IHML01H - Justine Rodriguez Act.2

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TTM 303

1. Identifying the Problem

It’s not uncommon for us, students, to aim and set our eyes on getting good grades. For some,
getting good grades is not enough, for some students, applying for a scholarship is our main objective in
getting passing grades to meet the minimum requirements for a full or partial scholarship. The challenge
now is how we can secure ourselves in getting approved by the department. In my case, my study
depends mainly on whether I get granted with a scholarship or not. In the unfortunate event that I do
not pass the scholarship application, I MAY drop-out or transfer to a cheaper university.

2. Generating Alternatives

Finding alternatives has been in my mind for a while. (1) The first one is to look for a
sidejob/sideline that will not compromise my study, yet could be sufficient for my academic needs. (2)
The second option would be to look for government-based scholarship programs and financial aid
programs in local municipalities. (3) Third would be a quite difficult one for me wherein I have to
transfer to a cheaper university which will be a more practical option given my financial situation. (4)
The last resort could be asking financial help from my relatives who can possibly support me with
whatever financial help they could give. This would be my last option as our family feud could get in the
way and money-talks doesn’t always end up well.

3. Evaluating Alternatives

In every decision making process, there will always be either a reward or consequence. I believe
that this is where smart-decision making takes place. (1) For the first one, time management could be a
challenge especially If I’ll have to work on a night shift. Although it will not interfere with my class
schedules, I may be greatly affected in terms of my health for not having enough rest. (2) Second option
gives me a better chance of passing the application although the requirements will be more thorough
and it will be a longer process. (3) The third option would be practical in terms of financial situation, but
could be a setback especially in crediting subjects. However low the tuition fee is, if my subjects are not
credited properly, I may spend longer time studying and get delays in my career. (4) Lastly, asking for
help from relatives varies from each families. In my situation , money-talks doesn’t always get well.
Having an social-debt and owe from a relative could be setback in the future.

4. Choose Alternatives

The first option, which is to look for a job opportunity seems to be more realistic and attainable.
I believe there could be side jobs, freelance works that I could land that will not take much of my time,
will not compromise my studies and most importantly, a job that will not put my health at risk. I believe
that I know myself, my skills, and my limitations. Given my past experiences, being a street-smart will
get me somewhere stable and fit my needs.

5. Implementing Decision
In regard to the job opportunity that I will have while studying, consequences may also occur. As
much as I want to give all of my time and effort to my studies, I could have a challenge in getting a
better grade to prepare for the upcoming semester and apply for the next scholarship application. Due
to my busier schedule and more responsibilities from both academic and corporate matters, my skills,
time, and limitations will be divided. If this happens, then I will have to repeat these on the next
semester. It is imperative that I am well-aware that managing a job alongside studies can lead to
increased stress and may potentially impact academic performance if not balanced properly.

6. Evaluating Decision

I can effectively manage both my academic commitments and corporate responsibilities, I'll be
accomplishing two goals at once: achieving high grades, meeting all the necessary criteria, and
concurrently meeting the deadlines for my side hustle, all while earning income. I could be financially
independent especially when I get a job which can help cover educational expenses, living costs, and
other personal needs. Of course, it can offer valuable practical experience, which may be relevant to
future career goals as a tourism student. If given the chance, this could also provide opportunities to
meet new people, potentially expanding my professional network in the long run.

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