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7:3/4, 265±271, 1998

Feeding activities of zooplankton in the Bohai Sea

RONG WANG,* CHAOLUN LI, KE WANG grazing mortality rate of phytoplankton by microzoo-
AND WUCHANG ZHANG plankton (< 200 lm) measured by the dilution
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai method ranged from 0.43 to 0.69 day)1 The calculated
Road, Qingdao 266071, China daily consumption of phytoplankton biomass was 35±
50%, and 85±319% of the potential production.

ABSTRACT Key words: Bohai Sea, feeding, zooplankton

The Bohai Sea was the site of the Chinese national

GLOBEC programme. During the June 1997 cruises of
R/V Science No.1, observations and experiments on The Bohai Sea is a shallow, semi-enclosed sea charac-
zooplankton feeding were conducted. At ®ve 48 h terized by strong seasonal ¯uctuation in hydrographic
time-series stations the following observations and condition. It is surrounded by heavily populated areas
measurements on zooplankton were carried out: (1) in the northern part of China. During the past decades,
diurnal vertical migration, by collecting samples at over®shing, sea farming in the nearshore water and
different layers every 3 h with a closing net; (2) changes in land-derived freshwater, nutrients and sed-
diurnal feeding rhythms, by gut pigment analysis; and iments have reached levels that put the environment
(3) ingestion rate, by both gut pigment analysis and the under stress and resulted in changes in structure and
dilution method. A classi®cation by body size was used function of the marine ecosystem. For these reasons,
to deal with the diversity of species and developmental the Bohai Sea was chosen as the site of the ®rst phase of
stages of zooplankton assemblages. Samples were sep- the China±GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystem Dy-
arated into three size groups: small (200±500 lm), namics) programme from 1997 to 2000, of which the
medium (500±1000 lm) and large (> 1000 lm). The dynamics of zooplankton populations was one of the
results showed that the copepods (Calanus sinicus, four principal foci. The work presented here gives
Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bi®losa and Centropages preliminary results based on the data collected during
mcmurrichi) performed clear diurnal vertical migra- the R/V Science No.1 cruises in June 1997, focused on
tions. However, their behaviour was different at dif- zooplankton feeding. The major objective of this study
ferent stations. The variation in gut pigment content was to evaluate the importance of different size groups
over the 24 h cycle showed strong diurnal feeding of zooplankton in their grazing impact on phytoplank-
rhythms, particularly for the large size group. Gut ton, so as to obtain parameters on the utilization of
pigment contents reached their daily maximum during primary production by herbivorous copepods.
the time from dusk to midnight (18:00±24:00). The
peak value was about 10 times the minimum observed
in the daytime. The in situ daily grazing rate, based on
gut pigment contents and evacuation experiments, was Observations and experiments were designed to
4.00±12.65 ng chla ind)1 day)1 for the small size measure the grazing pressure of copepods on phyto-
group, 5.99±66.58 ng chla ind)1 day)1 for the medium plankton in situ. At ®ve 48 h time-series stations
size group and 31.31±237.13 ng chla ind)1 day)1 for (Fig. 1), diurnal vertical migration, diurnal feeding
the large size group. The copepods consumed only a rhythms and ingestion rate of planktonic copepods
small part (2.90±13.52%) of the phytoplankton bio- were observed and measured in the period 3±12 June
mass but about 77% of the daily production. The 1997. A classi®cation based on body size was used to
separate the diversity of species and developmental
*Correspondence. Fax: + 86 532 2870882; stages of copepods. All observations and experiments
e-mail: were conducted separately by size groups: small
Received for publication 20 March 1998 (200±500 lm), medium (500±1000 lm) and large
Accepted for publication 30 June 1998 (>1000 lm). CTD, nutrients (N, P, Si), chlorophyll
Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd. 265
266 R. Wang et al.

