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Project address THANH HÓA -VIỆT NAM




1.1. Công trình khách sạn Thanh Hóa là công trình khách sạn 2 tầng với tổng diện tích xây dựng là hơn 3000m2 có
công năng như sau:

Sảnh đón tiếp, phòng làm việc, phòng ăn quầy bar, hành lang,phòng kỹ thuật, phòng ngủ, phòng vệ sinh,…


2.1. Tiêu chuẩn trong nước:
- TCVN 5687-2010: Thông gió, điều hòa không khí, sưởi ấm. Tiêu chuẩn thiết kế.
2.2. Các tài liệu thiết kế:
- Thuyết minh tính toán thiết kế kỹ thuật hệ thống điều hòa không khí.
- Bản vẽ thiết kế (phù hợp với bước thiết kế) kiến trúc, kết cấu, ....
- Phạm vi thiết kế Hệ thống điều hòa thông gió.
- Catalogue kỹ thuật các hãng Daikin
2.4. Thông số vi khí hậu:
2.3.1. Thông số tính toán bên ngoài công trình:
Công trình xây dựng nhà ở tại Thanh Hóa và cấp thiết kế II, nên có các đặc điểm vi khí hậu như sau:

Mùa hè Mùa đông

Cấp thiết kế
T ( C)
T 0
jtt (%)
T ( C)
T 0
jttT (%)
Cấp I
Cấp II 36.7 50.4 12.6 90.3

2.3.2. Thông số tính toán bên trong công trình:

Căn cứ vào yêu cầu vi khí hậu bên trong công trình của chủ đầu tư và tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam. Ta có bảng thông số
tính toán bên trong công trình sau:

Mùa hè Mùa đông

Số TT Phòng chức năng
Ttt ( C)
T 0
j (%)
Ttt ( C)
T 0
jttT (%)
1 Phòng ăn,phòng khách 25 ± 2 60 ± 5 22 ± 2 60 ± 5
2 Phòng ngủ 25 ± 2 60 ± 5 22 ± 2 60 ± 5
3 Phòng làm việc 25 ± 2 60 ± 5 22 ± 2 60 ± 5
4 Sảnh SH 27 ± 2 60 ± 5 20 ± 2 60 ± 5


- Với công năng và diện tích công trình như trên ta nên chọn hệ thống điều hòa không khí trung tâm VRV/VRF

Trang 1
3.1. Mô tả hệ thống:
1. Dàn lạnh :
- Toàn bộ không gian trong khách sạn sử dụng dàn lạnh điều hòa âm trần nối ống gió, lắp trong trần, cấp gió
lạnh tới các cửa gió nan được bố trí đều cân đối với mặt bằng trần
- Các cửa gió được đặt thổi ngang tại vị trí giật cấp tạo cảm giác thoải mái cho người sử dụng (tránh luồng
không khí lạnh thổi thẳng vào người tạo cảm giác khó chịu và ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe) .
2. Dàn nóng :
- Sử dụng dàn nóng điều hòa trung tâm VRV đặt tại khu vực kỹ thuật giúp tiết kiệm không gian đặt cục nóng,
hệ VRV có nhiều công nghệ vượt trội giúp tiết kiệm điện.
- Với kiến trúc và công năng sử dụng ta chia làm 6 tổ điều hòa tủng tâm VRV
Cả 6 dàn nóng đều đặt tại khu vực kỹ thuật bên cạnh tòa nhà.
3. Hệ thống đường ống gas, nước ngưng .
- Đường ống gas chính từ dàn nóng trung tâm khu vực kỹ thuật đi âm sàn (bọc trong các ống nhựa PVC) tới
trục KT ở nhà WC, mỗi dàn nóng sẽ có 1 trục ống gas và phân bổ tới các tầng và các dàn lạnh.
- Đường ống nước từ dàn lạnh sẽ gom vào các trục KT thoát nước ngưng của tòa nhà.
- Đường ống nước ngưng chạy với độ đốc tối thiểu 1%
4. Dây điều khiển, Dây tín hiệu điều hòa
- Dây tín hiệu từ dàn nóng đến dàn lanh, và link giữa các dàn lạnh với nhau đi dây 2x1,5 mm2.
- Dây điều khiển từ dàn lạnh tới các điều khiển đi dây 2x0,75 mm2.
5. Dây cấp nguồn cho điều hòa
- Từ tủ cấp nguồn tầng sẽ cấp điện cho các dàn lạnh âm trần dây 2x2,5 mm2
- Từ tủ điện 3 pha nhà sẽ cấp điện riêng cho tủ dàn nóng đặt ban công (bên điều hòa sẽ cung cấp cho nhà thầu
điện các bản vẽ, thông số liên quan để bên điện thi công hạng mục này).
3.2. Tính toán phụ tải lạnh:
Tính toán tải nhiệt dựa vào việc xác định lượng nhiệt thừa bao gồm:
- Nhiệt sinh ra do bức xạ mặt trời truyền vào phòng.
- Nhiệt truyền qua kết cấu bao che.
- Nhiệt do người tỏa ra.
- Nhiệt do các Nguồn chiếu sáng nhân tạo.
- Nhiệt do sản phẩm mang vào.
- Nhiệt do máy móc thiết bị điện tỏa ra.
- Nhiệt tỏa ra từ bề mặt thiết bị nhiệt.

