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Geofluids (2006) 6, 225–233 doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00152.

Real-time mud gas logging and sampling during drilling

GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany

Continuous mud gas loggings during drilling as well as offline mud gas sampling are standard procedures in oil
and gas operations, where they are used to test reservoir rocks for hydrocarbons while drilling. Our research
group has developed real-time mud gas monitoring techniques for scientific drilling in non-hydrocarbon forma-
tions mainly to sample and study the composition of crustal gases. We describe in detail this technique and pro-
vide examples for the evaluation of the continuous gas logs, which are not always easy to interpret.
Hydrocarbons, helium, radon and with limitations carbon dioxide and hydrogen are the most suitable gases for
the detection of fluid-bearing horizons, shear zones, open fractures, sections of enhanced permeability and per-
mafrost methane hydrate occurrences. Off-site isotope studies on mud gas samples helped reveal the origin and
evolution of deep-seated crustal fluids.

Key words: deep fluid, drilling, gases, helium, logging, methane, monitoring, mud gas, radon

Received 12 July 2005; accepted 13 April 2006

Corresponding author: Jörg Erzinger, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Section 4.2, Telegrafenberg, D-14473
Potsdam, Germany.
Email: Tel: ++49 (0)331 288 1420. Fax: ++49 (0)331 288 1474.

Geofluids (2006) 6, 225–233

drilling and to fulfill safety regulations. While mud gas

extraction techniques and analysis has significantly
Hydrocarbon mud gas logging has been commercially used improved in recent years, the resulting mud gas logs are
by the oil industry since the late 1930s to detect and valid- in most cases not evaluated for non-hydrocarbon gases.
ate pay horizons while drilling or coring. Generally speak- To our knowledge, our group was the first to conduct
ing, the mud gas comprises air and components that are real-time mud gas monitoring and sampling in non-reser-
mechanically released as the drill bit crushes the rocks dur- voir rocks, e.g., sandstone and crystalline rock sequences
ing drilling, components present in the rock pore space, to gain information on non-hydrocarbon crustal gas con-
and gas entering the borehole, either as free gas or, more tents (Zimmer & Erzinger 1995; Möller et al. 1997;
likely, dissolved in liquids. A portion of the circulating Bach et al. 1999; Erzinger et al. 2004; Wiersberg et al.
mud which returns to surface is run into a mud gas separ- 2005). The technique is operationally simple and compar-
ator. The extracted mixture of gas and air is then led into atively inexpensive, because it is easily accommodated on
a gas chromatograph (GC), where, usually, the hydrocar- drill rigs and requires no additional rig time. Because the
bons are determined (Whittaker 1991; Hunt 1996). gas samples are taken during drilling it also has important
Depending on client’s needs, either total flammable gases, application to aiding decisions if and at what depth rock
or individual hydrocarbons (methane [C1], ethane [C2], or fluid samples should be taken. However, the technique
propane [C3], n/i-butane [C4] and pentane [C5]) are ana- only works if drill mud circulation is established. In
lyzed. For safety reasons, H2S and/or CO2 are sometimes highly fractured or brecciated young volcanic rocks, for
monitored using separate detectors. Recently, an advanced example, there is a likely risk that mud is lost in the drill
approach was introduced which has been termed mud gas hole and does not reach the surface (see e.g., Hawaiian
isotope logging. This technique improves standard mud Scientific Drilling Project,
gas chromatography by incorporating associated genetic sites/hawaii/news/news.html). Other fluid sampling
carbon isotope information (Ellis et al. 2003). methods, such as wireline, production, and drill-stem test-
The standard industry techniques were designed specifi- ing are desirable but more expensive. However, optimal
cally to evaluate reservoir rocks for hydrocarbons during information on crustal fluid composition can only be
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Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
226 J. ERZINGER et al.

