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Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry

ISSN: 0916-8451 (Print) 1347-6947 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tbbb20

New application of Bacillus strains for optically

pure l-lactic acid production: general overview and
future prospects

Pramod Poudel, Yukihiro Tashiro & Kenji Sakai

To cite this article: Pramod Poudel, Yukihiro Tashiro & Kenji Sakai (2015): New application
of Bacillus strains for optically pure l-lactic acid production: general overview and future
prospects, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1080/09168451.2015.1095069

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09168451.2015.1095069

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Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2015

New application of Bacillus strains for optically pure L-lactic acid production:
general overview and future prospects
Pramod Poudel1, Yukihiro Tashiro1,2,* and Kenji Sakai1,2
Laboratory of Soil and Environmental Microbiology, Division of Systems Bioengineering, Department of Bioscience
and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bioresources and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, Japan; 2Laboratory of Microbial Environmental Protection, Tropical Microbiology Unit, Center for
International Education and Research of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Received June 26, 2015; accepted September 6, 2015

Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

Members of the genus Bacillus are considered to biocontrollers of plant disease10) in the broad areas of
be both, among the best studied and most com- food, cosmetics, medicine, agriculture, and chemistry.
monly used bacteria as well as the most still unex- The first Bacillus strain was discovered in 18721), and
plored and the most wide-applicable potent bacteria new Bacillus strains have been continuously isolated
because novel Bacillus strains are continuously from different sources.11) The number of Bacillus
being isolated and used in various areas. Production strains is presently around 300 species (http://www.bac
of optically pure L-lactic acid (L-LA), a feedstock for terio.net/bacillus.html). This strongly encourages
bioplastic synthesis, from renewable resources has researchers around the world to screen for novel Bacil-
recently attracted attention as a valuable application lus isolates and to determine new functions or applica-
of Bacillus strains. L-LA fermentation by other pro- tions. Among the ca. 2277 total genera in the domain
ducers, including lactic acid bacteria and Rhizopus bacteria (http://www.bacterio.net), those of the genus
strains (fungi) has already been addressed in several Bacillus can be considered to not only be among the
reviews. However, despite the advantages of L-LA best studied and most commonly used, but also the
fermentation by Bacillus strains, including its high most still unexplored and most wide-applicable potent
growth rate, utilization of various carbon sources, bacteria for human life. Recently, production of opti-
tolerance to high temperature, and growth in simple cally pure lactic acid (LA) has attracted attention as a
nutritional conditions, it has not been reviewed. This feasible application of Bacillus strains.7)
review article discusses new findings on LA-produc- LA has applications in the agricultural, medicinal,
ing Bacillus strains and compares them to other food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries,12–14) in
producers. The future prospects for LA-producing particular, there is much interest in optically pure (L or
Bacillus strains are also discussed. D-isomer) LA for the synthesis of high-quality polylac-
tic acid (PLA). PLA is used for the production of
Key words: lactic acid producing Bacillus strains; biodegradable and environmentally friendly bio-plastics
optical purity; high temperature; as a substitute for petrochemical-based plastics.15) Due
biomass; metabolic engineering to the numerous applications for this material, it has
been estimated that global LA production demand is
130,000–150,000 tons per year.16) Currently, LA is
Genus Bacillus is Gram staining-variable mainly produced by microbial fermentation processes
(Gram-positive, Gram-positive in the early stages of rather than by traditional chemical synthesis. The tradi-
growth, or Gram-negative), endospore-forming, aerobic tional chemical synthesis of LA is based on the hydrol-
or facultative anaerobic rods with a wide range of ysis of lactonitrile derived from acetaldehyde and
nutritional requirements (simple to complex), growth hydrogen cyanide, which leads to the formation of
conditions (ranging from acidophilic to alkaliphilic, racemic mixtures of DL-LA.12) Optically pure D-LA or
psychrophilic to thermophilic, and halotolerant), DNA L-LA can only be produced by microbial fermentation
base composition, and metabolic diversity.1) Many using specific microbes.17–19) Another significant
Bacillus strains have been widely used as producers of advantage of microbial fermentation over traditional
fermented foods (e.g. natto in Japan),2) enzymes LA chemical synthesis is that various plant-derived
(e.g. amylases, pullulanases, and proteases),3) purine renewable biomass sources can be used as substrates
nucleotides,4) biopesticides,5) poly-(γ-glutamic acid),6) for LA production by microbial fermentation.
L-lactic acid, , etc. including probiotics for animals In general, fermentative LA production is mostly
and humans,8) promoters of plant growth,9), and accomplished by members of the domain bacteria. A

*Corresponding author. Email: tashiro@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp

© 2015 Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry

2 P. Poudel et al.
few micro-organisms in the domains archaea (Scenedes- in addition to a carbon source,29,30) while Rhizopus sp.
mus sp. and Nannochlorum sp.) and eukaryota (fungi requires fewer nutrients for the growth compared to
such as Rhizopus oryzae) have been shown to produce LAB and have the ability to grow in simple inorganic
LA.7) Within the domain bacteria, all the wild-type LA salt containing media.22) Yeast extract and peptone are
producers belong to the phylum Firmicutes and the class rich in nitrogen, vitamins, and other nitrogenous
Bacilli that includes two orders: the Lactobacillales and growth-stimulating factors. Culture media for LAB
Bacillales. The order Lactobacillales contains lactic acid require supplementation with organic nitrogen sources
bacteria (LAB), which are known as LA producers, such as yeast extract, peptone, and other proteinous
including the genera Lactobacillus (L-, D- or DL-LA), substances, which ultimately increases the cost of the
Enterococcus (L-LA), Lactococcus (L-LA), Carnobac- medium formulation.15,28) Altaf et al.31) reported that
terium (D-LA), Pediococcus (L- or DL-LA), Leuconostoc yeast extract accounted for ca. 38% of the total med-
(D-LA), Streptococcus (L-LA), Weissella (D- or DL-LA) ium cost for LA production by LAB. Therefore, it is
and so on. On the other hand, within the order Bacil- necessary to use cheap substitutes for these expensive
lales and the family Bacillaceae (48 genera to date), substances or to employ LA producers that can grow
most bacteria in the genus Bacillus have been reported well at low concentrations of organic nitrogen sources.
as potent L-LA producers. Only two species of genus Interestingly, Bacillus strains profusely grow and
Geobacillus (G. stearothermophilus)20) and Halo- produce L-LA in a simple mineral salt medium contain-
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

