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Economic globalization A glimpse of history

It is a historical process representing

the result of human innovation and
technological progress

international cooperation

as defined
The IMF international
An international organization headquartered in

encompasses all of the activities related to the

Washington, D.C, consisting of 189 countries
working to foster global monetary cooperation,
production, consumption, and trade of goods and secure financial stability, facilitate international
services in an entity, whether the entity is a nation trade, promote high employment and sustainable
or a small town. economic growth, and reduce poverty worldwide
while periodically depending on the World Bank
the process or system by which goods and for its resources.
services are produced, sold, and bought in a
country or region.
international cooperation

The ITS international

The Silk Road was a network of ancient trade
routes, formally established during the Han
Dynasty of China in 130 BCE, which linked the
regions of the ancient world in commerce
between 130 BCE-1453 CE. The Silk Road was not
a single route from east to west and so historians
favor the name 'Silk Routes', though 'Silk Road' is
commonly used.



From West to East, these goods included:
From East to West, the goods included:

Silk Silk
Saddles and Riding Tack
The grapevine and grapes Road Tea
Dogs and other animals, both exotic and
Precious Stones
China (plates, bowls, cups, vases)
Animal furs and skins
Spices (such as cinnamon and ginger)
Bronze and gold artifacts
Woolen blankets, rugs, carpets
Textiles (such as curtains)
Gold and Silver
Weapons and armor
galleon trade international TRADING SYSTEM

international TRADING SYSTEM

When the Spaniards came to the Philippines, our ancestors
traded A Spanish Galleon with China, Japan, Siam, India,
Cambodia, Borneo, and the Moluccas. The Spanish
GALLEON galleon trade GALLEON
government continued trade relations with these
countries, and Manila became the center of commerce in
TRADE It also allowed modern, liberal ideas to TRADE
the East.
enter the country, eventually inspiring
the movement for independence from
The Spaniards closed the ports of Manila to all countries
except Mexico. Thus, the Manila-Acapulco Trade, better
Spain. And because the Spaniards were
known as the "Galleon Trade," was born. The Galleon so engrossed in making profits from the
Trade was a government monopoly. Only two galleons
Galleon Trade, they hardly had any time
were used: One sailed from Acapulco to Manila with some
500,000 pesos worth of goods, spending 120 days at sea; to exploit our natural resources further.
the other sailed from Manila to Acapulco with some
250,000 pesos worth of goods, spending 90 days at sea.

international TRADING SYSTEM

economic reforms
tobacco international TRADING SYSTEM

The tobacco monopoly

basco's reform in the monopoly in the philippines
The tobacco industry was placed under government control
Filipino farmers and traders finally tasted prosperity when
Governor-General Jose Basco y Vargas instituted reforms to philippines during the administration of Governor General Basco. In 1781,
a tobacco monopoly was implemented in the Cagayan Valley,
free the economy from its dependence on Chinese and
Mexican trade. Basco implemented a “general economic llocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Isabela, Abra, Nueva Ecija,
plan” to make the Philippines self-sufficient. He established and Marinduque. Each of these provinces planted nothing but
the “Economic Society of Friends of the Country,” which tobacco and sold their harvest only to the government at a
incentivized farmers to plant cotton, spices, and sugarcane; pre- designated price, leaving little for the farmers. No other
encouraged miners to extract gold, silver, tin, and copper; and province was allowed to plant tobacco. The government
rewarded investors for scientific discoveries they made. exported the tobacco to other countries and also part of it to
the cigarette factories in Manila.

The tobacco monopoly successfully raised revenues for the

colonial zovernment and made Philippine tobacco famous all
over Asia. Continue to Secularization of Priests During the
Governor General Jose Basco y Vargas Spanish Period.
international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM


The Bretton Woods Institutions are the World Bank and the

BRETTON WOODS AGREEMENT woods International Monetary Fund (IMF). They were set up at a
meeting of 43 countries in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire,
USA, in July 1944. They aimed to help rebuild the shattered
It was created in a 1944 conference of all AGREEMENT postwar economy and promote international cooperation. INSTITUTIONS
World War II Allied nations. It took place in
The original Bretton Woods agreement also included plans for
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Under the an International Trade Organisation (ITO), but these lay
agreement, countries promised that their dormant until the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was
created in the early 1990s.
central banks would maintain fixed
exchange rates between their currencies
and the dollar.

