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Media and Information

Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Introduction to Media and
Information Literacy
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the evolution of media. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

✓ Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literacy,
information literacy, and technology literacyexamine the technology or
resources available during the prehistoric age, the industrial age, the
electronic age, and the new or digital age;
✓ Create a log that reflects their current use and interaction with media and
✓ Define the key concepts (media, information, technology literacy, and
media and information literacies);
✓ Compare and relate the media and information literacy framework to their
own understandings and competencies

What I Know

I. True or False. Determine whether the statements are true or false.

Write your answers on the line before the number.

1. Social media goes back to some of the earliest internet technologies

and even predates the internet.

2. There has been a huge rise in creativity among the public since the
advent of social media.
3. Microsoft and Apple are two examples of how open-source
companies can become global leaders in their industries.

4. E-mail is the most popular online communication technology.

5. There is growing evidence that heavy multitaskers—people who
have multiple screens open at once and who are heavy users of
social media—show less ability to concentrate and remember
things than light multitaskers.

6. The tools and technologies that are available to journalists today

have changed the basic principles of journalism.

7. All news outlets need trained journalists with high standards.

8. Technology makes it more difficult to keep up with news today

than in the past because it is difficult to keep up with all the
9. People usually stick to only one trusted news source to get all of
their news.

10. Most news topics, regardless of the source, hold similar interest
levels to everyone, no matter their age, socioeconomic status or
political leanings.
11. Most Americans use four to five devices to keep up with the news.

12. Consumers turn to digital or printed newspapers more than any

other news source for most news.

13. An American Press Institute study found that tech-savvy people

use traditional media far less than anyone else.
14. Using a metered pay model, The New York Times circulation
revenue has now surpassed its advertising revenue.

15. The best storytellers are those who give audiences a unique

Introduction to Media
2 and Information Literacy
Are you aware of what is happening in your community? Are you still updated with
the current issues that our country is facing today? If yes, good to hear that! I bet
you have your cellphone, television or radio with you to stay updated on what is
happening around. Did you ever wonder how people from the past receive and
deliver information or data?

What’s In

Activity 1. How can a person engage with media and information channels
in a meaningful manner?


Criteria 3 2 1 0
The sentences show The sentences show The sentences show
comprehensive correct answer to the correct answer but it
answer to the given given question and is not presented in
It does not answer
Content question. It is presented in logical logical manner and
the question.
relevant and manner but there are there a lot of
presented in logical some irrelevant irrelevant
manner. information. information.
Sentences sound
awkward, are
Most sentences are distractingly
All sentences are well well-constructed. repetitive,
constructed It has few errors in or are difficult to
It has no errors in grammar, understand. It has
grammar, mechanics, numerous errors
mechanics, and/or spelling, but in grammar,
and/or spelling. they do not interfere mechanics,
with understanding. and/or spelling
that interfere with

What’s New

Activity 2. Media Use Log

2.1 You are asked to bring out a sheet of paper.

2.2 Think of the past week, and record your use and interaction with media and

information providers (such as internet, social media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.).

Have them indicate how many hours were spent engaged with each one. These do

not have to be exact, and you can estimate the number of hours you spent each

week. Allotted time is 5 minutes for this activity.

What social media are you mostly hooked to? Why?

What is It

Teacher tip: Note that these definitions are grounded in MIL framework, so they
may vary in different contexts.
Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and
compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.
Literacy involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve
their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their
community and wider society.

Media: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass

communication through physical objects such as radio, television, computers, film,
etc. It also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages.
Media Literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a
variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the
competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to engage with traditional media
and new technologies.
Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from
study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to

locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various formats.

Technology Literacy: The ability of an individual, either working independently or

with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.
Using these tools an individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information.

Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and competencies that allow
individuals to engage with media and other information providers effectively, as
well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and become
active citizens. !
Other Definitions:

Media - physical objects used to communicate including mass media (radio,

television, computers, film, etc.). Traditionally, media are source of credible
information in which contents are provided through an editorial process
determined by journalistic values and where editorial accountability can be
attributed to an organization or a legal person. In more recent years the term
‘media’ is often used to include new online media.

Information Literacy - includes the competencies to be effective in all stages of the

lifecycle of documents of all kinds, the capacity to understand the ethical
implications of these documents, and the ability to behave in an ethical way
throughout these stages.

What’s More

Activity 3. Flash News and Visuals

Analyze these pictures.

Answer the following questions:

1. Did you believe these news items were true? How did you know they were


2. Are all news and information on the internet true? Why or why not?





3. Who gets to post news items online? Expound.






Criteria 3 2 1 0
The sentences show The sentences show The sentences show
comprehensive correct answer to the correct answer but it
answer to the given given question and is not presented in
It does not answer
Content question. It is presented in logical logical manner and
the question.
relevant and manner but there are there a lot of
presented in logical some irrelevant irrelevant
manner. information. information.
Sentences sound
awkward, are
Most sentences are distractingly
All sentences are well well-constructed. repetitive,
constructed It has few errors in or are difficult to
It has no errors in grammar, understand. It has
grammar, mechanics, numerous errors
mechanics, and/or spelling, but in grammar,
and/or spelling. they do not interfere mechanics,
with understanding. and/or spelling
that interfere with

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Wrap Up!

Using your own words, write the meaning of the following;

a. Media Literacy

b. Information Literacy

c. Technology Literacy

d. Media and Information Literacy


What I Can Do

Using the Venn Diagram, identify the similarities and differences between and
among media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy.

Criteria 5 4 3 2

It shows It shows correct

It shows correct
comprehensive answer to the There are a lot of
answer to the
answer to the question but some irrelevant answer
Content question and it is
question. It is very are not and it is not
informative but
informative and informative nor realistic.
not realistic.
realistic. realistic

Most statements Few statements Statements are

All statements are
are are noting not noting
noting similarities
Noting similarities similarities and similarities and
and differences
and differences differences differences
between and
Placement of between and between and between and
among media
statements within among media among media among media
the Venn diagram literacy, literacy, literacy,
information information information
literacy, and
literacy, and literacy, and literacy, and
technology technology technology
literacy. literacy. literacy.


Essay Writing
How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy and
Media and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?


Rubric for Essay

Additional Activities

Activity 6. Reflection. Does the advent of media and information literacy

help us to become closer to God, our family and nation? Support your

Answer Key

What I know

I. True or False

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. False

6. False

7. True

8. False

9. False

10. True

11. True

12. True

13. False

14. True

15. True


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