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1. A quasi-experimental design is one in which:

A. The independent variable is manipulated with no randomization and no control
B. The dependent variable is manipulated with randomization and a control group.
C. The independent variable is manipulated with randomization and no control group.
D. The dependent variable is manipulated with no randomization and a control group.
Answer: A. No Rationale

2. Which of the following is an inferential statistics?

A. Mode C. Standard deviation
B. T-test D. Range
Answer: B. No Rationale

3. When considering the different data collection schemes, researchers must be careful to
contemplate the presence of Hawthorne effect which is defined as:
A. A process in which the participant does not modify his behavior to meet expectation
of the study.
B. A process in which the researcher modifies his behavior because of conducting the
C. A process in which the researcher modifies the participant’s behavior based on the
data collected.
D. A process in which the participant modifies his behavior as a result of engagement in
the study.
Answer: D. No Rationale

4. A researcher Jocelyn Magno, RN is studying the effects of exercise and sleep on blood
pressure. Her respondents are adult patients diagnoses of hypertension. What type of
variable is the blood pressure in this study?
A. Organismic C. Dependent
B. Extraneous D. Independent
Answer: C. No Rationale

5. It is important that the researcher be competent to conduct research because:

A. It is not ethically appropriate for an incompetent person to be conducting research.
B. An incompetent researcher will not be able to get informed consent from the
vulnerable subject, which is unethical.
C. An incompetent researcher should always work with someone who is competent, to
learn the process.
D. Research is a complicated process that has to be learned.
Answer: A. No Rationale

6. The literature review should occur:


A. Early in the research process

B. Shortly before the analysis of the problem
C. Near the end of the research process
D. In the middle of the data collection and collation
Answer: A. No Rationale

7. The researcher conducting a study on marasmus is selecting her respondents through a

sampling technique. Which of the following statements about sampling is true?
A. Random or probability sampling methods require more rigor and researcher control.
B. Non-random or non-probability sampling methods ensure representativeness of the
C. Random or probability samples are easy to obtain and are less costly than non-random
D. The selection of a sampling method is not affected by the design or purpose of the
Answer: A. No Rationale

8. Lolita, RN is conducting an experimental research using calamansi juice in reducing soft

tissue infection among burn patients. True experiments are required to have:
A. Descriptive information C. Causality predicted
B. Association between variables D. Basic ideas
Answer: C. No Rationale

9. Research studies include both a research hypothesis, which states what the researcher
thinks will be found, and a null or statistical hypothesis. Which of the following statements
about the null hypothesis is true?
A. The null hypothesis states that no interaction occurs between variables or that no
relationship exists among the variables being studied.
B. The null hypothesis states that any identified relationships or interactions are not
important and have no clinical relevance.
C. The null hypothesis must be stated explicitly in the research study; otherwise, it does
not exist.
D. The null hypothesis is always the opposite of what the researcher anticipates will
Answer: A. No Rationale

10. Nurse Paz is the research coordinator or a team research focus on breast cancer. They are
conducting a quantitative research. What is the name of the type of quantitative research,
conducted to directly influence or improve clinical practice?
A. Basic research C. Experimental research
B. Applied research D. Descriptive research
Answer: B. No Rationale
11. Nurse Anthony is in-charge of the Research Committee of the Hospital. She is
contemplating on conducting research among hypertensive patients admitted at the

Medical Ward. He is using apple cider vinegar as a substance for reducing blood pressure.
Which statement about quasi-experimental research is true?
A. The use of probability random sampling is prevalent to ensure representativeness.
B. There is manipulation of independent variable but no control and random sampling
C. There is introduction of a treatment that will manipulate the dependent variable but
no control and randomization.
D. There is exposure of a treatment to a group of respondents with the use of
randomization and control group.
Answer: B. No Rationale

12. The nurse researcher of the hospital is conducting a research on the use of health
education to minimize nasocomial infection. She will use purposive sampling as his
sampling technique. Which statement is a description of purposive sampling?
A. It is a sampling strategy where each element of the population has an equal chance of
being chosen.
B. It is a sampling strategy where the population is divided into homogenous subsets
from which elements are selected at random.
C. It is a sampling strategy where the respondents have particular knowledge about
the issue under study.
D. It is a sampling strategy where early samples are asked to refer others who meet the
eligibility criteria.
Answer: C. No Rationale