achieved by continuous pumping of a designated test densation trap bottles (detailed drawings of gas and con-
interval. densation traps are available on request from the authors).
This article describes special problems with non-hydro- A small membrane pump is used to build up vacuum
carbon mud gas analysis, including data processing and and to pump the extracted gas via PTFE tubes (4 mm
analysis. Three examples of continuous mud gas logs and inner diameter) into a laboratory trailer, which should be
their scientific interpretation are presented. installed not more than a few tens of meters away from the
gas separator. The gas tubes are heated to prevent water
vapor from condensing within them and to maintain con-
stant gas temperature. Depending on the amount of dis-
solved mud gas, the gas flux is adjusted between 6 and
The gas dissolved in the drilling mud is extracted mechan- 20 l min)1, which in turn determines the pressure in the
ically under slight vacuum using a custom-built water-gas separator and the travel time to the trailer. When the mud
separator (Fig. 1). This is composed of a steel cylinder gas content is small, the mud would rise in the separator
(30 cm diameter, variable height) with an explosion-proof cylinder and could flood into the gas flowline. In this case,
electrical motor on top that drives a stirring impeller the condensation trap acts as a security valve and opens the
mounted inside the cylinder. It is important that the axle- separator to the atmosphere. This results in strong air con-
shaft bearings should be air tight. The gas separator is nor- tamination of the mud gas, which is easily recognizable in
mally installed in the mud pit above the shaker screens as the data.
close as possible to the outlet of the mudflow line to min- The efficiency of the separator depends mainly on impeller
imize air contamination and degassing of the drill mud spin, mud temperature and type, and vacuum applied. Less
immediately before gas extraction. The gas-trap we use has soluble gases such as He will be more easily released than
a much greater volume than most commercial oil-field sep- others, so one needs to consider fractionation effects. Gener-
arators (see e.g., Whittaker 1991), because the amount of ally, the gas phase released from freshly prepared air-satur-
gas is generally low in crystalline rocks. ated mud yields atmospheric compositions with He slightly
The gas space in the separator head depends on the mud increased and CO2 depleted because of mud alkalinity.
level in the mud pit and on the applied vacuum (15– Water vapor is removed from the mud gas flowline with
20 mbar below ambient air pressure). The mud level a Peltier gas cooler at about 5°C, and the gas is fed into
within the cylinder is kept constant with the help of con- an automatic gas sampling system (Fig. 2). This sampler
collects non-pressurized gas samples from the mud gas
stream in glass or metal cylinders for subsequent laboratory
and isotope investigations off-site. The sampler is remote
controlled either by the mass spectrometer or the GC. The
remote signal is switched on or off when a pre-set thresh-
old concentration of a given type of gas is reached.
From the gas flowline between cooler and collector sys-
tem each analytical device (mass spectrometer, GC, radon
detector) individually takes its necessary amount of gas. At
the end of the mud gas flowline a sensitive mechanical gas
meter is mounted.

Gas mass spec H2, He, Ar, CO2, CH4, N2, O2

Gas chromatograph CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10
Alpha-detector 222Rn

Fig. 2. Sketch of the real-time mud gas monitoring setup. The gas phase is
released from the circulating drilling mud and pumped into a nearby labor-
Fig. 1. Sketch of the custom-built mud gas separator. atory trailer for on-line analysis.

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Mud gas logging and sampling 227

