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revue neurologique 177 (2021) 589–593

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International meeting of the French society of neurology 2020

How to treat neurogenic bladder and sexual

dysfunction after spinal cord lesion

P. Denys a,*, E. Chartier-Kastler b, A. Even a, C. Joussain a

Neurourology and andrology unit, department of physical medecine and rehabilitation, Raymond-Poincaré Hospital
AP–HP; Université Paris-Saclay; UMR 1179 Inserm, Paris, France
Department of urology, Hôpital de la Pitié, Paris-Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

info article abstract

Article history: Neurogenic bladder and sexual dysfunction after spinal cord lesions are highly prevalent.
Received 1st July 2020 The treatment algorithm for neurogenic bladder is well described. Clean intermittent self-
Accepted 6 July 2020 catheterisation associated with treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity is the gold
Available online 18 February 2021 standard. Goals of treatment are twofold: i) control risk factors to avoid upper urinary tract
complications, and ii) improve quality of life by treating incontinence when feasible. Lower
Keywords: urinary tract dysfunction is still a major cause of complications and hospitalisation. Sexual
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction must be addressed and treated and is at the top of patient expectations one year
Urinary tract infection after injury.
Erectile dysfunction # 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Spinal cord injury

detrusor contracts and the sphincters relax to obtain a

1. Introduction voluntary, complete and easy emptying of urine.

Continence and micturition are controlled both by autonomic

and somatic centres in the spinal cord and the brain. They 2. Pathophysiology
coordinate the activity of the smooth muscle of the bladder,
the internal sphincter, and the external striated sphincter of 2.1. Neurogenic bladder
the urethra during the two major physiological phases,
continence and micturition. This neurologic control acts as Pathophysiology of the neurogenic bladder after spinal cord
a switch from storage to emptying. During the storage or injury (SCI) was clearly described in the 1990s [1]. Basically,
continence phase, the low pressure inside the bladder allows after the spinal shock phase, the detrusor is acontractile and
the ureters to fill the bladder continuously with urine the sphincters closed, leading to urinary retention and
produced by the kidneys, and urethra remains closed even overflow incontinence; neuroplasticity progressively modifies
during stress. On the opposite, during micturition, the the properties of bladder afferences (C fibres) and spinal

* Corresponding author at: Neurourology and andrology unit, department of physical medecine and rehabilitation, Raymond-Poincaré
Hospital AP–HP, 104, boulevard Raymond-Poincaré, 92380 Garches, France.
E-mail address: (P. Denys).
Abbreviations: NDO, neurogenic detrusor overactivity; CISC, clean intermittent self-catheterisation; SCI, spinal cord injury.
0035-3787/# 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
590 revue neurologique 177 (2021) 589–593