Figure 1. Time-series (48 h) observation stations in the Gut pigment analysis

Bohai Sea.
Gut pigment analysis was used to study the diurnal
feeding rhythms (Head et al., 1984). The cod-end
content was immediately poured into soda/seawater
solution (1:5, v/v) to anaesthetize the animals (Kleppel
et al., 1988), then sieved through 1000, 500 and
200 lm mesh, and the resultant fractions ®ltered onto
GF/C ®lters. The ®lters were frozen and kept at ± 20°C
until subsequent analysis. In the laboratory, copepods
on the ®lter, 30 individuals for the large size group, 40
for the medium size group, and 50 for the small size
group, were transferred to another GF/C ®lter under a
low-light dissecting microscope without regard to spe-
cies or stage. Subsequent sample treatments and ¯uo-
rescence measurements were as described by Mackas
and Bohrer (1976). Absolute values for the chlorophyll
level and the chlorophyll equivalent weight of phaeo-
pigment were calculated according to Wang (1986)
and Wang and Conover (1986). The sum was used as
the index of gut fullness. A conversion ratio of 43 was
used for carbon:chlorophyll (Wang and Fan, 1995).
a (¯uorescence) and primary production (14C) were
Gut pigment evacuation experiments
measured simultaneously. Phytoplankton and zoo-
plankton samples were collected for subsequent ex- The gut pigment evacuation method was used to es-
amination of their taxonomic composition and timate the in situ grazing rate for the copepod assem-
abundance. blage larger than 200 lm. Evacuation experiments
were conducted on board ship in a constant-temper-
ature water bath set to the surface seawater tempera-
Sampling ture. Animals were ®rst transferred gently to a
To observe diurnal vertical migration of copepods, container and then separated equally into six sub-
zooplankton samples were collected in different depth samples, which were kept in 2 L beakers, and then
layers (0±5 m, 5±10 m, 10±20 m, 20 m±bottom) at immersed in the water bath. Initially, and after 10, 20,
different times of the day (00:00, 03:00, 06:00, ¼, 30, 60 and 120 min, animals of each subsample were
24:00) for a complete daily cycle. A single closing net anaesthetized and then sieved through 1000, 500 and
with mouth area of 0.5 m2 and mesh size of 333 lm 200 lm mesh gauze. Different fractions were ®ltered
was used. A ¯owmeter was mounted in the centre of onto GF/C ®lters. Subsequent treatments and mea-
the mouth to measure the volume of water ®ltered. surements were the same as for gut pigment analysis.
Numbers of different species in the samples were The gut pigment content at time t (Gt) was related to
counted under a dissecting microscope. Samples for time as: Gt ˆ Goe)rt, where Go is the gut pigment
gut pigment analysis were collected by vertical tows content at the beginning of the experiment. Evacua-
from the bottom to the surface every 3 h at the same tion rate (r) can be calculated from the plot of gut
time as the sampling for diurnal vertical migration, pigment against time of incubation. Ingestion rates (I)
using two nets of different mesh sizes. One, with were calculated from the expression: I ˆ r ´ G.
500 lm mesh, was used for sampling the large and
medium size groups; the other, with 200 lm mesh, was Dilution technique
used for sampling the small size group. Live animals for The dilution technique developed by Landry and
the gut pigment evacuation experiments were col- Hassett (1982) was used to estimate the grazing impact
lected by using the same nets as for the gut pigment of zooplankton of less than 200 lm in size. Natural
analysis, and those for the dilution experiments were seawater was collected from 2 m depth. Half of the
collected using a 50 L water sampler. Water samples water was ®ltered twice by GF/F ®lter. The remaining
from different depths were collected and preserved seawater was ®ltered through a sieve with a mesh size of
with Lugol's solution for studies of taxonomic com- 200 lm. The 200 lm ®ltered water was then combined
position and abundance of microzooplankton. with the GF/F ®ltered water in ratios of 1:0, 3:1, 1:1
Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 7:3/4, 265±271.
Zooplankton feeding in the Bohai Sea 267