N2, O2, Ar, CO2, CH4, He, H2 and (H2S) are deter- conditions, drilling and pumping rates, and specific hole
mined by a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) of the conditions. Furthermore, the conditions on how the gases
type OmniStarÒ (Pfeiffer Vacuum, Germany). The QMS are ‘stored’ in the formations may influence mud gas con-
needs a gas flux of about 30 ml gas per hour. A complete centrations, too.
QMS analysis, with detection limits of 1 ppmv (parts per If a gas is mainly contained in the solid phase or low
million by volume), is achieved with this setup after an permeability pore systems, the mud gas concentration is
integration time of 12 s. However, a sampling interval of likely to be mainly controlled by drilling rate, type of drill
1 min is chosen to reduce the amount of data produced. bit, and mud circulation rate. If gases are dissolved in
Hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H6, C3H8, i-C4H10, and mobile fluids, the mud weight balance can determine how
n-C4H10) are analyzed at 9-min intervals with a automated much of the fluid enters the borehole. With excess mud
standard field GC, which is equipped with a flame ioniza- weight, much of the fluid may be pushed into the pore
tion detector. Detection limits for the hydrocarbons are at space, whereas underbalanced mud weight allow the fluid
about 10 ppmv. to enter the borehole resulting in high mud gas contents.
The 222Radon activity is determined every 30 min with a The presence of free gases in a given subsurface volume
custom-built Lucas cell alpha-detector (scintillation cham- will have a greater effect than an equal volume of porosity
ber equipped with a photomultiplier). This detector is cal- containing a liquid with dissolved gas.
ibrated against a reference alpha-ray source. The detection Although free oxygen is unlikely in deep crustal fluids,
limit is about 5 Bq m)3 gas. In addition, we routinely the drill mud contains abundant O2 (as well as N2 and
determine electrical conductivity, pH and temperature con- Ar), because it is in contact with the atmosphere. Some of
tinuously during the drilling operation within the mud pit this O2 reacts with ferrous iron, sulfides, and pipe steel in
at 10-min intervals, independent of the commercial mud the hole, with the result that the gaseous oxygen concen-
logging service. tration of the mud, when it returns to surface, is lower
The analytical devices are controlled at regular intervals than before. These processes always result in a relative
and re-calibrated if necessary with air, pure CO2, and certi- increase in N2 and Ar concentrations. In this case the N2
fied gas mixtures, the compositions of which are selected to Ar ratio is similar to the atmospheric ratio (approxi-
according to the expected nature of mud gas. Within the mately 80) and varies only within analytical error limits. In
range of the mud gas concentrations of most field studies, most cases, an additional uptake of nitrogen into the drill
the specific sensitivity factors of the QMS are independent mud is not detectable. However, we have experienced cases
of gas concentrations, as verified before and after fieldwork where the influx of N2 was strong enough to be recog-
in our laboratories. During drilling, gas data are recorded nized by an increasing N2/Ar, as crustal fluids regularly
with date and time and a rough time versus depth estimate contain much less Argon relative to nitrogen than the
is calculated on site using the so-called driller’s depth. Gas atmosphere (e.g., Lippmann et al. 2005). The detected
concentration logs are later adjusted for depth according CO2 concentration in the drill mud is not necessarily rep-
to the calculated mud flow lag time. Lag time is calculated resentative of the gas composition at depth. The solubility
from hole capacity, mud pump yield, and hole depth at a of CO2 (and H2S if present) in fluids strongly depends on
given time by performing carbide tests, regularly (e.g., pH and temperature. Water-based bentonite drill mud is
Whittaker 1991). Those data and calculations can be provi- generally adjusted at around pH 9, thus, free CO2 reacts
ded by the mud logging company. Isobaric mass interfer- to bicarbonate and carbonate and free H2S reacts to sul-
ences need to be considered (e.g., 16 Oþ versus 12 C1 Hþ 4, fate. Therefore, only large amounts of CO2 and H2S enter-
etc.), as in all application of mass spectrometry. ing the hole may be detected at the surface (see Fig. 6 for
Offline ‘trip gas’ samples are routinely collected for off- CO2).
site laboratory studies. Mud circulation stops during pipe Hydrocarbons (HC), He, Rn, CO2, and H2 are variably
tripping, logging and other duties allowing gas concentra- enriched in natural deep fluids relative to the atmosphere,
tion to rise in the mud. When circulation resumes, a ‘spike’ which make these gases much more suitable for detection
of high dissolved gas concentration may show up. of fluid-bearing horizons such as shear zones, open frac-
tures and sections of enhanced permeability. However, care
must be taken if drill mud additives such as esters and
lubricants are used. There is a chance that some CH4 may
The conversion of mud gas contents into concentrations in be produced artificially during drilling by thermal and/or
the drilled rocks is quantitatively not possible with the mechanical cracking of those additives and of pipe dope
experimental setup described here. Even a qualitative inter- (Faber 1995). In such cases the HC data are disturbed,
pretation is difficult and requires the integration of wireline especially if igneous rocks poor in HC are drilled. During
log responses and cuttings or core sample analysis, the con- the drilling process traces of H2, generally up to
sideration of the chemical behavior of the type of gas, mud 500 ppmv, can be produced in the drill hole because of
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Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Geofluids, 6, 225–233
228 J. ERZINGER et al.