circuitry. If the lesion is suprasacral and infrapontine, both In fact, the major stratification is based both on gender
continence and micturition are modified. During the storage and level of injury impacting the ability to perform CISC. The
phase, the bladder spontaneously contracts [neurogenic gold standard of treatment when possible or feasible is CISC
detrusor overactivity (NDO)] leading to incontinence. During associated with treatment of NDO. Intermittent catheterisa-
micturition, there is a loss of coordination between detrusor tion is a mode of micturition and not the treatment of risk
contraction and sphincter relaxation (detrusor sphincter factors and incontinence that require an association of
dyssynergia), leading to high detrusor pressure and dysuria. treatments to control NDO. Four rules are the key to success:
Patients are at the same time incontinent (by NDO), and suffer more than five catheterisations per day, a clean method
from chronic urinary retention due to the functional obstruc- avoiding the use of antiseptic on the perineum, volume at
tion by dyssynergia. The association of high detrusor pressure catheterisation below 450 mL, and diuresis of more than
and urinary retention is the major cause of upper urinary tract 1.5L. Intermittent catheterisation is feasible even by tetra-
complications that was the first cause of mortality in this plegic patients up to C6 level [9]. An educational program
population until the 1980s [2]. including occupational therapy enables verification of the
Clean intermittent self-catheterisation (CISC) was descri- physical ability to perform catheterisation, but also patient
bed by Lapides [3] and strongly modified the prognosis of education concerning prevention of urinary tract infection
neurogenic bladder due to SCI. Despite major progress in the by respecting the rules. In fact, intermittent catheterisation
management of neurogenic bladder, complications remain is associated with urine colonisation raising the point that an
frequent and are the first cause of re-hospitalisation in the isolated positive urine culture does not mean that there is a
long term [4]. Altogether, there are still two major goals in the urinary tract infection requiring antibiotic therapy. The most
management of neurogenic bladder: prevention of complica- important difficulty is to achieve appropriate diagnosis of
tions by avoiding high detrusor pressure and improvement of symptomatic urinary tract infection based on often non-
quality of life by improving continence when possible. specific symptoms (spasticity, autonomic dysreflexia, fati-
gue, etc.) and urine culture results [10]. The risk of acquiring
2.2. Sexual function multi-resistant germs is high in this population and can
reach 50% of patients at one year due to overuse of
Sexual function is under the control of the same centres in the antibiotics.
spinal cord. Spinal lesions induce severe sexual dysfunction NDO treatment is mandatory to control incontinence and
and can alter fertility in men. Erection can be achieved both by risk factors. A three-step strategy should be managed from
psychological stimulation and reflexively by local perinea injury to grave [11]. Antimuscarinics are the first line of
stimulation. But in the end, even if the patient may achieve an treatment. Their prescription can be based on symptoms and
erection, depending on the level and completeness of the urodynamics with proven NDO. There is enough evidence to
lesion, it is often unstable and too short to permit a recommend antimuscarinics as first-line treatment. Side
satisfactory sexual life [5]. Moreover, even with the modifica- effects of antimuscarinics are well described in the literature;
tion of SCI epidemiology with more cervical lesions preserving constipation deserves specific attention in this population [12].
sacral and low thoracic centres, ejaculation is impaired in 85% Cognitive effects of anticholinergics make this prescription
[6] of patients, impacting sexual life and fertility. Recent difficult in the older population [13].
scientific evidence of a spinal generator of ejaculation was In case of lack of efficacy, secondary failure or treatment,
demonstrated in animals and in humans [7]. In females, there intolerance/contraindication to anticholinergics, intradetru-
are some differences in sexual response after SCI. This is due sor onabotulinumtoxinA injection is proposed. A dose of 200U
to differences in the physiology of sexual response. Loss of is a recognised and very efficient therapy to control inconti-
sensation depends on the completeness of the lesion. Erection nence and urodynamics risks factors and to improve quality of
of the clitoris and lubrication are regulated in the same centres life [14,15]. The injection is made under cystoscopic guidance
as those involved in erection and ejaculation in males. and local anesthesia, with 30 sites of injection into the
Moreover, the percentage of women with SCI who can detrusor with 1 mL each and avoiding the trigone. Efficacy
experience orgasm is much higher than in men, reaching appears earlier and longer than with botulinum toxin
50% with a more prolonged stimulation [8]. injections in striated muscles as was previously described
in other clinical indications in autonomic disorders, such as
hyperhydrosis. The efficacy of detrusor botulinum toxin was a
3. Management of neurogenic bladder after real revolution in the field, because it mimics the efficacy of
SCI major surgery. Unfortunately, long-term studies recently
demonstrated secondary failure to control NDO after five
The algorithm of treatment for patients with SCI is now well years, thus requiring close follow-up both clinically and
established and resumes the progress made in the manage- urodynamically [16].
ment of neurogenic bladder over the last 30 years: new Third-line treatment is augmentation cystoplasty that was
treatments for NDO, development of new surgical solutions the second-line treatment for a long time.
including both neuro-orthopedic surgeries to improve prehen- The efficacy of augmentation is now well described in the
sion and CISC abilities and urologic surgery, specially continent long term both to control incontinence risk factors and long-
cystostomy, to permit catheterisation through an abdominal term complications [17]. Augmentation cystoplasty can be
access, functional neurosurgery, and new preventive treat- associated in the same surgical procedure with continent
ments to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (Fig. 1). cystostomy for patients for whom intermittent catheterisa-
revue neurologique 177 (2021) 589–593 591

Fig. 1 – Algorithm of treatment of neurogenic bladder after SCI. Reiss B. Urodynamic evaluation and Spinal cord injury.
communication 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Marseille, 26-31 May 2014 / 29ème
Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, Marseille, 26-31 mai 2014.

