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1. Copy the table in your report.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 3 2 6.9 10.0 10.0
4 8 27.6 40.0 50.0
5 2 6.9 10.0 60.0
6 1 3.4 5.0 65.0
8 4 13.8 20.0 85.0
9 1 3.4 5.0 90.0
10 1 3.4 5.0 95.0
11 1 3.4 5.0 100.0
Total 20 69.0 100.0
Missing System 9 31.0
Total 29 100.0

N Valid 20
Missing 9
Mean 5.80
Std. Error of Mean .555
Median 4.50
Mode 4
Std. Deviation 2.484
Variance 6.168
Range 8
Minimum 3
Maximum 11
Sum 116

2. How many measurements (data) do you have? 1 data/measurement

3. Which MLU is the second most frequent? 8 is second most frequent
4. How often does the highest value of MLU occur? 11 has the greatest value and it appeared
only once.
5. Copy this second graph to your report.
6. What does the vertical axis display: numbers or percentages? - Since it is a frequency count,
numbers are used.
7. What is the highest value and what is the lowest value of the variable? - 11 is the highest value
of number and 3 is the lowest value of the variable.
8. How many peaks are there? - Having a frequency of 8, there is only 1 peak.
9. There is a gap is the graph. At what value can this gap be found? What does this observation
mean? Would you expect to find this gap if you had many more data? -There are seven gaps.
Since there was no value for 7 in the data that was obtained, it jumped to 8 after the sixth value.
Yes, I think so since there is a higher chance that the value 7 will be present when there are more
10. Is this distribution approximately Normal? - It deviates from the implied bell shape or
line-symmetric slope.

11. Copy this box plot to your report.

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
MLU 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%

12. Which is the lowest and highest value according to the boxplot? - The boxplot displays that 3
is the lowest value and 11 is the highest value
13. Which is approximately the median according to the boxplot? - According to boxplot, the
median is close to 4.50
14. How many percentages of the data are outside of the box? - There are 25% points or 4
MLUs of data outside the box
15. Which data are outside of the “whiskers” of the boxplot? - The data points that are outside
the whiskers of the boxplot are 4, 5, 6, and 8

16. Copy this table to your report.

N Valid 20
Missing 0
Mean 5.80
Median 4.50
Mode 4

17. Suppose you make an error during data entry: you type 80 instead of 8. Which of these
values will change, and which will not? (Why? How does M&M call this feature of a statistical
measure?) - The other numbers, such as Median and Mode, I presume will remain intact because
they depend on frequency, which is very marginally influenced if I put 80 instead of 8. The Mean
is the only statistic that will alter if I make a mistake while entering data.
18. The median of MLU is lower than its mean. This is because the histogram is skewed to the
… (left or right?), and it has a longer tail to the … (left or right?) - It is skewed to the left and has
a longer tail to the right

19. Report the SD, the range and the IQR.

- ANSWER: SD = 2.284, Range= 8 and IQR = 4

N Valid 20
Missing 0
Std. Deviation 2.484
Range 8
Percentiles 25 4.00
50 4.50
75 8.00

20. If the range is seen as the width of the histogram, then how many SD is the width of this
histogram? (How many times is the range larger than the SD?) - The range is larger than standard
deviation by 3 times or 3.2206119163,obtained fromdividing 8 (range) by 2.484 (standard

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