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My Vision

Rackell Hernandez
Period 4
Interesting Facts About Me.
.My name is Rackell and I am 15 years old.

.I am mexican
.I only have one sister.

.My favorite movie are all the Fast and Feares movie.
. If I can have any superpower is to be able to talk and understand animals. The reason why I would like to talk to
animal is because I could be able to talk to my cat and other animals.
Where I Want to
be in 20 Years
New York City is the place I would like to go.
Goal Setting
About Me
Long-Term & Short-Term Goal
Long-Term Goal:

1. I would like to be less absent for the whole school year.

2. To get a after school job.

Short-Term Goal:

1. To be better at makeup.
2. To be better at volleyball.
These are some of my Long-Term & Short- Term Goals.
Smart Goals

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