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Clause ISO 50001:2011 Requirements DOC. REQUIRED DEP……… DEP……… DEP……… DEP……… DEP………

1 Scope Clear

2 Normative References Clear

3 Terms and definitions Clear


4.1 General requirements

establish, document, implement, maintain
a Manual EnMS
and improve an EnMS
define and document the scope and
b Manual EnMS
boundaries of its EnMS
determine how it to achieve continual
c Manual EnMS
improvement of EnMS.
4.2 Management responsibility

4.2.1 Top management

defining, establishing, implementing and
a Energy Policy
maintaining an energy policy;
appointing a management representative
and an energy management team
providing the resources needed to
c Team EnMS
establish, implement, improve the EnMS
4.2.2 Management representative Jobdes MR EnMS

4.3 Energy policy Energy Policy

4.4 Energy planning

4.4.1 General

4.4.2 Legal requirements and other requirements List of Legal, Doc Legal & Review

4.4.3 Energy review Records of Reviewed

4.4.4 Energy baseline Records of Energy Baseline

4.4.5 Energy performance indicators Records of EnPIs

Energy objectives, energy targets and Records of energy objectives &

4.4.6 Action Plan
energy management action plans
4.5 Implementation and operation

4.5.1 General
Schedule Training, Certificate
4.5.2 Competence, training and awareness competence, Training Records

4.5.3 Communication Board, MOM

4.5.4 Documentation Documentation requirements SOP Doc. Information Control of documents SOP Doc. Information

4.5.5 Operational control Records of operational control

4.5.6 Design Records of design & EnPIs

Procurement of energy services, products, Records of procurement of energy

4.5.7 services, products, equipment and
equipment and energy energy & RnPIs

4.6 Checking

4.6.1 Monitoring, measurement and analysis Records Results of MM

Evaluation of compliance with legal

4.6.2 Records of compliance
requirements and other requirements
Clause ISO 50001:2011 Requirements DOC. REQUIRED DEP……… DEP……… DEP……… DEP……… DEP………

Records of Team Auditor,

4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS Schedule, Checklist, NCR
Nonconformities, correction, corrective
4.6.4 Records of CAR-PAR
action and preventive action
Records, Retention, Retrieveable,
4.6.5 Control of records List DI

4.7 Management review

4.7.1 General

4.7.2 Input to management review Notulen of MOM & CAR

4.7.3 Output from management review Recommendation Results



Clause ISO 50001:2011 Requirements Klausul Persyaratan ISO 50001:2011

1 Scope 1 Ruang Lingkup

2 Normative References 2 Referensi Normatif

3 Terms and definitions 3 Istilah & Definisi

4 ENERGY MGT. SYSTEM (EnMS) 4 Sistem Manajemen Energi (EnMS)

4.1 General requirements 4.1 Persyaratan Umum

establish, document, implement, maintain Pembangunan, Dokumen, Pelaksanaan,

a a
and improve an EnMS Pemeliharaan dan Peningkatan EnMS
define and document the scope and Mendefinisikan dan mendokumentasikan
b b
boundaries of its EnMS ruang lingkup dan batasan EnMs
Menentukan bagaimana mencapai
determine how it to achieve continual
c c peningkatan secara terus menerus untuk
improvement of EnMS.
4.2 Management responsibility 4.2 Tanggung Jawab Manajemen

4.2.1 Top management 4.2.1 Manajemen Puncak

defining, establishing, implementing and Mendefinisikan, membangun, melaksanakan

a a
maintaining an energy policy; dan mempertahankan Kebijakan Energi

appointing a management representative Menunjuk perwakilan manajemen dan Tim

b b
and an energy management team Manajemen Energi

providing the resources needed to Menyediakan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan

c c
establish, implement, improve the EnMS untuk melaksanakan, meningkatkan EnMS

4.2.2 Management representative 4.2.2 Perwakilan Manajemen

4.3 Energy policy 4.3 Kebijakan Energi

4.4 Energy planning 4.4 Perencanaan Energi

4.4.1 General 4.4.1 Umum

4.4.2 Legal requirements and other requirements 4.4.2 Persyaratan Hukum dan Lainnya.

4.4.3 Energy review 4.4.3 Tinjauan Energi

4.4.4 Energy baseline 4.4.4 Dasar Energi

4.4.5 Energy performance indicators 4.4.5 Sasaran Mutu Energi

Energy objectives, energy targets and Tujuan energi, target energi, dan rencana
4.4.6 4.4.6
energy management action plans tindakan manajemen energi.

4.5 Implementation and operation 4.5 Pelaksanaan dan Operasi

4.5.1 General 4.5.1 Umum

4.5.2 Competence, training and awareness 4.5.2 Kompetensi, Pelatihan dan Pemahaman

4.5.3 Communication 4.5.3 Komunikasi

4.5.4 Documentation 4.5.4 Dokumentasi Documentation requirements Persyaratan Dokumentasi Control of documents Pengendalian Dokumen

4.5.5 Operational control 4.5.5 Pengendalian Operasi

4.5.6 Design 4.5.6 Rancangan

Procurement of energy services, products, Pengadaan pelayanan energi, produk,

4.5.7 4.5.7
equipment and energy perlengkapan energi.
Clause ISO 50001:2011 Requirements Klausul Persyaratan ISO 50001:2011

4.6 Checking 4.6 Pemeriksaan

4.6.1 Monitoring, measurement and analysis 4.6.1 Analisa, Pengukuran & Pemantauan
Evaluation of compliance with legal Penilaian Kepatuhan atas persyaratan legal
4.6.2 4.6.2
requirements and other requirements dan lainnya.
4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS 4.6.3 Audit Internal EnMS

Nonconformities, correction, corrective Ketidaksesuaian, Koreksi, Tindakan

4.6.4 4.6.4
action and preventive action Perbaikan, dan Tindakan Pencegahan.

4.6.5 Control of records 4.6.5 Pengendalian catatan/rekaman.

4.7 Management review 4.7 Tinjauan Manajemen

4.7.1 General 4.7.1 Umum

4.7.2 Input to management review 4.7.2 Masukan untuk Tinjauan Manajemen

4.7.3 Output from management review 4.7.3 Hasil dari Tinjauan Manajemen

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