lactibacillus (H. halophilus)21) have been reported as L- ing a very small amount of yeast extract.32,33) Many
LA producers. In the domain Eukaryota, several wild- researchers have already described the minimal nutri-
type fungi, especially R. oryzae22) and Rhizopus micro- tional requirements for growth and LA production by
sporus,23) are known as potent L-LA producers. In addi- Bacillus strains.33,34) For Bacillus strains, ammonium
tion, some genetically modified bacteria and yeast have sulfate,35) NH4Cl,36) low grade peanut meal,37) corn
been developed for either D-LA or L-LA production steep liquor,38) excess sludge hydrolysate,39) and yeast
depending upon the genetic manipulation.24) In the autolysate32) have been reported as cheap alternative
future, approaches to screen for new wild-type LA- nitrogen supplements for LA fermentation. In addition,
producers and to genetically modify LA producers for Meng et al.37) reported that Bacillus sp. strain WL-S20
targeted processes will be performed actively and efficiently produced L-LA using inexpensive peanut
continuously. meal as a nitrogen source and yields 20% higher LA
Fermentative LA production by LAB25,26) and fungi22) concentration than that using yeast extract. Further-
have been already reviewed and their recent issues have more, among the several sugars (glucose, fructose,
been addressed. In contrast, despite their interesting fea- mannose, arabinose, xylose, lactose, sucrose, maltose,
tures such as high growth rates, tolerance to high temper- and starch), it is reported that glucose and sucrose
atures, growth in simple nutritional conditions, and the exhibited the highest LA concentration of ca. 18 g/L
ability to ferment a wide range of sugars including pen- by Bacillus sp. strain WL-S20.37) Meantime, LA pro-
toses and hexoses to produce optically pure L-lactic acid duction by Bacillus sp. WL-S20 LA using various glu-
(up to 100%), the recent developments in LA fermenta- cose concentrations (40, 60, 80, 100, 110, and 120 g/L)
tion by Bacillus strains have not yet been reported.27) results in different LA concentrations (16, 17, 19, 17,
Therefore, in this review article, we will provide an over- 17, and 16 g/L, respectively) and LA yield (0.73, 0.85,
view of the special features of LA-producing Bacillus 0.95, 0.74, 0.78, and 0.67 g/g, respectively) using the
strains in comparison to other LA producers, report the same strains.37) These findings reveal that types of car-
efficient utilization of various biomass resources by bon sources affect LA production as well as sugar con-
Bacillus strains, elucidate the major metabolic pathways centrations. On the other hand, Ma et al.39) reported
involved and the genetic approaches for improving LA that LA production (98.1 g/L of L-LA, 0.98 g/g yield,
production, as well as make concluding remarks and 99.6% optical purity, 3.63 g/L h productivity) using
summarize the future prospects. 10 g/L excess sludge hydrolysate was comparable to
LA production (98.9 g/L L-LA, 0.98 g/g yield, 99.8%
optical purity, 3.92 g/L h productivity) using 2 g/L
I. Special features of LA-producing yeast extract by B. coagulans NBRC12583T. Therefore,
Bacillus strains and comparison to other it is better to develop microbial strains that can produce
LA producers LA in a simple and nutritionally low medium.

Here, we compared special features (nutritional

requirement, tolerance to high temperature, tolerance to I.ii. Tolerance to high temperature
pH, ability to produce optical pure LA, oxygen demand, LA-producing Bacillus strains show optimum growth
and sugar metabolism) among Bacillus, LAB, and Rhi- temperatures between 45 and 60 °C and limited growth
zopus sp. (Table 1), and described them in each section. up to 70 °C, whereas the optimum growth temperatures
for most LAB range from 30 to 43 °C.27) As excep-
tions, the thermotolerant D-LA producer Lactobacillus
I.i. Nutritional requirements delbrueckii subsp. lactis QU 4140) and the L-LA pro-
Bacillus strains are commonly isolated from nutri- ducer Enterococcus faecium QU 5041) are reported to
tionally poor environments such as soil under various be tolerant to temperatures up to 55 °C. In case of
climatic conditions.28) In contrast, LAB are only iso- Rhizopus sp., optimum temperatures for LA production
lated from nutritionally rich environments that contain range from 27 to 35 °C, and the maximum temperature
high amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and nucleotides at 45 °C for cell growth is reported for Rhizopus
Bacillus strains for optically pure L-lactic acid production 3
Table 1. Special features of LA-producing Bacillus strains and comparison to other LA producers.

Lactic acid producers

Characterization Bacillus strains Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Rhizopus sp.

Nutritional Requirement of less nutrients to grow Requirement of nutritionally rich Requirement of less nutrients to grow than
requirements than LAB medium (amino acids, vitamins, and LAB
for growth Ability to grow in mineral salt nucleotides) Ability to grow in simple inorganic salt
medium containing low-organic containing media
nitrogen sources (e.g. yeast extract)

Tolerance to Optimum temperature for LA Optimum temperature for LA Optimum temperature for LA production:
high production: 45–60 °C production: 30–43 °C with general 27–35 °C
temperature Maximum temperature for cell growth: LAB, 50 °C with E. faecium QU50 Maximum temperature for cell growth: 45 °C
70 °C with B. coagulans NBRC Maximum temperature for cell with Rhizopus oligosporus TISTR 3518
12583 growth: 55 °C with E. faecium

Tolerance to Optimum pH for LA production: Optimum pH for LA production: Optimum pH for LA production: 5.0–6.0
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

pH 5.0–9.0 4.0–7.0 Tolerant to low pH ~3.5 (R. oryzae ATCC

Sensitive to acidic pH (<5.0) and Tolerant to low pH ~4.0 (Lb. 52311)
alkaline pH (>9.0) except for tolerant plantarum ATCC 21028) and to
to pH at 10 with Bacillus sp. WL-S20 high pH ~10.5 (Alkalibacterium

Ability to L-LA producers (Major strains): L-LA producers (genera of L-LA producers (Major strains): 98.5–100% of
produce 97–100% of optical purity Lactococcus, some Lactobacillus, optical purity L-LA
optically D-LA producer (B. laevolacticus NCIB Enterococcus, etc.) : >~95%
pure LA 10269): >99% of optical purity D-LA producers (genus
Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp. lactis, etc.) :

Sugar Hexoses: ferment to LA and by- Hexoses: ferment to LA and by- Hexoses: ferment to LA and by-products
metabolism products (acetic acid, formic acid, products (acetic acid, formic acid, (ethanol, CO2, fumaric acid, malic acid, citric
2,3-butanediol) via EMP (max. LA ethanol) via EMP (max. LA yield acid,) via EMP and tricarboxylic acid pathway
yield >0.90 g/g) >0.90 g/g) (max. LA yield ≈ 0.71–0.79 g/g)
Pentoses: ferment to LA via PPP and Pentoses: ferment to LA via PPP Pentoses: ferment to via PPP (max. LA yield ≈
EMP (max. LA yield >0.90 g/g) (max. LA yield >0.90 g/g) and PKP 054–0.65 g/g)
(max. LA yield < ca. 0.60 g/g)

