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Ballad of the Pistolero

A Roleplaying Game set in the Wild West

By Sean Van Damme ​@DammeSean

Art: Sean Goodison ​@HighScoreKid
V .Beta 1.1 Feb 23, 2019

©Foxwood Games 2019

Introduction test. The idea is for this set of rules to
be the dime novel of Tabletop games
and not a 700 page monster, because
“Howdy folks, name’s Jed, and this here those require two hands.
is my partner Zeak. See you done found
your way to our little slice of paradise. To play the game each player will need
Now it isn’t all nice here, we have seen a set of percentile (d100) dice, and a
our fair share of excitement, and if you few d6’s. A set of poker chips is
want to hear about it, well then sit down recommended for the table but not
and let me regale you of our adventures. required, though the rules will assume
you are using them as an AP pool.
“Yes Zeak, I know that there were
others, and that the stories are far from A Note on History
over. Hell you might even be the next
Pistolero to step up and change the “Now this is where I am an expert. Of
world. But I’m not so knowledgeable course this takes place in the Wild West
about those types of things, so I’ll turn in the Year of our Lord
that over to Zeak here.” Eighteen-hundred and Eighty, but that
doesn’t mean that things have to stay
​ It is an
What is ​Ballad of the Pistolero? there. Oh but history says...bully that.
RPG set in the Wild West, of directors History says many a thing, and not all of
like Sergio Leone, John Ford, and Sam them are good stories. We are here to
Peckinpah. It is about gruff men, and tell stories and have fun. So when you
women in the desert, and the quick are coming up with your game don’t feel
violence that can burst forth from the six the need to be beholden to what actually
shooters strapped to their hips. happened.”

Ballad of the Pistolero,​ is a d100 based My Friend here is correct. In the

game with a simple set of skills and construction of these rules I took
combat rules so that the players have inspiration from both history and the
the freedom to live out their spaghetti genre of the Western which is far and
western dreams. This quick start set of away not the same as the genuine
rules will cover character creation, a few article. So my advice is to go nuts, and
out of combat skills and then Combat. think more about feel and tone, instead
You will find that there are not rules for of what actually happened when.
everything. If in the course of your
adventures you come across something
that isn’t listed in the rules have the
Narrator pick a relevant skill and run a

1d100 and see if you arrive below the
Chapter I: determined number.

How To Play Both the players and the Narrator will

perform this skill math in the open when
The saloon was quiet, sun spilling into making checks or attacks, which are
the room, blocked only by the shadow of calculated in the same way.
the man in black. With a flick of his wrist,
the coat was behind his back, the ivory Frederick Von Marken, played by Billy,
handle of the pistol drawing everybody's is looking nervously across the saloon.
eyes. Pulling his hat down he covers his
eyes, because he knows he is the rat
“We don’t want no trouble mister,” the bastard that killed the Man in Black’s
barkeep sputtered, covering up for the Pa.
sound of his foot hitting the release on
“I’m going to do my best to pull my hat
the shotgun under the bar. down and hide, pretend to be
somebody else,” Billy says.
“Won’t be none if you spit up that rat
bastard you hiding. The one that killed “Okay can you make me a hard
my Pa.” The man in black’s eyes locked Deception test, because The Man in
Black is looking for you.”
in harder on the barkeep, turning to
squints of violence. The Barkeep Billy looks at his sheet and does some
matched them. So it was going to come math in his head. “Deception is charm
down to this... which I’ve got in spades,” he cracks a
smile. “Plus I have a rank in it which
Skill Tests means that the test is only a -10% and
not 20%. So I need to get lower than a
The main way events will be decided in
Ballad of the Pistolero​ is through skill Billy rolls the dice and gets a 56%.
tests. A skill test works as such. You,
the player, describe what you want to do “You pull your hat down, but it’s too
and the Narrator will tell you what skill late, and your clothing to distinctive.
will need to be tested and the difficulty the Man in Black has seen you,
turning his gaze from the Barkeep to
rating that goes along with it. You will
you,” the narrator says describing the
then take that skill’s base rating and add outcome of the test.
or subtract proficiency and difficulty
rating to come up with the final number
you need to roll under. That will then be
announced to the table and you will roll

switch them. If you have disadvantage
Difficulty modifiers and that extra d10 in the tens place
would make your roll worse, you have to
Arduous -30 switch them. If they are both failures but
Hard -20 one would be a critical fail that is
Challenging -10 considered worse and must be used.
Normal -
Easy +10 Critical Success/Critical fail:​ All tests
Routine +20 can critically succeed or critically fail. If
Trivial +30 you roll doubles on your d100 ie 11%
that is a critical success. If you are
testing a skill you will pass in
If you are proficient in a skill based on spectacular fashion, if it is an attack you
your profession you will have a rank in will add an extra d10 to your damage
it, meaning a +10% is added to your roll. If you rolled doubles and the test
base test. A character can have up to was a failure, you will fail in a
three ranks in a skill for a bonus of spectacular fashion. If it is an attack,
+30%. your weapon will jam and you can not
take any more attacks this turn. You will
So if you have a 40% base and one have to spend ​2AP​ to clear the jam. For
proficiency rank a normal difficulty test counting damage thresholds, a critical
would be a 50%, an easy test 60% and strike counts as two hits for the same
a challenging one 40%. amount of damage.

If you attempt to make a test with an Opposed Tests: ​If two characters are
advanced skill that you are not proficient attempting to do something in opposition
in, you must take the test with to each other, such as grappling, they
disadvantage. will make opposed tests, with whatever
skill or attribute the narrator calls for.
Advantage/Disadvantage Both parties add their modifiers and call
In some cases things will be going your out the number they need to roll below,
way, and you will have advantage on and then roll. If one character fails while
the roll. Other times, fate will not be on the other succeeds on the test, then
your side and you will have finding who wins the opposed test is
disadvantage. In both cases you will roll, simple, same if they both fail. If both
your d100 as normal, and add an extra sides succeed on the test, you must
d10. If you have advantage, and count degrees of success. For every
replacing the tens dice with the extra 10% below your target number you gain
d10 makes your roll better you can one level of success. Each party counts

their levels and the one with the most is “Okay, so the Man in Black has a rank
the winner. If both sides succeed on the in Athletics and a 55% so he needs to
test but one is a critical success and the roll under a 65%,” the Narrator says.
other just a normal success the
character that rolled the critical is the “Welp I don’t have any ranks in
winner instead. Coordination, and Frederick isn’t the
quickest, so I need to get below a
“Well if I’m pegged I guess I should
run. I’m going to push my chair back The dice are rolled. The Man in Black
and make a run for it!” Billy says. gets a 57% a success, but Frederick
gets an 11% a critical success.
“You can, that will be a normal
Athletics test to get a good running “You manage to catch him off guard
start.” with the insults about his father, and
squirm away from under his foot
“Okay that isn’t my best skill, but I rolling across the bar and getting to
don’t have to add or subtract your feet.
anything…” Billy says taking a deep
breath and picking up his dice. “Need
below a 35%.” He rolls it comes up
88%. “Oh no,” he says looking at the
Narrator to see what horrible fate
awaits Frederick because of this
critical failure.

“Seeing you down the Man in Black

walks over and puts his foot on your
chest. ‘Shouldn’t have killed my Pa
you two timing cheating bastard.’ He
pulls his pistol and points it at

“I’m going to try and squirm away from

under his foot, and mutter something
about how his pappy had it coming,”
Billy says.

“Okay that is going to be an opposed

check, your Coordination against his
Athletics.” Billy looks worried. “Well I
don’t have anything to lose,” he says
picking up the dice.