and 1:3. Three 2 L glass reagent bottles were ®lled daytime (Fig. 2 m). At Station 5, this species re-
with each dilution mixture and then incubated in situ mained in the upper layer (0±10 m) all day (Fig. 2n).
at the same depth for 24 h. The apparent growth rates Paracalanus parvus, another small copepod, performed
of phytoplankton in individual bottles were calculated a similar vertical migration as Calanus sinicus but the
based on the changes in chlorophyll concentration. amplitude was somewhat less for P. parvus (Fig. 2i,k).
The major carnivore, Sagitta crassa, performed a similar
diurnal vertical migration to that of its prey (Fig. 2h,j).
Diurnal vertical migration Diurnal feeding rhythms
The relative abundance of copepods in different layers The diurnal variation in gut pigment content (Fig. 3)
at different times of the day clearly showed diurnal showed a strong diurnal feeding rhythm, particularly
vertical migration for most species (Fig. 2), moving for the large size group. High gut pigment content
upwards after dusk and migrating downwards before occurred from dusk to midnight (18:00±24:00). The
dawn. For the larger species, Calanus sinicus and Cen- peak value was about 10 times the minimum occurring
tropages mcmurrichi, the amplitude of displacement was in the daytime. The daily averages for all size groups
about 5±10 m. The behaviour of the same species were much lower than expected (Table 1), possibly
showed some differences at different stations. For in- owing to the low chlorophyll concentration in the
stance, at Station 4, where a thermocline was well water at the time of year. For the small size group, the
developed, Calanus sinicus performed more distinct diurnal feeding rhythms were less apparent.
diurnal vertical migrations (Fig. 2c). However, at
Station 5 (Fig. 2d), where no clear thermocline was Grazing rate and grazing pressure on phytoplankton
found, the amplitude of their migration was much less Daily grazing rates (Table 1) were calculated from the
than those at Station 4. Acartia bi®losa, a dominant data on gut pigment contents and evacuation rate, and
species in the small group, tended to live in the upper then converted to the ration for all copepods in the
layer, moving down to the middle layer during the water column (Table 2) by using the population den-

Figure 2. Diurnal vertical migration of copepods and chaetognath species in the Bohai Sea (solid lines show the diurnal
variation of the depth of distribution centre).

Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 7:3/4, 265±271.

268 R. Wang et al.

Figure 2h±k. Figure 2l±n.

also performed clear diurnal vertical migration at Sta-

tion 4. However, at Station 5, the bulk of the popula-
tion remained in the upper layer all day. The conclusion
is that there is no direct relation between food con-
sity data. The daily consumption of phytoplankton centration and vertical migration. The chlorophyll a
biomass by copepods (> 200 lm) was low because of concentration at the time of sampling was low, with an
the low phytoplankton biomass, but it represented a average for the entire water column being around
signi®cant proportion of the primary production (Ta- 1 g L)1. It was distributed either homogeneously
ble 2). To estimate the grazing impact of microzoo- throughout the water column or with the concentration
plankton less than 200 lm in size, we used the dilution in the deeper layers being higher than that in the upper
technique (Fig.4). By this method, the daily grazing was layers; thus there was no constant relationship between
estimated at 35±50% of the phytoplankton biomass or chlorophyll concentration and vertical migration.
85±319% of primary production, which approached or In the Bohai Sea, zooplankton biomass reaches its
exceeded the potential production (Table 3). annual maximum in June (Bai and Zhuang, 1991) but
the phytoplankton biomass decreases to a low level in
this month after the spring bloom (Kang, 1991). That
may be why we observed a low level of the gut pig-
Copepods, especially the larger species such as Calanus ment content in all three copepod size groups. Even
sinicus and Centropages mcmurrichi, performed clear di- though the gut pigment level was low, the diurnal
urnal vertical migrations in the Bohai Sea, but their variation in gut pigment contents revealed a clear
behaviour was somewhat different at different stations. diurnal feeding rhythm, particularly for the large size
They were typical at Station 4 (Fig. 2c), with the bulk fractions, i.e. resting from feeding during the daytime
of the population staying near the bottom during the and feeding actively from dusk to midnight for only a
day and ascending during the night. Compared with short period due to the shortage of food. It may be
other stations, a strong thermocline was present at that the diurnal feeding rhythm is an intrinsic evo-
Station 4. At Stations 1, 3 and 5, where no clear the- lutionary attribute of the herbivorous copepods and
rmocline was found, the migrations of Calanus sinicus has no direct relationship with environmental factors
and Centropages mcmurrichi were less strong and the (food concentration, temperature, etc.). It emphasizes
distribution centres were higher than those at Station 4. that estimations of the daily grazing rate must be
Acartia bi®losa, a dominant species in the small group, based on a complete daily feeding cycle.
Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 7:3/4, 265±271.
Zooplankton feeding in the Bohai Sea 269