Oxygen Facultatively anaerobes Facultatively anaerobes Obligatory aerobes

demand In the absence of O2: grow In the presence of O2: grow and In the presence of O2: grow very well using O2
tolerant to O2, but cannot utilize O2 as the electron acceptor in metabolism
as the electron acceptor in In the absence of O2: cannot grow
In the absence of O2: grow very

oligosporus TISTR 3518.22,23) Many thermotolerant fermentation temperature affects microbial activity and
LA-producing Bacillus strains have been isolated from substrate conversion rate.43) Heriban et al.32) reported
various environments. For instance, Poudel et al.33) iso- that a high temperature is beneficial for the synthesis of
lated thermotolerant Bacillus sp. MC-07 from compost LA, as it improves the rate of the biochemical reactions
and produced L-LA directly from starch at 50 °C. High and results in the higher activity of micro-organisms.
temperature LA fermentation has several advantages Fourth, a high temperature is beneficial for simultane-
compared to mesophilic fermentation. ous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) because
First, high-temperature fermentation would signifi- several hydrolytic enzymes (cellulase, amylase) exhibit
cantly reduce the cooling cost compared to that optimum temperatures higher than ca. 50 °C.39,44)
incurred using mesophiles, which require temperature According to Ou et al.44), thermophilic B. coagulans
control, facilitated by the inclusion of additional cool- 36D1 (ca. 26.99 g/L LA and 0.903 g/g LA yield)
ing systems to maintain growth during fermentation.7) showed better LA production performance than did
Second, high-temperature fermentation minimizes con- mesophilic LAB (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
tamination; B. coagulans JI12 produced 137.5 g/L NRRL B-4449; ca. 20.34 g/L LA and 0.709 g/g LA
L-LA with a high yield of 0.98 g/g, productivity of yield) by SSF of 40 g/L crystalline cellulose carried
4.4 g/L h, and optical purity of 99.6% from D-xylose at out using 20 FPU-cellulase/g-cellulose at 50 and 40 °C,
50 °C even under non-sterile conditions.42) Third, the respectively. Therefore, high-temperature fermentation
4 P. Poudel et al.
minimizes cooling cost, has no need for sterilization, neutralizing agent for the subsequent LA fermentation
and improves the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis in after recovery of the free L-LA.53)

I.iv. Ability to produce optical pure LA

I.iii. Tolerance to pH Optical purity of LA produced in fermentation is
One of the key parameters in LA fermentation is pH. mainly dependent on gene-expression levels and the
Similar to LAB,7) Bacillus strains also show an opti- enzyme activities of L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH),
mum pH for growth or LA production at neutral, but D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH), and lactate racemase.
are sensitive to acidic pH (under pH 5.0). The pH for L-LDH and D-LDH catalyze the conversions of pyruvic
LA production by Bacillus strains is 5.0–9.0, whereas acid to L-LA and D-LA, respectively, and almost all
the pHs for LA production by most of LAB and Rhizo- LAB possess both D-LDH and L-LDH.54) In contrast, a
pus species are 4.0–7.016,26,45) and 5.0–6.0,22) respec- few LAB have been reported to possess lactate race-
tively. The ability of some Bacillus (tolerance up to pH mase, which transforms D-LA to L-LA.55) Therefore,
10.0 with Bacillus sp. WL-S20) and LAB (tolerance up the optical purity of LA varies considerably among
to pH 10.8 with Alkalibacterium olivoapovliticus)46) LAB including L-LA producers (>95%; genera of Lac-
strains to tolerate alkaline pH can minimize contamina- tococcus, some Lactobacillus, and Enterococcus, etc.),
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