Trang 2
- Nhiệt do rò lọt không khí vào phòng.
3.3. Chọn Indoor:
Từ bảng tính tải của các không gian trên, ta lựa chọn các thiết bị điều hòa không khí như sau:

Bảng chọn thiết bị điều hòa không khí trung tâm


Số Lượng Tổng công

Cs lạnh Model dàn lạnh Diện tích Tải lạnh
STT Phòng Máy suất lạnh

(kW) (âm trần nối ống) Cái Btu m2 Btu/m2

1 SẢNH CHÍNH (THÔNG TẦNG) 16.0 FXSQ140PAVE9 5 54,600 210 1300

9.0 FXSQ80PAVE9 1 30,700 66,5 923

9.0 FXSQ80PAVE9 1 30,700

3 PHÒNG ĂN TẬP TRUNG 9.0 FXSQ80PAVE9 2 30,700 74 830

4 PHÒNG NGỦ GIƯỜNG ĐÔI 4.5 FXSQ40PAVE9 1 15,400 20 770

4 PHÒNG NGỦ 2 GIƯỜNG 4.5 FXSQ40PAVE9 1 15,400 20,5 752

6 SẢNH TẦNG 2 16.0 FXSQ140PAVE9 1 54,600 70 780

7 PHÒNG HỌP 9.0 FXSQ80PAVE9 2 30,700 73 841

8 PHÒNG LÀM VIỆC 4.5 FXSQ40PAVE9 1 15,400 20 770

9 PHÒNG NGỦ CĂN GÓC 5.6 FXSQ50PAVE9 1 19,100 23,5 812

10 PHÒNG KHÁCH 5,6 FXSQ50PAVE9 1 19,100 23,8 802


Material List
Model Type Model Name Qty Description
Outdoor unit RXYQ18AYM 1 Heat pump VRV H STD(VN)
RXYQ22AYMV 1 Heat pump VRV H STD(VN)
RXYQ32AYMV 2 Heat pump VRV H STD(VN)
RXYQ34AYMV 3 Heat pump VRV H STD(VN)
RXYQ38AYMV 1 Heat pump VRV H STD(VN)
Indoor unit FXSQ100PAVE 2 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ140PAVE 10 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ32PAVE 2 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ40PAVE 88 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ50PAVE 10 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ63PAVE 2 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
FXSQ80PAVE 4 VRV S-PA - Ceiling Mounted Duct(MSP)
Branch unit BHFP22P100 7 Outdoor unit multi connection piping kit
KHRP26A22T 25 Refnet branch piping kit
KHRP26A33T 15 Refnet branch piping kit
KHRP26A72T 45 Refnet branch piping kit
KHRP26A73T + 25 Refnet branch piping kit
Option or add-on BRC1E63 118 Wired Remote Controller (Navigation Remote
Indoor Unit Details

1.2. Table of Abbreviations

Name Logical name of the device
FCU Device model name
Tmp C Indoor conditions in cooling (dry bulb temp. / RH)
Rq TC Required total cooling capacity
Max TC Available total cooling capacity
TC Total cooling capacity
Rq SC Required sensible cooling capacity
Max SC Available sensible cooling capacity
SC Sensible cooling capacity
Tevap Evaporating temperature of indoor unit coil
Tdis C Indoor unit discharge air temperature in cooling
Tmp H Indoor temperature in heating
Rq HC Required heating capacity
Max HC Available heating capacity
HC Heating capacity
Tdis H Indoor unit discharge air temperature in heating
Airflow Supplied airflow
Sound Sound pressure low and high
PS Power supply (voltage and phases)
MCA Minimum Circuit Amps
WxHxD WidthxHeightxDepth
Wght Weight of the device


