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1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan karya seni rupa terapan?

2. Sebutkan lima contoh karya seni kriya yang kamu temukan di lingkungan daerah setempat tinggalmu!

3. Dalam membuat sebuah karya seni rupa satu hal yang tidak dapat dilepaskan, yaitu desain. Sebutkan
3 prinsip desain tersebut!

4. Menurut pendapat anda, apakah "Relief" termasuk seni dua dimensi atau tiga dimensi atau
keduanya ? Jelaskan!

5. Salah satu fungsi musik tradisional adalah sebagai media komersial , jelaskan maksudnya!

6. Sebutkan kesenian tradisional Jawa yang menggunakan alat musik Gamelan!

7. Sebutkan 5 tari tradisional Indonesia beserta daerah asalnya!

8. Apa perbedaan tari nusantara dan tari mancanegara?

9. Jelaskan secara singkat tentang sejarah tari Jejer Gandrung Banyuwangi!

10. Seperti yg telah kita ketahui, sekarang ini lebih banyak generasi muda yang memilih untuk menekuni
Tari Modern seperti Kpop, Hiphop, R&B, dan lain sebagainya dibandingkan menekuni tari tradisional
Indonesia, bagaimana pendapat anda?

1. Write down the form of present perfect and give three examples (+, -, ?) !
2. Change this sentence into present perfect!

a. ) My uncle (move) to Jakarta since 2011

b. ) Mr. Andi and Mrs. Ana (work) in a hospital for three years

Read the text below then answer the question!

During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and creativity.
Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas were written on my note book
so I could read them again. Also, I searched other ideas from internet. Yap, I googled it. I watched
tutorial videos and read many art blogs.

My parents helped me to prepare the materials. They also gave me money to buy things I needed. On
the first day, I painted on some rocks. People call it rock art. It was so fun. My siblings joined me on the
third day. Then, my siblings and I made paper crafts from used newspapers and magazines. Papers were
rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. Many beautiful crafts were created.

The last activity was sewing. My mother is a tailor so I learn how to sew from her. My mother helped me
too. Sewing used clothes and towels was very fun. We produced many useful things. Finally, I really
enjoyed my last holiday.

a. What was the paragraph talking about?

b. Why was the writer interested in art and creativity?

c. What did parent's writer give based on second paragraph?

d Did the writer learn how to sew from the internet?

e."We produced many useful things" ( last paragraph)

The antonym of "useful" is ........

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