chemical reactions between the mud and steel of the drill ite as a viscofier was used until a depth of about 7200 m
string and casing. Particularly in the case of high mecha- (Herold et al. 1988). Regarding the physico-chemical
nical strain on diamond drill bits the H2 concentration behavior of gases, this mud type is similar to a normal water-
may be even higher (Zimmer & Erzinger 1995). However, based drill mud. Its defined chemical composition and very
if H2 is enriched in the rocks it can be easily determined low chloride content enabled the detection of even small
(Wiersberg & Erzinger 2005). amounts of saline-forming fluids entering the borehole.
Even if detailed data interpretation is not possible during The continuous drilling fluid analysis in the KTB bore-
drilling on site, mud gas analysis often represents the only holes indicated several fluid inflow zones with increased
possibility to gain continuous information on the gas con- concentrations of chloride and/or methane and/or
tents of the drilled rocks, and it allows aimed gas sampling, helium. Here, we just consider the most prominent mud
for e.g., isotope studies. In the words of Whittaker (1991): gas shows in the KTB-HB (Fig. 3). More detailed informa-
‘The essence of mud logging remains real-time informa- tion is available from the KTB data archive (http://
tion!’ From
1900 to 2100 m a cataclastic shear zone with graphite-rich
paragneisses was penetrated. Even though the majority of
the CH4 entered the borehole via fissures (proved by log-
This section summarizes exemplary results from three of ging data), the rocks of this zone, which were investigated
ten scientific drilling campaigns we have accompanied in using high-vacuum degassing techniques, are also very rich
recent years. Besides scientific drilling, we also participated in HC. This cataclastic zone is characterized only by high
in semi-commercial drilling for hydrothermal energy HC mud gas, but the drill mud was not enriched in chlor-
resources in Europe. ide. They were called ‘dry’ inflows which means that the
released gas phase was not accompanied by formation
brines, and was released only during drilling which indi-
The KTB example
cates that they originate from small closed volumes.
We developed and optimized the real-time non-hydrocar- Increased 222Rn contents in the mud gas (not shown in
bon mud gas analysis during the German Continental Fig, 3) are caused by uranium enrichments in the graphi-
Deep Drilling Program (KTB) which was designed to tized faults.
study the properties and processes of the deeper continen- Below 3500 m several fluid inflows enriched in CH4,
tal crust by means of two deep borehole near the town of He, and chloride were observed within the amphibolites.
Windischeschenbach (Bavaria, Germany). The project was This type is interpreted as being gas-rich ‘liquid’ or ‘brine’
conducted between 1987 and 1994 and included coring of
a pilot hole (KTB-VB) to 4000 m and drilling the main
hole (KTB-HB), which reached a final depth of 9101 m at
a bottom hole temperature of approximately 265 °C
(Emmermann & Lauterjung 1997).
The main goal of our study was to obtain information
on gas contents in continental crustal rocks, their composi-
tion, origin and depth distribution by investigating drill
cuttings, cored rocks, downhole fluids, and performing
on-line determination of gases dissolved in the drilling
mud. The later proved successful and almost complete
depth profiles were surveyed in both drill holes for CH4
and He. As the KTB-HB was only partly cored, on-line
mud gas analysis often represented the only possibility to
gain continuous information on gas occurrences in the
drilled formations. It was, in addition, an important help
when the time arrived to decide if and to what depth rock
or fluid samples should be taken. Furthermore, technically
problematic horizons, for example a cataclastic zone at
1990 m, could be recognized by a significant increase in
CH4 and He concentrations well before the drill bit
reached this section.
A newly developed water-based mud system with a syn- Fig. 3. Compressed mud gas log of the KTB main hole (KTB-HB) displaying
thetic hectorite type clay mineral instead of natural benton- only the most prominent CH4 (ppmv) and He (ppmv) shows.