Vitality:​ This is a measure of how
Chapter II: healthy you are, and that gets chipped
away by getten’ sick and gettin’ shot.
Character Creation Book Learnen’:​ This is all those facts
you learned from those fancy books.
Now we ain’t going to be telling no story Common Sense:​ All the facts you
about you if you ain’t no Pistolero, so I picked up while living your life.
guess we should get down to fixing that. Charm:​ A winning smile and a wink will
All the great heroes and villains have to get you far in life partner.
start somewhere am I right Zeak?
Your skills are generated by rolling 3d10
Yes of course, before we get started and adding that number to 25. Once you
though a note on history, race, gender, have these six numbers you can put
and sex. We can’t change history, but them where you want.
since this is a game we don’t have to be
beholden to it. As such we make no If you didn’t generate at least one stat
assumption about your character’s race, over 40 you can pick one of your rolls
gender, sex, pronouns, orientation, etc. and change it to 40.
The goal of ​Ballad of the Pistolero​ is to
create a fun time at the table while Each stat has an associated modifier
talking in silly western accents and that will be used throughout the game.
staring each other down before throwing The modifier is the tens place in your
dice. score. So if your Pistolero has a brawn
of 45% their Brawn Modifier is 4.
In ​Ballad of the Pistolero,​ your Pistolero
has six stats which will determine most Hitpoints, Stamina, Luck, and Moxie
of the numbers you will be rolling
against. There are also eleven Your Vitality score is involved in
professions for you to choose from calculating your Hit Points and Stamina.
representing the current life you lead,
before turning towards gunslinging and Hit Points
adventure. Hit Points are generated by rolling a d10
and adding your Vitality modifier to it.
Your six stats are:
Brawn:​ Your raw physicality. Stamina represents a pool of energy
Quickdraw:​ Speed reflexes, You can that you are able to draw from as you
see the bullets. get hurt or tired that once expended
exposes your small fragile pool of hit

points. Your Stamina is your Vitality Luck is generated by rolling a d100, this
score. You regain half your Stamina number is how many luck points you
during a restful night’s sleep. If you are have to spend for the rest of your
over half it returns to full. Pistolero’s life. They do not regenerate
ever, period. Spend them with care.
Moxie Luck is used in a couple of different
Moxie is that hard to define trait that ways. You can spend luck to…
some people have, that lets them push ● To make a roll better, spending
forward, longer and harder than they the needed luck to succeed.
otherwise could. Or to carry out some ● Spend 5 luck to gain advantage
feat that should be nigh impossible. on a roll.
During the game you can use your ● Spend 10 luck can to negate a
Moxie for a few things. You can spend it major injury.
on feats and skills that burn Moxie or
you can also spend Moxie on… Keep in mind though that you don’t gain
● You can spend 10 Moxie to any more luck throughout the game and
regain 1AP it doesn’t recharge. The longer you live
● You can spend up to 20 Moxie to the closer you are to your luck running
regain 10 Stamina. 2 to 1 ratio. dry.
● You can spend 10 Moxie to
increase you movement by 15ft The narrator might also ask you to test
for a round. against your luck, so be careful with it.
Generally a luck test would come when
You recharge all your moxie with a good you ask the narrator if you can do
night’s sleep and it can be temporarily something that relies not on skill but the
boosted by items like Whisky. hands of fate.

Moxie is generated by rolling 3d10 and Douglas Turner, the Stagecoach

adding 20 then multiplying by 2. Driver, is running away from a group
(3d10+20)2 of bandits. Running out of options
Shonda who is playing Douglass turns
Luck to the narrator.
Luck, it is something some people have
“I think I remember having a stick of
and others do not. You are just born
dynamite in my bag,” she says.
with it, and as you get to living your life it
eventually runs out. Course while you “Make me a luck test, and let's see if
have it might as well use it. that’s the case,” the narrator says.

“Okay I’m at 30% Luck left.” She rolls

and comes back with a 25. Once you have spent your two
advances, flip to the chapter on Feats
“Turns out you left a stick of Dynamite and pick a feat to start with. If your
in your bag, pulling it out out you strike chosen profession has a feat as an
a match and set it to the fuse.” advance this starting feat doesn’t count
against that.

Full, 1/2 , and 1/3 Ballad of the Pistolero​, doesn’t use

For some skills and effects it is experience points, and character
important to know when your Stamina advancement is driven by plot
and Moxie are between full and half, half progression. At times during the game
and ⅓ and ⅓ and empty. Once you the narrator will award an advancement
have generated the score, divide to find to the players around the table. You will
these numbers and record it on your then consult your class’s advancement
Wanted Poster. If you come up with less chart and pick an advancement. When
than a whole number, round up. adding raw percentage to an ability
score the chart shows the max you can
Action Points: aquire, but an advancement is taken in
Each character starts with an Action 5% increments.
Point(AP) value of three. These points
are what you spend in combat to Pick a Hat
perform actions. At the start of your
second turn you will regain 3 action One of the most iconic things that an old
points. Action Points carry over from west Pistolero has is their hat. The color
round to round forming an action point of this hat can tell you so much about a
pool. You can have up to 10 Action person. Are they a villain looking for
Points in your pool. trouble? A do-gooding lawman?
Perhaps they are just a ranch hand just
Pick a Profession looking to make it from day to day? As
such when you are creating your
Next you will pick your profession, write character, you are going to pick the
down the talent that you have gained, color of their hat, Black, Brown, or
the proficances the profession has and White. Your hat color is not a hard and
it’s starting gear. fast rule of what kind of person you are
going to be, but it gives you an idea... a
Every character at the start of the game place to start.
is given two advancements to spend
how they would like. Background

On your Character sheet you will find a know about them, and those will come
paragraph that has blanks with up as I tell you their story.
questions. As you fill those out you will
start to get a good idea of who your
Pistolero is. Those questions are as
follows. Name, pronoun, where are you
from, ideal, flaw, goal, family, and other.
In the Appendix there will be tables and
charts for these questions with
examples and ideas, if you need help or
want to let the dice decide who you are
going to become.

“Sit down and let me tell you the story

of ​(Name). (Pronoun)​ was the best
damn Pistolero any of us had seen.
They walked into town for the first
time, and I turned to my friend and
said “Zeak now that there
whippersnapper is going places.”

They hailed from ​(Hometown)​ but we

never held that against them. For you
see they were here with a single
(ideal)​ and that was the driving force
in trying to achieve ​(goal)​.

Now they were not without ​(Flaw)

because let’s face it we all got flaws, I
myself never did learn how to follow
the rules.”

Family? Of course they had family.

Don’t we all? ​(Family)​ they had. Now
that was just a quick little history of
this interesting personality, and there
are ​(other)​ things you might want to

Chapter III: Bandit

Professions, Skills, and Reynolds gang, Barranger Gang, James

Feats Gang, they were all the same. You have
seen it all, skipped bounties, robbed
banks, and killed men. Ice runs through
Before you became a Pistolero you had your veins. Some of your comparits are
a life, a job, maybe even a family. Now crazy ruthless killers, others men of a
you use those skills as you drift across strange code. Always looking for
the high planes. Each Profession has another crew, but also willing to walk
four skills that you are proficient in, a away in five minutes flat if you feel the
talent, and an advancement chart. heat coming around the corner.
When the Narrator awards an
advancement path showing what skills ​ ou are notorious for not
Paint it Red:​ Y
and abilities you can increase over the playing fair. The bandit can make an
course of the game. Each profession will intimidation test with +20% and cause
have listed the six Ability scores. If there people to be frightened of them. They
is a number under the score, you can have advantage against those feared
increase that score. Each awarded targets. At the start of their next turn
advance is worth 5%, and you can feared targets can attempt to make a
increase the ability’s score to the listed challenging resolve test to break the
maximum. So if there is a 15% under fear. They gain +10% to the test for
your brawn it would take three advances every 30ft they are away from the
to gain all 15%. Bandit. If they fail the next test is Hard,
Under that are listed Secondary Abilities then arduous. 30 Moxie
that you can increase.
Skill: ​Skill proficiency rank Proficiency: ​Stealth, Sleight of Hand,
Feat: ​Feat Counterfeit, Guns, Fighten’, Intimidate
Mox: ​+1d10 to your maximum Moxie
Stam: ​+1d10 to your maximum Stamina Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, Bed
There is no set order that you have to Roll, lockpick, red bandana, Colt Single
take your profession increases at. If you Action army (20) and a Tomahawk, or a
want to take a bit from an Ability score, Winchester (20). $35
then add to your Stamina and then go
back to the score you can do that. Ability Scores

Your Profession will also come with Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

starting equipment, and funds.
5% 15% 10% ----- ----- ----

Ability Scores
Secondary Abilities
Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha
Feat Skill Skill Skill
---- 10% 5% ---- 5% 5%