13. Darwin Cruz, RN is the supervisor nurse researcher of the CD ward. His group is
conducting a research on AIDS patients. The purpose of conducting research in any setting
A. Improve health C. Publication
B. Count financial gains D. Legal document
Answer: A. No Rationale

14. Nurse Anna is conducting research intended to determine the relationship of diet and
exercise in reducing blood cholesterol level. What type of research involves the systematic
investigation of relationship among variables?
A. Correlational research C. Grounded theory research
B. Descriptive research D. Philosophical inquiry
Answer: A. No Rationale

15. Nurse Agathon conceptualized a research problem focused on improving admission

policies in the emergency room. The nurse researcher choose interview as her primary
tool for gathering data. Of the following steps of interview, what are the proper steps?
1. Planning phase

2. Establishing rapport
3. Carrying out interview
4. Selecting place of interview
5. Closing the interview
6. Recording the interview

A. 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5 C. 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5
B. 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4 D. 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5
Answer: D. No Rationale

16. The nurse researcher started interviewing her respondents in the OB ward. Which of the
following should not be avoided?
A. Avoid exerting undue pressure a respondent to make him participate in an interview.
B. Avoid disagreeing with or contradicting the respondent during the interview proper.
C. Avoid unduly pressing the respondent to make a reply.
D. Avoid talking about relevant matters.
Answer: D. No Rationale

17. The nurse supervisor in the ICU is spearheading the conduct of a research. She is very
much interested in developing an instrument to ensure that patients in the ICU are
properly cared for. She is conceptualizing a researchable problem. Which of the following
is a researchable problem?
A. Concerns and Issues of ICU Patients and their Family Members during Hospital Stay.
B. Minimizing Negligence Among ICU Patients Through Collaborative Effort by every
Member of the Health Team.
C. The Historical Background of ICU Patients and their Family Members: An In-Depth
D. A Case Study on a Vehicular Accident Client: A Springboard to an Improved Patient
Answer: B. No Rationale

18. One of the mother-respondents in a research undertaking involving glaucoma care said,
she is not comfortable being included in the research investigation. What will you do?
A. Pray for her so that she will reconsider being a respondent.
B. Talk to her husband so that he will persuade his wife to participate.
C. Give her time to reflect and come back after one day.
D. Consent to the respondent not being included in the research.
Answer: D. No Rationale

19. The nurse researcher went to the respondent mothers in a community-setting and used
an interview guide wherein all questions should be asked, need not be changed or
modified. What type of interview did the nurse researcher used?
A. Formal interview C. Non-directive interview
B. Informal interview D. Closed-ended interview

Answer: A. No Rationale

20. The nurse researcher conceptualized this title, “Health education and Level of Anxiety
Among Pregnant Mothers.” What is the predictor variable?
A. Level of anxiety C. Health education
B. Pregnant mothers D. Labor and delivery
Answer: C. No Rationale

21. The dependent variable in item number 82 is?

A. Level of anxiety C. Health education
B. Pregnant mothers D. Labor and delivery
Answer: A. No Rationale

22. Nurse Rodessa Abella identified her respondents. She made a timeline from January to
December as the duration of her research. She will only include mothers who are married,
primi-gravida and finished college and at least 40 years old. What method of sampling did
the nurse researcher used?
A. Random sampling C. Systemic sampling
B. Purposive sampling D. Quota sampling
Answer: B. No Rationale

23. The researcher formulated a questionnaire to find out their personal profile and other
important data from the respondents who are diabetic pregnant mothers. What the
advantages of a questionnaire?
A. The questionnaire is easy to construct.
B. Distribution is easy and expensive
C. Responses are difficult to tabulate
D. Respondents can fill out questionnaire by force
Answer: A. No Rationale

24. The nurse researcher conducted a research employing the use of Yerba Buena in treating
wounds. After conceptualizing her problem, she formulated her hypothesis. Hypothesis is
intended to test whether a certain proposition is accepted or rejected. Which of the
following is a directional hypothesis?
A. There is no significant relationship between the use of health education in minimizing
the level of anxiety among pregnant mothers.

B. There is a significant relationship between the use of health education in minimizing

the level of anxiety among pregnant mothers.
C. Mothers who are given health education will result into a lower level of anxiety than
those mothers who will not receive health education.
D. Mothers will have a better understanding of their health condition after their health
Answer: C. No Rationale

25. This type of study is done when experimental design cannot be used, for example, when
research subjects cannot be assigned randomly to treatment conditions.
A. Quasi-experimental C. Program evaluation
B. Nonexperimental D. Individual experimental
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 13: Strategic
Thinking to Improve Patient Care (Including Evidence-Based Care), pg. 170, Item no. 3.

