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STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

STA 5106
Computational Methods
in Statistics I
Department of Statistics
Florida State University

Class 8
September 26, 2023

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Chapter 3

Non-Linear Statistical Methods

3.1 Introduction

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Non-linear Optimization
• This chapter is devoted to solving for the optimal points of
given functions, linear or nonlinear.

• An instance of nonlinear optimization problems in statistics

occurs in cases of maximum likelihood estimation.

• Example:
y = F(x, b) + ε
where x and y are random variables of interest, b is a constant
vector of parameters, and ε is a random error with the density
function given by fε.

• In many practical situations, we have the sampled values of y,

x, and our goal is to estimate b according to some criterion. 3
Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

• Assuming sample size is n and different measurements are
independent of each other, b can be estimated as follows:
bˆ = arg max Õ f e ( yi - F ( xi , b))
b i =1

• The quantity on the right side of the above equation is called

the likelihood function.

• b̂ is called the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of b.

• In general, a value of b which maximizes the likelihood
function can be found out by seeking the roots of the first
derivative of the likelihood function.
Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

3.2 Numerical Root Finding:

Scalar Case

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

• We are given a real-valued function f(x) where x ∈ R and the
goal is to find the roots of f, i.e., find x∗ such that f(x∗) = 0.

• Due to the non-linearity of the cost function its roots are

found in an iterative way: an initial estimate is chosen and is
modified iteratively until some stopping criterion is met.

• There are many different methods for root-finding. They all

have the following three essential elements:
1. Some of determining the starting value, x0.
2. Given the i-th iterate some formula for calculating the
(i+1)-th iterate.
3. Some stopping criterion.
Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Order of Convergence
• For each of these algorithms we are interested in finding their
rate of convergence towards the roots of the function.

• The rate of convergence is defined by a quantity called the

order of convergence.

• Definition 10 For a converging sequence {xi}, the order of

convergence is defined by β if,
Ei +1
lim b = K ,
i ®¥ E

where Ei = |xi − xi-1| and K is a constant.

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Simple Iterations
• Instead of solving for the roots of f we solve an equivalent
problem of finding the fixed point of another function g. g is
found in such a way that
f(x∗) = 0 ⇔ g(x∗) = x∗.

• The selection depends on which g is easier to handle and

solve for a fixed point. One choice which is always valid is
g(x) = x + f(x) .

• Let x0 be some starting value for the iterative search of the

roots of f. At the i-th stage of the algorithm, the next iterate is
given by the formula:
xi+1 = g(xi) = xi + f(xi) .
Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

• Algorithm: Given a function f(x) find its roots using simple

• Algorithm 21 (Simple Iterations)

x(1) = x0;
gx = g(x(1));
i = 1;
while (abs(x(i) − gx) > ε)
gx = x(i);
x(i + 1) = g(x(i));
i = i + 1;

• The order of convergence in simple iterations is β = 1.

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Newton-Raphson’s Method
• The slow convergence of the simple iteration is avoided by
using the Newton-Raphson’s Method (1690).

• Newton-Raphson’s Method is one of the most popular

techniques used in numerical root finding.

• Stricter requirements: For Newton’s method to apply, f should

be continuously differentiable and
f′(x) ≠ 0
near the solution x∗.

• We will derive an iterative procedure for computing xi+1 given

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Basic Idea
• Approximate the function at a given point by a straight line.
In this case, the line is given by the line tangent to f at that

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Newton-Raphson’s Method
• Assume xi is the current estimate. Then
0 - f ( xi )
f ' ( xi ) =
xi +1 - xi
• Therefore,
f ( xi )
xi +1 = xi - , ( f ' ( xi ) ¹ 0)
f ' ( xi )

• Newton-Raphson is one of the fastest known algorithms for

root finding in general situations.

• Its order of convergence is β = 2.

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

• Algorithm: Given a function f(x) find its roots using Newton-
Raphson’s method:

• Algorithm 23 (Newton-Raphson Method)

x(1) = x0;
i = 1;
gx = x(i) − f(x(i))/fʹ(x(i));
while (abs(x(i) − gx) > ε)
gx = x(i);
x(i + 1) = x(i) − f(x(i))/fʹ(x(i));
i = i + 1;

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Important Application
• Newton-Raphson method is particularly useful for minimizing
(or maximizing) functions that are convex (or concave).

• Definition: A real-valued function f(x) defined on an interval

[a, b] is called convex, if for any two points x1 and x2 in [a, b]
and any t in [0, 1],
f(t x1 + (1–t) x2) ≤ t f(x1) + (1–t) f(x2)

• A function ƒ is said to be concave if −ƒ is convex. That is, if

for any two points x1 and x2 in [a, b] and any t in [0, 1],
f(t x1 + (1–t) x2) ≥ t f(x1) + (1–t) f(x2)

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Convex and Concave

Department of Statistics Florida State University
STA 5106 Computational Methods in Statistics I

Convex Condition
• Theorem: Assume f is twice continuously differentiable on
[a, b]. If f’’ ≥ 0, then f is convex.
Proof: For any two points x1 and x2 in [a, b] and any t in [0,
1], let s = t x1 + (1–t) x2. Then use Taylor series,
f(x1) = f(s) + f’(s)(x1–s) + f’’(ξ1)(x1–s)2/2,
f(x2) = f(s) + f’(s)(x2–s) + f’’(ξ2)(x2–s)2/2.
t f(x1) + (1–t) f(x2)
= f(s) + t f’’(ξ1)(x1–s)2/2 + (1–t) f’’(ξ2)(x2–s)2/2.
As f’’ ≥ 0,
t f(x1) + (1–t) f(x2) ≥ f(s) = f(t x1 + (1–t) x2).
Therefore, f is convex. 16
Department of Statistics Florida State University

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