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1.1 — Ttw l.

level includes Kindergarten. Grade I to Grade 6 for elementary; and for
secondary, Grade 7 to Grade 10. for the Junior High School and Grade Il
and 12 and for the Senior High School. Each Of the levels has its specific
recommended curriculum. The new basic education levels are pmvided in
the K to 12 Enhanced Curriculum of 2013 of the Depanment Of
2. Technical Vocational Education. This is post-secondary technical
vocational educational and training taken care of Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). For the
TechVoc track in SHS of DepEd, DepEd and TESDA work in
close coordination.
3. Higher Education. This includes the Baccalaureate or Bachelor
Degrees and the Graduate Degrees (Master's and Doctorate) which are
under the regulation of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

In whatever levels of schooling and in various types of learning are'ironment,

several curricula exist. Let us find out how Allan Glatthom (2000) as mentioned
in Bilbao, et al (2008) classified these:

Types of Curricula Simultaneously Operating in the Schools

Are you aware that in every classroom, there are Several types of
curricula operating at the same time? Let us study each one.

1. Recommended Curriculum. Almost all currricula found in our

schools are recommended. For Basic Education, these are
recommended by the Department of Education (DepEd), for Higher
Education, by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and
for vocational education by TESDA. These three government
agencies oversee and regulate Philippine education. The
recommendations come in the form of memoranda or policies,
standards and guidelines. Other professional organizations or
international bodies like UNESCO also recommend curricula in

2. Written Curriculum. This includes documents based on the

recommended curriculum. They come in the form of course of study,
syllabi, modules, books or instructional guides among others. A packet
of this written curriculum is the teacher's lesson plan. The most recent
written curriculum is the K to 12 for Philippine Basic Education.

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