26. This type of study provides little evidence other than the consensus of experts and is the
least reliable type of study.
A. Program evaluation C. Opinion of respected authorities
B. Quasi-experimental D. Individual experimental
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 13: Strategic
Thinking to Improve Patient Care (Including Evidence-Based Care), pg. 170, Item no. 4.

27. This type of study, which determines what the research knows about that topic, is the
highest level of evidence.
A. Program evaluation
B. Meta-analysis of multiple controlled studies
C. Individual experimental
D. Quasi-experimental
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 13: Strategic
Thinking to Improve Patient Care (Including Evidence-Based Care), pg. 170, Item no. 5.

28. Nurse Charlotte is a staff nurse at the OB ward. She is contemplating on conducting
research that will improve patient care. She is interested in conducting research on the
effectiveness of health education in minimizing anxiety among pregnant mothers before
their labor and delivery. What is the appropriate research method for this?
A. Qualitative research C. Experimental research
B. Meta-analysis D. Survey method
Answer: C. No Rationale

29. Although it is not always possible to anticipate all potential undesirable effects,
researchers are obligated to inform everyone involved about the known potential risks.
This is an example of:
A. Confidentiality C. Informed consent
B. Anonymity D. Autonomy
Rationale: C. (pg. 1650) Informed consent means that research subjects (a) are given full and
complete information about the purpose of the study, procedures, data collection, potential
harm and benefits, and alternative methods of treatment; (b) are capable of fully
understanding the research and the implications of participation; (c) have the power of free
choice to voluntarily consent or decline participation in the research; and (d) understand how
confidentiality or anonymity is maintained.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 10.

30. Which of the following is true about evidence-based care?

A. It supports doing above knowing.
B. It uses the best evidence if the evidence fits current protocols.
C. It uses outcomes research to develop care strategies and delivery.
D. It requires nurses to conduct their own research.
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 13: Strategic
Thinking to Improve Patient Care (Including Evidence-Based Care), pg. 170, Item no. 1.

31. Which of the following is true about evidence-based nursing practice?

A. It uses information derived from theory and research to shape nursing care.
B. It requires an organization to have a department of nursing research.
C. It does not include health professionals from other disciplines.
D. It embraces the medical model of disease.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 13: Strategic
Thinking to Improve Patient Care (Including Evidence-Based Care), pg. 170, Item no. 2.

32. Qualitative nursing research is the investigation of phenomena that are:

A. Not easily quantified
B. Easily categorized
C. Obtained in a numerical form
D. Developed through deductive reasoning
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) Qualitative nursing research is the investigation of phenomena that are
not easily quantified or categorized.

Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 8.

33. The preparation of nurse scientists, who have primary responsibility for the conducting of
research, is begun at the master’s level and is concentrated at the doctoral and
postdoctoral levels. However:
A. Only doctorally prepared nurses identify a problem to be studied.
B. Only doctorally prepared nurses conduct the study.
C. Only master’s prepared nurses apply research findings to practice.
D. ANA’s position paper (1997) describes and includes research activities for nurses.
Rationale: D. (pg. 1650) ANA’s position paper (1997), which describes the participation of
nurses in research according to their academic preparation, does include research activities for
nurses with various levels of academic preparation.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 9.

34. Traditional is an efficient way of learning, although it also can limit the ability to seek new
ways of doing things when:
A. A person does not question the practice.
B. A client is experiencing stress.
C. It is treated as absolute truth.
D. A client is disinterested in learning new things.
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) If tradition becomes so ingrained that a person does not question the
practice, other, more appropriate or research-based approaches may be overlooked.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 86, Item no. 3.

35. The foundation of research is based on:

A. Experience C. Critical thinking
B. Problem solving D. Scientific method
Rationale: D. (pg. 1650) The scientific method is the foundation of research. Scientific research
is the most reliable and objective of all methods of gaining knowledge.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 4.

36. The hallmark of scientific research is the:

A. Experiment C. Evaluation
B. Survey D. Literature review
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) The hallmark of scientific research is the experiment. In a true
experimental study, the conditions under which a treatment or measure is investigated are
tightly controlled.

Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 5.

37. Persons selected for comparison and experimental research groups are known as the:
A. Subjects C. Researchers
B. Control group D. Experimental group
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) The subjects−persons selected for the comparison and experimental
groups−are chosen at random from among those eligible for the study.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 6.

