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Candidate name: Rushawn Powell

Candidate number:
Center name: Vere Technical High school.
Center number: 100125
Year of examination: 2023
Teacher: Miss. C Brooks.
Subject: English language
Topic: Teenage pregnancy
Territory: Jamaica

Table of Contents



Plan of Investigation…………….…………………………………….3

Participation Measure…………………………………………………4

Artifacts 1………………………………………………………………5

Artifact 2……………………………………………………………….6

Artifact 3…….………………………………………………................7

Reflection 1…………………………………………………………….8
Reflection 2…………………………………………………………….9

Reflection 3…………………………………………………………….10

Written Report…………………………………………………………11

Plan of Investigation

The groups topic is Teenage Pregnancy. Hence, my subtopic is “The causes and effects of
teenage pregnancy” I selected this topic because there is a fast increase in the number of teen
girls getting pregnant. I strongly believe that at the end of this research I will be provided with
the information required to uncover the main causes of teenage pregnancy and the effects it has
on teenagers. As a student in the English Language department, I expect an improvement in my
comprehension and vocabulary skills after my research during this SBA. The English Language
skills. I am going to use to examine my artifacts are studying the writer’s technique and
identifying the main idea by using my comprehension and readings skills.

Participation Measure

Rating Criteria Final Score

It is easy to focus on what is taking place in a

Artifact One
Title- Teenage Pregnancy- A Public Health Issue in Jamaica
Published: November 23, 2011
Author: Patricia Watson
Link: Teenage pregnancy - a public-health issue in Jamaica | News
| Jamaica Gleaner (

More than 60 of every 100 pregnancies (66.2 per cent) among adolescent girls in the age group
15-19 years were unplanned in 2008. However, a more sobering trend that is noticeable in the
statistics is that more adolescents are planning pregnancies. Data from the RHS indicate that the
percentage of planned births in the above-mentioned age group was 18.8 per cent in 2008, an
increase of 9.4 percentage points over the last survey in 2002.

A look at the Registrar General's Department statistics on births in 2008 also gives an insight into
the public health and development challenges faced by Jamaica as it relates to teenage
pregnancy. The data show that in 2008:

"Mothers below the age of 15 gave birth for the first time to 225 children, and an additional three
were recorded as second birth for mothers under 15 years old.

"Of the 42,161 babies born in Jamaica, 6,138 were the firstborn for teenagers aged 15-19 years.
For the same age group, 1178 were recorded as second births, 121 as third births, 10 as fourth
birth and one each for fifth and sixth birth.

A similar trend is seen in those aged 20-24 years old. There were 5,575 firstborns to adolescent
women in this age range; 3,857 second births; 1,498 third births; 411 fourth births; 72 fifth
births; 13 sixth births; four seventh births; one-eighth birth and one 10th birth.

Adolescents aged 15 to 24 years old account for the 44.75 per cent of all births in Jamaica for
2008. The implications of this are clear. Oftentimes, the teenage mother is excluded from school
and thus professional opportunities to provide for themselves and the babies. Since the mothers
are not able to care for themselves and their children, the burden of care rests with civil society
and the government. It also speaks to the present gaps in parenting, child rearing, sexual and
reproductive health education, and the financial burden the country faces.

"I see other girls having sex and not getting pregnant, so I thought it would be the same for me."

A key point made by participants is the way men see pregnant adolescent girls. According to the
participants, men see them as clean and less likely to become pregnant again, and so, proposition
them for sex. They explain how it makes them feel cold the way the men look at them and the
things they say to them.

Artifact Two
Title: Teenage Pregnancy
Published: August 4, 2009
Authors: VYBZ

Artifact Three
Title: Adolescent Pregnancy
Published: September 15, 2022
Author: World Health Organization

Adolescent pregnancy is a global phenomenon with clearly

known causes and serious health, social and economic
consequences. Globally, the adolescent birth rate (ABR) has
decreased, but rates of change have been uneven across regions.
There are also enormous variations in levels between and within
countries. Adolescent pregnancy tends to be higher among those
with less education or of low economic status. Further, there is
slower progress in reducing adolescent first births amongst these
and other vulnerable groups, leading to increasing inequity.
Child marriage and child sexual abuse place girls at increased
risk of pregnancy, often unintended. In many places, barriers to
obtaining and using contraceptives prevent adolescents from
avoiding unintended pregnancies. There is growing attention
being paid to improving access to quality maternal care for
pregnant and parenting adolescents. WHO works with partners
to advocate for attention to adolescent pregnancy, to build an
evidence base for action, to develop policy and programmer
support tools, to build capacity and to support countries to
address adolescent pregnancy effectively.

Every year, an estimated 21 million girls aged 15–19 years in

developing regions become pregnant and approximately 12
million of them give birth (1).

Globally, ABR has decreased from 64.5 births per 1000 women
in 2000 to 42.5 births per 1000 women in 2021. However, rates
of change have been uneven in different regions of the world
with the sharpest decline in Southern Asia (SA), and slower
declines in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) and sub-
Saharan Africa (SSA) regions. Although declines have occurred
in all regions, SSA and LAC continue to have the highest rates
globally at 101 and 53.2 births per 1000 women, respectively, in
2021 (4).

There are enormous differences within regions in ABR as well.

