Heat and Statistical Mechanics Assignment-1

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Macroscopic and Microscopic Properties: Difference between Macroscopic and

Microscopic properties are given below:

Macroscopic properties Microscopic properties

1. Macroscopic properties of matter are the 1. Microscopic properties are the properties of the
properties in bulk matter. constituents of bulk matter.

2. Visible to naked eye. 2. Invisible to naked eye.

3. Unit of Measurement, In a scale that is visible to 3. Unit of Measurement, In a scale that is invisible to naked
naked eye, which includes centi-, kilo-, mega-, etc. eye, which includes milli-, micro-, nano-, pico-, etc.

4. Examples: Volume, Pressure, Temperature, 4. Examples: Intermolecular forces, Chemical Bonding,

Density, etc. Atomicity etc.

2. Brownian Motion: Brownian motion refers to the random movement displayed by small
particles that are suspended in liquids and gases. This motion is a result of the collisions of the particles with
other fast-moving particles in the fluid.
Brownian motion is caused by the structure and physics of fluids; i.e., liquids and gases. According to kinetic
theory, all matter is in motion; atoms and molecules especially within liquids and gases are in constant
vibrating motion. These particles will travel in straight lines until redirected by a collision. Particles within
gases and liquids are constantly moving, colliding, and moving toward equilibrium.

Examples of Brownian Motion: A common example of Brownian motion is dust particles floating in
the air. When light is shining through a window, dust particles can be observed floating in the air and following
seemingly random paths of jittery motion. This random jittery movement is called Brownian motion.\

Figure- Brownian Motion

3. Mean Free Path: The mean free path is the average distance traveled by a moving particle (such
as an atom, a molecule, a photon) between successive collisions, which modify its direction or energy or
other particle properties.

Figure- Mean Free Path

λ1 denoting the first free path and λ2 = The second free path, λ3 = the third free path, λn = the nth free path.

The mean free path, λ is the average of these path lengths. As a result, it can be calculated as

Formula of Mean Free Path:

Clausius’ Expression, λ =
πσ2 n

Maxwell’s Expression, λ =
√2πσ2 n

Where, σ is the diameter of molecule.

n is the number of molecules per unit volume.

5. Integration:
∞ −
∫0 v 3 e 2kT dv
∞ 2 m
= ∫0 v 2 v e−bv dv [ let, b=− ]
∞ 2
= ∫0 c 2 e−bc c dc [ let, v=c] …..(1)


bc 2 = u
or, c 2 =

or, 2bc dc=du

or, c dc =
Putting all the values in equation (1), We have-

u du

0 b 2b
1 ∞
= ∫ u e−u du
2b2 0

1 ∞ −u ∞
[ u ∫0
e du − ∫0 −e−u du ]
[ u (-e−u)∞0 − (e−u )∞
[ (−∞ e−u ) − (e−∞ − e−0 ) ]
2(kT)2 m
= [ b=− ]
m2 2kT

∞ − 2(kT)2
So, ∫0 v 3 e 2kT dv =

6. Maxwell’s Demon Law: A century and a half ago, Maxwell introduced a thought experiment
to illustrate the difficulties which arise in trying to apply the second law of thermodynamics at the level of
molecules. Essentially, Second law of thermodynamics states that heat does not naturally flow from a cool
body to a warmer; work must be expended to make it do so.
Maxwell envisioned two vessels containing gas at equal temperatures and joined by a small hole. The hole
could be opened or closed at will by “a being” to allow individual molecules of gas to pass through. By passing
only fast-moving molecules from vessel A to vessel B and only slow-moving ones from B to A, the demon
would bring about an effective flow from A to B of molecular kinetic energy. This excess energy in B would
be usable to perform work and the system could be a working perpetual motion machine. By allowing all
molecules to pass only from A to B, an even more readily useful difference in pressure would be created
between the two vessels.

Fig-Maxwell’s Demon Law

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