38. Nursing studies use many research methods. The method chosen depends on:
A. The preference of the researcher
B. The amount of knowledge known about the problem
C. The latest healthcare issue
D. The availability of other research studies
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) The amount of knowledge known about the problem and the type of
problem being investigated are factors that determine the methods used.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 87, Item no. 7.

39. The approach a nurse uses to make choices based upon the idea that research-based care
improves outcomes is utilizing:
A. Past experience C. Intuition
B. Trial and error D. Clinical decision-making
Rationale: D. Clinical decision-making is an approach to making choices based on the idea that
research-based care improves outcomes. Past experience, trial and error, and intuition are
considered traditional sources of nursing knowledge which are not likely to be as effective as
evidence-based practice.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 12.

40. The nurse utilized evidence-based practice to plan the care for a patient. One feature of
this approach would be:
A. It is purely nursing-focused
B. Clinical practice is based upon nursing theory
C. Evaluation is based on patient outcomes
D. Individual and organizational factors guide the integration of these new practices
Rationale: D. The features of evidence-based practice include: it is interdisciplinary; the
development of clinical practice is based on the evidence synthesis of the topic; clinical practice
guidelines are important in repackaging the evidence for use by the point-of-care clinician;
individual provider as well as organizational factors guide the integration and rate of evidence-
based practice adoption of new practices; and evaluation includes determining the
effectiveness and efficiency of patient outcomes and economy of the services.

Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and

Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 13.

41. Which type of study describes in detail the nature of phenomena and tries to identify
contributing factors?
A. Quantitative study C. Exploratory study
B. Descriptive study D. Historical study
Rationale: C. Exploratory studies describe in detail the nature of the phenomena and try to
identify contributing factors.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 17.

42. The conduct of nursing research has its roots with:

A. Florence Nightingale
B. The American Nurses Association
C. The National Institute of Nursing Research
D. The Goldmark report
Rationale: A. (pg. 1650) The conduct of nursing research has its roots with Florence Nightingale,
who observed in detail the effects of nursing actions, such as the impact of nutrition and
hygiene, during the Crimean War.
Reference: Fundamentals of Nursing, Patricia A. Potter * Anne Griffin Perry, © 2005, Chapter 5:
Nursing Research as a Basis for Practice, pg. 86, Item no. 1.

43. All of the following statements about quasi-experimental design are true EXCEPT:
A. It is more robust than a true experimental design
B. Control is not possible
C. Randomization is not possible
D. All subjects have some exposure to the independent variable
Rationale: A. Quasi-experimental designs are intervention studies that lack randomization but
the researcher exercises certain controls. A quasi-experimental study might include all subjects
who have a certain procedure and they would be tested in a pre/post test design so that the
subjects serve as their own controls. In this design, it’s not certain whether some other variable
than the independent variables caused a change or improvement of the condition. A quasi-
experimental design is less robust than a true experimental design. The quasi-experimental
design is often used in nursing and behavioral science because random assignment may be
unethical or otherwise not possible.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 8.
44. All of the following statements about qualitative research are true EXCEPT:
A. It is also referred to as deductive reasoning
B. It is concerned with human interactions with the world
C. It is usually conducted where the individual lives
D. It uses a more holistic approach to data collection

Rationale: A. Qualitative research reasoning is referred to as inductive rather than deductive.

Inductive reasoning involves the process of reasoning from specific observations to more
general rules. Qualitative research methods include ethnography, grounded theory,
phenomenology, and participatory action research.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 9.

45. All of the following statements about Grounded Theory are true EXCEPT:
A. It arises from symbolic interactions in psychology
B. It seeks to explore and describe phenomena in naturalistic settings such as hospitals,
nursing homes, and outpatient clinics
C. It is concerned with exploring social processes as they occur with human interactions
D. It is a quantitative research approach
Rationale: D. Grounded theory is a form of field research used in nursing that seeks to explore
and describe social processes that present within human interactions. The aim of grounded
theory is to provide explanation or beginning theory about how the social process works. Data
are gathered in naturalistic locations called field settings. Participant observation and
interviews are data collection methods with data recorded through handwritten notes and tape
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 10.

46. Phenomenology:
A. is a form of quantitative research.
B. is concerned with approaches to research.
C. is static.
D. begins in action.
Rationale: B. Phenomenology research is focused on the lived experience of humans. The aim
of this type of research is to describe the subject’s meaning for the experiences as they
perceive them. The data is generally collected through interviews.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 11.