tion.21) At pH 9.0, Bacillus sp. WL-S2037) and H. halo- DL-LA producers, and D-LA producers (>99%; Leu-
philus21) efficiently produced L-LA (225 g/L, optical conostoc genus, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.
purity >99%, yield 0.99 g/g, productivity 1.04 g/L h; lactis, etc. Majority of Rhizopus sp. produce L-LA with
65.8 g/L, optical purity of 98.3%, yield 0.76 g/g, an optical purity 98.5–100%.22) In contrast, most
productivity 0.83 g/L h, respectively) from D-glucose. LA-producing Bacillus strains possess both L-LDH
Fermentation at acidic pH values close to the pKa of (encoded by the ldhL gene) and D-LDH (encoded by
LA (3.86) can reduce the amount of agents added to the ldhD gene), the enzymes responsible for the pro-
neutralize the LA produced; however, most LA-produc- duction of L-LA and D-LA, respectively, but lack the
ing Bacillus strains are more sensitive to acidic condi- lactate racemase enzyme,54) even though they produce
tions than LAB (tolerance up to pH ~4.0 with L-LA with an optical purity of greater than 97%. Fur-
Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 21028)45) and fungi thermore, it has been reported that the optical purities
(tolerance up to pH ~3.5 with R. oryzae ATCC of L-LA produced by Bacillus strains are variable even
52311).47) Comparison of one species in the genus within same species, such as the potent L-LA-producing
Bacillus, Bacillus acidicola, was reported to tolerate B. coagulans strains, which ranges from 97–100%.50,56)
pH values up to 3.5 lower than the pKa value of LA; However, the mechanism underlying the synthesis of
however, the efficiency of LA fermentation by this high optical purity LA by Bacillus strains has not been
strain under acidic conditions has not been well stud- studied well.
ied.48) Therefore, additional studies are required to
improve L-LA fermentation by Bacillus strains under
acidic conditions, using techniques such as genome I.v. Oxygen demand
shuffling, which has enhanced the pH tolerance of Lac- LA-producing Bacillus strains and LAB are faculta-
tobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 11443 by up to 3.6.49) tive anaerobes, whereas Rhizopus species are obligatory
Under non-controlled pH conditions, Bacillus strains aerobes (Table 1) and the demands of oxygen for cell
are not able to accumulate high concentrations of LA growth and LA production are different among three
because of their intolerance to acidic pH values. Under LA-producers. LA-producing Bacillus strains aerobi-
controlled pH, the LA concentration and productivity cally grow very well using oxygen as the electron
in batch fermentation by Bacillus strains were found to acceptor with less LA production56), while anaerobic
be improved. The pH of the fermentation broth is con- culture exhibit less cell growth, but mainly produce
trolled by various neutralizing agents such as LA. Although aerobic culture by LAB show cell
CaCO3,50) Ca(OH)2,50) NaOH,42) KOH,51) and NH3.18) growth due to their tolerance to oxygen, LAB cannot
Among these neutralizing agents, CaCO3 and utilize oxygen as the electron acceptor, which results in
Ca(OH)242,50) have been widely used. However, one lower LA production than anaerobic culture.12,57) On
disadvantage of using them is the formation of calcium the other hand, Rhizopus species can grow under only
salts such as calcium lactate in the fermentation broth, aerobic condition.22)
which requires an additional acidification procedure One of the most interesting findings is that B. coagu-
using H2SO4 during the recovery process to obtain free lans can produce L-LA as a major fermentative product
LA.52) This disadvantage can be minimized using NH3 either under strict anaerobic or aerobic (high oxygen)
as neutralizing agent because calcium lactate is not conditions. In particular, B. coagulans strain M21,
formed and NH3 can be recovered in the supernatant of accumulated 100% optically pure L-LA (12.5 g/L, yield
culture broth. Sakai and Ezaki18) reported L-LA fermen- 0.62 g/g, productivity 0.31 g/L h) from 20 g/L D-glu-
tation (concentration, 86 g/L; productivity, 0.72 g/L h, cose under high oxygen conditions.56) In contrast, it
optical purity, 97%, yield, 0.97 g/g) by B. coagulans has been reported that LAB (L. plantarum, L. rhamno-
NBRC 12583T using NH3 as a neutralizing agent to sus) degrade LA, especially in presence of oxygen as
maintain the pH at 7.0 from food waste. Furthermore, a an electron accepter, and convert LA produced from
total recycled PLLA production process has been pro- sugars (glucose and cellobiose) to acetic acid, H2O2,
posed, in which NH3 is recycled and utilized as the and CO2.26,58)
Bacillus strains for optically pure L-lactic acid production 5
I.vi. Sugar metabolism metabolize D-xylose. These phenomena suggest the
LA-producing Bacillus strains metabolize pentose feasibility of efficient L-LA production from various
and hexose sugars by the pentose phosphate pathway lignocelluloses using B. coagulans strains.
(PPP) and the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway Additionally, much progress has been made in our
(EMP), respectively, to produce LA as a major end understanding of LA metabolism in Bacillus strains.
product homofermentatively (Fig. 1).59) In EMP, hexose The draft genome sequences of potent L-LA-producing
sugars such as glucose (six carbons) in the presence of B. coagulans strains (2–6, 36D1, DSM1, H-1, XZL4,
ATP are phosphorylated by hexokinase to form glucose and XZL9) showed the presence of xylose-utilizing
6-phosphate, which is then isomerized by phosphoglu- genes encoding the enzymes xylose isomerase, ribulok-
cose isomerase to fructose 6-phosphate (F6P). F6P is inase, and ribulose 5-phosphate 4-epimerase involved
further phosphorylated to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in PPP.66) In contrast, the genes involved in the PK
(FBP) by phosphofructokinase with ATP consumption. pathway were absent from all tested B. coagulans
FBP is then split into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate strains, which may result in high LA yield from xylose.
(GAP) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), Actually, Ye et al.42) reported that B. coagulans C106
which is catalyzed by fructose bisphosphate aldolase. produced 83.5 g/L of L-LA from 85 g/L of D-xylose,
GAP is converted to pyruvate via two substrate-level with an L-LA yield of 0.98 g/g, productivity of
phosphorylations. Ultimately, pyruvate is reduced 7.5 g/L h, optical purity of 99.6% via PPP.
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

together with NADH oxidation to produce L-LA or

D-LA by L-LDH or D-LDH, respectively. In some LAB,
lactate racemase, which catalyzes the interconversion of II. Available biomass for LA production
L-LA/D-LA, has been reported to result in the formation by Bacillus species
of a racemic mixture of LA in EMP.55) During EMP,
the theoretical yield of LA from glucose is 1 g/g LA production by Bacillus strains has mainly been
(2 mol/mol) in homolactic fermentation. investigated using expensive refined sugars (e.g. D-glu-
In PPP, pentose sugars, such as D-xylose, are con- cose) as a sole carbon source. However, substitutes for
verted to D-xylulose by xylose isomerase, which is fur- these expensive refined sugars, including cheap and
ther phosphorylated to xylulose 5-phosphate (X5P) by widely abundant biomass resources, such as lignocellu-
xylulose kinase. X5P is subsequently metabolized by lose (e.g. wood and crop residues), sucrose (e.g. sugar-
transaldolase and transketolase to form GAP. GAP is cane and beet molasses), and starches (e.g. tapioca
then converted to pyruvate and then to LA via EMP. In starch and corn starch) are rapidly gaining importance
the PPP, 3 mol of D-xylose is converted to 5 mol of for the production of LA.15)
LA, with a theoretical yield of 1 g/g (1.67 mol/mol),60)
and the highest yield (0.98 g/g) of LA was reported for
B. coagulans JI12.41) In contrast, a few LAB can II.i. Lignocellulosic biomass
metabolize pentose sugars (D-xylose).7) Most pentose- Lignocelluloses consists of cellulose (insoluble fibers
utilizing LAB mainly utilize the phosphoketolase (PK) of β-1,4-glucan), hemicellulose (non-cellulosic polysac-
pathway to convert pentose sugar to LA and byprod- charides of xylan, arabinose, glucan, and mannan), and
ucts (acetate or ethanol) with a theoretical yield of only lignin (a complex aromatic polymer).26) The composi-
0.6 g/g (1 mol/mol), which leads to heterofermenta- tions of cellulose (35–50%), hemicellulose (20–40%),
tion.61) As exceptions, the LAB Enterococcus mundtii and lignin (10–30%) vary depending on plant type.67–70)
QU 25,26) E. faecium QU 50,41) and some metaboli- In enzyme hydrolysis of the lignocelluloses, cellulose
cally engineered LAB such as L. plantarum62) have mainly liberates D-glucose and cellobiose, whereas
been reported to produce L-LA from D-xylose in a several sugars are obtained from hydrolysis of hemicel-
homofermentative manner via PPP/EMP with yields of lulose, including hexoses (D-mannose, D-galactose, and
0.904, 0.89, and 0.89 g/g, respectively. In Rhizopus sp., D-glucose) and pentoses (D-xylose and L-arabinose).
pentose (xylose) sugar is metabolized by PPP to D-xylose is the dominant sugar in hemicellulose. Thus
produce LA with a yield of 0.54–0.65 g/g and while far, wheat straw,71) paper sludge,72) corn fiber hydroly-
hexose (D-glucose) is metabolized via EMP and tricar- sate,73) corncob molasses,74) empty fruit bunches (EFB)
boxylic acid pathway to produce LA and other byprod- of palm oil,75,76) Jerusalem artichoke powder,77) and
ucts (ethanol, CO2, fumaric acid, citric acid, malic Siberian larch52) have already been efficiently used as
acid) with LA of yield 0.71–0.79 g/g.22,63,64) Therefore, raw materials for LA production by Bacillus strains. For
EMP and PPP are much better suited for increasing LA example, B. coagulans JI12 utilized EFB hydrolysate
yield, which are common pathways in LA-producing (containing 4.7 g/L D-glucose, 48.8 g/L of D-xylose, and
Bacillus strains. 9.6 g/L of L-arabinose) and produced 59.2 g/L of L-LA,
Tongpim et al.56) recently proposed that L-LA-pro- with an L-LA yield of 0.97 g/g and a productivity of
ducing thermotolerant B. coagulans strains formed a 6.2 g/L h and optical purity of 99.6%.75)
distinct cluster in a phylogenetic tree based on their However, one of the major challenges in fermenta-
16S rRNA gene sequence and showed heterogeneity in tive production using lignocelluloses as substrates exist
sugar metabolism. Although it has been reported that a in the pretreatment process required for generating
few LAB utilize xylose as a carbon source, 8 of the 11 fermentable sugars and efficient LA production.
tested B. coagulans strains were able to metabolize The pretreatment of lignocelluloses also liberates phe-
xylose (one of the major sugar components in lignocel- nolic compounds (furfural and 5-hydroxy methyl fur-
luloses).56) In addition, De Clerck et al.65) also reported fural [HMF]), furan derivatives (ferulic acid and
that half of the B. coagulans strains (15 strains) vanillin), and weak organic acid (acetic acid).78) These
6 P. Poudel et al.

