FGC1 T1-3

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RESOURCE 11 Genre (noun) © Genre is pronounced as 'zhon-ruh' © Genre means ‘types of’ things that are similar (same) ‘Types of' of 'ice-Cream' \ ' t t t t t t V | t Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry ! t ' ‘types of" stories. ; ! “ - Mil | it 1 | Fantasy Horror Science Fiction 1 1 a. i og 1 & i ! Mystery Fairy Tale Funny Story RESOURCE FINCO, T2 Non-fiction Stories that are not true, made up by the author. ¢ Books based on facts and real events. You read to enjoy the story. It is exciting, funny or scary. You read to learn. It is interesting and has a lot of information. It uses storytelling elements such as topics, disagreements, characters, places and endings. The texts explains a specific topic, has lists, charts, graphs and signs. me _k Ugly Ducki: Vt ing’ ry if Varley RESOURCE FINCO, T2 Genre Description Fantasy Stories with dragons, wizards or magical objects Stories with a problem that needs Mystery to be solved by a detective or an investigator Stories written to scare the Horror readers with ghosts or unreal things Stories using science where the Science Fiction setting is usually in space or on another planet Stories from the past that usually Folktale have talking animals or objects and a moral value Stories written to make the Fonny readers laugh and have fun : RESOURCE Fiction Genre Cake FINCO T3 Book Covers The Frog = x “i VONDEAL AND A ONT E DEADMAN’S 3 ~COVE - BU EEC Le Coa sonra INADARK “2 R BONED DAHL RESOURCE Poth Data OTT aM Sa SS Maggie WUE NCG Ene Opes CLICK, CLAGK, MOO Cows That TyPe ; RESOURCE FINCO. T3 Fantasy x éBL * Ai 5° « Mystery 4.22 P% ; RESOURCE FINCO. 13 Horror @ vary & Folktale ee AS Li get kt fi +2

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