Secondary Abilities
Bounty Hunter

“Bounty Hunters, we don’t need their Feat Feat Skill Stam Mox
scum,” except for those times when ya
kind of do. You don’t have attachments Cowboy
to people, people are product. Just
walking stacks of cash waiting to be Driving cattle across the range, living off
traded to the right person. the land, doing tricks with your rope. It is
a simple if not lonely life. Maybe there is
Like a hound who has been attracted to something in this world more than just
blood, the bounty hunter doesn’t stop, pushing the herd from one grazing area
they don’t know how. to another, it’s hard work sure and you
are good at it, but you hear tell that dogs
I Will Find You:​ T​ he bounty hunter can do it in Scotland.
make a survival or eavesdrop test with
+30% when looking or a person or Hogtie:​ W​ hen attempting animal
object. If they already have +30% they handling tests with rope you have
gain advantage on the test. 20 Moxie advantage. You may also make the test
from a distance of up to half the rope’s
Proficiency: ​Guns, Investigation, length. You can hogtie people as well.
Interrogation, Tracking, Rumor, Stealth Pulling people to the ground and making
them Prone costs ​2AP​ and 10 Moxie.
Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, The hogtied target is considered
Bedroll, Hardtack (10) lantern, Iron grappled. Dragging a Hogtied target
Chain, Bear Trap, LeMat Revolver, your full movement costs 20 Moxie, this
Winchester (20 rounds for each, 4 cost is negated on horseback.
shotgun shells) Water, and poster for
one outlaw. $80 Proficiency: ​Handle Animal, fighten’,
Ride, Athletics,survival, tracking

Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, Rope

30 feet, Bedroll, Hardtack (10)

torch,compass, Colt Single Action Army make the check, and an additional AP
(20) Sharps Rifle (20) Bowie Knife. $10 for each 10% bonus up to 30%.

Ability Scores Proficiency: ​Heal, fighten, leadership,

survival, Resolve, Investigation
Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha
Starting Gear: ​Fine Clothing, Bag with
10% 5% 5% ---- 5% ---- bandages (4), soap, set of surgeons
knives, Derringer 10 rounds $100
Secondary Abilities
Ability Scores

Mox Skill Skill Skill Feat

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha
Doctor 10% ---- ---- 15% 5% ----

The big cities in the east are great

Secondary Abilities
places to make money, but not really for
adventure. With a little nest egg, and
maybe some war experience you have Feat Skill Skill Mox
set out for the west, with a plot of land
and some dreams. There are thousands Duelist
of homesteaders, good sawbones
though are harder to find. So if the Think you’re fast partner, I can
ranching doesn’t work out, you can guarantee you are not as fast as me.
alway return to hacking off limbs and One on one, when the clock strikes high
prescribing drugs. noon we draw, and then you land six
feet under. I take my winnings and my
Tie it off:​ The Doctor can apply a guns and head on to the next town
tourniquet to a wounded ally while where another might be foolish enough
making a Heal test. The narrator will to challenge me.
determine the difficulty, and the doctor
can spend 1-3 Action Points to bring Shoot from the Hip:​ ​As your first action
down negative mods, or add positive in combat you can draw your pistol and
ones to the test. Each action point is fire as many rounds as are in the
+10%. If this test is a success, the target chamber. These tests are made with no
gains back 2d10 to their stamina and is positive mods. ​3AP ​30 Moxie
healed of one minor wound. ​1AP ​to

Proficiency: ​Guns, Athletics, Starting Gear: ​Fine Clothing, deck of
Perception, fighten’, Gamble, Reaction cards, flask, lockpick, Colt Single Action
Army (20), or a Derringer (10) and Brass
Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, Knuckles. $5d10.
Tobacco, garish pair of chaps, 2 Colt
Single Action Army Revolvers (30) Ability Scores

Ability Scores Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

---- 5% ---- ---- 5% 15%

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

---- 15% ---- ---- ---- 10% Secondary Abilities

Secondary Abilities Feat Skill Skill Skill Mox

Skill Skill Stam Mox Feat

You were a poor farmer back east, and
You got to know when to hold them, and you’re a poor farmer out here. Sure
know when to fold them. There is you’ve got a bit more land, and a house
always a game of poker to be played, you built with your own two hands but
always a race or fight to bet on. You’ve that doesn’t mean life is better, or that
never been one to pass up an this was the be all end all of freedom.
opportunity for a game of chance. The bank and the government are still
breathing down your neck, along with
Living on the Edge:​ ​After rolling a other threats from the wilds that get
charm, gamble, or bargen test but blown in on a evil wind. In the end all
before you look at the result you can flip you have that is truly reliable is your
the tens and ones places on the die. If work ethic...and shotgun.
you are still successful it is a critical
success but if you fail it is a critical Both Barrels: ​You can as a single
failure. 30 moxie. attack fire both barrels from your
shotgun at once. Test at +30% if that is
Proficiency: ​Gamble, Counterfeit, already the difficulty, then test with
Oratory, Rithmetic, Deception, advantage. Can be used once per
Magnetism gunfight. Counts as two hits when

figuring damage thresholds. ​2AP ​20 fight is over. If you lose, well….it’s over
Moxie for you. 30 Moxie

Proficiency: ​Survival, Fighten, Handel Proficiency: ​Guns, Leadership,

Animal, Bargen, Athletics, Navigation Interrogation, Scrutinize, Oratory,
Starting Gear: ​Common clothing, Rope,
bedroll, hammer, hardtack (5) Break Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, Tin
action Shotgun (12 slugs) $10 Star, Colt Single action Army Revolver,
(20 rounds) Bowie Knife.Winchester
Ability Scores Rifle (20). Key to the jail $20

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha Ability Scores

10% ---- 5% ---- 10% ----

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

Secondary Abilities 10% 10% 5% ---- ---- ----

Feat Skill Stam Stam Mox Secondary Abilities

Lawman Feat Skill Mox Stam Stam

You are the law. Or were the law. So

many men step up to be sherif, and just Madam
as many quickly step down...or are I came to America and this little voice of
gunned down. Small towns in the west adventure said “you can be whatever
are ruff places, and you are all that you want to be,” and here I am.. In this
stands between the good people of piss ant town, serving piss ant
Rockridge and those bandits that are people...but there is still hope, still a
coming to take their land. It is a place to head forward, and be whatever
thankless job, but it brings the respect of the I want to be, because this is
everybody in town. America.

Call out:​ ​You can call out the leader of Are you sure about that darling?: ​The
any group and settle things one on one. Madam can use their wiles and make a
The challenged party is unable to charm based test with +30%, if they
refuse. A duel starts and if you win the already have +30% make the test with
advantage. 25 Moxie.

their papers, your investigate tests are
Proficiency: ​Magnetism, Leadership, taken with advantage. On your person
Eavesdrop, Deception, Gamble, you hold a fake set of papers identifying
Rithmatic. you as somebody else, this cover is of
the highest order. People who don’t
Starting Gear: ​Fine Clothing, Perfume, know you don’t question it.
ink and pen, fancy undergarments,
mirror, Derringer (8 rounds). $20 Proficiency: ​Investigate, Eavesdrop,
Guns, Leadership, disguise, Tracking
Ability Scores
Starting Gear: ​Fine Clothing, Bed Roll,
Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha Magnifying glass, paper, pen and ink,
Credentials, Colt Single Action Army (20
---- 5% ---- ---- 10% 15% rounds), Light Cavalry Saber $60

Secondary Abilities Ability Scores

Feat Mox Skill Skill Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

5% 5% ---- 5% 10% 5%

Secondary Abilities

You are a detective for the highest

bidder. Part of a vast security and Skill Skill Feat Mox
intelligence gathering network that
crosses the country. You work for
whoever has the money to pay your Pugilist
You were a fighter back east. The best
Infiltration and intelligence are your there ever was, or maybe not. Maybe
specialties, you have a network of you were just a scrapper who liked to
contacts spread across the west. get paid for smashing people’s faces in.
Revealing yourself isn’t always option Regardless the money dried up, not the
number one but when you do local fights though. You figured there is this
governments roll out the red carpet. whole wild part of the country, might as
well go out there and get paid to hit
​ hen looking to infiltrate an
Detective:​ W people.
organized group, or digging through