tion is only feasible via an abdominal hole [18]. This surgery transfer to and from the toilet that is less convenient than
was initially described in children by a French surgeon using catheterisation on the wheel chair. Altogether, the paraplegic
the appendix to create the conduit between the bladder and female with a complete lesion and a preserved micturition
the abdominal wall. This surgery in adults is particularly reflex is a good indication.
helpful for female tetraplegics when undressing and difficult For high tetraplegic females, there are few alternatives if
access to urethra is a barrier to catheterisation. The major catheterisation is not feasible even through an abdominal
advantage is that catheterisation can be done on the wheel hole. In this case, a non-continent urinary diversion can be
chair with limited undressing. Tendon transfer to improve discussed with the patient. The advantage is that there are few
prehension can be done before urological surgery for the constraints in terms of human assistance and less risk than an
purpose of catheterisation [9]. indwelling catheter, but the modification of body image is a
These three treatments, as previously mentioned, are real subject that requires deep discussion. The risk for the
associated with intermittent catheterisation to empty the kidneys is low. Cystectomy needs to be done at the same time
bladder. to reduce the infectious risk [21].
If intermittent catheterisation is impossible, a careful For high tetraplegic men, and if the detrusor is contractile,
analysis is needed to understand the cognitive or functional sphincterotomy reduces the functional obstruction and the
barriers preventing catheterisation. ultimate goal is to achieve a balanced bladder. This includes
For male and female patients alike, one solution is sacral complete micturition even by tapping at low pressure. This
anterior root stimulation developed in the 1980s by Brindley solution requires penile sheaths to collect urine and must be
[19,20]. This solution associates complete sacral posterior tested before surgery to secure clinical results [22].
rhizotomy to abolish the abnormal micturition reflex, and on An indwelling catheter is never a mid- or long-term option,
demand voluntary sacral anterior root stimulation to induce because it is perfectly proven that this strategy involves a very
micturition. Though this micturition remains dyssinergic, high medical risk for the patient. Some, such as urinary tract
the evidence is that there is no risk for the kidneys. The infection or bladder lithiasis, are well known, but bladder
efficacy of this neurosurgical method of treatment is very cancer, upper urinary tract complications, and renal failure
good, permitting continence and voluntary micturition are more frequent in chronic users of indwelling catheters.
without catheterisation, and reducing the risk of urinary Moreover, ureteral dilatation or stenosis, frequent in the long
tract infection. But, there are several severe limitations that term, constitute an etiology of urine leakage around the
hamper access to this strategy. Posterior sacral rhizotomy catheter. All those complications argue in favour of severe
from S2 to S5 induces side effects altering sexual function restriction for the use of an indwelling catheter.
with disappearance of sexual reflexes that are important for A long-term follow-up is mandatory and recommended by
sexual response. It also creates a complete anesthesia of the all scientific societies. A preventive strategy is very important
skin in the sacral dermatomes. Moreover, micturition implies in light of the high prevalence of complications.
592 revue neurologique 177 (2021) 589–593

purpose. Local treatment with lubricants can be used in case of

4. Management of sexual disorders loss of reflexogenic lubrification. Orgasm can be preserved in
more than 50% of patients, but often requires longer and
4.1. In men stronger stimulation. Vibrators may help in this case.
During pregnancy, depending on the level of injury, several
Treatment for sexual dysfunction is one of the first patient medical interventions are mandatory. Prevention of urinary
expectations one year after injury [23]. Several factors tract complications implies a specific follow-up. Depending on
contribute to sexual dysfunction and impaired satisfaction the level of injury, the uterine contraction sensation can be
related to sexual life, loss of sensation, erectile dysfunction, preserved (T10). In high thoracic or cervical lesions, close
anejaculation and modification of orgasmic sensation, but follow-up and medical intervention are mandatory to prevent
desire is usually preserved in this population. autonomic dysreflexia. Regional anesthesia helps to control
autonomic dysreflexia during delivery [27].
4.1.1. Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is very common in the SCI population.
The patient will experience after spinal shock the reappea- 5. Conclusion
rance of reflexogenic erection even out of erotic context, after
local stimulation that can be masturbation, but also cathete- Lower urinary tract dysfunction and sexual disorders are a
risation or stimulation for defecation. Phosphodiesterase 5 major challenge for spinal cord injured patients in the long
inhibitors, either daily or on demand, improve the quality of term. Major advances in therapeutic management practices
erection as it has been demonstrated for all drugs on the modify mortality and life expectancy. Morbidity related to the
market in double-blind studies in SCI populations with a very lower urinary tract is still an unmet medical need, and is
good safety profile [24]. No significant effect on ejaculation, as mostly related to urinary tract infection. Sexual disorders are
well as local sensation, has been reported. These drugs do not at the top of patient expectations, and deserve special care by
work if there is no beginning of erection meaning that the medical teams to achieve patient benefit.
patient has to stimulate to induce reflexogenic erection to
benefit from the treatment. Another option is intracavernous
injection on demand of vasoactive drugs, such as prosta- Disclosure of interest
glandin-E1. Those drugs are reimbursed in France for
neurogenic impotence and work very well even if there is The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
no erection initiated and can be first-line or second-line
treatment. Other options, such as vacuum, can be discussed in
selected patients. The inflatable or rigid penile prosthesis is
not used in this population, because of the high risk of
infection probably due to frequent urinary tract infection and
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