1.4. Out 5 - RXYQ32AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (101%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 1 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 2 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 3 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 4 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 5 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 6 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 7 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 8 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 9 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 10 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 11 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 12 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 13 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 14 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 15 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 16 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 17 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 18 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 19 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 20 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 91.0kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 101.3kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 1 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 2 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.6 4.3 20.0 6.3
Ind 3 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 4 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 5 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 6 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 7 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 8 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 9 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 10 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 11 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 12 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 13 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 14 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 15 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 16 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 17 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 18 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 19 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 20 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Σ 90.1 101.3

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 1 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 2 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 3 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 4 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 5 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 6 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 7 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 8 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 9 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 10 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 11 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 12 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 13 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 14 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 15 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 16 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 17 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 18 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 19 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 20 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.6. Out 1 - RXYQ32AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (101%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 1 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 2 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 3 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 4 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 5 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 6 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 7 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 8 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 9 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 10 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 11 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 12 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 13 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 14 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 15 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 16 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 17 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 18 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 19 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 20 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 91.0kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 101.3kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 1 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 2 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.6 4.3 20.0 6.3
Ind 3 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 4 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 5 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 6 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 7 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 8 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 9 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 10 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 11 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 12 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 13 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 14 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 15 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 16 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 17 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 18 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 19 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 20 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Σ 90.1 101.3

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 1 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 2 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 3 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 4 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 5 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 6 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 7 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 8 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 9 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 10 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 11 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 12 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 13 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 14 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 15 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 16 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 17 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 18 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 19 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 20 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.8. Out 2 - RXYQ22AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (101%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 21 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 22 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 24 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 25 FXSQ32PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 3.6 n/a 2.7 Auto 13.0 20.0 n/a 4.0 40.5 158
Ind 26 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 9.0 n/a 6.6 Auto 13.1 20.0 n/a 10.0 41.2 383
Ind 27 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 28 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 29 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 9.0 n/a 6.6 Auto 13.1 20.0 n/a 10.0 41.2 383
Ind 30 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 32 FXSQ63PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 7.1 n/a 5.5 Auto 14.3 20.0 n/a 8.0 38.6 350
Ind 33 FXSQ63PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 7.1 n/a 5.5 Auto 14.3 20.0 n/a 8.0 38.6 350

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 62.7kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 70.0kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 21 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 22 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 24 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 25 FXSQ32PAVE 27.0 / 47% 3.5 2.6 20.0 3.9
Ind 26 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% 8.9 6.5 20.0 10.0
Ind 27 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 28 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 29 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% 8.9 6.5 20.0 10.0
Ind 30 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 32 FXSQ63PAVE 27.0 / 47% 6.9 5.3 20.0 7.8
Ind 33 FXSQ63PAVE 27.0 / 47% 6.9 5.3 20.0 7.8
Σ 61.6 69.6

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 21 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 22 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 24 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 25 30-34 220V 1ph 0.8 550×245×800 25
Ind 26 30-37.5 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 37
Ind 27 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 28 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 29 30-37.5 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 37
Ind 30 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 32 29-36 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 35
Ind 33 29-36 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 35

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.10. Out 3 - RXYQ38AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (99%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 34 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 35 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 36 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 37 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 38 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 39 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 40 FXSQ100PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 11.2 n/a 8.6 Auto 13.9 20.0 n/a 12.5 39.1 533
Ind 41 FXSQ100PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 11.2 n/a 8.6 Auto 13.9 20.0 n/a 12.5 39.1 533
Ind 42 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 43 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 9.0 n/a 6.6 Auto 13.1 20.0 n/a 10.0 41.2 383
Ind 44 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 9.0 n/a 6.6 Auto 13.1 20.0 n/a 10.0 41.2 383

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 106.3kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 119.0kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 34 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 35 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 36 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 37 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 38 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.8 11.6 20.0 17.7
Ind 39 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.8 11.6 20.0 17.7
Ind 40 FXSQ100PAVE 27.0 / 47% 11.2 8.5 20.0 12.5
Ind 41 FXSQ100PAVE 27.0 / 47% 11.2 8.5 20.0 12.5
Ind 42 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.8 11.6 20.0 17.7
Ind 43 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% 9.0 6.5 20.0 10.0
Ind 44 FXSQ80PAVE 27.0 / 47% 9.0 6.5 20.0 10.0
Σ 105.6 118.2

