How To Effectively Manage A School

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How to Effectively Manage A School?

School management is a pivotal factor for the efficiency of teaching and the development of the
educational system that starts with the teacher and ends with the parents, so in this article we will
discuss everything you want to know about the concept of successful school administration.

Successful School management is the main factor for the school’s development and helps to be part
of the educational process, starting with the student to teachers, human resources, and even

School administrators are often overwhelmed with their work due to the many tasks they have to do
on a daily basis such as preparing curricula, managing teachers and staff, maintaining inventory,
dealing with students and parents, and financial management.

In this article, we will talk about the concept of school management and how to implement an
effective school administration.

The concept of school management

School management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring the activities of
the institution whether external, such as dealing with parents, organizing trips and activities, or
internal, such as providing a suitable working environment for students and teachers and
maintaining the workflow within the educational institution.

Smart school management facilitates communication and cooperation between students and
teachers through available communication channels, conducting educational processes from
providing a safe environment to managing the school budget.

Characteristics of effective school management:

Setting long-term goals and working to achieve them

Paying attention to the quality and quantity of education provided in schools

Optimal use of resources to enhance the efficiency of school performance

Integration between all educational parties in and out the institution

Support the skills of teachers and staff and take action to enhance their professional growth

pay attention to the continuous improvement and development of the enterprise

:See also

Foundations of successful school management

Challenges facing school management:

The following are some of the challenges that the school administration frequently faces, and how
they can be overcome:

The challenges facing school administration

Student registration

The number of students applying to schools is increasing year by year, and the staff within the
educational institution faces a big problem in manually registering this number, students also have a
problem with queues for registration, and parents also have a problem paying fees, it's not only
tedious but also a time-consuming method.


Many schools and universities have turned to online registration systems via the internet, it reduces
the time and effort required to register students, and the error rate in it is close to zero.

Edu step up program provides you with an online registration system where parents can apply via the
website without having to go to school and stand in queues, this saves time and effort for parents
and administrators inside the school.
Communicating with Stakeholders

The stakeholders of the school are the teaching staff, students and parents. A lot of school principals
have difficulty communicating with all the members of the educational institution because they
haven’t adopted any kind of interconnected communication platform. So when there are
notifications or important information it will take time to announce them.


Make it a priority in your business plan to establish a messaging system in your school. it allows you
to contact every stakeholder in your school and send notifications and alerts to them in a single

Edu Step up program provides you with SMS messaging services, this service helps the school
administration in sending messages to parents and students by stages, classes, and grades, and also
facilitated the process of communication between stakeholders.

The program also provides you with an integrated school management app to facilitate
communication between the school's administrative staff, teacher, students, and their parents.

Faculty management

Many school principals do not have the luxury of time to conduct an assessment of the performance
of the teaching staff and find out the dates of their attendance and departure. Most of them are busy
handling the administrative and financial side of their school. Because of that, they will not be fully
aware of the quality of education their school is delivering.


Thanks to digital tools, managers can now easily track the performance of faculty members and
evaluate them without any hassles.

Edu Step up program provides you with the staff management system to follow up oneverything
related to human resources at the school periodically.
The system allows you to add all the data related to staff affairs, starting from adding employee data
to recording his attendance and departure, days of absence, and hours of delay.

Managing revenues

Often, school principals face a big problem in dealing with their financial resources such as adding
revenues, tuition expenses, installment dates and payments, employee salaries, taxes, and other
administrative expenses and daily activities. This is considered one of the most important
departments within the educational institution.

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