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Chapter 16 Vocabulary 1.

uzurg ibn Shahriyar- was the author of The Book of the Wonders of India i- it recounts his voyages and shows people India. 2. King Harsha- a ruler from 606-648 i- restored rule in Northern India 3. Ganges- a river in Northern India i- used a primary trade route3 4. Sind- a Indian dynasty i- conquered by Muslims and then became Abbasids 5. Cambay- a city in western India i- a very important trading center and port 6. Mahmud of Ghazni- a Turkish ruler that expeditions to India. i- increased the conversion of Turks to Islam. 7. Sultanate of Delhi- Muhammad's followers conquered a lot of North India i- was a state in India, this helped Islam stay permanent in India. 8. Chola Kingdom- a kingdom that ruled from 850-1267 i- conquered Southeast Asia 9. Kingdom of Vijayanagar- a kingdom in India from 1336-1565 i- founded by two brothers, tried to follow Islam but then went back to Hinduism. 10. Harihara and Bukka- two ruler Brothers i- founded the Vijayanagar Kingdom 11. monsoons- a seasonal wind with rain i- could be predicted, helped crops. 12. Ceylon- a city in southern India i- experienced rapid growth in trade. 13. dhows- Arab sailing ships that have triangular sails i- increased trade, could go upwind 14. junks- Chinese ships that could hold larger things and transport goods i- increased trade 15. emporia- common markets i- trade 16. cotton textiles- places where cotton could be produced into fabric i- clothing and trade. 17. Kingdom of Axum- christian empire, converted by mani i- resisted Islam, Controlled Adulis, the most prosperous 18. Caste system- provided Guidance for society and control i- helped blend immigrants into society better. 19. Vishnu-a god in Hinduism i- something to look to. 20. Shiva- another Hindu diety i- Shiva and Vishnu followings grew 21. devotional cults- designed to achieve mystic union with gods as a way of salvation

i- increased things. 22. Shankara- a ninth century philosopher i- preferred disciplined logical reasoning 23. Bhagavata Purana- a Hindu literature text i- focuses on devotion to Vishnu and Krishna 24. Bhakti movement- wanted to rid the distinction between Islam and Hinduism i- brought new ideas such as the guy Kabir 25. Kabir- tought that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all one god. i- brought new thinking 26. Funan- a dynasty or kingdom from 1st to sixth century i- used Sanskrit as official language, and major controller of trade. 27. Isthmus of Kra- named the devils neck. i- named after the town of kra to its west side. trade. land trade. 28. Angkor- Capital built by Khmers i- reflection of Hindu order, turned to Buddhism in twelfth and thirteen centuries. Thais invaded the capit 29. Khmers- built the capital of Angkor i- built Angkor 30. Strait of Melaka- a very powerful Islam state between 15 century. i- lots of trading, good, brought India, Islamic world and Europ with China and the East. key choke points

centuries. Thais invaded the capital

na and the East. key choke points of the world. Had auction, backed by honest government institutions.

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