One Two Punch: ​Your left hook is as Always a Flask:​ T ​ he Saloon Keeper
dangerous as your right. When you land has a flask with five shots of whisky on
a melee hit, and do damage, you can them at all times. Each shot restores 10
spend 15 Moxie to make a second Moxie points. The flask is refilled each
attack. You can repeat this until you fail morning. Players receiving the shot
to do damage, or run out of Moxie. must test following the rules for drinking
alcohol. ​2AP
Proficiency: ​Athletics, Intimidate,
Fighten’, Resolve, Magnetism, Gamble Proficiency: ​Gamble, Eavesdrop,
Rumor, Magnetism, Rithmatic, Sleight of
Starting Gear: ​Common Clothing, Hand
Rations (10) Old fight poster, brass
Knuckles, Bowie Knife. $20 Starting Gear: ​Fine Clothing, Flask,
Perfume, Tobacco and rolling papers,
Ability Scores Colt Single Action Army (20 rounds) $30

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha Ability Scores

10% ---- 10% ---- ---- ----

Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha

Secondary Abilities ---- 10% ---- ---- 5% 15%

Mox Stam Skill Skill Feat Feat Secondary Abilities

Saloon Keeper Feat Skill Skill Mox

“Get you a drink sir?” Gold, money, and Soldier

booze are what make the world go
round. Stiff drinks and simple With the end of the War between the
conversation. You are half doctor half states, the frontier is filled with
shrink. The bar might not be yours, but ex-soldiers. People filled with a need to
there is a bed to sleep in, and the get away, to find a better life for
money is steady. Ya there are fights, themselves. Some though are just
and the occasional murder in the main looking to get away, to retreat into the
room but people don’t rob saloons when vastness of the desert staying one step
the bank is down the street. ahead of their memories, and the
horrible things that they did in the name
of home and county.

Stagecoach Driver
Soldiers tend to see most problems as
something that can be shot or stabbed Wells Fargo, the Pony Express, normal
into submission. Some consider people, everybody needs a ride, and not
themselves scholars of war and men. everybody can drive a team of six. It’s a
Most though have just grown good job sure, but the danger is there,
comfortable with the killing. also you hear things, and less than
savory people do try to rope you into
Push on:​ You are able to keep going things.
even after others would have fallen
apart. When you use this skill gain back The allure of not being tied down is
any Action Points you have spent this strong and even for the West you are a
round, and if your Stamina is less than transitory person.
half, it returns to half. 40 Moxie.
Look Ma, I’m going fast!:​ ​You can
Proficiency: ​Leadership, Athletics, reroll failed drive tests and take the
Guns, Resolve, Survival, Tracking better result. This skill can be used up to
the stagecoach drivers Common Sense
Starting Gear: ​Common clothing, Long mod per day. 10 Moxie
Jacket (faded blue or gray), boots,
bedroll, rations (10) Colt Single Action Proficiency: ​Drive, Ride, Perception,
Army, and a second pistol or a Sharps Cordenation, Navigation, Reaction
Rifle. 20 bullets for each. $20
Starting Gear: ​Common clothing, rope,
Ability Scores hardtack (10) bedroll, map case, Bowie
Knife, Winchester (40 rounds). $30
Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha
Ability Scores
5% 10% 10% ---- 5% ----
Br Qd Vit BL Cs Cha
Secondary Abilities
5% 10% 5% ---- 5% ----

Feat Skill Skill Stam

Secondary Abilities

Feat Skill Skill Stam Mox

Skills stabbed your finger all night, never fall
off your horse nether.”
Skills come in two styles, basic and
advanced. Basic skills are things that Deception (Charm): “​This cure all will
everybody knows, and you can make make you feel younger and shoot
tests against these without penalty if you straighter. Come one! Come all!” ​Holds
lack proficiency ranks. Advanced skills crossed fingers behind back.
require special learning that comes from
life experience or schoolin’. If you are Fighten’ (Brawn) ​“I’ll crack my knuckles
not proficient with these skills you will over your fucken’ head, then ram my
have to make the test with knife into your gut if you speak that way
disadvantage. ‘bout my ma again.”

Being proficient in a skill confers a Guns (Quick Draw):​ Bang, bang. Iron
bonus of +10%. You can have up to comes out bullets go flying, I point
three ranks in a skill bringing your bonus people drop sometimes, blood flys. It’s a
to +30%. gunfight.

Each skill also has a corresponding stat Handle Animal (Common Sense):
that it is connected with. If you are “Whoa there, girl, just hold on,” ​pet’s the
making a test with a skill you have no big Mare’s main, ​“That’s it, ya...just calm
training in you test with the raw stat, and down and let me slide this over your
any modifier that the Narrator puts on head.”
the test.
Intimidate (Brawn): ​“I will come over
Basic there a fuck you two ways to Sunday
unless you tell me where you hid the
Athletics (Brawn):​”I was all American money!” ​Cracks knuckles.
in college, I can run and jump faster
than anybody!” Investigation (Book Learnen’): ​“Looks
like he had money hid in this account,
Bargain (Charm): “​Let’s make a deal and I see that under the bed he had a
partner, this silver tongue isn’t doing me safe deposit box so we can postulate…”
or you any good just sitting in my skull
now is it?” Magnetism (Charm): ​“I got the looks, I
got the charm, people love me, they
Coordination (Quickdraw): “​You’re follow me, they do what I want.”
real good at that knife game, haven’t

Oratory (Common Sense): ​“Four score Rumor (Common Sense): ​“I hear tell
and seven years ago...we talked about that there is gold in the hills, and that old
whether it was nobler to suffer the slings man Don is pushing for the mayorship.”
and arrows… or to refresh the tree of
liberty from time to time with the blood of Scrutinize (Common Sense): ​“That
patriots!” there don’t look right to me. I know you
said you’re Stinky Pete, but he don’t
Perception (Common Sense): ​“I saw it have no wooden leg, it’s made of iron.”
out of the corner of my eye I did. Don’t
trust me well then turn and look for Advanced
Counterfeit (Book Learnen’): ​“I’ve got
Reaction (Quick Draw): ​“Do you need this big bag of greenbacks, I assure you
a count?” ​Nope I’m good, ain’t nobody they are real. Need some documents, a
​ ang...​fast as me...
as...B land grant, military severance?”

Readen’ (Book Learnen’)​: “I got a Disguise (Book Learnen’): “​Fake

house full of books and I’ve read them mustache, wig, jacket from a dead man,
all. Ask me something and I’m sure I grease paint, looks like you got an
know the answer, I went to Yale after actor’s tool kit here.” ​
Drive (Quick Draw): ​“Grab the reins
Resolve (Common sense): ​“I saw so boy, I’ma teach you how to run this here
many things during the war, I close my stagecoach.”
eyes and they are there, always.
Prepares me what to expect out here in Eavesdrop (Common Sense): ​Leans
the west.” back in their chair, “​ Mr. so and so is
doing what now?”
Righten (Book Learnen’): ​“I shall write
my account of this great and vast Gamble (Charm): ​“I’m
western land, then sell it once I return to” ​Puts cards down,
New York.” “And that boys is how you play the
Rithmetic (Book Learnen’): ​“If you
have five bandits, and I shoot three of Heal (Book Learnen’): ​“I need a
you how many does that leave?” bandage, a sharp knife, a hot poker and
and three fingers of whiskey.” ​What’s
the whiskey for? “​ Me.”

Interrogation (Brawn/Charm): ​“Just be out of town with our prize before he
one more question sir, it’s one I forgot a can even sound the alarm.”
second ago, that has just been in my
mind, you said you were at the Survival (Common Sense): ​“I look at
saloon…” the desert, and I don’t see a vast empty
waste, I see food and water, just hidden
Leadership (Charm): ​"From this day away,...”
until the ending of the world but we in it
shall be remember'd. We few, we happy Tracking (Common Sense): ​“A herd of
few, we band of brothers, For he today bison came through here yesterday, and
who sheds his blood with me shall be before that the men we seek made
my brother, Be he ne'er so vile, this day camp, the ash from their fire is still
shall gentle his condition, and warm, come friends we are on the right
gentlemen in England now abed shall track.”
think themselves accursed they were
not here, and hold their manhoods
Navigation (Book Learnen’): ​“Looking
up at the sky, as long as I have the Ambidextrous:​ I​ f your primary hand
north star, we will never be lost. All your has been wounded, you can still fire
maps and directions are fine, but give your weapon without suffering any
me my star and we shall be right.” negative modifiers to the test that are
conferred by the wound.
Ride (Quick Draw): ​“I was born in the
saddle, I suspect I’ll die in it as well. Not ​ all where your shot will
Called Shot:​ C
much use being out here if you can’t sit land. If your attack test is successful roll a
a horse.” d4 and see if your call matches. If it’s a
match consult the table and add the effect
Sleight of Hand (Quick Draw): ​“Miss plus the rolled d4 as damage, if you don’t
direction, that is the key, they look the match just add the damage. (requires
other way, look at your face, and then ranged weapon) ​2AP
the coin just slides away in the palm of
Called Shot Table
your hand.”