47. An intentional tort is committed when the nurse:

A. Miscounts the gauze pads during a client’s surgery
B. Divulges private information about the client to the media
C. Causes a burn when applying a warm soak to a client’s extremity
D. Fails to monitor the client’s blood pressure when administering an antihypertensive
Rationale: B. (pg.69) This is an invasion of privacy, an intentional tort.
Reference: Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN Examination 19th
Edition, Item no. 34 Page 53. © 2010

48. Research that involves the systematic collection of numerical information and the analysis
of that information using statistical procedures is known as:

A. Quantitative research C. Evaluative research

B. Qualitative research D. Exploratory research
Rationale: A. Quantitative research design involves drawing conclusions about some
procedure, usually under researcher-controlled conditions, and using statistical methods. At
least one variable or attribute is measured and assigned numerical value. Statistical analysis is
performed so that conclusions can be made about the research results.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 1.

49. All of the following statements about quantitative research design are true EXCEPT:
A. It is usually under researcher-controlled conditions
B. Intuition is used
C. Historical review is a type of quantitative research
D. Deductive reasoning is used
Rationale: B. Quantitative studies use deductive reasoning, logic, and measurable aspects of
experience to produce new knowledge. Quantitative research methods include descriptive,
exploratory, survey, cross-sectional, longitudinal, retrospective, prospective, correlational,
quasi-experimental, and experimental studies.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 5.

50. A nurse collecting data at one specific measurement point is engaged in which type of
A. Cross-section study C. Retrospective study
B. Longitudinal study D. Prospective study
Rationale: A. Cross-sectional studies involve data collected at one specific measurement point.
Longitudinal studies involve data collected over time, in a particular research sample.
Retrospective studies involve reviewing existing data usually found in medical records or
hospital charts. Prospective studies actively follow subjects over the period of the study and do
not rely on data previously collected.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 6.

51. Which type of design uses independent and dependent variables?

A. Correlation design C. Experimental design
B. Quasi-experimental design D. Focus design
Rationale: C. Experimental studies are designed to determine cause and effect Experimental
designs involve an independent and a dependent variable.
Reference: Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany: Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and
Clinical Decision Making, Rick Daniels, 2nd Edition, © 2010, Chapter 6, Item no. 7.

52. This type of nurse coordinates care for complex cases that require significant resources:
A. Nurse sales representative C. Traveling nurse
B. Nurse-midwife D. Nurse case manager

Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 21: Current
and Future Opportunities for Nurse Leaders, pg. 272, Item no. 3.

53. A nurse who organizes and directs a business undertaking is called a:

A. Nurse entrepreneur C. Nurse case manager
B. Nurse anesthetist D. Clinical nurse specialist
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 21: Current
and Future Opportunities for Nurse Leaders, pg. 272, Item no. 4.

54. A graduate nurse is preparing to apply to the Nurse Licensure Exam to practice as a
registered professional nurse. The nurse understands that the primary purpose for
regulating nursing practice is to protect:
A. The public C. The employing agency
B. Practicing nurses D. Professional standards
Rationale: A. (pg.67) Each state or province protects the health and welfare of its populace by
regulating nursing practice.
Reference: Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN Examination 19th
Edition, Item no. 15 Page 51. © 2010

55. When being interviewed for a position as a registered professional nurse, the applicant is
asked to identify an example of an intentional tort. Which is an appropriate response?
A. Negligence C. Breach of duty
B. Malpractice D. False imprisonment
Rationale: D. (pg.67) False imprisonment is a wrong committed by one person against another
in a willful, intentional way without just cause and/or excuse.
Reference: Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN Examination 19th
Edition, Item no. 18 Page 51. © 2010

56. When teaching about child abuse, the nurse tells a parent group that the best legal
definition of assault is:
A. Threats to do bodily harm to another person
B. The application of force to another person without lawful justification
C. A legal wrong committed by one person against the property of another
D. A legal wrong committed against the public that is punishable by state law
Rationale: A. (pg.68) Assault is a threat or an attempt to do violence to another.
Reference: Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN Examination 19th
Edition, Item no. 21 Page 52. © 2010

57. Which of the following is a key activity for nurse managers who are evaluating staff
A. Avoid specifying specific behaviors, to provide latitude for employee creativity.
B. Enforce performance measurements and standards of care at all times.

C. Delegate feedback about goals and plans to other staff members.

D. Reinforce prior employee achievements to help employees find new ways to excel.
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 197, Item no. 10.

