My Teaching Approach Is People Based Which I Always Focus On The Talent and Characteristics of My Students

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My teaching approach is people based which I always focus on the talent and characteristics of my

students. Not to forget, I always try new things and teaching methods which I believe I like creative

Now it’s not easy to focus on the talent of my students as our education is exam-oriented
which is heavily focuses on results. But this is not an excuse for me not to help my students to
identify their talent which in a way able to help them to focus on the path they would like to take
after SPM. Moreover, shaping the right attitude of my students will surely help their studies as they
will have the right virtue like a proper time management which students nowadays lack of. Hence,
the measurable of my teaching is shown by the results of the classes that I taught in and PT3 and
SPM. PT3 2016, the weakest class of form 3 was able to get 100% pass. According to the testimony
of my colleague to invigilate this class, she said that 33 students of that class didn’t sleep at all and
gave their full blast until the end. Honestly, students nowadays are so used to sleep during the
exams. SPM 2018, the weakest class of form 5 was able to get 100% pass.

In terms of creative teaching, whatever I have seen, listened even from testimony or sharing
I would incorporated into my lesson. For example, since year 1 of my teaching, after I watch a movie
entitled, “Freedom Writers” which I watch in year 2007, straight away I modified it and made it a
weekly journal. I found it an effective way to help students. There are a few benefits from weekly
journal writing such as they have a platform to write freely, express their emotions especially
problems that they faced and in the same time I would able to know them more. Our bond become
closer as it’s a direct communication through journal without having to meet up face to face.
Furthermore, I used movie watching as a method to carry my oral test. Students would be tested
after they watch a movie. I also put suitable songs according to the themes which is actually one
stone kills two birds. One is students able to enjoy the songs and in the same time they are able to
learn creative writing through the lyrics of the songs. In addition, I have this school tour which I
practically bring the whole class to walk around the whole school compound. Students would gain
more knowledge about their school and in the same time they can learn about direction and even
propositions from drawing a school after the school tour.

Lastly, I don’t really calculate and keep record that number of students that I was able to
produce in certain fields. But I am confident I able to produce successful students who are those not
only perform academically but most importantly characters wise.

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