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Tamber’s Story

Tamber was born on June 14, 1992, in Martinsburg, WV.

She was adored by her mother as she knew that Tamber
was going to be her very last daughter. Tamber was a
surprise to her older sisters who were 8 and 11 at the
time of her birth and was treated like a doll baby as she
was always so very precious. Tamber was born with a
whitty edge which always made her stand out as a
leader. She was a highly intelligent individual who
exuded beauty and success in all she strived for.

Tamber experienced the untimely passing of her mother

when she was 11 years old. From that date forward she
became the child of her middle sister. Tamber continued
to grow into a happy and healthy young lady. She was
an avid gymnast who so affectionately gained the
nickname of “Tumbling Tamber.” She began
cheerleading at the tender age of 9 and continued
through high school as an MHS cheerleader and also a
Velocity dancer. Tamber really enjoyed school and all it
involved. She always did her best and would love to
brandish her report card of all A’s on the refrigerator and
collect her reward money for it.
If anyone asked Tamber what she wanted to be when
she grew up at any stage of her youth she would have
answered “A Plastic Surgeon.” She was asked this very
question as a contestant in a beauty pageant she
participated in at the age of 12 where her big glowy eyes
became wide as she quickly answered “to help those
who were victims of accidents.” She would say that as
soon as she graduated college she was going to head to
California to realize her dream.

Tamber was an incredibly free spirit. She possessed a

fearlessness of exploration of new places and
opportunities. Within the light she carried, she began to
experience mental health challenges at the age of 17,
which was later identified as Schizophrenia. Paranoid
Schizophrenia interfered with Tamber’s ability to be in
full touch with reality. Her illness caused her to alienate
herself from family for extended periods of time (she
always arrived home safely after living free spirited a few
months) and refused treatment due to her extreme
intelligence and strong will power.

Tamber was extremely loved and cared for by her family.

She always had a wealth of opportunity and resources.
She will be loved and missed by her family until the end
of time. Her earthside experience has ended but her
spirit lives on forever.

All My Love,
Your sister

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