58. Which of the following is true about an interdisciplinary team?

A. It is composed of members from one organizational area only.
B. It works best when everyone is heard and is able to contribute his or her expertise.
C. Team leader’s role is to ensure that team members do not spend too much time at
D. It is seldom an ongoing entity.
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 11: Team
Building Skills, pg. 146, Item no. 2.

59. In this stage of the team development process, members define their goals and rules of
A. Norming C. Performing
B. Storming D. Re-forming
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 11: Team
Building Skills, pg. 146, Item no. 3.

60. Some conflict or competition may occur in this stage of team development.
A. Norming C. Performing
B. Storming D. Forming
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 11: Team
Building Skills, pg. 147, Item no. 4.

61. The group of health care professional that is associated with the business of providing
health care is:
A. Nursing C. Allied health
B. Medical D. Administrative
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 17: Current
Health Care Environment (And Into the Future), pg. 226, Item no. 5.

62. The process by which an association affiliate or subsidiary assures that a person has
acquired a body of knowledge and has met certain practice standards specified by that
organization is called:
A. Education C. Certification
B. Entrepreneurship D. Advanced practice

Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 21: Current
and Future Opportunities for Nurse Leaders, pg. 272, Item no. 1.

63. Specialized knowledge and judgment used to diagnose and treat human responses to
health problems is classified as:
A. Technical skills C. Leadership skills
B. Partnership skills D. Clinical skills
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 196, Item no. 2.

64. A desired relationship between two parties seeking to work together toward a common
goal is:
A. Leadership C. Evaluation
B. Partnership D. Promotion
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 196, Item no. 3.

65. Effective nurse managers do which of the following to meet staff, client, and market
A. Allow staff to manage their own productivity issues
B. Tell team members what they need
C. Delay training to decrease costs
D. Set up and encourage mentoring relationships
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 197, Item no. 4.

66. The care delivery model in which one nurse is responsible for all aspects of patient care
for that nurse’s shift is called:
A. Functional nursing C. Total patient care
B. Team nursing D. Patient-focused care
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 197, Item no. 9.

67. A rule of conduct that prohibits extremes in behavior so that people can live their lives
without fear for self or property is called:
A. The Nurse Practice Act C. Advance directives
B. A law D. A DNR order
Answer: B. No Rationale

Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 22: Legal
Aspects of Nursing Leadership, pg. 291, Item no. 1.

68. Constitutional, criminal, and administrative law all fall in the category of:
A. Civil law C. State law
B. Public law D. Contract law
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 22: Legal
Aspects of Nursing Leadership, pg. 291, Item no. 2.

69. Which of the following is a component of active listening?

A. Paying close attention to the speaker.
B. Providing advice to help the speaker solve his or her problem.
C. Inviting others to join the conversation to clarify issues.
D. Focusing on the words spoken.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 7:
Communication Skills, pg. 88, Item no. 1.

70. An employee’s daily performance to meet job requirements includes which of the
A. Being honest and trustworthy with patients and staff
B. Errors and incidents
C. Vacation time
D. Following policies and procedures when time allows
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 15:
Managing and Supporting Excellence in Staff Performance, pg. 196, Item no. 1.

71. According to bureaucratic theory, which of the following is true?

A. Efficiency is achieved through personal relations between an employee and
B. There is no need for hierarchy, as all workers have a key role in the organization.
C. Employees should be hired based on their relationship with the owner.
D. Effective organizations are rational and orderly.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 26, Item no. 9.

72. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective nurse leader?

A. Following rules precisely
B. Developing strong and trusting relationships with staff
C. Withholding strategic information for long periods of time
D. Focusing on the business of health care

Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 3:
Leadership versus Management, pg. 36, Item no. 1.

73. A focus on meeting an organization’s financial or business goals is a function of:

A. Management C. Problem solving
B. Leadership D. Coaching
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 3:
Leadership versus Management, pg. 37, Item no. 5.

74. A nurse’s clinical abilities, education, and knowledge of systems are part of the power
source known as:
A. Legitimacy C. Connection
B. Charisma D. Expertise
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 4: A Positive
Definition of Power, pg. 48, Item no. 4.

75. Which of the following statements about management is true?

A. It focuses on clinical excellence.
B. It tends to attract people who like quiet, routine work without interruptions.
C. It focuses on issues such as cost, productivity, effectiveness, and staffing.
D. It is synonymous with leadership.
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 25, Item no. 2.