Stealth (Quick Draw): ​“Move like 1 Body- Pushed 10 ft

shadows boys, like the night. The sherif
won’t know what hit’em, and then we'll 2 Legs- Fall prone

3 Arms- Drops 1 item held distance you can spend 10 moxie to
have advantage on the test.
4 Head- Blinded
Gruesome shot:​ ​Spend extra Action
Card counter:​ W ​ hen playing cards, you Point to do an extra d6 of damage. You
can spend 15 moxie to pick the number can only add 1d6 to an attack.
or suit of the next card drawn, or 20
moxie to pick the exact card. At the Gruff Looken’:​ I​ ntimidate people with
same time you may make a gamble test, your presence. You, or any friendly
if you succeed the moxie is refunded, if character within view of you gain +10%
you critically succeed the skill on intimidate tests. If you suffer any scar
recharges. If you fail everybody you are or wound to your face this goes up to
playing with knows you were counting +15% because you look even worse.
the cards. Can be used once per day.
Happy Drunk:​ G ​ ain an extra 5 moxie
Dark Jokes:​ W ​ hen the world goes to from alcoholic beverages.
shit, all you can do is make a joke about
it. When seeing something grim that Healing Touch:​ ​When the Doctor uses
forces a resolve test you can make a a Stem the Flow action, and succeeds
joke, and spend 10 Moxie, to have they can spend an extra Action Point to
advantage on the test. give the targeted character 1d10 back to
their stamina.
Die Hard: ​You regain 1d6 Stamina at
the start of your turn. Doesn’t nigate Kidney shot:​ ​When making Melee
bleeding. attacks if the test is a critical, double the
value rolled on non weapon damage
Dodger:​ ​Bullets can’t touch you, if you d6’s. Spend 20 Moxie to double the
fail a dodge test, you can spend 15 value of the weapon damage dice.
Moxie to swap the units and the tens
value on your d100 if it would make the ​ hen spinning a story, you have
Liar:​ W
roll a success. advantage on deception tests. If the test
is passed it is considered a critical
Fearless:​ ​Resolve tests are taken with success even if doubles are not rolled. If
advantage, and if you are outnumbered a critical fail is rolled treat it as a normal
you can spend 10 Moxie and gain 3AP. failure. On a fail you can spend 5 luck to
retake the test.
Good Eyes:​ W ​ hen making a perception
test, or a ranged gun test that is at max ​ ou get the benefits of a
Light sleeper:​ Y
good night’s rest after only 4 hours of

shut eye. Sleeping on the trail doesn’t Saddle born:​ Y ​ ou were born to ride.
affect your stamina or moxie When making ride tests you can ignore
regeneration. You can spend all your one level of difficulty. If the difficulty of a
Moxie and get the benefits of a full ride test is already in your favor you can
night's rest without sleeping, but your test with advantage. Sleeping in the
Moxie won’t recharge until you get a full saddle is a possibility, and during that
night’s sleep. night you regain half of the resources
you would get from a normal night’s
Mean Drunk:​ + ​ 10% to Brawn and sleep.
intimidate tests when dunk.
Stargazer:​ ​When making navigation
Picker of locks:​ Y​ ou have advantage tests if you can see the stairs you
when making lock picking tests, as long always know which way is north, and
as you have a lockpick. You can spend add +20% to the test.
15 Moxie and skip all but an arduous
test to pick a lock. Streetwise:​ T​ he city is your natural
environment. Travel time through a city
Pickpocket:​ ​When stealing you have takes you half the time as an outsider,
advantage on the Sleight of Hand test. If and you can always find a contact when
you fail you can spend 10 moxie to looking for information.
make it a success, unless the failure is
critical. If you fail critically you can Tough:​ ​You were just born tougher than
spend 20 to negate the test having the rest of your family. Roll a d6 and add
happened, but you can’t retake it. the value to your hit points.

Pockets for days:​ ​Swiping and hiding

small objects that can be palmed comes
naturally to you. Doing so doesn’t
require any kind of test to be done.

​ rowing up a
Rural sensibility:​ G
homesteader, you know the country and
the folk who live out there. You have
advantage on deplomany when dealing
with county folk, and can always find a
place to stay in a small town, or with

Chapter IV: on your turn is how many Action Points
you have. You recharge 3 Action Points
Combat at the start of each turn, and any that
are not spent roll over, allowing you to
The day is calm, the galloping of hooves build up a pool of Action Points. Your
filling the air, dust choking the trail. action point pool maxes out at 10. If you
Chloe, looks down the barrel of her rifle, start a round with 10 action points your
zeroing in on the man riding shotgun on normal three don't generate. If you have
the stagecoach. Squeezing the trigger, a 8 or 9 in your pool you will only generate
bloom of red bursts from the man’s 1 or 2 AP that turn. At no point can you
head, splattering the driver, spooking have more than 10 Action Points.
the horses.
Twisting the Stagecoach turns, rolls and
comes to a stop, the whinnying of the Attack: ​You aim and pull the trigger on
trapped and broken team now filling the your weapon. ​1AP
air as the dust clears. Chloe looks at her Dodge: ​You throw yourself out of the
fellow desperados and nods. They all way hoping to avoid an oncoming bullet.
know what it means. Make a reaction test if you pass the
attack has been avoided. ​1AP
Down below three figures start to crawl Move: ​You can move up to 30ft, can
out from the Stagecoach... only take once per round. Can’t use the
Sprint action in the same turn. ​1AP
Sprint: ​You can move up to 60ft, can
only take once per round, and not if you
have taken the move action. ​2AP
Once the guns come out the game Stem the flow: ​You roll to see if you
slows down. Everybody involved will roll can stem to flow once you start
a d10 and add their Quickdraw mod to bleeding. (see below for a breakdown).
generate their initiative. Combat then 2AP
goes in order from the highest number Reload: ​Reload your weapon. The
to the lowest. Action Point cost will be on your gun.
Basic Skill test: ​Perform a basic skill
Combat is broken up into turns, where a test. ​1AP
Pistolero will use their Action Points to Advanced Skill Test: ​Perform an
perform actions, these can include advanced skill test. ​2AP
shooting your gun, reloading, moving,
trying to dodge, or patching up a fallen Attacking
friend. The only limit to what you can do

When it comes down to it, the pistols is going to be Challenging.” The
have been drawn, the triggers pulled, narrator responds.
the bullets ripping through the flesh of
other men. This is a gun fight. “Sounds good, my Guns are 60%
minus the 10% means I need to roll
Declare who you are attacking. The under a 50%. I’m okay with that. I
want to target the closest henchmen.”
Narrator will then tell you the difficulty
class of the attack. You will add this to Jason rolls his d100 and gets a 44%.
your gun(quickdraw) skill. Once you “That is a crit!. I’ll save my last AP in
have this value, state it outloud and roll case I need to dodge.”
a d100. The goal is to roll under that
generated number. If you roll under then “Well this bandit is going to try and
dodge. His reaction is 35%” ​The
a hit has been scored, and you roll
Narrator rolls for the banit and come
damage. up with a 67% ​“Redhead moe turned
just in time to see the round smash
Attack Difficulty Table into him. He lets out a grunt, go ahead
Outnumbered by 3 or more -30% and roll for damage.”
Outnumbered by 2 -20%
Outnumbered by 1 -10% “Lets see my pistol does 1d10 and
that was a crit so I double all the dice
Even Steven --- right?” Jason asks.
Up by 1 +10%
Up by 2 +20% “Yes 2d10+2d6. This doesn’t look
Up by 3 or more +30% good for Redhead Moe.” ​Jason Rolls
coming up with 10+7+2+4 for a total of
This table is just a guideline, the 23 damage. ​“As you roll out of the
ruined stagecoach, your pistol comes
narrator will take other factors from the
out. Leveling it you pull the trigger.
gunfight into account before deciding on The round rips through his forehead,
a difficulty for the attacking test - such blowing brains out across the
as cover, injuries, being on the ground, tumbleweeds. Redhead Moe falls to
weather, etc. the ground like a sack of potatoes.

