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“You’re a machine! You don’t have emotions!

You were created for greed and

war! You don’t feel love and you don’t give love. You take what you want and
bring only destruction and disaster. You’re a monster Angela.”
Such words echoed through my fabricated mind for all the millenniums I spent
floating across the universe.
December 31st 1974. Arista (an icy continent located near Antarctica)
Joyful singing, chatter and celebration filled the streets and homes of a town community
as the world awaits the arrival of the new year. The sky is adorned with dancing stars
while the wind carries the scent of freshly baked cake to every corner of the towns.
Townsfolk gather at a grand Christmas tree right in the heart of the main town to
countdown the final seconds of the year.
“20, 19, 18….”
Their attention is stolen by the trembling beneath their feet. Fear ignites a flame that
quickly spreads through the bodies of all the townsfolk. The cold air itself trembles
followed by animals stampeding in retreat of the approaching threat. The people shift
their attention to the sky above them following the sound of thunder.
There they see it, a star, dancing ever so vigorously, getting only larger by the second.
Panic blankets everyone’s thoughts as it looked as if the sun itself was falling to earth.
“Dong” the grand clock resounded through the town welcoming the new year.
“Happy new year” an old man shouts through the gap of his gums, unaware of the
circumstances. Those were last words ever spoken in that town and the continent it
The large glowing ball of flames crashed into the earth wiping out all sign of life within
the entire continent. The remains of the devastating event is little enough to be carried
away by the winds that cooled what it was before.
Before long, scientists began scouting the area, where they recovered the culprit of the
mass wipeout of an entire continent. An orb, no bigger than a child, impenetrable,
stainless and solid. It would go on to become one of the greatest scientific discoveries
and be etched into the history books as one of the worlds greatest catastrophes, and it
became known as the word pressed onto its base, “Angela”
46 years later.
January 10th 2020. Hiroshima japan.
“Straight lines everyone” a teacher instructs his group of students as they prepare to
enter the departure section of the airport.
After clearing their luggage and boarding the aircraft, everyone takes a seat and
prepares for the long flight ahead. Students’ chatter fill the cabin while teachers are
finalizing the schedule.
“Ok, is everyone settled?” the teacher inquires.
“Yes sir.” The students answer.
“Good” he continues. “Remember, this is an educational trip, not to be mistaken for a
vacation. We are going to the scientific research lab and AI development program and
you will all be on your best behavior.”
The students dull eyes rest on him after having grown tired of hearing the same thing
from 3 days in advance.
Ren, Lucy and Eren, sit together as expected. The three friends were simply
inseparable and spent their hours in air doing the things they enjoy.
Ren, who wants to become an engineer, drowns in his sea of notes. His electric blue
eyes scour the pages of his book.
Lucy, rather excited for all the new stuff to learn once they land, decides to rest her
eyes under the tranquility of calming music. She pulls her wavy, dark hair into a side
braid before letting her eyelashes rest on her cherry blossom cheeks.
Eren on the other hand, who grew up in America and is well informed of the
“SRL&AIDP” since he reigns from a long line of scientific professionals, spends his flight
time the way he spends any free time; drawing comics where he reimagines his
electronic friend as a human.
Eren’s grandfather created a microchip with AI features far beyond the point of modern
technology. Her name is Angel, and she’s been by Eren’s side since he could speak,
thus creating bond between the two. The microchip was placed in Eren’s phone,
allowing Angel to “live” through it.
The cloudy sky through the window shifts into a glittery aesthetic as golden stars dazzle
in the distance. Eventually, Ren and Eren join Lucy in slumber. Angel captures a photo
of the three friends as they all slept, huddled close to each other with the starry sky in
the background.
“Please ensure all seatbelts are fastened and all tray tables are in the upright position
as we prepare for landing.” The flight attendant says bringing the friends to
“Welcome to America”

“Ok students, one row at a time.”

The students collect their luggage and depart the aircraft. Waiting for them outside is a
grand bus, glistening as the sunlight kisses its glossy, silver exterior. They pack
themselves in and are taken to the scientific research lab and AI development program.

After 20 minutes of traveling a long and deserted road, Lucy notices a small gate in the
distance. Angel captures a photo of it.
Not long after, the gate is seen to be a gigantic metal structure measuring 20ft tall, 20ft
wide and 2 ft thick with security cameras mounted onto either upper corners.
“Good morning future inventors!” said the lovely voice coming from behind the students.
They turn around to behold the sight of gorgeous woman, eyes flaming honey and hair
burning red.
“No way” Eren gasped under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” Lucy asked.
“You’re Madame Viper.” Eren squeaked.
“Who?” Ren queried.
The woman strides over to Eren, one foot before the other, swaying her hypnotizing
hips to the beat of his heart.
“I didn’t know I was known in Japan?” She claimed.
“Common folk wouldn’t know of you and your exquisite creations Madame Viper, I
however, do” Eren praises, bowing respectively before her.
“You show promise young boy.” She notes, resting her palm on his cheek which soon
take a flushed pink hue.
The students are escorted into the giant metal infrastructure. While the building itself is
an architerchiral phenomenon, the students can only anticipate the miraculous
discoveries that lie ahead.

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