Figure 3. Diurnal variation in gut

pigment content of copepod assem-
blages in the Bohai Sea.

Grazing rates of the copepod assemblages measured about 77% of daily production. The primary produc-
by gut pigment analysis were much lower than ex- tion measured at the ®ve observed stations during the
pected. That is explained by the high density of feeding experiments ranged from 100 to 136 mg C
copepods and low concentration of phytoplankton. m)2 day)1, which is only about one-third of the an-
For instance, at Station 4 the average density of Cal- nual average (308 mg C m)2 day)1) of the entire
anus sinicus was as high as 309 m-3, but the average Bohai Sea (Fei et al., 1991). It seems that for most of
chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was the copepods, the energy ingested cannot cover the
only 1.05 g L ) 1, although there might be some respiration needs estimated using Ikeda's (1985)
sources of underestimation in the present results such equation. Evidence of a population decrease caused by
as pigment destruction by digestion in the gut (Con- food shortage in June can be found from the historical
over et al., 1986; Wang and Conover, 1986). However, data. The year-round observations in the Bohai Sea in
it is likely to be proportional to the total pigment 1992±93 showed that phytoplankton biomass de-
quantity ingested. The copepods consumed only a creased dramatically from May to June (Kang, 1991),
small part (2.90±13.52%) of the phytoplankton bio- whereas zooplankton biomass reached its annual
mass owing to the low feeding ef®ciency under the maximum in June (255.9 mg m)3) and then decreased
unfavourable conditions of low food availability but sharply to a relatively low level (98.9 mg m)3) in July.
high competition. Nevertheless, this small part of the The population density of Calanus sinicus declined
phytoplankton biomass consumed is equivalent to from its annual maximum of 179 m)3 to 47 m)3
Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 7:3/4, 265±271.
270 R. Wang et al.

Table 1. Gut pigment content, evacuation rate and grazing rate of copepod assemblages in the Bohai Sea in June 1997.

Gut pigment
Size contents Evacuation Gut passage Grazing rate
Station Water depth group (ng chla ind.)1) rate (min)1) time(min) (ng chla ind.)1day)1)

large 1.647 0.0132 76 31.31

1 30 medium 0.341 0.0122 82 5.99
small 0.257 0.0108 93 4.00
large 3.283 0.0310 32 146.55
3 18 medium 1.578 0.0293 34 66.58
small 0.188 0.0203 49 5.50
large 1.578 0.0445 22 101.12
4 28 medium 0.348 0.0464 22 23.25
small 0.205 0.0303 33 8.94
large 8.667 0.0190 53 237.13
5 29 medium 1.299 0.0300 33 56.12
small 0.363 0.0242 41 12.65

Table 2. Phytoplankton biomass, primary production and grazing pressure by copepods in the Bohai Sea in June 1997.

