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Song homework

1. You have to watch and listen to the musical video.

2. You have to sing a song with correct pronunciation.
3. Translate the following vocabulary into Spanish:


1 UNSTOPPABLE: imparable 11 POWERFUL: poderosa

2 SMILE: sonrisa 12 ALONE: soledad

3 SHOW: mostrar 13 FEELING: sentimiento

4 TOWN: cuidad 14 FRIENDSHIP: amistad

5 SUN: sol 15 GROW: durar

6 DOWN: abajo 16 CONFIDENT: segura

7 SUNGLASSES: jafas de sol 17 TODAY: today

8 ARMOR: armadura 18 GAME: juego

9 STRONG: fuerte 19 WIN: gano

10 BRAKE: freno 20 KNOW: saber

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