Brochure Seismic-Design 2023

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09 - 13 OCTOBER 2023 (5 CPD POINTS)
Certain areas in South Africa have been identified by the Structural Loading Code as
The course will be presented in live lecture
COURSE COORDINATOR regions where buildings need to be designed for seismic loads. The aim of this format in a classroom equipped for hybrid
course is to present the principles for the design and layout of structures subjected lecturing with a live video link available for
DR. JAV. STRASHEIM to seismic loads. The emphasis will be placed on design of reinforced concrete remote participant interaction for questions and
structures in areas of natural seismicity. discussion
As long as some basic principles are adhered to, structures designed for moderate
PROF. R. MONTEIRO seismic loads need not be more expensive than others. Although the course will
MR. C. PALMER require participants to apply their minds to the theoretical background of seismic
design, participants will be rewarded with a comprehension of the practical
DR. G. MUCEDERO requirements and details to achieve seismic resistant structures.

FEES: The course will provide the background to seismic activity and the effects on
buildings. Ductile element and material behaviour forms an integral part of the
CPD: R 12 000 behaviour of buildings subject to seismic loads. The effect on building response as
(The fee covers all course well as methods to achieve ductile behaviour will be addressed. The course will
materials) provide the theoretical background for and the application of design methods,
including principles to be considered during conceptual design.
The course will also introduce the main steps of design verification according to
ECSA CPD POINTS Eurocode 8 and retrofitting interventions.
Introductory course notes documents will be made available to delegates before the REGISTER LINK TO FOLLOW
course commences for reference and background reading prior to the course.

The course will be presented in WHEN REGISTERING

The course is recommended for structural engineers, who are involved in the design
English. of building structures in areas of seismicity. Both practicing engineers and PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS
postgraduate students will benefit from the course.
Ms. Tsholofelo Seroalo 02 OCTOBER 2023
021 808-4131 The course may be completed for non-degree purposes, or as part of the Master's On registering for a course you will receive an Degree programme at the University of Stellenbosch. automated email featuring our bank details for
The course is also suitable for CPD purposes for practicing engineers, technologists payment. If you are paying your own registration and
do not require an invoice, please use this method.
and technicians.
Registrations close: If however your company is making payment on your
behalf and requires an official tax invoice, please
02 OCTOBER 2023 indicate this on the registration form and wait for the
invoice before making payment

of. Ricardo
o Monteiro

niversity Sc
chool for Advanced
Studies IUS
SS Pavia - Italy
Ricardo Monteirro is Associatee Professor of Structural Engineering (witth Full Professsor qualification since February 2022)
at tthe Universityy School of Ad
dvanced Studiees IUSS Pavia,, where he is also
a the Coord dinator of thee Doctoral Programme in
Earrthquake Engineering (ROSE School). He is also Senior Advisor for the European n Centre for Training
T and Research
R in
Earrthquake Enggineering (EUCENTRE) in Italy and afffiliated memb ber of the Institute of R&D R in Strucctures and
Connstruction of tthe Universityy of Porto, Porrtugal.

He has been invo olved in a nummber of Europ pean Research Projects, such as LESSLOSSS, SYNERG‐G, NERA,N SASPARRM, mostly
deddicated to thee seismic vulneerability assesssment of brid
dges and build
dings. Recentlyy he coordinatted research projects
p on
seissmic risk in Eu
urope, North Africa and the Middle Eastt (ITERATE and INFRA‐NAT)). He has been n the advisor of over 40
MSSc and 12 PhD D theses in thee field of extreeme events an
nd co‐authore ed over 180 sccientific publiccations. He haas teaching
perience in bo oth Italy and Portugal,
P where he qualified in Civil Engineering at Unniversity of Po
orto. He then completed
his PhD specializing in Earthqu bilistic Seismicc Assessment of RC Bridges.
uake Engineerring, with a theesis on Probab

Mr Chris Palm
mer BSc Eng
g (Rand); G

Sp ecialist Co
onsultant – Cape Tow

Chrris Palmer is a professionaal engineer in active retirem ment. He speent over 2 decades in conssulting engine
eering with
Liebenberg & Staander (now Bergstan) – in sstructural enggineering, including high‐rise buildings, and project maanagement
dustrial projeccts as principaal agent) beforre opening hiss own project managementt practice in 19

His interests in eearthquake enngineering in general was sstimulated whhile completin

ng the designss of water sto
orage tanks
d towers subjeected to seismmic actions (invverted pendulums, dynamic water sloshiing).
He currently offfers education and trainin ng services inn earthquake engineering for applicatio
on in South Africa,
A and
nsulting servicces in the design of seismic resistant build