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Mud gas logging and sampling 229

inflows, which were frequently related to open prehnite- associated methane hydrates in the Mackenzie delta area of
mineralized fissures. The strongest inflow zone was recor- Canada (Dallimore & Collett 2005). The gas hydrate
ded between 5300 and 5400 m immediately after drilling occurrence in the Mallik area is lithologically controlled,
through a gneiss intercalation of about 80 m thickness. with hydrate horizons confined to the coarse-grained sandy
The occurrences of saline-forming waters are much more facies and often separated by fine-grained silty facies and
frequent in amphibolites than in gneisses. Drill-stem test- clay. Earlier drilling campaigns at Mallik have shown exten-
ing revealed that the formation water pressure never excee- sive gas hydrate accumulations below the permafrost,
ded the drill mud column pressure. These inflows belong mainly in the depth interval 900–1100 m.
to extensive hydraulic fluid system at hydrostatic pressure The main objectives of mud gas logging within the Mal-
(Huenges et al. 1997). lik 2002 Program were to (i) trace gas hydrate-bearing
The composition of gaseous hydrocarbons from the horizons while drilling and (ii) distinguish them from
‘dry’ inflow zones differed significantly from those in the other gas sources such as gas accumulations below non-
‘brine’-type fissure systems, with relatively high ethane permeable strata. This study involved real-time analysis of
contents in the former (CH4/C2H6 ¼ 14 versus 40, gas extracted from drill mud during the drilling of Mallik
respectively). The amount of gases entering the borehole 4L-38 and 5L-38 wells.
through individual borehole fractures increased with depth The principal non-atmospheric gas detected in the drill
while the CH4 to He ratios remained relatively constant. mud from the Mallik boreholes was CH4, with up to 70
In amphibolite and gneiss sections the CH4/He was about volume percent in the main gas hydrate section at Mallik.
40 and 25, respectively, probably due to the higher radio- However, even at shallow depth the CH4 concentration in
genic He production rate in the gneisses. The He to Ar mud gas reached up to 35 volume percent in some cases.
ratio corresponds to those expected for U-, Th- and Although the two wells are separated by only 40 m, they
K-decay in average magmatic rocks. Hydrogen in the drill- show slightly different mud gas depth distribution. Some
ing fluid was mainly artificially, created during the drilling variation in the absolute CH4 concentrations might be
process itself. The N2 isotopic composition did not differ explained by the slower drilling rate of 5L-38 (larger bore-
significantly from that of the atmosphere (see also Zimmer hole diameter), resulting in a higher air to natural gas ratio
& Erzinger 1995; Möller et al. 1997; Bach et al. 1999). in the drill mud. Slight variations in the depth distribution
of gas occurrences may result from lateral heterogeneity
proved by gamma-ray logging.
The Mallik example
Figure 4 shows gas concentrations versus depth profiles
The 2002 Mallik project is a series of three wells drilled to of Mallik 4L-38 for CH4, He, 222Rn activity as well as the
evaluate the distribution and producibility of permafrost- Bernard parameter, CH4/(C2H6+C3H8). Rn data are fitted

CH4 (vol.%) CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) He (ppmv) 222

Rn (Bq/m3)
1 10 100 10 100 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 80 120 160
0 0 0 0

100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400

Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Depth (m)

500 500 500 500

600 600 600 600

700 700 700 700

800 800 800 800

900 900 900 900

1000 1000 1000 1000

Fig. 4. Mallik 4L-38 research well: mud gas 1100 1100 1100 1100
concentrations versus depth for CH4 (vol%),
CH4/(C2H6+C3H8), He (ppmv), and 222Rn 1 10 100 10 100 1000 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 80 120 160
(Bq/3). += Probably disturbed by drilling operation

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230 J. ERZINGER et al.

