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[no DEPARTMENT OF IneGonns Sectien Republic of the Philippines ! Department of Education & REGION V- BICOL ADVISORY April 14, 2023, To: Schools Division Superintendents Attention: Education Program Supervisors Araling Panlipunan This is to announce the conduct of the 2023 UP Padunungan (Battle of Intellects) sponsored by the University of the Philippines Ibalon (UP Ibalon) on July 3-4, 2023. Padunungan is a two-day academic competition for high school students throughout the Bicol region. It shall include Quiz Bee, Cultural Presentation, Debate, Essay Writing, Impromptu Speaking, T-Shirt Painting, Poster Making, Tigsik Writing, Infographics Contest and Short-form Video Making. With the theme “Beyond the Headlines: Understanding the Complexities of the Philippine Economic Crises,” the event will serve as a platform to analyze the issue of economic crises in the country and provide opportunities for students to share their thoughts about the theme. For guidance, please refer to the attached Event’s PRIMER. More information may be inquired from Ms. Samantha Coleene Cano, Secretariat and School Relations Head, Padunungan UP Ibalon at mobile number 0995-728-8868 or at email address: For dissemination. } enzert? Regional Director Lela 4/14/2023 Regional Center Site, Rawls, Legazpl City 4500 * © 0969 516 9555 @® PADUNUNGAN 2023 EVENT’S PRIMER pi UNGAN2023)) ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION WHO WE ARE UP baton is a duly-recognized socio-cultural organization of Sicolano students and the sole regional Bicolano organization in University of the Philippines Diliman, WHAT WE DO UP Ibalon is committed to promoting truth, loyalty, solidarity, and social, cultural, economic, and political consciousness among students, With a vision to renodel the youth into socially responsible members of scciety, its members have come together to pursue @ unitec mission to serve fellow students, fellow Bicolanos, and fellow “ilipinos. AY 2022-2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Jo!mn Vincent Rosales Internal Vice President Dennis Salinel External Vice President ‘Ja Tristan Sabio Executive Secretary ‘Samantha Coleene Cano Treasurer Geuel Quizon Press Relations Officer Marian Charie Liao ‘Academic Committee Chairperson _Jezreel learanom Membership Committee Chairperson Joann Guerrero Socio-Cultural Committee Chairperson Althea Mella Sports Committee Chairperson Eman Clifford Ros For the past 48 years, UP tbalon hab staged various projects aimeo at serving the Bicol region and the University. Being the new generation of Ibaloneys, the current members wholeteartedly intend to continue the legacy of those before - the legacy of service to fellow Bicolanos and Filipinos, BICOL WEEK CELEBRATION Bicol Week is 8 week-long activity in UP Diliman that celebrates and reintroduces the Bicol Culture yearly to the UP Diliman community. BURABOD Burabod is the official publication of UP Ibalon. Since its reboot la: 2020, Burabod releases annual publication that summarizes the news and/issues in the University, the Bicol region, and the nation. ORGULYONG ORAGON Orgulyong Oragon is a UP baton’ podeast containing series of interviews with notable Bicolanos, showcasing their talents and amplifying their stories of inspiration ACLE For |several years, UP Ibalon has teen joining the UP Diliman’s Alternative Classroom Learning Experisnce (ACLE) which provides students additional learnings that are not taught in a classroom. EDUCATIONAL DISCUSSIONS As part of its mission to promote social, economic, and political consciousness, UP Ibalon organizes, educational discussions depicting relevant issues of the country. RELIEF OPERATIONS | UP Ibalon strongly commits to helping the Bicol community during calamities by initiating donation drives for the benefit of calamity vietims. PADUNUNGAN | Padunungan (which means “battle of intellects") which started in 1981, is an annual region-wide competition participated in by over 200 students from various secondary schools in the Bicol region eee ‘Through these activities, the organization is able to live by its ideals. It was done in the past, it is be in the present, and it will continue to be so in the future. Ibaloneys will remain steadfast and will flourish. Photos from Padunungan 2020 held ast January 6-7, 2020, at Bicol University East Campus. ‘| PADUNUNGAN aciursungan is one of the avenues where UP Ibalon realizes its vision, Paduningan, which means "Battle of thc Intellécts" in the Bicol language, ‘a competition for high school students in the Bicol region. Every year, an overall theme fo-use: on the pressing issue/s of the time thet needs to be further understood zi. acted upon by the people. It is an annual academic affair in which UP" ibalon encourages students’ active Participation through various symposla, group discussions, workshops, and film features. The different contests’ like Essay ‘Writing, impromptu Speaking, T-shirt