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 34 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 35 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 36 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 37 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 38 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 39 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 40 32-39 220V 1ph 2.5 1400×245×800 46
Ind 41 32-39 220V 1ph 2.5 1400×245×800 46
Ind 42 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 43 30-37.5 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 37
Ind 44 30-37.5 220V 1ph 1.8 1000×245×800 37

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.12. Out 4 - RXYQ18AYM

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (100%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 45 FXSQ32PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 3.6 n/a 2.7 Auto 13.0 20.0 n/a 4.0 40.5 158
Ind 46 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 48 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 49 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 50 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 51 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 52 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 53 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 54 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 56 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 57 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 50.7kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 56.6kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 45 FXSQ32PAVE 27.0 / 47% 3.5 2.6 20.0 3.9
Ind 46 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 48 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 49 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 50 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 51 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 52 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 53 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 54 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 56 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.5 4.3 20.0 6.2
Ind 57 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.5 4.3 20.0 6.2
Σ 50.0 56.2

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 45 30-34 220V 1ph 0.8 550×245×800 25
Ind 46 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 48 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 49 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 50 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 51 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 52 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 53 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 54 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 56 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 57 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.14. Out 6 - RXYQ34AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (102%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 58 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 59 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 60 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 61 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 62 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 63 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 64 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 65 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 66 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 67 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 68 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 69 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 70 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 71 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 72 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 73 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 98.2kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 109.9kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 58 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 59 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 60 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.3 11.4 20.0 17.5
Ind 61 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 62 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.5 4.3 20.0 6.2
Ind 63 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 64 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 65 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 66 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 67 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 68 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 69 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.3 11.4 20.0 17.5
Ind 70 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 71 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.5 4.3 20.0 6.2
Ind 72 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.6 20.0 5.0
Ind 73 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.5 4.3 20.0 6.2
Σ 95.3 108.6

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.
Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght
dBA A mm kg
Ind 58 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 59 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 60 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 61 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 62 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 63 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 64 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 65 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 66 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 67 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 68 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 69 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 70 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 71 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 72 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 73 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.16. Out 7 - RXYQ34AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (101%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 74 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 75 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 76 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 77 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 78 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 79 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 80 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 81 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 82 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 83 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 84 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 85 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 86 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 87 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 97.4kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 109.0kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 74 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 75 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 76 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 77 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 78 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 79 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.5 11.4 20.0 17.5
Ind 80 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.5 11.4 20.0 17.5
Ind 81 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 15.5 11.4 20.0 17.5
Ind 82 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 83 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 84 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 85 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 86 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 87 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.4 3.7 20.0 5.0
Σ 95.1 107.3

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 74 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 75 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 76 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 77 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 78 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 79 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 80 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 81 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 82 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 83 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 84 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 85 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 86 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 87 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

1.18. Out 8 - RXYQ34AYMV

Capacity data at conditions and connection ratio (98%) as entered

Name FCU Tmp C Rq TC Max TC Rq SC Max SC Tevap Tdis C Tmp H Rq HC Max HC Tdis H Airflow
°C kW kW kW kW °C °C °C kW kW °C l/s
Ind 88 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 89 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 90 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 91 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 92 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 93 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 94 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 95 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 96 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 97 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 98 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 99 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 4.5 n/a 3.7 Auto 14.8 20.0 n/a 5.0 36.3 250
Ind 100 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 16.0 n/a 11.7 Auto 12.4 20.0 n/a 18.0 42.5 650
Ind 101 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283
Ind 102 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% n/a 5.6 n/a 4.3 Auto 14.5 20.0 n/a 6.3 38.1 283

Required cooling capacity towards the outdoor unit: 93.7kW.

Required heating capacity towards the outdoor unit: 104.9kW.

Simultaneous operation calculation

Name FCU Tmp C TC SC Tmp H HC
°C kW kW °C kW
Ind 88 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.6 4.3 20.0 6.3
Ind 89 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 90 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 16.0 11.7 20.0 17.9
Ind 91 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 92 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 93 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 94 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 95 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 96 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 97 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 98 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 99 FXSQ40PAVE 27.0 / 47% 4.5 3.7 20.0 5.0
Ind 100 FXSQ140PAVE 27.0 / 47% 16.0 11.7 20.0 17.9
Ind 101 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.6 4.3 20.0 6.3
Ind 102 FXSQ50PAVE 27.0 / 47% 5.6 4.3 20.0 6.3
Σ 93.7 104.7

The calculation shows the peak discharge temperatures (lowest temperature in case of cooling mode / highest temperature in case of heating
mode), assuming the indoor unit is running at full load at the given indoor temperature design conditions. In practice the discharge
temperature will modulate based on actual capacity requirements and during defrost mode (heating mode).
The analysis of the suction and discharge temperature values may help in preventing a cold draft and to ensure a thermal comfort level.