76. The management function that involves determining the objectives of an organization and
tasks needed to complete objectives is:
A. Staffing C. Planning
B. Directing D. Controlling
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 25, Item no. 3.

77. Indentifying problems, establishing criteria, seeking and evaluating alternatives, and
selecting the best choice are steps in the management function of:
A. Controlling C. Staffing
B. Decision making D. Directing
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 26, Item no. 6.

78. MBO stands for management by:

A. Organization C. Objectives
B. Opposition D. Oversight
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 26, Item no. 7.

79. The nurse manager has an ethical responsibility to:

A. The patient
B. The organization
C. The profession
D. The patient, the organization, the profession, and society
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
23: Ethical Dimensions of Patient Care, pg. 478, Item no. 1.

80. The primary role of an ethics committee is to:

A. Decide what should be done when ethical dilemmas arise.
B. Prevent the physician from making the wrong decision.
C. Provide guidance for the health care team and family of the patient.
D. Prevent ethical dilemmas from occurring.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
23: Ethical Dimensions of Patient Care, pg. 478, Item no. 2.

81. The purpose of management is to coordinate and direct actions and assign resources in
order to:
A. Achieve the organization’s objectives.
B. Receive a promotion.
C. Develop high quality staff.
D. Keep staff turnovers as low as possible.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Carroll, © 2007, Chapter 2: What is
Management, pg. 25, Item no. 1.

82. Decision making is best described as:

A. The process one uses to solve a problem.
B. The process one uses to choose between alternatives.
C. The process one uses to reflect on a certain situation.
D. The process one uses to generate ideas.
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
21: Decision Making, pg. 443, Item no. 1.

83. Which of the following is the best description of consensus?

A. Everyone in the group agrees with the decision 100%.
B. All members of the group vote on the selected action.
C. Every group member compromises.
D. Every group members fully supports the decision, once it is made.
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
21: Decision Making, pg. 444, Item no. 2.

84. An intentionally false communication, either published or spoken, is which of the

A. Assault C. Malpractice
B. Defamation D. False imprisonment
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
22: Legal Aspects of Patient Care, pg. 462, Item no. 3.

85. Management as a process that is used today by nurses or nurse managers in health care
organizations is best described as:
A. Scientific management
B. Decision making
C. Commanding and controlling others using hierarchical authority
D. Planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling
Answer: D. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter 8:
Leadership and Management, pg. 176, Item no. 1.

86. Leadership is defined as:

A. Being in a leadership position with authority to exert control and power over
B. A process of interaction in which the leader influences others toward goal
C. Managing complexity.
D. Being self-confident and democratic.
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter 8:
Leadership and Management, pg. 176, Item no. 4.

87. A document that describes the institution’s purpose and philosophy is:
A. The organizational chain of command. C. The mission statement.
B. The organizational chart. D. The strategic plan.
Answer: C. No Rationale

Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter 9:

Strategic Planning and Organizing Patient Care, pg. 199, Item no. 1.

88. SWOT means:

A. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.
B. Strengths, worries, outcomes, threats.
C. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, treatment.
D. Structures, worries, outcomes, threats.
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter 9:
Strategic Planning and Organizing Patient Care, pg. 199, Item no. 4.

89. An operational budget accounts for:

A. The purchase of minor and major equipment.
B. Construction and renovation.
C. Income and expenses associated with daily activity within an organization.
D. Applications for new technology.
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
11: Budget Concepts for Patient Care, pg. 235, Item no. 1.

90. Patient classification systems measure nursing workload needed by the patient. The
higher the patient’s acuity, the more care that is required by the patient. Which of the
following statements is a weakness of classification systems?
A. Patient classification data are useful in predicting the required staffing for the next
shift and for justifying nursing hours provided.
B. Patient classification data can be utilized by the nurse making assignments to
determine what level of care a patient requires.
C. Classification systems typically focus on nursing tasks rather than a holistic view of a
patient’s needs.
D. Aggregate patient classification data are useful in costing out nursing services and for
developing the nursing budget.
Answer: C. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
12: Effective Staffing, pg. 263, Item no. 1.

91. Which of the following describes the benchmarking process?

A. Reviewing your own unit’s data for opportunities.
B. Collecting data on an individual patient.
C. Reviewing data in the literature.
D. Comparing your data to that of other organizations to identify opportunities.
Answer: D. No Rationale

Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter

19: Managing Outcome, pg. 396, Item no. 1.