using a running average of about 5 data points. During These observations indicate a gas source distinct from gas
drilling of Mallik 4L-38, elevated CH4 concentration were hydrate for that depth interval (Wiersberg et al. 2005).
observed at 107, 646, 766, and 827 m depth, and in 10 Within the ice-bonded permafrost (0–609 m), the
distinct layers within the interval of 890–1150 m depth helium concentration in the drill mud increased with
that contains the main gas hydrate section (890–1110 m). depth, probably because gas migration of in situ produced
Most, but not all mud gas CH4 peaks are associated with radiogenic He was inhibited. Rn activity roughly correlates
gas hydrate-bearing strata. The mud gas data displayed positively with the logged total gamma ray activity. Based
only little evidence of a ‘free gas’ zone below the gas on the gas hydrate stability conditions, the CH4 occur-
hydrate stability field, as found in other gas hydrate rence at the depth of approximately 107 m cannot be rela-
deposits. ted to gas hydrate. However, intrapermafrost gas hydrates
From the previous Mallik 2L-38 well, it was known that at shallower depths have been found in at least one other
gas hydrate at Mallik drill site consist predominantly of region at the Mackenzie Delta (Dallimore & Collett
methane hydrate (Lorenson et al. 1999). It is, however, 1995).
not possible to identify gas hydrate during drilling based Stable isotope studies on offline mud gas samples
only on high CH4 concentration in the drill mud. Addi- revealed the presence of microbial CH4 in the upper sec-
tional gas data are necessary to identify the source of gas tion, and, following a transition zone, thermogenic gas at
dissolved in the drill mud. In combination with high CH4 greater depth. HC derived from the main gas hydrate-bear-
concentrations, low He concentration in the mud gas can ing section (900–1100 m) are interpreted to be almost
be used as additional diagnostic tool to trace for gas exclusively of thermogenic origin (see also Lorenson et al.
hydrates (Fig. 5). For gas from hydrates, a decrease in He 2005).
concentration with increasing CH4 concentration is indica-
ted. The He concentration in natural gas hydrate is very
The SAFOD example
low, because He is too small to be accommodated in the
hydrate lattice at ambient pressure and temperature condi- The Parkfield region of central California was selected for
tions (Winckler et al. 2002). the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
Mud gas from the depth interval 766–779 m shows a because of the simultaneous occurrence of creep and
positive correlation between CH4 and He. Furthermore, repeating small-magnitude earthquakes at drillable depths,
high CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) ratios generally correlate posi- several historical M6 earthquakes immediately to the SE,
tively with the occurrence of gas hydrate, but gas from this relatively simple geology, as well as intense geological and
depth showed a relatively low CH4/(C2H6+C3H8) ratio. geophysical investigations performed there over the past
20 years [see]. In June and
July of 2002, the SAFOD pilot hole was drilled to a final
depth of almost 2.2 km, about 1.8 km southwest of the
SAF surface traces in the vicinity of Parkfield City. It pen-
etrates through 768 m of Tertiary and Quaternary sedi-
mentary strata (mainly sandstone) and into the underlying
Cretaceous (Salinian block) granites. Besides extensive geo-
physical downhole measurements, drill cuttings were regu-
larly collected, described, and documented (Boness &
Zoback 2004; Hickman et al. 2004; M. Rymer, personal
communication). However, the planned coring of the low-
ermost 60 m was not successful and no down hole fluid
sampling or hydraulic testing was carried out (see http://
The record of real-time mud gas composition versus
depth for the SAFOD pilot hole is essentially complete
from a depth of 150–2120 m below surface. Concentra-
tions of He, CH4, and CO2 as well as 222Rn activity data,
averaged over 1 m intervals, are displayed in Fig. 6. The
real-time mud gas monitoring during drilling of the
2.2 km-deep SAFOD pilot hole proved successful for both
Fig. 5. Mallik 4L-38 research well: CH4 versus He mud gas diagram.
the sedimentary and granitic section of the borehole.
Methane hydrate yields lower He concentration with increasing methane, Within the sedimentary section (0–768 m), mud gas
in contrast to non-hydrate-derived gas. yielded the highest CH4, CO2, and 222Rn concentrations,
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Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Geofluids, 6, 225–233
Mud gas logging and sampling 231

Fig. 6. Down hole variation of mud gas

composition in SAFOD Pilot Hole. Lines in the
lithology column indicate zones of oxidation
(from M. Rymer, personal communication),
geophysically inferred major shear zone are
highlighted (from Boness & Zoback 2004).

