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The psychology of fraud

From huge financial accounting scandals, such as Enron and Lehman Brothers,
to the robocalls from what seems like the Canada Revenue Agency trying to steal
personal information, fraud is in the news almost every day.
At Alberta Blue Cross®, our Claims Audit and There is a vast body of research in the field of
Investigation Services department focuses on benefits criminology that identifies theories of why people
fraud—when a person or group deliberately deceives engage in criminal behaviour, including fraud. The
the claims process for financial or personal gain. We three major schools of criminology are biological,
also identify benefits abuse—when a person or group sociological and psychological.1 Current research
utilizes their benefits for services that they don’t trends show that no single theory can explain
require, receives incentives to get a product or service, criminal behaviour; therefore, researchers have begun
shares benefits with others or submits false claims. to integrate theories in hopes of providing a more
complete picture of why individuals break the law.2
All acts of fraud are illegal, and they cost Canadians
hundreds of millions of dollars each year. More than BIOLOGICAL THEORIES
that, they threaten the sustainability of benefit plans. Early biological theories of crime focused on physical
Benefits fraud can be committed in one of three ways: characteristics, such as the shape of criminal’s skulls,
their physical build or whether there were genetic
predispositions towards crime. More current theories
By a service provider look at abnormalities in brain structure and function
Providers who submit claims directly as well as biochemical explanations. These include
to Alberta Blue Cross may submit the following:
false claims, misrepresent ineligible
• Underdevelopment or damage to the prefrontal
benefits as eligible ones, or claim for a
service that is more expensive than the cortex—the part of the brain responsible for
one provided. This is the most common reasoning and self-control.3
type of benefits fraud. • Neurotransmitters in the brain that can affect
behaviour. Low levels of serotonin can trigger
aggressive behaviour and high levels of
By a plan member dopamine decreases emotional regulation
Members may submit false claims, and increases impulsivity.4
forge receipts, share benefits with
others, or misrepresent services. • Hormonal imbalances, including high levels
of testosterone, which is related to aggression
and violence.5
Collusion occurs when multiple There are multiple theories that examine the role
parties work together for mutual gain
of social and environmental factors that influence
to exploit a benefit plan. For example,
or drive individuals to commit crime. The social
a service provider and plan member
can work together to submit a false disorganization theory is the most studied of all
claim, then split the money they sociological concepts. It argues that neighbourhood
receive from the transaction. dynamics such as poor housing, poor health,
socioeconomic disadvantages and transient
populations influence crime rather than individuals.6
We take an integrated and proactive approach to Strain theories state that stressors such as the
prevent, detect and respond to instances of fraud inability to reach goals, the loss of a positive stimulus
and plan abuse. To accomplish this, we need to or the addition of a negative stimulus increase the
understand both how a person can commit an act likelihood of crime.7
of fraud and what motivates them to do it.
PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES In 1939, Edwin H. Sutherland published his social
There are three main psychological theories of crime. learning theory in Principles of Criminology. Social
The first is psychodynamic theory, originated by learning theory expands on B.F. Skinner’s behavioural
Sigmund Freud, which states that an individual’s early approach and contains nine points, which can be
childhood experiences influence their likelihood for summarized as follows:
committing crime in the future. Criminal offenders • Criminal behaviour is learned through interaction
are likely to have had a negligent or unhappy with other people, mostly within intimate personal
childhood and they are frustrated and aggravated by groups.
the events that occurred when they were children.8
• The criminal learning process includes techniques
The second theory is cognitive theory, which looks at to commit crime as well as shaping of motives,
how individuals solve problems. It states that people go rationalizations and attitudes.
through stages of moral judgment development and • Criminal behaviour occurs when motives and drives
criminals remain in lower stages of this development. are influenced more by favourable or pro-criminal
In addition, they make decisions using flawed definitions of legal codes that by conforming or
cognitive thought processes based on violence or non-criminal definitions.12
rejection in childhood.9
Sutherland continued his research by applying social
Finally, a large part of understanding criminal learning theory to understand why people commit
behaviour can be attributed to B. F. Skinner’s occupational fraud and abuse, or “white-collar crime”,
behavioural theory.10 By looking at people’s actions, a term he coined in 1939. White-collar crime is defined
their behaviour can be altered using reinforcement as violations of law that involve the use of a person’s
and punishment. In other words, crimes are learned position of economic power, trust or influence in
responses to situations. legitimate organizations for the purpose of illegal
PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES AND FRAUD gain or to commit an illegal act for personal or
All three school of criminological thought have been organizational gain.13
applied by researchers and criminologists in criminal
In the 1940s, a student of Sutherland’s, Donald R.
areas such as homicide, robbery and assault, but there
Cressey, began using social learning and behavioral
has been a lack of application toward fraud offenders.11
theories to research the circumstances that led to
employees embezzling money from their employers.
This research led to the classic model of occupational
fraud known as the Fraud Triangle.14





