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Rube Goldberg Project Reflection

For all answers, please provide as much detail as possible

1. Outline your project (What was the goal, plans, and design)

2. Post a photo of your initial plan and a photo of your final project here:

3. In the above photos for question 2, describe in detail the changes you made, justify why you
made them and what benefit they had to the final solution.

4. Please account for your work during this project.

5. Did you work well with members of your group?

6. How was the work distributed amongst the members of your group and who ultimately
accomplished what?

7. Were the members of your group a help or a hindrance? (Please explain)

8. Did you designate roles or was everyone equally responsible for all aspects of the project?

9. What problems arose during the creation of your project and how did you deal with them?

10. Did you learn anything from dealing with problems in question 9? Please explain.

11. How did your effort compare to your effort during the poster project and the game design
project? (Did you leave all the work till the end? What improvements did you make?)
12. Which stage of the project was the most time consuming? Why?

13. Which stage was the most rewarding?

14. Did you feel a sense of accomplishment at any time during your project creation? If so, explain
when and why? If not, explain why not.

15. How did you grow during this project? Did you learn anything about planning, scheduling,
creating, designing, working with others….?

16. How did your assignment fit all four parts of the design cycle? (Explain, in detail)

Reflect on where you started during this term and where you are now:

What is your biggest accomplishment?

What was your biggest moment of regret?

Do you think you will make any changes to your actions or learning style in the future?

What is one goal you can accomplish this summer?

What is one thing you’d like to tell me about this class or your experience in class? (This will not
be held against your grade in any shape or form, you are free to express your true opinion, I

Thank you for being a part of this class, I really enjoyed teaching you.

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