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Ronaldo filho
Felipe Santos
Rafael Alexandre
Enzo Pucca
Ao redor do mundo.
In the around the world we come across the most diverse forms of greetings between
They are gestures or words that characterize those who practice it,
their beliefs and values ​and which are respected to this day.

Greeting people is an act of education and respect.

The greeting demonstrates your interest in the person, your admiration for them.
Therefore, the act of greeting a person is very important.
The importance of compliance in society

Greetings and farewells are ways of opening and closing a conversation,

present in all societies. It involves understanding the ritual aspects of
interaction in a given culture (Goffman, 1971),
thus differing from place to place and from interaction to interaction.
Such aspects determine the use of different expressions,
such as “Good morning.”, “Hi.”, “Hello.”, or “Bye.”, “See you later.”, “Thanks.”, among others
They also involve the use of non-verbal resources such as gestures, looks, smiles and other
which vary according to with each culture.
Greeting in Germany

In Germany, physical contact is generally prohibited.

Young people still give hugs, but in general the etiquette is to shake hands.
In some cases, just a nod is enough, depending on the region you are in.
In the North it is more common to say “Moin, moin”, while in the South people use “Servus” more.
So saying hallo or guten tag, with a prudent distance, is the right bet.

Moin, moin = Good Morning

Servus = Goodbye
Hallo = Hi
Guten Tag = Good Morning.
Greetings in Spanish
In Spain, girls greet each other with kisses,
and often hugging each other while kissing.
This holding hands thing is not very successful, even if you have a contagious disease!
Hands are used to greet your boss on the first day of work, if applicable.
And the small talk is like their daily bread, and the favorite topics are weather and football,
as in the rest of the world.
Hola = Hi
Buen dìa = Good Morning
Buenas notches = Good Night
Adiós = Goodbye
Fulfillment in the United States
In the United States, people greet each other like they do in the movies: with an affectionate hug.
There are also more informal versions, such as a high five, or a more relaxed handshake.
Greetings also follow what we see on the big screen: What’s up? How are you?

What’s up?
How are you?
Greeting in Dutch

The Dutch greet each other with kisses between family members,
but this act can become uncomfortable if you don't know about it,
so when in doubt, start with a handshake.
They say goodbye with the expression “doei doei” or “de mazzel!”.

doei doei = bye bye

de mazzel = good luck
greeting in italian

In Italy, ciao always works.

Whether the meeting is day or night, arrival or farewell.
Greeting between family and friends is with two kisses, from right to left,
and respects both formal and informal greetings.

Ciao = Hi
Greetings from the Dominican
On the other hand, our Latino friends in the Dominican Republic greet each other with
a handshake with clenched fists for men and a kiss on the right cheek for women.
Sometimes people hug, but beware of the flirtation typical of Caribbean charisma.
They greet each other with “¿Qué dicen?”,
respond with “to ta bien” and say goodbye with “a pot ta to” to say “see you”.

Qué dicen? = What do you say?

To ta bien = I’m fine
A pot ta to = See you

• Written by Cristina Gusano

• Yázigi Travel curiosities
Knowing other peoples greeting is
Far beyond verbal language,
knowing the meaning of hand gestures can help
to immediately establish a positive connection with the interlocutor.
Likewise, it can make it difficult if one of the parties is not aware of what a
certain gesture can represent in a culture or nation.
Understanding the meaning of gestures around the world is essential for a successful trip,
whether for tourism or business. People are greatly influenced by the culture of their
country of origin, and knowing the customs of a nation beforehand will help you
understand behaviors, communicate more effectively and get more out of your journey.
Group members

• Enzo Pucca
• Felipe Santos
• Rafael A. Pelegrini
• Ronaldo Filho

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