Name Sound PS MCA WxHxD Wght

dBA A mm kg
Ind 88 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 89 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 90 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 91 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 92 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 93 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 94 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 95 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 96 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 97 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 98 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 99 30-36 220V 1ph 1.4 700×245×800 27
Ind 100 36-43 220V 1ph 3.1 1550×245×800 52
Ind 101 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35
Ind 102 29-34 220V 1ph 1.3 1000×245×800 35

Outdoor unit placed at the same level as the indoor units.

Outdoor Unit Details

1.19. Outdoor Details

Name Model Comb Tmp C CC Rq CC Tmp H HC Rq HC
% °C kW kW °C kW kW
Out 5 RXYQ32AYMV ▼ 101 35.0 90.1 (-0.9%) 91.0 7.0 / 87% 101.3 (0%) 101.3
Out 1 RXYQ32AYMV ▼ 101 35.0 90.1 (-0.9%) 91.0 7.0 / 87% 101.3 (0%) 101.3
Out 2 RXYQ22AYMV ▼ 101 35.0 61.6 (-1.8%) 62.7 7.0 / 87% 69.8 (-0.3%) 70.0
Out 3 RXYQ38AYMV ▼ 99 35.0 105.9 (-0.4%) 106.3 7.0 / 87% 119.0 119.0
Out 4 RXYQ18AYM ▼ 100 35.0 50.0 (-1.5%) 50.7 7.0 / 87% 56.2 (-0.8%) 56.6
Out 6 RXYQ34AYMV ▼ 102 35.0 95.3 (-2.9%) 98.2 7.0 / 87% 108.6 (-1.2%) 109.9
Out 7 RXYQ34AYMV ▼ 101 35.0 95.1 (-2.3%) 97.4 7.0 / 87% 107.3 (-1.6%) 109.0
Out 8 RXYQ34AYMV 98 35.0 94.9 93.7 7.0 / 87% 106.0 104.9

Name Model Piping Refrigerant

m Type Bse Refr Ex Refr
kg kg
Out 5 RXYQ32AYMV 7.5 R410A 18.6 n/a
Out 1 RXYQ32AYMV 7.5 R410A 18.6 n/a
Out 2 RXYQ22AYMV 7.5 R410A 15.0 n/a
Out 3 RXYQ38AYMV 7.5 R410A 23.6 n/a
Out 4 RXYQ18AYM 7.5 R410A 11.8 n/a
Out 6 RXYQ34AYMV 7.5 R410A 21.1 n/a
Out 7 RXYQ34AYMV 7.5 R410A 21.1 n/a
Out 8 RXYQ34AYMV 7.5 R410A 21.1 n/a

Name Model PS MCA WxHxD Wght

A mm kg
Out 5 RXYQ32AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
Out 1 RXYQ32AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
Out 2 RXYQ22AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ12AYM 23 930×1657×765 200
× RXYQ10AYM 22 930×1657×765 200
Out 3 RXYQ38AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ20AYM 39 1240×1657×765 325
× RXYQ18AYM 31 1240×1657×765 305
Out 4 RXYQ18AYM 400V 3ph 31 1240×1657×765 305
Out 6 RXYQ34AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ18AYM 31 1240×1657×765 305
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
Out 7 RXYQ34AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ18AYM 31 1240×1657×765 305
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
Out 8 RXYQ34AYMV 400V 3ph
× RXYQ18AYM 31 1240×1657×765 305
× RXYQ16AYM 31 1240×1657×765 285
Lưu lượng không khí hút được tính toán theo bội số trao đổi không khí :
L = S × H × n (m3/h)
Trong đó:
+ L: Lưu lượng không khí cần hút (m3/h)
+ S: Diện tích khu vệ sinh (m2)
+ H: Chiều cao khu vệ sinh (m)

+ n: Bội số trao đổi không khí ( Đối với khu vệ sinh lấy = 10 theo TC 5687-2010

(m) m3/h

1 Phòng ăn VIP 66.5 3.0 10 1995 1 quạt 2000m3/h

2 Phòng ăn tập trung 74 3.0 10 2220 1 quạt 2300m3/h
3 BUFFET 1 26.7 3.0 10 801 1 quạt 800m3/h
4 BUFFET 2 23.5 3.0 10 705 1 quạt 800m3/h
Tổng lưu lượng cần hút 5721


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