international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM

BRETTON WOODS INSTITUTIONS BRETTON neoliberalism and neoliberalism
The creation of the World Bank and the IMF came at the end its discontents
of the Second World War. They were based on the ideas of a
trio of key experts - US Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau,
woods Neoliberalism would eliminate the regulatory functions of the state and
promote the denationalization and privatization of its goods and
and its
his chief economic advisor Harry Dexter White, and British
economist John Maynard Keynes. They wanted to establish a INSTITUTIONS services. Instead of the state, it favors using the market to determine
distribution and stimulation. The market's invisible hand is to take care
postwar economic order based on notions of consensual of the movement of resources, productivity growth, the renovation of
decision-making and cooperation in the realm of trade and technology, and the reinforcement of comparative advantages.
economic relations. It was felt by leaders of the Allied However, once the state is reduced and weakened, the national
countries, particularly the US and Britain, that a multilateral economy's capacity to withstand external economic pressures is
framework was needed to overcome the destabilising effects diminished because only the state can have sufficient control over
resources and regulatory mechanisms to soften the blow. To attenuate
of the previous global economic depression and trade battles.
the negative social consequences of the model, neoliberals have
designed specific instruments and escape valves, such as the
negotiation of conflict (firm or flexible, according to the case), the
growth of the informal economy, and programs of social assistance,
which are more propagandistic than adequate.
international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM
the global global financial crisis economic
financial crisis and the ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION globalization
Housing prices increased during 2000-2005, challenge to neoliberalism Economic globalization refers to the increasing
followed by a levelling off and price decline. interdependence of world economies due to the today
Increase in the default and foreclosure rates growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities
beginning in / the second half of 2006 due to the and services, the flow of international capital, and
Fed's manipulation of interest rates during 2002- wide and rapid spread of technologies. It reflects the
2006 continuing expansion and mutual integration of
The collapse of central investment banks in 2008. market frontiers and is an irreversible trend for the
The Collapse of stock prices in 2008. economic development of the whole world at the
turn of the millennium.

international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM

attributes of the
ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION economic GLOBAL system economic
The rapid growing significance of information in all globalization National attributes in the systemic international globalization
types of productive activities and marketization are nature followed its effects broadly explaining the
the two major driving forces for economic
today different foreign policies.
globalization. In other words. the fast globalization of
the world's economies in recent years is largely based Regardless of the objective to posit how a change in
on the rapid development of science and these in FP direction but rather than to show how the
technologies, has resulted from the environment in particular value of these variables leads to a
which market economic system has been fast probability distribution over a certain type of FP
spreading throughout the world, and has developed choices, national attributes, and foreign policy
on the basis of increasing cross-border division of typically relative while considering the power of the
labor that has been penetrating down to the level of state, which is including elements: natural resources,
production chains within enterprises of different size. geography, demography, etc.
international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM
5 reliiable factors
Increase capabilities, but negotiate rather than fight
economic internationalism
Fight rather than fail to increase capabilities
Stop fighting rather than eliminate an essential actor
globalization internationalism
Oppose any coalition or single actor that tends to
assume a position of predominance within the system
today Internationalism is a political principle that advocates
Constrain actors who subscribe to supranational greater political or economic cooperation among states
organizational principles and nations. It is associated with other political
movements and ideologies but can also reflect a doctrine,
Permit defeated essential actors to reenter the system as belief system, or movement in itself.
acceptable role partners, or act to bring previously
inessential actors within an essential actor classification,
treat all essential actors as acceptable role partners.

international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM

free trade free trade

What do you know about What do you know about

free trade international

international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM

free trade cosmopolitanism

What do you know about cosmopolitanism
the view that all human ethnic groups
belong to a single community based on a

import shared morality as opposed to

communitarianism, patriotism and

vs nationalism


international TRADING SYSTEM international TRADING SYSTEM

2 streams of cosmopolitanism 2 streams of cosmopolitanism
cosmopolitanism cosmopolitanism

Ethical cosmopolitanism advocates Political (or institutional) cosmopolitanism

global social justice but needs to has much to say about the structures and
forms of political life necessary for creating
have more to say about the more democratic governance, from the local
political or institutional structures to the global levels. Still, it tends to be less
necessary for its realization. explicit about the value or purpose of
The oppression of the poor must
establish the monopoly of the rich."
Profit or income in-equality are, "always
highest in the countries which are going
fastest to ruin".
-Adam Smith

In other words, greed causes poverty and

economic instability

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