In LAC, for example, Nicaragua recorded the highest estimated
ABR at 85.6 per 1000 adolescent girls in 2021, compared to
24.1 per 1000 adolescent girls in Chile (4). Even within
countries, there are enormous variations, for example in Zambia
the percentage of adolescent girls aged 15–19 who have begun
childbearing (women who either have had a birth or are pregnant
at the time of interview) ranged from 14.9% in Lusaka to 42.5%
in the Southern Province in 2018 (5). In the Philippines, this
ranged from 3.5% in the Cordillera Administrative Region to
17.9% in the Davao Peninsula Region in 2017 (6).

Several factors contribute to adolescent pregnancies and births.

First, in many societies, girls are under pressure to marry and
bear children. As of 2021, the estimated global number of child
brides was 650 million: child marriage places girls at increased
risk of pregnancy because girls who are married very early
typically have limited autonomy to influence decision-making
about delaying child-bearing and contraceptive use Second, in
many places, girls choose to become pregnant because they have
limited educational and employment prospects.

Reflection One

The first artifact is an online article entitled “Teenage Pregnancy- A Public Health Issue in
Jamaica”. It discusses the various morality and effects it can have on a teenager while pregnant
or soon. This article showed me effects I would physically never know of or would have thought
The second artifact is an online song entitled “Teenage Pregnancy” revealing the struggle of a
high school student going through a pregnancy crisis with her parents. This song outlines that
getting pregnant at a young age is not a good experience for the victim of teenage pregnancy
they are sometimes treated badly by family members and those in their environment. After
reviewing this artifact I’ve learned that teenage pregnancy is way more stressful and complicated
than adult pregnancy.
The third artifact is an online article entitled “Adolescent Pregnancy”. It discusses the various
key points of adolescent pregnancy between the 15-19 years in the middle-income countries and
the context in which adolescent pregnancies occur. The article highlighted some important
factors to take in consideration to prevent young ladies from getting pregnant as a teenager,

Reflection Two

The first artifact has a very serious tone. I think this register is appropriate, especially in that
article that’s expressing these adverse and negative effects. The use of strong adjectives was
prevalent in this article. Words like maternal mortality and premature were used so the audience
can have a clear understanding of how serious pregnancy is.
The second source is a video that basically states the struggle of a teenage girl that is underage
and is worrying about how to tell her mother. The font of the artifact shows emphasis how
serious this issue is at hand.
My final piece is an online article that utilizes emotive language. The emotive language in this
article was used to show the audience how stressful this situation is for those underage mothers.

Reflection Three

Doing this SBA has helped me to improve my comprehension and vocabulary skills. The
improvement in those areas has led to an increase in my writing skills. This SBA has also helped
me increase my research skills. The language that has been used throughout this SBA was formal
English and the vocabulary encountered during this study was a little more advanced than my
level. I did research on those words to make them better. This SBA has required me to research
and gather information on my topic. After learning everything I have about the effect that teen
pregnancy has on teen moms my knowledge increased. I have also definitely become better at
working with others in a group.

Written Report

Our Group consists of four members (Rushawn Powell) me, and each of us has our own
subtopic. Group members were responsible for collecting and gathering data and information
about “Teenage Pregnancy”. We work well as a group and have different but essential tasks to
complete. At the end, we selected a video and three Artifacts.
By analyzing the pieces, our questions were answered. We found out that the average age that
teens become active is 17. It was in an online article written by Serena Gordon a health day
reporter Serena also stated teens that who didn’t use birth control during the first month of sexual
activities face a nearly fourfold increase in some unwanted pregnancies. The content of the three
pieces had an impact on the group members. Our group members had become disciplined and
willing to work.

My group Topic is “Teenage pregnancy ”, we selected pressing sub-topic as followed: ‘How does
teenage pregnancy affects girls’, ‘What is the impact of teen pregnancy on teens ?’, ‘The cause
and effect on teenage pregnancy’, ‘effects of teenage pregnancy on teens'?’, ‘Importance of
Technology’, How does Teenage Pregnancy affects teens academic performance? ‘How does
teenage pregnancy affect our society’. To ensure the completion of our SBA(s) we created
WhatsApp groups to share information, planned group meetings, and asked our teacher for
formatting sessions
‘How does teenage pregnancy affects girls?’ and ‘What is the impact of teen pregnancy
on teens?’ are our two research questions. We chose to analyse ‘‘It’s not an easy road’ - Teen
moms share their challenges in an appeal to young girls to avoid sex’ an article by Amandine
Wilson Harris published October 12, 2017, ‘What is the impact of teen pregnancy on teens ‘an
article published on February 2006 by Lynn .M Anthony an article titled ‘she’s too young’. We
selected these artefacts considering that they focus on students and teenagers and are beneficial
towards our research
Question 1 reveals that it’s not always easy to be a teen mother. And not having a good
education can default raising a child at a young age . Question 2 displays the trauma of being
pregnant whiles she goes to school. The enter pregnancy haunt her that’s she’s too young to have
a baby.when she finally gave birth all those negative thoughts was swept away .
These artefacts enhanced our understanding of our theme by confirming that it’s not always
easy being a teen mom.
We have come to appreciate the importance of working in group as it helps us to understand
our theme better, makes work more efficient and fun and it also helped to improve our
communication skills.

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