THE FRAUD TRIANGLE Rationalization

The fraud triangle model states that the following three Most people who commit fraud do not have
elements are necessary for a person to commit fraud: any previous criminal record and they don’t see
• pressure, themselves as criminals. They justify the fraud to
make it seem acceptable to themselves. By finding
• rationalization, and
reasons to excuse their behaviour, people remove
• opportunity.
their internal moral objections to committing fraud.15
At Alberta Blue Cross, we employ methods to address
Common rationalizations for benefits fraud include
the fraud triangle to identify, detect, investigate and
the following:
prevent benefits fraud.
• “They’re my benefits, so it’s my money.”
Pressure • “My employer is taking advantage of me and not
This is what motivates a person to commit fraud and compensating me fairly.”
it generally relates to financial pressure that can be
• “Everyone is doing it.”
alleviated by the theft of cash. Examples of financial
• “It’s not really a crime.”
pressure can include personal or business financial
problems, the desire for status symbols such as • “I need to provide for my family.”
vacations, luxury cars or big houses or addictions Opportunity
such as drugs or gambling. People who commit fraud are typically in a position
Other pressures that do not generally impact a of trust or power that provides them with the
person’s motivation to commit benefits fraud opportunity and capability to do so. They abuse their
specifically include unrealistic deadlines or position to resolve their financial or other motivation
performance goals set by the company they work for. and believe that there is little chance that their
fraudulent acts will be discovered.
USING THE FRAUD TRIANGLE 2. Plan design and management
FOR FRAUD PREVENTION We provide plan design and management
It can be difficult for organizations to address the expertise and recommend changes to reduce
pressure aspect of the fraud triangle, as they are the risk of exploiting a benefit plan. This includes
usually factors outside the organization’s control and feedback from audits and investigations that
differ for each person. Organizations can influence identify trends in benefits fraud.
both the opportunity and rationalization arms as part
of a strong anti-fraud program. 3. Proprietary claims adjudication system
Alberta Blue Cross has a robust provider
Organization can reduce the opportunity to commit onboarding system as well as processes to delist
fraud by limiting access to systems, implementing providers who commit benefits fraud or abuse. In
and enforcing effective internal controls and regular addition, we have real-time claims adjudication
auditing. The use of data analytics and anomaly systems with hundreds
detection, business rules and automated red flags, of system edits that can stop inappropriate claims
like we use at Alberta Blue Cross, are the most before they are paid.
effective anti-fraud technology measures.16
4. Detection and predictive analytics
In addition, organizations can impact rationalization Our analytics areas continuously monitor claims
through fraud education. This includes what behaviours of providers, groups and members.
constitutes fraud, the impact that fraud can have They use advanced analytics and machine learning
on their benefit plans and the consequences to to identify high-risk claiming behaviour.
them personally if they get caught. Members often
rationalize fraud as a low risk, high reward crime. 5. Audit and investigation
Education efforts can provide a strong deterrent that Claims Audit and Investigation Services conducts
counteracts a person’s rationalizations. risk-based claims verification, member and provider
audits and investigations to identify fraudulent
Alberta Blue Cross uses an integrated fraud claims. We apply a zero-tolerance policy and take
mitigation approach with five stages where we can corrective actions including recovery of funds,
minimize the opportunity for providers or members reporting to the group plan sponsor, delisting a
to commit fraud and the rationalization that providers provider or making a criminal complaint.
and members may use.
Every person has a different set of circumstances
1. Fraud awareness and education and combination of pressure, rationalization and
Alberta Blue Cross provides anti-fraud education opportunity that leads them to commit fraud.
to plan sponsors, members and providers through Understanding these conditions allows Alberta
multiple channels. This education highlights our Blue Cross to design fraud mitigation strategies that
detection methods, as well as the consequences protect benefit plans.
of fraud, including repayment of funds, loss of
benefits plans, loss of employment, criminal
charges or reporting to regulatory bodies.
10. ACFE, Fraud Examiners Manual: 2018 International Edition, pg. 4.101.
12. ACFE, Fraud Examiners Manual: 2018 International Edition, pg. 4.122.
13. ACFE, Fraud Examiners Manual: 2018 International Edition, pg. 4.202.
14. Donald R. Cressey, Other People’s Money (Montclair: Patterson Smith, 1973)

®*The Blue Cross symbol and name are registered marks of the Canadian Association of Blue Cross Plans, an association of independent Blue Cross plans.
Licensed to ABC Benefits Corporation for use in operating the Alberta Blue Cross Plan. ® Blue Shield is a registered trade-mark of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. FI22-002 2022/04

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