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Q1aGood day!

I so first let me define art, for me art is a creation of somehting that is from
imagination and skill of a person. It is not just about p aintings, drawings, and sculptures but also many
other forms of expression, for me art should not be only beautiful rather meaningful. Anyone could make art.

Everyone is capable of art. Art reflects the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of the individual.

In relation to art when I was in grade school I thought art is just only about drawing and painting
which I am not really good at, I’ve experienced that my other classmates are making fun of my
drawings which make me feel embarrassed and during that time I realized that I do not have talent
in art and realized that it is not for me but during my high school days I learned that art in not just
about drawing and painting it also includes dancing, singing, films, dramas, and may more but still
I am not not good at these things because I am a shy type person, suddenly when I was in senior
high school we are always ask to do spoken poetry, films, posters and a lot of performance task
which makes me more confident and discover more about myself and my skills. I discover that I
have a potential in video editing, making digital posters and also decorating.So let me show you the
arts that I made, so first this is the poster I made for our research congress. Next is the a promotion
video I edit for our science investigatory project. Lastly, is an invitation that I made for my 18 th
birthday, my family appreciate my skills more since I made an invitation creatively. I decorate some
area for my birthday where visitors aprecii What I’m gonna show you is how I edit digitally
made art so here it goes

Through art I boost my self-esteem and grow as a person through art, I got engaged with other
people which develops my communication skills an lastly I discover more about my capabilities

and talents that I have. stress and discomforts, art is essential for physical, emotional,
and mental wellbeing

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