(A) Starch Cellulose Hemicellulose (B) Starch Cellulose Hemicellulose

D-xylose L-arabinose D-xylose L-arabinose

D-glucose D-glucose
f f
a D-xylulose a D-xylulose
D-glucose 6P g g
ADP D-glucose 6P k ADP
h D-xylulose 5P
b b D-xylulose 5P
D-ribose 5P
D-fructose 6P i D-fructose 6P l
D-sedoheptulose 7P
c c
GAP Acetyl-P
D-fructose 1,6BP D-fructose 1,6BP
D-erythrose 4P


d i d
NAD+ 2ADP NAD+ 2ADP Ethanol
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015


Acetic acid
H2 O H2 O
Pyruvate Pyruvate
e e
L-lactic acid L-lactic acid/D-lactic acid
PPP /EMP (Homofermentative pathways) PK pathway (Heterofermentative pathways)

Fig. 1. Metabolic pathway for LA production from several sugars (xylose, glucose, arabinose), cellulose, and starch derived from various
biomasses via homofermentative (EMP/PPP) (A) and heterofermentative (PK) (B) pathways.
Note: Enzymes: (a) hexokinase; (b) glucose 6P isomerase; (c) 6-phosphofructo kinase; (d) triose phosphate isomerase; (e) lactate dehydrogenase;
(f) xylose isomerase; (g) xylulose kinase; (h) epimerase; (i) transaldolase; (j) transketolase; (k) glucose 6P dehydrogenase; (l) phosphoketolase.

compounds are known to inhibit microbial growth and converting furfural (an inhibitor) to 2-furoin acid (a
LA production at concentrations ranging from 0.08 g/L lessor inhibitor), producing 73.9 g/L of L-LA, with an
to 5.3 g/L.78) Three main approaches have been investi- L-LA yield of 1.09 g/g from EFB hydrolysate,
gated to improve LA production from pretreated ligno- we found no reports of LAB converting inhibitors to
celluloses containing inhibitors: usage of LA-producing non-inhibitors. This process has become attractive in
Bacillus strains that are tolerant to these inhibitors, terms of not only overcoming the crucial issue of tox-
introduction of removal process before fermentation, ins produced by pretreatment of lignocelluloses, but
and conversion of these inhibitors into less-toxic sub- also simplifying the overall processes in an environ-
stances by LA-producing Bacillus strains. Some B. ment-friendly method that requires less energy.67)
coagulans strains have been reported to be resistant to
certain levels of these inhibitors,50,73,76,79) for instance,
Bacillus sp. P38, which tolerates 6 g/L 2-furfural in II.ii. Sucrose-based biomass
corn stover hydrolysate, produced 180 g/L of L-LA with Molasses from sugarcane and beet are sucrose-rich
a productivity of 2.4 g/L h and a yield of 0.96 g/g biomasses obtained from sucrose-based industries as
under a fed-batch fermentation process (first waste byproducts. Sugarcane molasses contains 40–
approach).50) By using LAB, there are a few reports on 60% sucrose that can be utilized by micro-organisms to
tolerance to fermentation inhibitors,80,81) for instance, produce LA.82) A few researchers have investigated the
Lactobacillus brevis S3F4 with the tolerance of 10 mM feasibility of using sucrose as a raw material for LA
(ca. 1.94 g/L) ferulic acid and 15 mM (ca. 1.44 g/L) production using Bacillus strains.83,84) Payot et al.83)
furfural could produce 18.7 g/L LA from 25 g/L reported that B. coagulans TB/04 produced 55 g/L of
xylose.80) Meantime, removal processes using chemi- LA from 60 g/L of sucrose derived from sugarcane
cals, such as overliming,73,76) prior to fermentation molasses. In contrast, beet molasses containing 47%
have also been reported to remove inhibitors from pre- sucrose, 0.5% nitrogen, and 3% betaine has been
treated lignocelluloses for LA fermentation using Bacil- shown to be used not only as a fermentation substrate,
lus strains (second approach). Overliming decreased to but also as an enhancer of LA fermentation by B. coag-
ca. 27% furfural in EFB hydrolysate (63.1 g/L total ulans H-1.84) The addition of beet molasses to a glu-
sugar), which resulted in 59.2 g/L LA with 0.97 g/g cose solution increased L-LA productivity by 22%
yield by B. coagulans JI12.76) To our knowledge, there compared to that observed with fermentation using only
is no report on LA fermentation using LAB by similar D-glucose as a sole carbon source. Unlike other carbo-
approach. As the third approach, successful simultane- hydrates (such as cellulose and starch), these sucrose-
ous detoxification, saccharification, and fermentation containing molasses have a significant advantage: direct
has only been reported using B. coagulans JI12 by utilization for LA production without any requirements
Bacillus strains for optically pure L-lactic acid production 7
for saccharification because many B. coagulans strains Batch fermentation is the most frequently used for
can convert sucrose to LA.56) LA production.25) The advantage of using batch fer-
mentation is the low risk of contamination compared
with other fermentation approaches because it is a
II.iii. Starchy biomass closed system in which no nutrients are added during
Starch is a polysaccharide consisting of D-glucose the fermentation period.93,94) High LA production
with α-1,4 or α-1,6 bonds. It is usually found in cereal- (210 g/L from D-glucose87) and 140.9 g/L from D-xy-
based products (rice, corn, and wheat) and tuber plants lose)42) has been obtained using Bacillus strains in
(potato and cassava). Starchy biomasses are cheap batch fermentation under non-sterile conditions
alternatives to refined sugars. Inexpensive starches, (Table 2). These LA concentrations are the highest in
starch-containing wastes, and starch derivatives the published literature using Bacillus strains under
obtained from many starch industries are attractive car- batch fermentation. In repeated batch mode, microbial
bon sources for LA production even though starch cells can be repeatedly used for subsequent batch fer-
requires saccharification by enzymes such as α-amylase mentations.79) This method led to improved LA pro-
and glucoamylase before fermentation.85,86) Several ductivity and reduced fermentation time and does not
enzymatic hydrolysates of corn starch87) and tapioca require inoculum preparation. B. coagulans strain 2–6
starch39) have been used as substrates for LA produc- accumulated the highest L-LA concentration (107 g/L,
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