Painting, Poster Making, ‘and Cultural Presentations are venues in which they can express their insights ard values regarding the theme. The Quiz Bee Competition, on the ther head, aims to test not only the scope of their overall knowledge but to reinforce the spiric of teamwork ‘and friendly competition. it is indeed a battleground for tie different ctidents from different schools to assert their minds and express thei creaiv2 sides, To win is the ultimate goal for all the participants. However, <2s:icipation in this event gives then more than the joy and pride of what ins trophies and various awards offer. For whet are these but material proofs f.cne’s abilities and Power which disintegrate through time. More than tie bragging rights earned by winners, the lessons that could be instilled in all she participants ‘and manifested in their speech and actions as they walk away from the event enc continue their journey in the real world are more valuable, An idealistic ‘goal indeed, but it is powerful. The Bicolano youth deserves higher aims, such as to initiate change even in the smallest way possible, in spite of our society's bleak situation anc struggles, Padunungan is part of the orgici-ation’s continued service to the Bicoleno youth, enhancing their abilives and molding their young minds towards becoming better Bicolanos ct the future. It 's a foreground of the things that they should be aware of in the real world. Issues that are encompassing are discussed and presented to thei, so that. they themselves would have their own initiatives and ana'yses as to what should be done about it AN PROGRAM, PROJECT & ACTIVITY PROFILE PADUNUNGAN PPA PROFILE 1), Padunungan isthe flagship evant of UP tbalon, a socio-cultural student organization of Bicolano students in the University of thé Phitppines Dian (UP Dilan). s its name implle “Battle ot the intelects" inthe Bikol language its @ competition fr highschool students in the Bicol Region that seeks to address the most pressing isues of the society at present, expecially those ther concern the region and its consttvents It showcases the talents and sills of the young participants through its various categories including, but not limited to, Essay Writing, T-Shirt Design Painting, Impromptu Speech Contest, Quiz Bee Competition, and Poster Making, It also seeks to raise awareness and invoke tangible | action from the youth through] different symposia, workshops, and discussions conducted with | especially invited knowledgeable speakers in accordance to the socio-cultural nature of the organization. More importantly, it helps the Department of Education (DepEd) achieve its thrusts 8s indicated in the Education, for All (EFA) Goals, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Basic Education Social Reform’ Agenda (BESRA). ‘The PPAs shall be conducted and documented by the Padunungan Team of UP Ibalon, For coordination and concerns on Padunungan 2020, kindly cortact our Redunungan Overall Co- heads at the following contact fumbers and/or the official Pacuriynyan contect detal's: Hannah Embile 917-147-2952 ® Kenn D. Cadiz 929-358-0847 - Facebook Page* « Email Address THREE-YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN Through the years, Padunungdn nas covered a lot of issues’ that the organization discerns the vouth must be more aware of. Far more than 20 years, Padupungan, has challenged the Blcolano youth through the discussions and Workshops and apply these luc mings through creative means such a8 essays and posters. In recent years, the themes of Padunungan would focus on the youth's involvement with pressing issues our country faces, | 2020: Converging Spectrum: Understanding the Struggle towards Gender Eauality 2019: Philippine Chronictes: The Youth’s Pursuit of historical Veracity 2018: In the line of Fire: Filipino Youth’s Role in the Protection of 4uman Rights 2017: Padayon Kabataan: Filipino Youth as Responsible Social Media User for Social Change 2016: Working for the Future: Filipino Youth and the Advancement of Labor Rights in the Country 2011: Advancing with Optimism Youth’s Perspective on Filipino Nationalism 2010: Green is the New Gold: Unearthing the Treasures of Biodiversity 2009: Be Loud, Be Froud:lAdvancing Our Country through You:h's Initiuivecand Active Involvement In the past years, UP Ibalon has staged the Padunungan in ditfereri-eas'or Bicol such as Albay, Sorsogon, and Camarines Sur simultaneously. It was only in 1996 that Pavlauingan was staged as a regional event with some of our host venues being - Ateneo de'Naga Univesy, Aquiras University, Bicol University, Bicol College of Arts and Trade among others. Padunungan has been part of UP Ibalon‘s continued service to the Bicolano youth, enhancing their abilties and molding thelr young iH(ads tovards becoming ai better WiGeleTe ce TE RaHIRRRUE cote Padunungan apart from other comytitions are the Educational Discussions that Is packaged with the activity. Padunungan is not just academic and arts competition