News 2023 07 Xmas PDF

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The Word of Faith Ministries

Hello friends and family,


I am so excited to share with you that this is our fourth year to bring the Gospel to the village where my
Mother grew up and where she took us for school vacation during our childhood.

I have had many small children come to me and address me as “uncle Manuel”, thanking me for the
gifts they received at Christmas! It is such a joy, I cannot describe. Just the thought of being able to
preach God’s truth in the same village where family has known me for more than 50 years.

Your generosity and obedience to the Lord has allowed us to bless hundreds of children. We begun
with 250 kids four years ago and we had 450 last year. This does not include more than 200 we were
able to bless in different parks and streets of my hometown. We are preparing for more this year. We
cannot be certain how many we will have until a day or two before the outreach takes place. !
We have agreed with the local pastors to hold the outreach on Sunday, Dec 17th. The ministry team
includes people coming from Costa Rica, Guatemala City, and family members who live nearby. There
is a total of 25 volunteers.

Please, take a moment to consider sending a love gift towards this ministry outreach. Our budget is
$8000 and our goal is to have raised this amount by the end of November. This allows us to do our
“shopping” during the first and second weeks of December and get everything ready by the third week
of December.


Contact Information If you would like to send a love gift, PLEASE do it how it best works for you,

Manuel Garcia Checks can be made to World Outreach Ministries

Mail to: WOM P.O. Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 Online giving:

Cel (502) 5588-8666

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