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Evidence Law Questions diploma in Law

Instructions to Students:

i. Each Question should be attempted by only by 4 students

ii. Each question Attract 20 marks.
iii. Use of authorities is encouraging and shall be awarded
iv. Avoid verbosity
v. Write not less than 4 pages.
vi. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, and 1.5 line spacing, all the work
should be justified.
vii. All citation in footnotes
viii. The work should be submitted on 30th May, 2022

1. Discuss what you understand by Relevance of facts under the

Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

2. What do you understand by admissions?

3. Discuss the meaning and rules for admissibility of confessions

4. Discuss what you understand by Res Gestae

5. What do you understand by hearsay evidence under the Evidence

Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019?

6. Discuss the relevance of opinion Evidence under the Evidence Act,

Cap 6 R.E 2019.

7. With the aid of case laws explain what do you understand by hearsay

evidence rule and the condition for admissibility of hearsay evidence

under the law of Evidence Act

8. Discuss what you understand by character evidence. Discuss its

admissibility in Criminal Cases.

9. Discuss what you understand by character evidence. Discuss its

admissibility in Civil Cases.

10.With the aid of case laws discuss in details the law relating to dyeing

declaration under the law of Evidence Act, 6 R.E 2019.

11.With the aid of case laws discuss in details the law relating to
statement against the interest of the maker (proprietary and pecuniary)
under34(c) the law of Evidence Act, 6 R.E 2019.

12.With the aid of case laws discuss in the law relating to statement of
opinion relating to public right or custom under under34(d) the law of
Evidence Act, Cap 6, 2002

13.With the aid of case laws discuss in details the law relating to
statement relating to existence of relationship under section 34(e) and
34(f) the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6, 2019

14.Discuss the hear say evidence under section 34(g) and 34(h) Evidence
Act, Cap 6, 2019

15. With aid of case laws exemplify the law relating to expert evidence
under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

16.With aid of case laws exemplify the law relating to non-expert

evidence under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

17. With the aid of case laws discuss the relevancy of evidence under
section 50, 51 and 52 of the Law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.
18. Discuss the relevancy of character in criminal cases using case laws
from the jurisdiction of Tanzania.

19.Discuss the relevancy of character in civil cases using case laws from
the jurisdiction of Tanzania.

20.Discuss the relevancy of good and bad character in civil and criminal
cases using case laws from the jurisdiction of Tanzania.

21.What do you understand by the Concept Best Evidence Rule under the
Law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019?

22. Using case laws from Tanzania and other Jurisdiction discuss the law
relating to oral evidence.

23.Using case laws from Tanzania and other Jurisdiction discuss the law
relating to direct evidence Law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

24.What do you comprehend by documentary evidence under Law of

Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019?

25.Using case laws from Tanzania and other Jurisdiction discuss the law
relating to primary evidence Law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

26.Using case laws from Tanzania and other Jurisdiction discuss the law
relating to secondary evidence Law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2002,
in line with that discusses the admissibility of secondary evidence.
27.Discuss with the aid of case law how can a person proof a handwriting
or signature (execution) under the Law of Evidence Cap 6 R.E 2019.

28.What do you understand by public document and proof of pubic

document in Evidence Law?

29. What do you comprehend by the doctrine burden of proof under the
law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019?

30.What do you comprehend by the doctrine legal and evidential burden

of proof under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019?

31.Discuss the law relating to burden of proof in civil and criminal cases
under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R. E 2019.Use case laws from
the jurisprudence of Tanzania and Common Law.

32.Discuss the law relating to burden of proof in respect of specific

offences, Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

33. Using case laws discuss the law relating to Compellability of Witness
under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

34.Using case laws discuss the law relating to Competence of Witness

under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

35.Using case laws discuss the law relating to Privileges of Witness

under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

36.Using case laws explain the law relating to Evidence of and by

Spouses under the Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.
37.Supported by case laws discuss the law relating to Accomplice

38.What do you understand by the term examination of witness in the

court of law?

39. Give a distinction be competence and compellability of witnesses

under the law of Evidence Act, Cap 6 R.E 2019.

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