for high school students In the Bicol Region but an avenue with which Ibaloneys impart the knowledge they learned from thelr beloved university, University of tHe Philippines, to younger generations, especially of the dear and eloved Bicol region. ‘more onthe next page. PROGRAM, PROJECT & ACTIVITY PROFILE > continued, In three years, Padunungan is envisioned to be bigger, bolder, and better. Padunungan aims to reach out to the whole Bicol region, even to those of the far flung schools. The possible plans UP Ibalon can adopt with the Fadunungan to link with the ongoing priority DepEd PPA’s such as the Millenium Development Goa's would be as follows: 1. Adopt theme in the future that will cater to student interest and at the seme time promote | awareness of MDGs (such as Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Environmental Sustainability, Education as a Right, Youths Role in the Development of the country), 2, Developing the contests to challenge the youth's minds and expose them to social realities in order to improve the quality of education they have. Atte all, education must not be limited within the four wall of a classroom, : 3. Padunungan shares a.common vision with the country’s Education for All with the community as an important tool to-mobilize all social, political, cultural, and economic resources. 4, Not onty the young students, but also the teachers and coaches are required to attend various sessions and workshops. 5. If given the chance tojget bigger funds, there are plans to evolve the Padunungan into an event where proceeds will go to the development of a high schcol jbrery or a donation to a certain school in far flung places, as part of the organization's corimitment «= the Bicol Région. COMPREHENSIVE OBJECTIVE OF PADUNUNGAN 2. To reinforce the spirit of teamwork and friendly competition among the different contests, ‘workshops, and group sessions. | 3. To assert the minds of the students so that they may express thelr creative sides and instill lessons that is hoped to manifest in their speech and actions as they continue their journey through college and into the real wort 4, To initiate change even in the smallest ways possible, in s, | and struggles. 5. As an organization, Padunungan is part of UP Ibalon’s continued service to the Bicol region, most especially towards 'the Bicolano youth ite of the, country’s bleak situation 6. Objectives regarding the theme, “Beyond the Headlines: Ur:derstancing the Complexities of | the Philippine Economie Crises': 4, To enlightenthe youth about the major economic challenges thet affected the country acditsinellen orelend ne | . To inculeniedh theljouthis mind thelr role) Bulag & Bielandia and ihe ourty TARGET PARTICIPANTS For this year's Padunungn, target participants include Grades 9 and 10 (unior High Schoo) and Grades 11 and 12 Senior High Schoo students from both public and private secondary students in the Bicol Region ; é fainatte future for e PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES’ = Day 1: July 3, 2023 (Monday) :00 - 8:00 AM | Ingress/Registration 8:00-9:00 AM | Opening Program: | Invocation ahd National Anthem, Welcome Message | and Opening Remarks, Presentation of Participating | Schools, Introduction of Guest Speakers & Judges 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Educational Discussion | 10:00 - 10:15 AM | Open Fo: 10:16 - 10:30 AM | Break 10:30 - 11:30 AM | Educational Discussion |! : | id Awarding of Certificate 11:90 - 11:45 AM | Open Forum and Awarding of Certificate | 11:48 - 12:00 NN | Final Instructions and Room Assignment 12:00 - 1:00 PM_| Lunch Break 1:00-1:15 PM_| Arrival at the Venues 4:00 - :30 PM | Simultaneous Events: Quiz Bee Elimination (Written Exam) Tigsik Writing Contest On the Spot Essay Writing Contest (English and Filipino ‘On the Spot T-shirt Design Contest 4 On the Spot Poster Making Contest Infographics Contest | Impromptu Speech Contest Shot-Form Video Making Contest Day 2: July 4, 2023 (Tuesday) 7:00- 7:50AM | Ingress/Attendaiice 7:50-8:00 AM | Short Program, :00 - 10:00AM _| Debate I ae Gee 10:00 = 12:00 NN | Cultural Presentation Competition 42:00 = 1:00 PM_| Lunch Break | 1:00-2:30 PM | Quiz Bee Finals | (Qunior High School Level 2:30- 4:00PM | Quiz Beé Finals, I (Senior High School Leveb) 4:00-5:00 PM | Awarding Ceremonies Closing Remarks + Subject to changes without prior nice To be announced ).s (PADUNONCAN 2028” PROGRAM, FROJECT & ACTIVITY PROFILE {In 2020, the Philippine economy =xperienced its most severe contraction since the postwar era due to the COVID-19 pandemic, This resilted in the loss of epproximately five:million jobs end the erosion of three to five years of gains in poverty reduction, with lasting negative effects on the country's potential for inclusive growth. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dropped. by a record 16.5% in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, which was the biggest quarterly decline since 1981 Moreover, school closures in. March 2020 led to the adoption of remote lescning, which has been criticized for the country's lack of readiness to implement it. Insufficient parentai support has created challenges for students, potentially limiting students’ opportunities and, earning potential beyond their school years. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has further exacerbated pre-existing inequalities, with gaps in access to healthcare, education, and mobility services widening between differert socioeconomic groups. ‘As three years have passed and the world is slowly attempting to bounce rack from the scars of the crisis to bring back "what was,"'the Philippine economy struggles to recover from the undoubtedly massive detriments it bore. Yet as the country transitions from the dig’ta. workplace back to the its old face-to-face arrangements, the numerous issues added to the cinsequ.:. = of the economic crises continuously block the efforts of the working class to recuperate. |The sugar shortage in August 2022 affected Filipino consumers who are alreesy grappling with rising commodity prices. The sugar industry has previously blocked large sugar imports to mainain high prices and) benefit industry workers, but this has led to complacency rather than increased productivity. Economists argue that allowing suger imports would benefit consumers by providing ceaper suger, but balancing protectionist policies with competition to lower prices remains to be a challenge for the country. Furthermore, on October 3, 2022, the Philippine peso reached an all-time low of P59 to $1. This may initially benefit families of Overseas “itipino Workers (OFWs) who remit in US dollars or other currencies, as they receive more pesos per coliar. However, the increase in prices in the Philippines offsets any gains from the remittance. ‘Other than our struggles today; tis crucial to reflect on the historical economic challenges that the Philippines has long endured as a Third World country, given their impact on our current economic standing. From 1965 to 1988, the Philippines incurred a massive debt of $26 bitiipn, ranking it 6th among 113 developing countries in loans from the World Bank by 1980, In 1984, the country experienced an exceptionally high annual inflation rate of 50%, Additionally, the poor labor market forced many Filipinos to geek employment opportunities overseas, leading to the emergence of the "OFW phenomenon." Consequently, poverty increased from 50% to 60% in a brief period, eerning the vountry tae label of "sick man of Asia’ during that era. This trend persisted amid power outages that took a toll on economic productivity in 1992, the devalation of the peso, stock market inscability, and low confidence in the Country in the early 2000s, and the ofice hikes in goods and fuels caused by numerous natural disasters, as well as the Asian and Global Financial Crises. All of these have affected ~¥"‘ons of our compatriots and persistently hindered families’ efforts to recover and improve their sacioecono"‘se Zvatus. Given that these struggles have been highlighted even more under the health crisis, this issue beco:es an ugent concern for all Filipinos. | ‘more onthe next page. | > continued, For the very first time, this year’s tneme of "Behind the Headlines: Understanding the Complexities of the Philippine Economic Crises” intenas to delve into the complexities of the *hilippine economy and Provide a comprehensive grasp of its present state. It is often the case that news eadlines do not furnish enough context and background information to fully comprehend economic situations. Hence, this competion seeks to seruize th past and present econeme Shee re Peters een Potential remedies for the forthcoming challenges by examining the interconnections and intricacies of the issues at hand. ‘The Padunungan 2023 competition presents an excellent opportunity for & colano students to gain a better understanding of the economic challenges facing the country...Througr: analyzing the underlying causes of the economic crisis, students can acquire valuable skills and czniribute innovative ideas to build @ more sustainable future for Bicolandia and the country. Av future coders, the youth's deep understanding of economics and its impact on society can shape the country's on and foster a more engaged and informed population. This competition offers @ unique opportunity‘: stude its to make a Positive impact on society and to become part of the solution to the economic challenges facing the Philippines, PADUNUNGAN TEAM HANNAH EMBILE KENN CADIZ OVERALL HEADS COMMITTEE HEADS WILSON FRANZ BOLO | SUSTIN EMBER MUTIA. MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP ?OMPETITIONS JAY VLADEMIR SAMAR JESUSAL i) ECHAND, LoGIsTics PROGKAMS, DANA EILYN SAMBAJON JORLENE KAYE MIDAY FINANCE | CREATIVES & TECHNICALS \ SAMANTHA COLEENE CANO JESSE RUDYLL GREFAL SECRETARIAT & SCHOOL RELATIONS PUBLICITY

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