tion by Bacillus strains. Similarly, a considerable num- with an optical purity of 99.8%) under open repeated
ber of starch-containing wastes such as food wastes batch fermentation from D-glucose, in which the yield
have also been utilized for LA production by B. coagu- and productivity were improved to 0.95 g/g and 2.9 g/
lans and Bacillus licheniformis strains.88) L h, respectively, compared to batch fermentation
Conversely, direct fermentation from starch using (63 g/L, yield up to 0.94 g/g, productivity of 1.4 g/
amylolytic LA producers has the advantage of skipping L h).51) However, various problems, such as substrate
the saccharification process. Although some amylolytic inhibition due to a high initial concentration of sugar,
LAB and fungi (R. oryzae) have been reported to pro- carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in mixed sugar fer-
duce LA from starch without any enzymatic hydroly- mentation caused by the consumption of more prefer-
sis,15,22) there are still the several problems regarding able sugars and lagging of the less preferable sugars,
low optical purity of LA (for LAB; <98%), low yield and product inhibition caused by LA accumulation still
(for Rhizopus; 0.79 g/g), mesophilic conditions exist in batch fermentation.
(≤45 °C), and requirement for abundant nutrients (for In fed-batch fermentation, fresh medium or nutrients
LAB).26) Recently, Poudel et al.33) have established a is continuously or sequentially fed into the fermentation
direct starch fermentation process using Bacillus sp. broth without removal of culture broth mainly to over-
MC-07 to obtain optically pure L-LA (purity 100%, come the problems of substrate inhibition and nutrient
yield 0.977 g/g). Furthermore, fermentation using strain deficiencies that occur in batch fermentation.26)
MC-07 could be performed in a simple mineral salt Fermentative LA production by Bacillus strains under
medium containing only 0.001% yeast extract as an fed-batch fermentation is illustrated in Table 3. Several
organic nitrogen source, at a high temperature (50 °C). feeding strategies, including pulse feeding, constant
This finding shows that some low-cost starchy bio- feeding, and exponential feeding, have been developed
masses can be directly fermented to L-LA with high to increase the LA concentration in fed-batch fermenta-
yield and optical purity by omitting the addition of tion. Among these, pulse feeding is considered easier
enzymes and nitrogen sources, a relatively simple and more suitable for industrial scale.93) When a pulse
methodology for LA fermentation. feeding strategy was used, the highest reported L-LA
concentration (225 g/L) was obtained using Bacillus sp.
III. Fermentative production of LA by WL-S20 under fed-batch fermentation.37)
Bacillus strains Compared to batch and fed-batch fermentation, con-
III.i. Bacillus strains tinuous fermentation in Bacillus strains has been less
As shown in Table 2, B. coagulans, B. licheniformis, studied. Continuous fermentation is adopted to over-
B. subtilis, B. thermoamylovorans and some yet to be come the issue of product inhibition that can occur in
identified Bacillus species have been reported to be batch and fed-batch fermentation. In continuous fer-
potent L-LA producers. All these Bacillus strains accu- mentation, products, such as inhibitors, are constantly
mulated optically pure L-LA (97–100%). Among these diluted by adding fresh medium at the same rate as that
reported Bacillus species, B. coagulans accumulated a of the outflow of the broth, to maintain a steady vol-
higher amount of L-LA and showed thermotolerant ume in the fermentor. In addition, cells can be main-
behavior (Table 2). tained in a stable physiological state and at a constant
growth rate; thereby, attaining steady maximum pro-
ductivity. Continuous fermentations using B. laevolacti-
III.ii. Fermentation modes cus NCIB 10269,17) B. coagulans TB/04,83) and B.
During LA fermentation, high LA yield, productivity, subtilis MUR135) have been investigated. Gao and
and the concentration of the final accumulated product Ho35) reported an average LA productivity of 16.8 g/
are important factors for evaluating fermentation effi- L h at a dilution rate of 0.4 h−1, using glucose under
ciency. To achieve such economically important param- continuous fermentation, which resulted in 4.8-fold
eters, numerous investigations on LA fermentation increase in productivity compared to that obtained in
have been conducted under batch, fed-batch, and con- fed-batch fermentation.35,36) De Boer et al.17) also
tinuous fermentation processes (Tables 2 and 3). showed that Bacillus laevolaticus NCIB 10269 have
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

Table 2. Lactic acid production efficiencies among the Bacillus strains under batch and repeated batch fermentation modes.