Phytoplankton Primary Daily grazing rate Grazing pressure on

biomass productivity
Station mg chla m)2 (mg C m)2 day)1) mg chla m)2 mg C m)2 Biomass (%) Production (%)

1 28.97 119.03 0.84 42.00 2.90 35.29

3 17.01 136.27 2.30 115.05 13.52 84.43
4 17.68 100.34 2.38 118.75 13.46 118.35
5 31.19 93.89 1.85 92.60 5.93 70.05

Table 3. Grazing impact of microzooplankton on phytoplankton based on dilution experiments in the Bohai Sea in June 1997.

Sampling depth Grazing on Grazing on prim.

Station (m) r2 k (day)1) g (day)1) Biomass (% day)1) prod. (% day)1)

1 2 0.7786 0.6748 0.6909 49.89 101.66

2 2 0.5159 0.4307 0.4256 34.66 99.05
4 2 0.537 0.7326 0.5854 44.31 85.32
5 2 0.4356 0.2294 0.5959 44.89 319.00

k = phytoplankton growth coef®cient, g = microzooplankton grazing coef®cient.

during this same period (Bai and Zhuang, 1991). fraction. Size-fractionated primary production data
Possibly non-living particulate organic matter from showed that, as the average of the ®ve observed sta-
land sources and from re-suspension of sediments may tions, 84.33% of the measured primary production
serve as part of the food sources during this time of was contributed by nano- and pico-fractions (unpub-
year for the ®lter feeders, as we observed in the East lished data from Dr X. Ning, Second Institute of
China Sea (Liu et al., 1997; Wang and Fan, 1997). Oceanography, State Oceanography Administration,
The grazing impact of microzooplankton on phy- Hangzhou, China). It would appear that the micro-
toplankton was high. It accounted for almost half of zooplankton may play a more important role in
the daily standing crop of phytoplankton and 99.05± transferring the primary products to higher trophic
319.00% of the potential daily primary production. levels at this time of year. In support of this, Burkill
Codonellopsis spp. (Tintinnidae), nauplii of copepods et al. (1993) showed evidence that microzooplankton
and larvae of benthic invertebrates dominated this and their herbivorous activity provide the major route
Ó 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd., Fish. Oceanogr., 7:3/4, 265±271.
Zooplankton feeding in the Bohai Sea 271

Figure 4. Micro-zooplankton (< 200 lm)

grazing by the dilution technique with
®tted regressions.

for the herbivorous fate of phytoplankton in the north- Head, E.J.H., Wang, R. and Conover, R.J. (1984) Comparison of
east Atlantic Ocean in June and July. diurnal feeding rhythms in Temora longicornis and
Centropages hamatus with digestive enzyme activity. J. Plank.
Res. 6:543±551.
Ikeda, T. (1985) Metabolic rates of epipelagic marine zoo-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS plankton as a function of body size and temperature. Mar.
Biol. 85:1±11.
This research was supported by National Natural Kang, Y. (1991) Distribution and seasonal variation of phyto-
Science Foundation of China, 49790010. We thank plankton in the Bohai Sea. Mar. Fish. Res. 12:31±54. (In
Captain Wu Chuanjie and the crew of the R/V Science Chinese with English abstract.)
No.1 for invaluable assistance in collecting zoo- Kleppel, G.S., Pieper, R.E. and Trager, G. (1988) Variability in
plankton samples and in doing experiments on board the gut contents of individual Acartia tonsa from water off
Southern California. Mar. Biol. 97:185±190.
ship. We are also grateful to Dr Roger Harris and the Landry, M.R. and Hassett, R.P. (1982) Estimating the grazing
two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the impact of marine micro-zooplankton. Mar. Biol. 67:283±288.
draft manuscript. Liu, W., Wang, R. and Ji, P. (1997) Study on particulate organic
carbon in the East China Sea. Oceanologia Limnol. Sin.
28:39±43. (In Chinese with English abstract.)
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