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What are the best and worst things about being a Filipino?

There are a couple of best and worst things about being a Filipino, and among these, I find the following
6 traits and common practices of Filipinos to be the best. The first best trait is that we are family-
centered, characterized by our dedication to providing for and reciprocating the sacrifices made by our
loved ones. Furthermore, we value teaching respect at a young age, we teach children to use “po” and
“opo” when talking to elders and to use familial titles such as Mama, Papa, etc. instead of using only
their names. Filipinos also value education, that even if most of us are not privileged and uncapable of
having a decent education, we still strive and persevere to make sure to learn. Filipinos also practice
bayanihan, especially in provinces, it showcases our innate spirit of unity and selflessness as we come
together to support those in need without expecting anything in return. The last two best things about
being a Filipino are the practice of hospitality towards strangers, which fosters connections and
friendships, and our innate sense of humor, often utilized as a coping mechanism even in challenging
times, which becomes a testament to our creativity and resilience.

The worst things about being a Filipino are the following traits and practices: crab mentality, ignorance,
fanaticism, gossiping, the practice of Manana Habit and Filipino time, and the continuous corruption in
the country. Crab mentality is only a harmful practice of Filipinos, which fosters competition and division
while undermining the mental health and self-confidence of individuals. Ignorance is also a worst trait of
Filipinos, exemplified by the 2022 elections. The fanaticism of Filipinos is also one of the worst because
fanatics insists their ideas to be the correct ones, ignoring any facts or arguments that may conflict with
their thoughts or beliefs. Another worst trait of Filipinos is gossiping which is a bad practice that will only
lead to destruction of relationships and mistrust between one another. Simultaneously, the practice of
the Manana Habit and Filipino Time only exhibit poor etiquette and time management, reflecting
negatively on our character. Lastly, the continuous corruption in our government is the worst thing about
being a Filipino because it only hinders the development and improvement of the country which
eventually leads to the suffering of the citizens.

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