the past 2 years, Minchi slipped into her gloves, put on her
customer service smile and got to work.

The deliquent crowd had cleared out soon enough. Mid morning sun glistened through the cafe’s glass
doorfurther irratating Minchi’s tired eyes as she awaited a phonecall. Beads of sweat tickled her neck as she
watched the hands of the clock count the seconds pass at the time which she asked the editor to call her to
confirm whether whe’d be published or not.

one day you decided to disrupt my force of existence and tickle the poetic white lines that had been laid in the
back of my conscience ever so nonchalant, waiting, that they may be be scattered to every fibre of my soul.
one day you took it upon yourseld to do so unwaverly and it pains me to carry the light of your soul that saved
my own without you ever knowing that just a hint of your vanilla colored me in shades of beige so calmingly
smooth to be smothered by my voilent habits. To be high by nature and not drug is what one would want but
you are a drug i long for. i want to consume you amd be consumed so dare you stamd at my side amd be
engulfed in my love and my madness alike, that i would be gratef

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