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Week6 Activity I.

Read carefully the following scenario:

Ten years after graduation, you were invited by your high school alma
mater as speaker to the Commencement Exercises of the Senior High
School with the theme “Values Brought us to Success.”
For you to answer: 1. Banking on your own experience and realizations from the activities you just had, what are you
going to tell the graduates? Explain briefly your answer.
I would tell the graduates about the values that brought me here in the stage how I gained the success that I
wanted and that it was through values as it acts like a puzzle piece to complete my mission in life all types of values are
important in life whether you wan to acknowledge each of them or not and the fact that I did proves that it is important.

WEEK7 Activity I. Directions – Situational Analysis. Below is a situation for you to analyze.

Situation: Mr. Blank is a policeman who witnessed a killing incident to a

teenager who allegedly was involved about illegal drugs. In the
court scenario, Mr. Blank labelled the child as illegal drug user
without strong evidence.

For you to answer:

• Identify the work ethics and values of the policeman.
• What could have been done by the policeman?
• Explain briefly your answers.

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