“Sheriff Brooks rolls out of the You have the Gun Skill and a Quickdraw
wreckage of the Stagecoach. I’ll spend of 48% thus your base chance to hit is
1AP to move a bit so I can get a good 58%. If it is a challenging test your
shot and then another to pull my pistol chance to pass the test goes down to a
and shot at the bandits.” Says Jason. 48%. You roll a 32 on the d100 and
pass the test thus hitting your target. If
“Okay, there are four bandits and
three of you so the difficulty of the test you had rolled a 50 that would have
been a miss.

of 15 would treat that like two hits at 15
The Target at this point can spend AP to damage and as such be killed outright.
use the dodge action, this allows them
to make a reaction test. This final damage number is added to
the target’s Stamina value, which in
If the attack hits, the target takes the combat acts as a sort of shield for your
weapon’s damage plus your Quickdraw hit points. So if the target has a Stamina
Modifier for ranged weapons and your of 50 and takes 20 damage, their
Brawn Modifier for melee. stamina is now at 30. Most people the
Posse will be facing off against do not
If any of your rolled dice land on their have Stamina values….but you do.
highest face value, add an extra die of
that size to your damage for that hit. If
the extra dice lands high face add Falling to half:
another. Keep doing this until you do not When you fall to half of your stamina
get the high face. This rule doesn’t apply score, you start to bleed, and roll on the
to dice added from a Critical Hit. If you minor injury table.
generate 2 extra dice through high
facing that counts as an extra hit with When your Stamina falls to ⅓ any
equal damage when calculating damage taken requires you to roll on the
threshold damage for bad guys. So you major injury table.
roll 1d10 and get a face ten, then roll
another get a face ten, roll a third and Once you are taking damage to your hit
that is also a face ten, your single hit points you must roll on the Major injury
now counts as two hits. This is similar to table. If you reach 0 Hit Points you are
how critical hits work. If you cirt and bleeding out and unconscious. If nobody
generate an extra hit this way, it would comes and uses the Stem the Flow
count as three hits and not four, and the action on you, your Pistolero will bleed
amount of hits are not doubled. out over the next two turns. If they are
attacked, the test is taken with
If you get a critical hit (roll a double on advantage, and the unconscious target
your percentile dice) double the number can not attempt to take the dodge
of rolled dice. You will calculate the action. If they are hit, then it is over, and
number after any extra dice from high the grave digger has to get to work.
faces have been rolled. Critical hits
count as two hits with the same damage “The bullets are flying fast now, Chloe
value when calculating damage hits Douglas the stagecoach driver,
thresholds. A bandit with a Damage she deals 35 damage with two
threshold of 2/7 who takes a critical hit rounds.”

start to bleed out from bleeding damage.
Shonda, looks at her sheet. “​ That Once you have hit 0HP you are no long
takes me to half my stamina.” suffering from the bleeding condition,
you are in much worse shape.
“Then I’m going to need you to roll on
the minor injury table.”
“That round to the shoulder has put
Shonda rolls her d10 and gets an you in bleeding territory Douglas. I’m
eight. going to need you to take 1d10
“The round rips into your shoulder,
causing you to miss a step, looks like Shonda rolls a 4 ​“That was lucky, I’m
you’ll have disadvantage on brawn going to spend one of my AP to take a
tests until you get that looked at.” heal test. I don’t have a rank so it’s at
46%, and it’s just a normal test” ​Rolls
d100 gets a 88% “​ Damn!”

Stem the Flow: ​You perform a Heal test “That’s a crit fail, gonna need you to
on the unconscious target in an attempt roll me another d10, you just couldn’t
to stem the flow of blood. The difficulty get that bleeding under control.”
of the check is based on how injured
“I press my hand against my shoulder
they are, and the Narrator will give you and turn to the rest of the Posse. ‘Little
this number. If the test is passed then help!’”
the targeted creature stops bleeding and
they are no longer dying. If the test fails
If you are between half and 1/3 a normal
then you did more harm than good and
heal test and a bandage will stop the
they say a few last words as the camera
bleeding. If you are between ⅓ and your
pans up and away, and they die in your
Hit Points the test becomes challenging,
arms. The Difficulty of this test is based
and if you are taking damage to your Hit
on the number of injuries the dying
Points it is arduous. A critical success
target has taken. Each Minor Injury is
restores the stamina or hit points you
worth -10% and each Major Injury is
lost at the start of the turn. A Critical fail
worth -20%, up to a total of -30%.
requires you to roll another d10.

Bleeding: ​Once a Pistolero falls below

Duel: ​A quickdraw duel is a staple of the
half their stamina Max they are
old west, and how many tried to solve
considered to be bleeding. At the start of
their problems. But it is also a
your turn you take 1d10 damage to your
dangerous route to take. When a duel is
stamina. If you have exhausted your
declared, both sides have to agree to
stamina, then this applies against your
take part. This is a special kind of
hit points. You can fall unconscious and
contested test, as it is a flat roll vs roll.

Both sides roll 1d10 plus a d6 for each stumbles back dripping her pistol and
level of proficiency you have in the Gun putting a hand on the wound, blood
skill, up to 3d6. Both parties will pick up dribbling from the hole.”
their dice, and then wait for the narrator,
or a neutral party, to call draw. Both
parties roll. Whoever gets the highest Action Point Pool (optional)
number wins. The winner lives and the At the start of combat put a pile of poker
loser, well end of the line partner. If the chips in the middle of the table, equal to
roll is a draw then both sides missed. At 10x the amount of players. Each player
this point you can walk away with your pulls out 3AP, in chips. During the start
honor intact or holster your pistol and of their second turn they will draw three
get ready to draw again until the deed is more chips up to a max of 10. When you
done. want to use an action and spend AP you
put the appropriate amount of chips into
Sheriff Brooks is leaning against the the Action Point Pool.
broken wagon as more bullets are
flying. Looking over he sees Douglas Wounds
bleeding on the ground.

Jason: “‘Fuck this,’ I mutter, standing Minor Injury Table

up and pointing toward the bandit 1. Lady luck has her peepers on
leader. ‘Come out and face me like a you partner, nothing happens.
man and we can end this with only 2. Arm:​ You get grazed, and have
one more body!’ I yell using my Call disadvantage with rifles or tests
out feature.”
requiring two hands until healed.
“Stand down boys, if this lawman 3. Hand:​ A round finds your hand,
wants to die who am I to stand in his forcing you you to drop your
way. No man that is for sure!” weapon. Spend ​1AP ​to pick it up.
4. Knock on the head:​ Your noggin
Both Jason and the narrator pick up a takes a knockin. Disadvantage on
d10, Chloe as 2 ranks in guns, and
Booklearnen’ tests until you take
picks up two d6. Brooks only has one
rank and only takes 1d6. The two of a long rest.
them eye each other. Shonda yells 5. Foot:​ stub your toe, and start
draw, and they throw the dice. hobbling, for the rest of the
combat the move action only
The narrator gets 5+2+3 for 10. Jason takes you 15ft.
gets 8+5 for 13.
6. Fall:​ You’re not hit but the near
“You draw fast, and your round is true impact takes you off your feet to
smashing through Chloe's chest. She the ground.

