Teacher: Subject/Course: Time Period: Language And/or Communication Reading Targets

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Language and/or Communication;

Teacher: Subject/Course: Time Period: I E P T a r g e t e d G o a l ( s ) f o r w ee k

Reading Targets
Chloe Osborn Math 1:24-2:08pm Answering computational JG: Given a double-digit problem,
questions Jeremiah will add or subtract (with
regrouping) and be successful in 75%
of his work
J G : G i v e n m i x e d c o i n s, J e r e m i a h w i l l
i d e n t i f y a n d a d d m i x e d c o i n s t o $ 1. 0 0
with 75% accuracy
DlM: Dylan will locate 3 items on a
real-life document and complete the
math problem to solve for a total in
2/3 attempts
DlM: Given an analog clock, Dylan
will tell time to the minute with 70%
accuracy in 2/3 attempts
DaM: Given a real-life visual menu,
Dalton will independently locate the
price (of no more than 3 items) and
determine a total in 2/3 attempts
DaM: Dalton will count mixed change
to $1.00 in 2/3 attempts
M L : G i v e n l i k e c o i n s, M a c k e n z i e w i l l
c o u n t p e n n i e s t o . 1 2, n i c k e l s t o . 5 0 ,
and dimes to $1.00 with 75%
ML: Given an analog clock,
Mackenzie will independently tell
time to the hour and half hour with
75% accuracy
ML: Mackenzie will add and subtract
1/1 and ½ digit numbers (without
regrouping) with 75% accuracy
ML: When given a real-life math
q u e s t i o n w i t h n o m o re t h a n 2 i t e m s ,
M a c k e n z i e w i l l d e te r m i n e t h e c o s t
and add items for a total with 75%
KP: Given a 2-digit problem with
r e g r o u p i n g, K y l e w i l l i n d e p e n d e n t l y
c o m p l e t e t h e w o r k w i t h 7 5 % a c c u r ac y
KP: Given a real-life math problem
with no more than 3 steps, Kyle will
i n d e p e n d e n t l y se t u p a n d c o m p l e t e
the problem with 75% accuracy
K P : G i v e n l i k e c o i n s t o $ 1 . 0 0, K y l e
w i l l d e t e r m i n e t h e c or r e c t a m o u n t
with 75% accuracy
R C : B y t h e e n d o f t h e I E P y e a r,
Richard will be able to add nd
subtract money to the whole dollar
with 80% accuracy or greater
R C : B y t h e e n d o f t h e I E P y e a r,
Richard will be able to add and
subtract money (change amounts)
with 80% accuracy or greater
R C : B y t h e e n d o f t h e I E P y e a r,
Richard will be able to add and
subtract money and round to the
n e a r e s t d o l l a r s w i t h 8 0 % a c c u r ac y o r
CS: Given mixed coins not more than
$ 1. 0 0 , C a m e r o n w i l l d e t e r m i n e t h e
c o r re c t a m o u n t w i t h 7 5 % a cc u r a c y
CS: Given a real-life math problem
w i t h n o m o r e t h a n 2 i t e m s, C a m e r o n
w i l l s e t u p a n d s o l ve w i t h 7 5 %
CS: Cameron will tell time to the 5-
minute interval with 75% accuracy
Learning Objective(s):
P r o c e d u r e / Ac t i v i t i e s : M a t e r i a l s Ne e d e d Assessment:
Given a 10-problem single digit Addition/money Double digit addition
addition worksheet, ML will worksheet
complete the worksheet using Single digit addition Teacher
touchpoint strategy with 10/10 Gather students at their desks worksheet Observation
correct Pass out the independent worksheets Counting change
Prompt the students to get out their pencils and to work with an worksheet Oral/ Written Work
Given a 20 problem double-digit adult Chromebooks Quiz
addition worksheet, students will Allow time to complete work
complete the work by correctly After worksheets, PBS math or prodigy
solving using traditional
regrouping with 18/20 correct.

Given a 9 problem counting like

coins up to $1.00 worksheet,
students will correctly solve using
touch point math with 9/9 correct

ML, RC, JG: EE.3.OA.4


DaM, DlM: EE.6.NS.2, EE.6.NS.3

CS, KP: 7.NS.A.2a, 7.NS.A.2b
Given a 10 problem single digit Subtraction/time Double digit subtraction
Class Participation
subtraction worksheet, ML will worksheet
correctly solve using touch point Gather students at their desks Single digit subtraction
Class Work
math with 10/10 correct Pass out the independent worksheets worksheet
Prompt the students to get out their pencils and to work with an Analog clock worksheet
Special Projects
Given a 20 problem double digit adult Chromebooks
subtraction worksheet, students Allow time to complete work
will correctly solve using After worksheets, PBS math or prodigy
traditional borrowing with 18/20


Given a 12 problem telling time on

an analog clock to the nearest 5
minute worksheet, students will Remediation
correctly solve by identifying the
hour and minute with 10/12
ML, RC, JG: EE.3.OA.4
DaM, DlM: EE.6.NS.2, EE.6.NS.3
CS, KP: 7.NS.A.2a, 7.NS.A.2b
Given a 20 problem single digit Multiplication Multiplication worksheet
multiplication worksheet, students Multiplication chart Homework: N/A
will correctly solve using a Gather students at their desks Chromebooks
multiplication chart with 20/20 Pass out the independent worksheets

correct Prompt the students to get out their pencils and to work with an Monday:
Allow time to complete work
After worksheets, PBS math or prodigy
ML, RC, JG: EE.3.OA.4
DaM, DlM: EE.6.NS.2, EE.6.NS.3
CS, KP: 7.NS.A.2a, 7.NS.A.2b



SPRING BREAK Tests: (Specify)

Special Interest/ Other



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