He has compiled d a 3‐volumee introductoryy "Earthquakee Engineeringg in South Afrrica", covering basic seism mology, the
uth African seeismic environ nment, seismiic hazard asseessment in So outh Africa, elastic responsse spectra, seismic code
NS 10160‐4 and seismic an nalysis and deesign fundamentals. These documents are a offered on a standing 'free upon
quest' to practtitioners, the offer
o extendedd to course deelegates as we

Dr.. G i a n r o c c o M u c e d e r o

niversity Sc
chool for Advanced
A S SS Pavia - Italy
Studies IUS
Giaanrocco Muceedero is a Graaduate Researrcher, whose main research h activity is fo
ocused on seiismic risk asse essment of
exissting buildings and integratted seismic an
nd energy retrrofitting. He go ot his Master of Science deggree (magna cum c laude)
Civil Engineeriing in 2017 at the Universitty of Pavia (Itaaly), with a specialization in
in C n structural deesign. The reseearch topic
of the MSc thessis, entitled “Progressive
“ ccollapse: analysis and com mparison of diifferent typess of buildings”, was the
pro ngs under low probability‐high consequence events. Affter the conclusion of his MSc
ogressive collaapse of buildin M degree,
he immediately started to work w on the study of induced seismicity effects in buildings in Groningen, at a Arup in
Ammsterdam, add dressing main nly the seismmic risk assessment of Dutch unreinforrced masonryy buildings and retrofit
systems. He theen enrolled, in n September 2018, in the PhD program mme in “Undeerstanding and Managing Extremes”,
currriculum earthhquake engineeering and enggineering seissmology (ROSE E), at IUSS in Pavia
P (Italy). He
H was a Tuto or Assistant
of SStructural Enggineering and d Mechanics aat the Universsity of Pavia (2015‐2019), a teaching asssistant of Fun ndamentals
Seismic Design aand an instructor of Integrrated assessm ment and retro ofitting of existing buildinggs at IUSS Pavvia. He has
beeen awarded b by the QuakeC Core for winniing the Blind P Prediction Competition in 20192 and by MDPI
M for Edito
or’s Choice
University of Stellenbosch
Department of Civil Engineering
5 Day CPD and Post Graduate Course - 2023

Date Curriculum with presentation programme

9 October 2023
08:30 - 09:00 Registration – Testing of connection to on line system
Short content recap, Questions and Discussion forum:
L1: Introduction
10:30 – 12:00 L2: Elements of seismology
L3: Force-deformation characteristics of RC elements

14:00 – 15:30 Tutorial – Homework assignment 1 (HW1) – Part A - Section analysis and design
10 October 2023

Short content recap, Questions and Discussion forum:

L4: Elastic and inelastic response spectra

10:30 – 12:00 L4.1: SDOF time-history analysis
L4.2: Elastic response spectra
L4.3: Strength and ductility
L4.4: Inelastic response spectra

14:00 – 15:30 Tutorial – Homework assignment 1 (HW1) – Part B - Section analysis and design

11 October 2023

Short content recap, Questions and Discussion forum:

L5: Seismic design methods

10:30 – 12:00 L5.1: Introduction to Force based design
L5.2: Equivalent lateral force method
L5.3: Response spectrum method
14:00 – 15:30 Tutorial – Homework assignment 2 (HW2) - Building analysis

12 October 2023
Short content recap, Questions and Discussion forum:

10:30 – 12:00 L6: Design and detailing of buildings

L6.1: Capacity design
L6.2: Structural detailing in capacity design

14:00 – 17:00 Tutorial – Homework assignment 3 (HW3) - Design and detail of RC wall
L7: Design verification and introduction to retrofitting
13 October 2023
Short content recap, Questions and Discussion forum:

L8: Conceptual seismic design

10:30 – 12:00
L9: Seismic design methods
L9.1: Additional considerations on force based design
14:00 – 15:30 Commercial software applications;
Shortcomings and unsafe procedures in the South African seismic code;
Introduction to Eurocode 8 Part 3: Assessment and retrofitting of (existing) buildings;
The use of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) floor panels;
Introduction to the NZ code and practice for seismic design of concrete masonry
Avoiding seismic joints in buildings.
09 - 13 OCTOBER 2023 Short Course: R12 000.00

Title Surname Name

Student No. Meals (yes or no)

Company (if company needs to be invoiced)

Invoice for Attention


Tel Applicant E-mail

Cell Special dietary

Face-To-face Online

Please return registration form to:

Signature: ______________________________________________ date: __________________________

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