whereas He was comparably low. At least four major fluid measurements (1345–1420 m and 1820–1880 m) are also
inflow zones were identified, at 280–300 m, 390–430 m, clearly indicated by increased mud gas concentrations
approximately 500 m, and 600–660 m. The uppermost (Boness & Zoback 2004). The most prominent of these
zone is dominated by CH4 and Rn, whereas the lower (1770–1850 m) is the most highly enriched in CH4, Rn,
three zones show enrichment in all gases at variable and CO2. The gas composition encountered at around
degrees. As expected, the mud gas concentration was much 1800 m resembles that from the upper sedimentary sec-
higher throughout the sedimentary section than within the tion. Boness & Zoback (2004) concluded from geophysical
granites below, suggesting that the rocks have higher over- measurements that the 1820–1880 m shear zone is
all porosity and permeability. However, there was no geo- hydraulically conductive, and our gas results permitted spe-
physical logging performed before the sedimentary section culation that it is hydraulically connected to sedimentary
was cased off to confirm this. sequences similar to those drilled in the upper section of
With our setup, we are unable to calculate the amounts the pilot hole. Later in 2004, the main hole penetrated in
of fluid or gas which entered the borehole. However, it that depth sedimentary layers just 100 m apart from the
cannot be very high because there was no observed pilot hole, which yielded more or less the gas composition
increase in mud volume during drilling. Moreover, electri- found at around 1800 m in 2002 (Wiersberg & Erzinger
cal conductivity of the drill mud did not indicate signifi- 2005). Only 100 and 200 m below that CH4-rich zone,
cant addition of either saline brines or water of low gases entering the hole have higher concentrations of He
salinity. All gas-rich zones contained high Rn concentra- and CO2 and only little hydrocarbon contents. This fluid
tions, which are not unusual for fluids hosted in sandstone component is likely to originate from within the granitic
(Ball et al. 1991). We cannot proof whether Rn is gener- basement. Additional, weaker gas-rich zones at around
ated locally from U series decay, because gamma ray log- 1700 and 2020–2090 m have a composition that is consis-
ging has not been performed. Based mainly on the carbon tent with fluids produced from within the granitoides. Rn
isotope signatures of methane investigated on offline mud enrichment in mud gas is sometimes correlated with
gas samples, we conclude that the methane is a mixture of increasing total gamma ray log readings (e.g., 1410, 1500,
microbial origin and methane generated by thermal degra- and 1860 m) but in most cases a direct dependency is not
dation of organic matter. The gas composition and isotope visible. No major fluid influx in the crystalline rock section
ratios measured in mud gas from the sedimentary section is discernible from the mud conductivity values.
are similar to those reported from the Great Valley Helium and Ne isotopes were studied in offline mud gas
Sequence (Jenden et al. 1988). samples. In one sample from 1514 m the mantle contribu-
Mud gas concentrations of CH4 and Rn are much lower tion to the He content is estimated to be approximately
in the underlying basement section than in the sandstone 9%. At first glance, this degree of mantle influence is unex-
above, and the average background level of He is higher in pected for a granitic basement, but it is corroborated by a
the granites possibly due to their higher U and Th con- study by Kennedy et al. (1993) who found increased
tents. Two of three shear zones inferred from geophysical He/4He ratios in well fluids associated with the SAF. We
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Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Geofluids, 6, 225–233
232 J. ERZINGER et al.

emphasize that the measured He isotopic compositions are Dahms, Judith Schicks, and Rudolf Naumann (all from
lower limits because of mixing with radiogenic He from GFZ Potsdam), who spent a considerable time at drill sites
the basement rocks. It is likely that ‘pure’ shear zone fluids around the world. We appreciate the helpful comments
have more ‘mantle-like’ values (Erzinger et al. 2004). and suggestions of Bob Trumbull, John Parnell, and two
anonymous reviewers which considerably improved the
manuscript. Most of our studies were generously supported
by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Geo-
During recent years we have developed real-time mud gas ForschungsZentrum Potsdam.
monitoring techniques for scientific drilling in non-hydro-
carbon formations mainly to sample and study the compo-
sition of crustal gases.
Exemplary results from scientific drilling campaigns show Bach W, Naumann D, Erzinger J (1999) A helium, argon, and
that: nitrogen record of the upper continental crust (KTB drill holes,
Oberpfalz, Germany): implications for crustal degassing. Chemi-
(1) It is possible to obtain valuable information on the gas cal Geology, 160, 81–101.
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We thank all principal investigators of the scientific drilling dence from helium, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. Geochim
campaigns for their interest in our experiments. Special Cosmochim Acta, 52, 851–61.
thanks go to Andreas Tretner, Christian Kujawa, Eckhard
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Mud gas logging and sampling 233

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Ó 2006 The Authors

Journal compilation Ó 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Geofluids, 6, 225–233

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