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Dainielle Grace Bianzon

Marie Chiong
Ken Francis Garabato

“The children are our future.” Nearly all of it is cliché, yet every child has the
potential. They are among the nation’s valuable assets. As they are
perceived to be valuable, efforts to aid them in their development and
success shall be put forth. It is important to have adequate knowledge of the
elements that might promote a child's cognitive growth.
Hoover-Dempsey & Sandler describes parental involvement as a “rich vein”
of continued parental influence in the lives of children as they develop
through the elementary, middle and high school years. This implies that the
benefits of a successful home-school partnership are not limited to
children's early academic performance but extend long into their adult life.
Every student's early learning process begins in their household. Parents impart on
their children the fundamental knowledge, morals, and attitudes required for day-
to-day living. As soon as the child begins school, the parent's participation must
continue to exist not only in their homes. Students will undoubtedly face
challenges in their academic pursuits since they are aware that learning demands
adversity. Their self-assurance, self-esteem, and will to remain steadfast will be
challenged, therefore, finding means for them to get affirmations,
encouragement, and support is crucial.
What could be the outcome of the engagement? Researchers are interested in
finding out how parental participation affects student accomplishment.
Accordingly, this study seeks to advance the analysis and get further
understanding whether parental involvement will benefit SHS students’ academic
affairs. Does the severity of it affect their academic performance? Or does their
participation serve no purpose?

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What kind/s of parental involvement do students encounter?

a. Attending school meetings
b. Communicating with teachers
c. Asking them regarding their homework, examinations, quizzes and lessons
d. Encouraging them in their academics

2.To what extent do parents get academically involved?

3. To what extent do these parental involvements have on
children's academic performance in terms of:

a. Motivation to study
b. Acquiring higher scores in homework, examinations and quizzes
c. Boosting children’s self-esteem in class
d. Motivation to complete school tasks

Research Instrument
Researchers conducted a paper-based survey with the use of self-administered, printed
questionnaires that respondents filled out themselves, without an interviewer, based on
the statement of the problem and its specific objectives. Each household was given two
copies of the questionnaire, one for the parent and one for the student.
Respondents of the Study
The study was employed to the parents and senior high school students from Barangay
Su-ay, Himamaylan City; Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte; and Villarreal, Bayawan City.
In each site, the researchers surveyed a group of 15 parents and 15 students for this study.
Convenience or Accident sampling method was employed in the study. It means that the
respondents were selected according to their availability.

Problem Statement 1. To determine the kinds of parental

involvement students do encounter from their parents.
The findings revealed what type of involvement parents have been
actively and inactively participated. The majority of parental
involvement encountered is through encouragement and questions
about their homework, exams, and quizzes, followed by questions
about lessons and attendance at school meetings, and finally by
communicating with teachers. This shows that parents were more
active in home-based involvement than teacher-parent involvement.
Problem Statement 2. To what extent do parents get academically

In the questionnaire, students were asked to rate how involved their parents
were in terms of attending school meetings, communicating with teachers,
asking about their homework, examinations, quizzes, and lessons, and
encouraging them to do well in their academics. Based on the result,
children perceived their parents to be only moderately involved in these
types of parental involvement. Parents were also asked to rate their level of
participation in the aforementioned parental involvement in the survey
form. The outcome demonstrates that parental participation was also just
Problem Statement 3. To what extent do these parental involvements have on
children's academic performance in terms of: motivation to study, acquiring
higher scores in homework, examinations and quizzes, boosting children’s self-
esteem in class, motivation to complete school tasks.

There was a significant impact on all the provided components. However, results
show that there is much more of an impact with regards to their motivation to
It has been proven that parental involvement will lead them to be motivated to
study their lessons, which will lead them to acquire high scores in homework,
exams, and quizzes. Furthermore, when they feel their parent’s participation, they
will have the drive to finish and comply with all the assigned school tasks.

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