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PSMS Julius D. Agayan, one of the Police officer in the Municipality of Kapalong Davao del
Norte. He was the speaker of the seminar conducted at KCAST campus about the
DANGEROUS DRUG REDUCTION AND CONTROL on May 2, 2022 at 8:00 am to 12:00pm.
This is intended to give awareness to the students, youth and even adults or matured one. Due
to the risks they were on about drugs, authorities are making steps to block the gateway they
were about to enter.


addictive, illegal drugs that has been conducted at KCAST. The speaker tackles about
how dangerous drug is if one uses it. According to him, illegal drugs are composed of
chemicals that are addictive in which affects the physical, psychological, emotional and
mental health of the user. After a long discussion, he tackles about what are the
possible methods just to avoid this kind of vices.

After his discussion, my principles in not to be a victim and to be a drug addict has been
made more strong. I now has more and enough knowledge to bring for life. Through this
seminar, I am more sure that I will not be a drug user because I know its impact to my
life and how it will ruin my future. And as a responsible individual, I will use this
knowledge to inform others to help them avoid using illegal drugs. Thus, I will be a
model to any youth that will come and follow my steps as an responsible citizen.

PAT. Cris Jemar L. Daplinan, PCR PNCO, the speaker of the anti-terrorism seminar
conducted at KCAST campus on May 2, 2022 at 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. This awareness
was intended to give awareness to youth about terrorism in the country. This is to mold
the youth from building their desires in life without rebelling to the government of the

The speaker clearly discuss what is CPP-NPA-NDF, their actions and goals destroy and
overthrow the government in the Philippines and to govern the Philippines for money.
This seminar is conducted to us because according to the speaker, we are in the state
that influenced easily and we are the target of them. So, they make steps to block the
possibility that there may one of us to be taken and to be one of them.

The democracy in the Philippines is what we must protect, because Filipinos did their
best just to get this. Our ancestors did not get it in an easy way, so, we must protect it.
But there are people who are greedy and trying to overthrow our government and their
goals to govern our nation because of money. So, as a youth, I will never going to take
my freedom for granted because of their greediness. And as I show my love to myself,
family, fellow Filipinos and to this countyry. the democracy that we have is what I am
going to care of. I will not let those people to take and use me to destroy our nation.

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