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Mia: The Dancer

Five years ago, when Mia was an excellent dancer. The dance has always been her passion
because through it she can express emotions and feel free. Back then, everything was
wonderful and perfect until that unfortunate accident.

One day, like any other rehearsal day at the National Theater, her partners and ship were
practicing a little difficult choreography. So, in the part where she had to walk around with the
help of her partner Brian. Accidentally, she let go of his hands and fell down the stairs, seriously
injuring her right leg. Since that moment she hasn't been able to dance again.

The first months after the accident were very traumatic for her. She blamed Brian, the other
guys and walked away from everyone, but they (her friends) never walked away from her. They
were always there.

Despite all depression and emotional problems, she realized how important it's to value good
friends. Who helped her up and showed her that wasn't the end of her life as a dancer, that
there were more options.

Some months later, when she was better, she found her way. A way not so different. With the
support of her dear partners and friends, she was able to share her knowledge with talented
guys. Obviously, she didn't feel the same but being there and helping others to realize their
dreams, really helped so much.

That event was terrible for Mia; however, it made her a better person and thanks to that she
learned the value of friendship.

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