7. Bruise:​ diving to the side you land on skill checks requiring two
wrong and suffer a soft tissue hands. Persists until healed.
injury, your stamina max is Permanently can’t dual wield
lowered by 10 until you take a pistols.
long rest. 6. Punctured lung: ​Your Moxie is
8. Shoulder: ​A round rips into your knocked to half if above that
shoulder, you have disadvantage threshold. You can’t regain Moxie
on brawn tests until healed. until healed.
9. Leg: ​A round smashes into your 7. Splintered elbow: ​Drop your
leg, lowering your movement by weapon and suffer 1d10 bleeding
half until healed. damage. Your arm is gimpy
10. Major injury: ​Just ain’t your lucky forever. Call it, the narrator Flips
day. Roll on the Major Injury a coin to see which one.
table. 8. Blown off ear: ​Permanent
disadvantage on tests requiring
Major Injury table hearing. +10% to intimidate
1. Butchered knee:​ A round blows because you look scary.
through your knee splattering 9. Neck shot: N ​ ot unconscious but
blood and bone everywhere. You now bleeding out. See bleeding
fall prone and can’t stand again out rules. If Stem the Flow isn’t
until the injury is healed. Move used by the start of your next turn
action is only 10ft. you are dead. (Can make the test
2. Concussion:​ You are knocked on yourself with disadvantage.)
unconscious, but not dying. 10. Head shot: ​It’s over partner, time
Waking you up in combat to get rolling a new Pistolero.
requires the use of smelling salts.
3. Maimed foot: A ​ round blows
through your boot, and you lose Healing and Drinking
three toes. Permanent loss of 5ft
of movement. The thing most Pistoleros want to do
4. Mangled organ:​ A round goes when they are in town after a gunfight, is
bouncing through your body, drink away the memory, and go get
ripping apart vital flesh. Once patched up by the Doc. The doctor can
healed your stamina max is patch up most of your major and minor
permanently lowered by 10. Until injuries, along with making it so that
you are healed you can’t regain your Stamina recharges at a normal rate
Stamina. if it has been slowed down. The bar
5. Mutilated hand: C ​ an’t use 2 keep? Well he will make sure you don’t
handed weapons, disadvantage

think about all those pesky bullet holes If the test succeeds you are on your way
while you set off on your next dumb to healing and with two days of rest per
adventure. Many an man has been major injury will be good as new. All of
known to say that whiskey puts the your stamina and hitpoints return once
moxie back into him in, and let me tell the healing process is complete. A
you friend that is exactly what it does. critical success on the heal test will have
you back on your feet in two days,
Healing a Minor Injury, regaining hit regardless of how many wounds were
points. healed.

The best way to get back on your feet is If the test fails, you have to look at how
to see the Doctor, they can patch you much it failed by. For every 20% that it
right up...mostly. It will be better than failed by you lose 20 to your max
whatever trail medicine you were going stamina until another heal test from a
to end up with. better doctor can be made. The injuries
you were trying to heal also persist. If
Once at the doctor, you are going to the test is a critical fail then you suffer a
need to make a vitality test to see if you major injury, 1d10 hitpoint damage, and
are able to survive them doing work on all the above issues. It is completely
you, but lucky there are some things possible, to die on the operating table.
that operate in your favor. If you are at a
good doctor who you have had to pay at Drinking
least $30 to, you will get a +30% on the
test. For every ten dollars less than 30 This grizzly fact of life is why many
you lose 10%. Each minor injury that Pistoleros, who already know that their
you have adds a level of difficulty to the life is short choose to medicate with
test. If you have a compatriot with two firewater. The Saloonkeeper in town will
levels of heal assisting the doctor, this is gladly sell you a shot of Whisky for $.50
negated. Three levels and you have a pop. The whole bottle can be yours for
advantage. a low low price of $10. You know he
bought it for less, but unless you can
$10-$30 = +10-30% find those shiners in the hills this is what
Injury = -10% you got.
Friend with 2 ranks of heal = negate
injury negative Each shot of Whisky will recover 5
Friend with 3 ranks = test with Moxie. You must then take a resolve
advantage test to see if you become drunk. The
first shot’s test is Trivial, but each shot
after that ups the difficulty rating of the

test by one. Once you fail a test you are Grappled: ​Your foe, standing toe to toe
considered drunk, and have with you has tried to grab you and hold.
disadvantage on checks involving Both parties make Brawn Tests, and if
Quickdraw and Common Sense, but you the grappling character wins then their
might just net advantage on Charm or target is grappled and can’t move on
luck based tests if the narrator is feeling their own or shoot until they break the
kind. grapple with another opposed Brawn
test. A grappled character can be
Once you have slept after suffering the moved up to half the grapplers
drunk condition you take a second movement, or full movement if they
Resolve test with no modifiers. If you fail dash.
you are hungover, and grumpy as hell.
You will find that none of your stamina Incapacitated: ​You are unable to move,
or Moxie have been recovered, and any still conscious but not able to control
injuries that are healed with a long rest your body. If you are incapacitated you
persist. remain so until you pass the test
associated with whatever caused the
Conditions and Status Effects status.

Blinded: ​Something has gotten into Poisoned: ​You ate something bad, or
your eye, or that little globe has run from got a snake in your boot. Until healed,
your skull. Disadvantage on all tests you no longer regain stamina and each
requiring sight until taken care of. hour that passes you lose 1d10 from
your stamina max. Vitality tests are
Deafened: ​There is a odd buzzin’ in the made with disadvantage.
the back of your head, a bubble of water
in your hearing holes. Until taken care of Restrained: ​You done been hogtied, or
you have disadvantage on tests that strapped down, or under some kind of
involve hearing. weight, regardless you ain’t going
nowhere. At the end of your turn you
Frightened: ​Holy dog shit what was can try and make a Brawn test to see if
that!? Something has spooked you you can bust free of what is holding you
good. On your turn you must dash away back, the difficulty of the test will be
from whatever has turned ya yella’. decided by the narrator.
Make a resolve test at the end of your
turn to find your wits. Unconscious: ​You are on the ground,
eyes closed, mind not all there. You are
at the mercy of the world. All attacks

against you have advantage, and you
are probably bleeding out.

Prone: ​You done fallen to the ground

partner. It might take you a moment to
get up, but in that time you are
vulnerable. Any attacks that are made
while ajastent to a prone target have
advantage. Attacks made from range
are made with at least a -10% difficulty
modifier. Being at range and height
negates this.

Playing on a Grid

A grid is not required to play ​Ballad of

the Pistolero​, but if you are the kind of
group that loves to build terrain, use
minis, or just whip out the battle map
and drop some candy and bottle tops
down, then the game works for that.
Treat each square, or hex as 5 square
feet. Simple as that. You thought it
would be hard didn’t ya partner?

Weapons Break Action Shotgun
A break action shotgun that holds two
“A Pistolero is only as good as the slugs.
weapon that is in his hand. I used to Range 20ft
have this revolver, got it during the war. Damage 3d10
It fit perfectly in my hand, just the right Reload 2AP
amount of recoil. Oh it was a beauty of a Price $50
weapon. It was a sad day when she
finally jammed up on me to the point I Colt Single Action Army
couldn’t fix her.” A .45 caliber pistol with a 6 shot
The bread and butter of every Pistolero Range 50ft
is their weapon. Pistols are held in one Damage 1d10
hand and all use pistol ammo, Rifles are Reload 3AP
held in two and use rifle ammo. I know Price $30
what you are saying, bullets ain’t always
interchangeable between all types of LeMat Revolver
pistol or all types of rifle. Well to that I A .38 caliber revolver with a 9 round
say remember what I was saying about chamber. It also has a single cartridge
history at the front of the book. shotgun barrel at the bottom.
Range 50ft/20ft
Bowie Knife Damage 1d10/2d10
A large sheath carried fighting knife with Reload 5AP to full 3AP for the bullets
a 5-12 inch fixed blade made popular by only.
Texas hero Jim Bowie, who died at the Price $45
Range melee Model 1860 Light Cavalry Saber
Damage 1d6 A saber with a 35 inch blade and a
Price $15 brass hand guard. Popular with the US
Army during the Civil War and the Indian
Brass Knuckles Wars.
A ring of brass that fits around your Range Melee
hand, good for hiding a weapon and Damage 1d10
brawling. Price $20
Range: melee
Damage: 1d6 + Brawn mod Remington Derringer
Price $10 A small pocket pistol chambered in .41
rimfire. It holds two rounds.
Range 20ft

Damage 1d10
Reload 2AP
Price $10

Sharps Rifle
A .52 caliber single shot rifle modified to
fire cartridges.
Range: 200ft
Damage: 2d10
Reload 2AP
Price $60

Springfield Allin Conversion

The classic Civil War rifled musket
converted to have a trapdoor in the rear
and fire cartridges. This is a single shot
rifle commonly used by the US Army.
Range 300ft
Damage 2d10
Reload 2AP
Price $65

A fighting ax held in one hand. Popular
with the Native Americans, and white
men who believe they are less in touch
with civilization. Balanced so that it can
be thrown a short distance.
Range: melee/15ft
Damage 1d10
Price $10

Winchester Rifle
A lever action .223 rifle that holds 15
Range 100ft
Damage 2d6
Reload 4AP (2AP if half empty)
Price $80