Lactic acid
Fermentation substrate Strains C (g/L) Y (g/g) P (g/L h) OP (%)† Fermentation parameters modes References
Glucose B. thermoamylovorans CNCM I- 11.8 nd ca. 0.49 100 pH control at 7.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 20 g/L Batch
Molasses B. coagulans TB/04 55.0 0.93 nd 99 pH control at 6.4; Ferm.temp., 52 °C; Yeast extract, 2 g/L Batch
Soft wood hydrolysate B. coagulans BS121 13.7 nd ca. 0.19 99 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 60 °C; Yeast extract, 4 g/L Batch
Acid hydrolysis sugarcane B. coagulans 17C5 55.8 ca. 0.93 ca. 0.80 99.5 pH control at 5.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Corn steep liquor, 5 g/L Batch
Acid hydrolysis of sugarcane B. coagulans 36D1 36.0 nd nd 99.0 pH control at 5.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C Batch
Saccharified food waste B. coagulans NBRC 12583T 86.0 0.97 0.72 97.0 pH control at 6.5; Ferm.temp., 55 °C Batch
Saccharified food waste B. licheniformis TY7 40.0 1.35 2.50 97.0 pH control at 6.5; Ferm.temp., 55 °C Batch
Paper sludge hydrolysates B. coagulans 36D1 92.8 0.77 0.96 99.5 pH control at 5.0; Ferm.temp., 50; Corn steep liquor, 5 g/L Batch
Paper sludge hydrolysate B. coagulans P4–102B 91.78 0.78 0.82 99.5 pH control at 5.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Corn steep liquor, 5 g/L Batch
Corn fiber hydrolysate B. coagulans MXL-9 40.2 0.58 0.54 99.5 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L Batch
Hot water-extracted Siberian B. coagulans MXL-9 33.0 0.94 0.55 99 pH control at 7.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 5 g/L; Tryptone, Batch
larch 10 g/L
Glucose B. coagulans 2–6 63 0.94 1.4 99.4 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L Batch
Glucose B. coagulans 2–6 107.0 0.95 2.90 99.8 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L Repeated batch
Cellobiose B. licheniformis BL1 4.4 0.86 0.30 >99.0 pH control at 7.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 5 g/L Batch
P. Poudel et al.

Corn stover hydrolyzate B. coagulans XZL4 81.0 0.98 1.86 99.5 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C Batch
Glucose B. subtilis MUR1 143.2 0.90 2.75 99.5 pH control at 7.5; Ferm. temp., 37 °C; Air flow rate, 50 vvm; Yeast Batch
extract, 75 g/L
Corn stover hydrolysate/Xylose B. coagulans NL01 75.0 0.75 1.04 99.8 pH control at 6.5; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 2.5 g/L Batch
Oil palm empty fruit bunch B. coagulans JI12 59.2 0.97 6.2 99.6 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L Batch
Xylose B. coagulans C106 83.6 0.98 7.5 99.6 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 20 g/L Batch
140.9 0.98 4.8 Batch
Glucose B. coagulans WCP10–4 210.0 0.99 3.50 100 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 20 g/L Batch
Oil palm empty fruit bunch B. coagulans JI12 80.6 ca. 1.19 3.40 99.6 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L Batch
Glucosea/Food waste B. coagulans M21 12.5/35.1 0.62/ 0.31/0.58 100/100 pH control at 7.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 5 g/L Batch
Wheat straw hydrolysate B. coagulans IPE22 56.4 0.96 2.35 100 pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 52 °C; Yeast extract, 4 g/L Repeated batch
Soluble starch Bacillus sp. MC-07 16.6 0.977 0.70 100 pH control at 7.0; Ferm. temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 0.01 g/L Batch
Notes: C, concentration; Y, yield; P, productivity; nd, not described. The optical purity (%) of L-LA was defined as ([L]−[D]) × 100/([L]+[D]), where [L] and [D] denote the concentrations of L-LA and D-LA, respectively.

OP, optical purity (only L-isomer)
Under aerobic condition (KLa = 1.43 min−1 see Ref.48)
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Table 3. Lactic acid production in fed-batch and continuous fermentation processes.

Lactic acid

Fermentation substrate Strains C (g/L) Y (g/g) P (g/L h) OP (%) Fermentation mode Fermentation parameters References
−1 17)
Glucose Bacillus laevolacticus 45.0 1.0 ca 13.1 D-isomer, >99 Continuous pH control at 6.0; Dilution rate, 0.07 h ; Ferm. temp., 30 °C; Yeast extract,
NCIB 10269 2 g/L; Anaerobic condition by sparging N2 gas
Sucrose B. coagulans TB/04 20.1 0.93 6.1 >99 Continuous pH control at 6.4; Dilution rate, 0.03 h−1; Ferm.temp., 50 °C, Yeast extract,
4 g/L
Glucose B. subtilis MUR1 55.9 ca. 16.8 99.5 Continuous pH control at 7.5; Dilution rate, 0.3 h−1; Ferm.temp., 37 °C; Agitation speed,
0.95 50 rpm; Air flow rate, 3 vvm
Glucose B. subtilis MUR1 183.5 0.98 3.52 99.5 Fed-batch with pH control at 7.5; Ferm.temp., 37 °C; Air flow rate, 50 vvm; Yeast extract,
exponential feeding 75 g/L
Lime treated wheat straw B. coagulans 40.7 0.43 0.74 97.2 Fed-batch with pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L
DSM2314 constant feeding
Corncob molasses B. coagulans XZL9 74.7 0.50 0.37 99.5 Fed-batch with pulse pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L
Cellulose B. coagulans 36D1 80.0 0.88 ca. 0.84 99.0 Fed-batch with pH control at 5.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Corn steep liquor, 7.5 g/L
constant feeding
Glucose Bacillus sp. WL-S20 225.0 0.99 1.04 100 Fed-batch with pulse pH controlled at 9.0; Ferm.temp., 45 °C; Peanut meal, 20 g/L
Xylose B. coagulans C106 215.7 0.95 4.0 99.6 Fed-batch with pulse pH control at 6.0; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 20 g/L
Corn stover hydrolysate B. coagulans NL01 75.0 0.75 1.04 >99 Fed-batch with pulse pH controlled at 6.5; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Yeast extract, 2.5 g/L
Acid treated corn stover B. coagulans P38 180.0 0.98 2.40 100 Fed-batch with pulse pH controlled at 4.8–5.0; Ferm.temp., 42 °C
Bacillus strains for optically pure L-lactic acid production

