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There are a few reasons for income inequality, however the most important ones are

education and wealth. The educational level is a direct factor in income. A person

without a high school diploma will be without a job nearly three times more often

than someone with a college degree. Also, people with a higher level of education are

better paid than people with a lower level. Another direct factor in income is the

distribution of wealth that is more unequal than the distribution of income. This

inequality has a dramatic impact on people’s ability to earn income, since wealthier

families are able to send their children to the best colleges and universities.

2. We will see a future with more people in poverty status, more people without basic

access to education, leading to a country to a higher degree of poverty.

3. Over the years, individual states have developed a variety of social service programs

to help the needy. These include areas such as child abuse prevention, foster care,

family planning, job training, child welfare, and day care. Programs that provide

direct cash assistance to those in need fall into the category of income assistance. One

such program is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which began

in 1997. Other income assistance programs include the Supplemental Security Income

(SSI), which makes cash payments to blind or disabled people or to people aged 65

and older.

4. I believe that Economic Security Programs are the most effective because they can

increase the quality of life in the short-term

5. These programs are really expensive but they are really important in the short-term.

However, poverty is a systematic problem and needs to have special attention in the

long term.

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