92. A nurse stops at the scene of an accident and finds a man with a deep laceration on his
hand, a fractured arm and leg, and abdominal pain. The nurse wraps the man’s hand in a
soiled cloth and drives him to the nearest hospital. The nurse is:
A. Negligent and can be sued for malpractice
B. Practicing under guidelines of the Nurse Practice Act
C. Protected for these actions, is most states, by Good Samaritan legislation
D. Treating a health problem that can and should be addressed by a physician
Rationale: A. (pg. 106) The nurse at the scene of an accident should function in a responsible
and prudent manner; the use of a soiled cloth on an open wound is not prudent, nor is the
independent transfer of an accident victim from the scene.
Reference: Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination.6th Edition by: Saxton /
Pelikan Nugent / Green. Chapter 2 p. 8 item 11

93. A visitor from a room adjacent to a client asks the nurse what disease the client has. The
nurse responds, “I will not discuss any client’s illness with you. Are you concerned about
it?” This response is based on the nurse’s knowledge that to discuss a client’s condition
with someone not directly involved with that client is an example of:
A. Libel C. Breach of confidentiality
B. Negligence D. Defamation of character
Rationale: C. (pg. 106) The release of information to an unauthorized person or gossiping about
a client’s activities constitutes a breach of confidentiality and an invasion of privacy.
Reference: Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination.6th Edition by: Saxton /
Pelikan Nugent / Green. Chapter 2 p. 8 item 14

94. The most effective nurses use power:

A. In one primary way
B. To influence others or affect others’ thinking or behavior.
C. Predominantly at an organizational level.
D. Only to gain the necessary resources to be a better nurse.
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
17: Power, pg. 357, Item no. 1.

95. When a person fears another enough to act or behave differently than he would
otherwise, the source of the other person’s power is called?
A. Coercive power C. Expert power
B. Reward power D. Connection power
Answer: A. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
17: Power, pg. 357, Item no. 3.

96. What source of power has become increasingly important because of technological
innovation in the past decade?
A. Expert power C. Connection power
B. Information power D. Legitimate power
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter
17: Power, pg. 357, Item no. 4.

97. Why is leadership development important for nurses if they are not in a management
A. It is not really important for nurses.
B. Leadership is important at all levels in an organization because nurses have expert
knowledge and are interacting with and influencing the customer.
C. Nurses leader leave their jobs sooner for other positions.
D. Nurses who lead are less satisfied in their jobs.
Answer: B. No Rationale
Reference: Nursing Leadership and Management, Patricia Kelly-Heidenthal, © 2003, Chapter 8:
Leadership and Management, pg. 176, Item no. 1.

98. The Philippine Nurses Act does not allow a registered (RN) to suture wounds. The
physician offers to teach the RN how to suture and tells the RN that minor wounds may be
sutured without supervision. The nurse should:
A. Refuse to suture wounds
B. Follow up the physician’s instructions
C. Report the situation to the Board of Nursing
D. Agree to suture wounds in the Physician’s presence
Rationale: A. (pg. 105) A Philippine Nurses Act is the ultimate source relative to a nurse’s
professional practice; a nurse may not function outside of the legal definition of nursing
Reference: Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination.6th Edition by: Saxton /
Pelikan Nugent / Green. Chapter 2 p. 7 item 6

99. A client is scheduled for surgery. Legally, the client may not sign the operative consent if:
A. Ambivalent feelings are present and acknowledged
B. Any sedative type of medication has recently been given
C. A discussion of alternatives with two physicians has not occurred
D. A complete history and physical has not been performed and recorded
Rationale: B. (pg. 106) Sedation may interfere with the client’s comprehension of the consent

Reference: Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination.6th Edition by: Saxton /
Pelikan Nugent / Green. Chapter 2 p. 8 item 9

100. A male client with ascites is to have a paracentesis and has signed the consent. While the
nurse is caring for him, he says that he has changed his mind and no longer wants the
procedure. The best initial response by the nurse should be:
A. “Why did you sign the consent?”
B. “Can you tell me why you decided to refuse the procedure?”
C. “You are obviously afraid about something concerning the procedure.”
D. “Although the procedure is very important, I understand why you changed your
Rationale: B. (pg. 106) This response attempts to explore why the client is refusing the
procedure; it promotes communication.
Reference: Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination.6th Edition by: Saxton /
Pelikan Nugent / Green. Chapter 2 p. 8 item

Dec. 2011

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