hydrolysate feeding
Jeruselem antichoke B. coagulans XZL4 134.0 0.96 2.50 >99.0 Fed-batch with pulse pH controlled at 5.2–5.5; Ferm.temp., 50 °C; Corn steep powder, 10 g/L
hydrolysate feeding
Glucose B. coagulans 2–6 122.0 nd 2.50 99.2 Fed-batch with pH controlled at 5.6; Ferm.temp., 50 °C for 36 h and increased up to 55 °C
exponential feeding at 0.2 °C/h; Yeast extract, 5 g/L
Mixture of untreated cane B. coagulans H-1 168.3 0.88 2.10 >99 Fed-batch with pH controlled at 6.2; Ferm.temp., 52 °C; Yeast extract, 10 g/L
molasses and glucose constant feeding
Note: C, concentration; Y, yield; P, productivity; OP, optical purity (only L-isomer unless indicated); nd, not described.
10 P. Poudel et al.
the ability to produce D-LA with a productivity of up to 0.63 g/g. This study demonstrated that B. subtilis
13.1 g/L h at dilution rate of 0.07 h−1. In continuous is useful for genetic manipulation to generate excellent
mode, selection of the optimum dilution rate for attain- LA-producing Bacillus strains for the desired
ing maximum cell growth and LA productivity is processes.
important in Bacillus strains. LA productivity was Genetic tools for L-LA-producing B. coagulans have
highly improved for a long period in continuous been gradually developing; however, compared to B.
fermentation compared to that in batch and fed-batch subtilis, highly efficient genetic tools are still lacking.
fermentation. Basically, wild-type B. coagulans strains produce L-iso-
Bacillus strains have been also employed to produce mer efficiently from several sugars, while D-LA-produc-
LA from mixed sugars derived from lignocellu- ers are also required for the synthesis of stereocomplex
loses.52,59,60,75–77,79) However, a major obstacle for PLA, consisting of PLLA and PDLA.101,102) For the
using mixed sugars is the difficulty in simultaneous uti- fermentative production of D-LA, some B. coagulans
lization of each sugar during fermentation. Several strains have been genetically modified using specific
researchers have reported on CCR in B. coagulans genetic tools.95,99) Kovács et al.95) successfully applied
strains, i.e. initial consumption of more preferable sug- the widely used Cre-lox system for genomic modifica-
ars like glucose and lagging utilization of less prefer- tions and removal of specific genes. The native ldhL
able sugars like D-xylose and L-arabinose.44,72,75) CCR gene of B. coagulans DSM1 (a potent L-LA producer)
Downloaded by [NUS National University of Singapore] at 14:55 26 November 2015

with mixed sugars has mainly been reported for batch was disrupted, and the D-lactate dehydrogenase (ldhD)
fermentation using LA-producing Bacillus strains.75) gene was overexpressed to generate D-LA. The engi-
This indicated that repeated batch fermentation by B. neered strain could produce 16.9% D-LA and 83.1% L-
coagulans strains showed simultaneous utilization of LA. However, optically pure D-LA could not be
mixed sugars (D-glucose, D-xylose, and L-arabinose) to obtained from the engineered strain; therefore, further
some extent.59,77) Zhang et al.79) investigated repeated improvements are required. Conversely, Wang et al.99)
batch fermentation using various substrates (D-glucose, engineered a thermotolerant B. coagulans strain
D-xylose, and L-arabinose) by B. coagulans IPE22 for P4-102B (a potent L-LA producer, optical purity >99%)
up to six consecutive batches. In the first batch, fer- by targeting the genes encoding the enzyme D-LDH for
mentation exhibited a lag phase of 5 h, and then pen- D-LA production with high yield by deleting the native
tose sugars (D-xylose and L-arabinose) were utilized to ldhL (L-lactate dehydrogenase) and alsS (acetolactate
produce 54.14 g/L of LA in 24 h, whereas in the sixth synthase) genes. The engineered strain produced opti-
batch, the lag phase was eliminated and all sugars were cally pure D-LA (90 g/L of D-LA, optical purity >99%)
simultaneously utilized to produce 56.27 g/L of LA in from D-glucose at 50 °C, and use of this strain can be
17 h. However, complete avoidance of CCR has not expected to reduce the cost of LA production for
been solved using LA-producing Bacillus strains. biopolymers.
Therefore, more potent CCR-negative LA-producers Aside from genetic engineering, another approach
must be procured, either by isolation of wild strains or that has been investigated is to breed thermotolerant L-
through genetic manipulations, or by optimizing the LA-producing B. licheniformis, as the wild-type BL1
fermentation conditions. strain could not efficiently ferment xylose to LA. Wang
et al.34) transferred BL1 strain into medium containing
xylose as the sole carbon source, and the evolved BL2
IV. Metabolic engineering of Bacillus strain, obtained after 13 transfers, showed improved L-
species for LA production LA production (concentration, 24.5 g/L; yield, 79.5%;
maximum LA productivity, 7.0 g/L h) from 30 g/L
Metabolic engineering is being applied to improve xylose compared with the parent strain (0.6 g/L, 60.0%,
the cellular properties of Bacillus strains through alter- and 0, respectively). Furthermore, transcriptional analy-
ation of specific biochemical reactions or introduction sis revealed 5.1- and 6.2-fold higher mRNA expression
of new genes by DNA recombination.95–99) However, levels of xylA (xylose isomerase) and xylB (xylulose
attempts to engineer the genus Bacillus metabolically kinase), respectively, in the BL2 strain compared to the
for LA production are far fewer than those with levels in the BL1 strain using xylose. Although further
LAB,62) Escherichia coli,97) and fungi.98) This section work is needed to understand the mechanism, including
is focused on recent studies on the establishment of other genes and enzymes in this strain, this method is
genetically modified Bacillus strains to improve LA also a new and easy technique for modifying the meta-
fermentation. bolism of LA-producing Bacillus strains.
Among the LA-producing Bacillus strains, B. subtilis In future, progress toward more efficient and easy
is being widely studied for its good performance and methods for genetic manipulation and evolution will
established genetic engineering methods.100) Zhang lead to more studies in the field of metabolic engineer-
et al.96) reported the direct fermentation of cellulose to ing on LA-producing Bacillus strains.
L-LA by recombinant cellulolytic B. subtilis XZ7. In
this study, overexpression of β-endoglucanase-coding
genes by two-round directed evolution was performed, V. Future prospects for LA-producing
and the gene encoding α-acetolactate synthase (alsS) in Bacillus species
the 2, 3-butanediol pathway was knocked out to
increase the L-LA yield. As a result, B. subtilis XZ7 Today’s society is more concerned with climate
could digest up to 92% of the insoluble regenerated change because the majority of the industrial economies
amorphous cellulose and produced L-LA with a yield of are largely dependent on fossil resources, which provide
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[7] Abdel-Rahman MA, Tashiro Y, Sonomoto K. Recent advances
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use as safe probiotics.105) In addition, many Bacillus
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enzymes and antimicrobial peptides.66) However, due [11] Poudel P, Miyamoto H, Miyamoto H, et al. Thermotolerant
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