Bucket: ​Wooden pale with iron straps that
Chapter V: holds a gallon. ($.70)
General Store Items Bullets(Pistol): ​A box of 24 rounds for a
revolver. ($5)
Bullets(Rifle): ​Box of 30 rounds for a rifle.
“The general store is the heart of a town. I
know some people will say it’s the saloon,
Caltrops (20): ​small pointy traps. They
but they are dead damn wrong. Sure people
cover a 10x10 foot area. ($2)
gather there, but it’s the store where they
Chalk: ​small bit of white chalk. ($.02)
get what they need where the locals come
Chemistry kit:​ Small wooden box with vials
and have community. I mean it’s why Zeak
and a burner, used to making elixirs and
and I sit outside the store and not the
snake oil ($9)
Saloon. How we meet good people like you.
Chest: ​Large wooden with a lock. ($20)
Can’t have a real conversation in a Saloon.”
Clay Jug: ​Empty one gallon jug with XXX
on it. ($.50)
In every town you will find a general store,
Clothing, Common: ​A pair of pants and a
where you can find all manor of things from
shirt, in just about any color you could want.
pioneering items, to household goods, and
In a good town it might even have buttons.
firearms. Like the saloon the general store
is a pillar of any frontier town. There are
Clothing Fine: ​A really nice set of clothing,
always people sitting outside having coffee,
a suit with a jacket and tie. Or a fancy skirt.
smoking their pipes, gawing about gossip.
Coffee Beans(ground): ​Enough coffee to
Items make 20 cups. A cup of coffee regenerates
5+Vitality mod Stamina. ($2)
Backpack: ​A large bag made of buckskin, Coffee Percolator: ​Tin pot for brewing
filled with pouches and straps. ($10) coffee on your campfire. Takes ten minutes
Ball bearings (500): ​bag of small brass to brew once a fire is built.
balls. ($5) Compass: ​Small navigational device that
Bandage:​ Honeyed bandage. Required to always shows north. Having one of these
use Stem the Flow action. Used out of will give a party’s navigator advantage on
combat it adds +10% to a heal test and on their checks when setting a course.
a successful test restores 2d10 Stamina. On Cowboy Hat: ​A wide brimmed hat, that
a failed test nothing happens. In both cases helps keep the sun out of your eyes, and
the bandage is lost. ($.50) makes you look fancy. Comes in white,
Bear Trap: ​Iron jawed trap that can be set brown, and black. ($4)
with a pressure plate trigger. ($6) Crowbar: ​The best the Freeman Iron works
Bedroll: ​A wool blanket with a softer have to offer. Gives you advantage to open
underside. ($5) doors and crates. ($3)
Block and tackle: ​A pulley system for using Deck of Cards: ​Deck of 52 playing cards.
ropes to lift heavy objects.​ ​($1) ($1)
Blue Jeans: ​Denim pants, colored blue, Dice: ​Set of five six sided dice for gaming.
held together with rivets. ($3) ($ 1.50)

Fishing Pole: ​Good rod with a reel. You’ll Oil Lamp: ​Glass lamp with a wick and four
always have food. ($15) hours of oil. 2 ounces ($6)
Flask: ​Small tin flask to hold half a pint, or 8 Oiled Paper Case: ​Waterproof case that
shots ($2) can hold 30 sheets of paper. ($5)
Glass bottle: ​Small empty one pint bottle. Padlock: ​Small iron lock and key. ($2)
($.20) Paper: ​Small pad of paper with 20 sheets.
Gold Pan: ​A sloping tin pan made for ($.20)
getting gold from rivers. Also helps you look Patent Medicine: ​A cure all tonic. ($5)
for Mr. Pocket. Perfume: ​Small glass bottle of a sweet
Grappling Hook: ​Steel hook for the end of smelling liquid. Two types one that just
the rope. Helps you with climbing. ($2) makes you smell clean and the other that
Hammer: ​A small nail hammer. ($.75) makes you smell rich. Each bottle have 10
Handbell: ​Iron bell with a wooden handle uses, and the scent lasts for 8 hours. ($5)
popular with town crier. ($2) ($10)
Hardtack: ​A hard unleavened cracker that Pick: ​A twin headed pointed tool for
is slow to rot. Great for the trail, not really breaking up rocks, you know once you find
for eating. ($.20) Mr. Pocket.
Ink and pen: ​A small jar of ink and a Piton: ​Small pack of 5 climbing spikes. ($5)
dipping fountain pen. ($1) Reading glasses: ​bifocals so that you can
Iron Chain: ​10ft of iron chain with the read if you have weak eyes. ($4)
option to add more at a smith. ($5) Rope: ​50ft of well coiled hemp rope. ($2)
Iron Pot: ​Strong gallon pot made of cast Shovel: ​Good digging shovel, nice for
iron. Great for stew over the fire. ($10) farming - or digging a grave. ($4)
Iron Spikes: (​10) Iron spikes from the Soap: ​Small bar of tallow soap so you can
railroad. ($4) be clean. ($1)
Ladder: ​ten foot wooden ladder. ($4) Smelling Salts: ​Salts used to wake people
Lamp Hood: ​focus the light of you lamp up if they have fallen unconscious. ($2)
with this little bit of tin. ($1.50) Spyglass: ​Tube of wood with two lens that
Lamp oil: ​Four hours of lamp oil. ($3) lets you see up to a mile away on flat
Lockpick:​ These let you pick locks with ground. ($8)
your Sleight of Hand skill. ($9) Tackle Box: ​The lours and such for fishing.
Magnifying Glass: ​An eye sized ring of Can bait up to six hooks. ($1.50)
convex glass with a wooden handle. Made Tent for Two: ​A frame canvas tent with
for helping people read and investigate. poles and stakes. Waterproof even. ($15)
Gives advantage on visual based Tinder Box: ​Small wooden box with lint,
investigation tests. ($3) and a small bar of magnesium and a little
Map case: ​Case with a map of the State or stick of flint. ($.50)
Territory it was sold in. Oiled so that it’s Tobacco Pouch: ​Pouch of loose Tobacco
waterproof. ($2.50) and enough papers to roll 15 cigarettes.
Mess Kit: ​Small tin plate and bowl that fit Torch: ​Stick with cloth dipped in oil. Burn
together with a hook that makes the bowl a for two hours. ($1)
little pan. ($1.25) Water skin:​ A one quart oiled animal hide
Mirror: ​Small handheld silvered mirror. ($8) full of drinking water ($.50)

. ​Chapter
VI: and a single skill with a perficancy rank.
making them just a little harder to take
Creating Foes down. They can move and shot, or dash
and dodge. Damage 3-5 hits for 6-15
“Throughout your travels in the west you damage.
are going to run into desperados,
bandits, dirt bags and Confederados. Tier 3 villains are the Lieutenants of
Any number of nasty and dastardly roving gangs, they are the bully that
personalities. Now Zeak and I can’t lay makes things hard for the pose near the
them all out for ya, but we can break start of the game. They have 3 abilities
down what you are most like to see.” over 50% and three skills with 2
perficancy ranks. They will have 2 feats,
Bad guys come in four versions, that we or a feat and a class skill. They can
will break into tiers. For the first three attack twice and move or they can dash
Tier’s they will have damage thresholds and dodge. They can use their special
and a number of times which the moves once an encounter in place of
threshold has to be met before they are one of their other actions. Damage 5-10
killed. Damage: 1(9) would mean that a hits for 10-15 damage.
Villain has to have one hit of at least 9
damage scored on them to kill them. A Tier 4 villain is the equal of a player
3(10) would mean you need to hit them character who has all 8 of their
3 times and each hit needs to do at least profession advancements. They can
ten damage. have abilities that are cresting into the
60s or 70s. They have all three pools at
A tier 1 villain doesn’t pose much of a their disposal, (Stamina, Moxie, and
treat to the Posse. They will only have Luck). This is the boss of an adventure,
one attribute over 40% and only two they are truly foes to be worried about.
skills with a perficancy rank. They have They will run on Action Points and not
no feats, or Stamina pool. A Tier 1 villain just set actions.
has three actions they can perform.
They can move and shot, or dash. Their These simple guidelines should help
Damage threshold will be between 1-2 you build any bad guys that you need
hits for 6-10 damage. Think of them as for your games. While there is not going
the cannon fodder foes in a movie that to be a list of foes in this book, all
get quickly knocked over by the heroes. published adventures for ​Ballad of the
Pistolero​ will have full stat blocks for
A tier 2 villain has a little bit more helft to anybody that your plays might want or
them than the cannon fodder chumps. need to kill.
They will have two attributes over 40%


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