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attatena-wearet—20 Fe A-TaA-TAE | MUA: que: | qa Bama: Rega: faenGarteraaa sara: | Waa: (eek ' WaT RoR Rardtareg: 226k Copies of this Volume may be had, postoge ard, from yorr urval Book-teller or from fi pret Mithila Inshtute, Dardhanga, on prepayment ther tm eth, Postal Order or M. Oo} Rie 10.00 for Ordinary edition and Rs. 20.00 for Library edition SENTED BY esRRESENE The entire cost of preparation and Production of thts Volume has been met out of a subvention Hindly placed at the disposal of the Institute Jointly by the Government of India ( Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural 4 fairs) and the State of Bihar ATT | Introduction in English and Hindi tes Vit g SharaitenRa year a art re elena sora t-we & fremrafterd: g tae ve we we we aR 2 aaartad: as ae as ae cS ve aaniad: an te Me Ry 4 aeakad: on on . wee BR see ae tae ee gr aaatarattad: oe - ae wee RR 3 areofeat am frafeer samecirar a we, OHMER 3 werearterar sarareiet --. a - se BanRR 8 eeuerar senanar es on an ae RRHRB 4 at Rrasararchat eo ve BRA E R srararePaarererene (ferent) bes ws es 6 sarreeeraay ( Reronee) on wee BEHRR, ¢ rivera, oo eae FO0—FOE ® Tea, vee oe wen eee FOW-ZER to mefiaagenatinekeaaay ae ree REUARRS Xt arindieeraradt ata HEATER, vee RRB R Teentteet bene on vee RROmRR ee et see we Qo : Rae afta we oe oe wee feo oth we we ws we BER eR Soom oa a+ RRBRRUR we Sereerattgor a aa Rea eee aoe WEBLOG sy amaaThary wee on rae WE-RRO waparte Notes ” an vee wee Roe oe o . RRR 88 Garadioga: Se crema) os oe vee RRE-RUR Qs garadiege: ( dramas) ws oe ore RUU-RYS Re area PrasregncrseqE: we oe wae RECHROE QoR~RRC ® ila a ve we sos RRQ-RRR xt aR sereretat spies os BRO-R4R oe RUR-BRE QR Tao Critical Notes BAg-geu INTRODUCTION Tums volume of Mehdyina-Sitra-Samgraha, part J, contains as many as 22 siitras many of which are rare and not easily available to readers, Out of these, 9 (i.e. Nos. 1-7, 21,22) form a group and contain texts on the Prajfiipiramiti Heerature, The present series of Buddhist Sanskrit Texts has already published the Astasihasrikt Prajiiipiramiti (No. 4), and it would be an interesting study to exmine the mutual relationship of these texts, visavis the text of Agta. The second group in the present collection contains four texts, (i.¢., Nos, 8-11) bearing on the cardinal doctrine of Buddhisin, viz., Pratityasamutpiida, i. e., theory of causation; while the remaining sitras deal with miscellaneous topics. Two of these stitras, viz., Nos, 9 and 19, are being published for the first time from Mss, recently disco- vered; and one, i. ¢., No. 22, though once printed in Russia, a photographic reproduction of which has just appeared, is based on a fresh Ms. from the Oriental Institute, Baroda, collated with the printed edition, Two works, viz., Nos. 19 and 20, give a list of Buddhist philosophical terms ; two more, i. e., Nos, 12 and 14, are pariprechas or questions and their answers; No. 15 deals with acts and their fruits; Nos. 16-17 describe the heavenly land Sukhavati and acts and vows leading to that land; and No. 18 is a description of Avalokitesvara and his prowess. Of the nine works forming part of Prajfidpiramita literature, No, 1 is a version in prose in 2500 verse-units of the Prajiiiparamiti im which Suvikrantavikrimin, a Bodhisattva, asks some questions to the Buddha and Buddha answers them. The text presented in Devanigari here is a co-ordinated text mainly based on the recent edition in Roman script of Professor Ryusho Hikata of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 1958 (referred to by Hein marg.). There was, however, an carlier edition of this very text in Roman script by T. Matsumoto. The first chapter of Matsumoto’s edition appeared in Bonner Ortenta- lische Studien, Stuttgart, in 1932; the second chapter, in Fest-schrift Kahle, Leiden, in 1935; and the entire text in ; 1986 in Tokyo (M in marg.). Both these editions are based upon a single known Ms. in Newari script, viz., Cambridge, Add. No. 1548, which both the abovementioned scholars used. | They assure us that the above Ms. is fairly correct. Both Vu MAHAYANA-SUTRA-SANGRAIIA these editors used Chinese (C) and Tibetan (T) jfranslations indicating in foot-notes to their editions the variants t oye to the OF these, the Tibetan translation seems to be closely ied, Gambridge Ms., while the Chinese translation is a bit amp - Of the two editors, Matsumoto follows the original Ms. more often than Hikata. I am unable to accept all emendations I Hikata, though ina number of cases they arc justifiable. 4 have indicated in my foot-notes all such cases wherein I differe’ from Hikata. The punctuation and breaking of sentences followed by them did not appear to me rational; I have, there- fore, followed my own method adopted for texts in this series. The Chinese translation of this text is found in Taisho edition of Tripitaka, Tokyo, 1924-34, No. 220 (16), Vol. Vi, pp. 1065-1110. There is no mention of the date of this trans- lation. The Tibetan translation is found in Tohoku Catalogue, No 14, No. 2 is the famous mité in 300 dlokas. given by Max Mull Series, Vol. I, part I (Oxford, 1881 ). Vajracchedika, which is a Prajiipara- I have adopted the text of this work as ler in his edition in Aneedota Oxoniensic, Aryan T have added a few vari- recently edited by . G, Tucci, in his Minor Buddhist - The reader will find for himself that the so-called Gilgit Ms. of seventh or eighth century of Vajracchedika is only a Ms., hav; of misreadings and omissions, ‘ing a number and that Max Mullers edition proves to be almost faultless, There are several translations of this text in Chinese and Tibetan, and in other Central Asian languages. The earliest Chinese translation is by Kumirajiva, dated 384-417 4. D., others being by Bodhiruci (386-534 4, ».), by Paramartha, a. p, 562, Sap ENP, é D, 589-618, fe text is divided into para- Ss here as in ‘umirajiva’, i erophs h Tent sivas translation, Max Muller has also " ork in SBE, Volumes, 0. 3 is Adhyardhasatita Prajfidpiram} far discovered in Sanskrit is fragmentary nts ghee ee founc 2 E. Leumann’s editi f » Itis given here as found ton in the «Zyp 5 ne Thea arischen Literatur und 12, Ne fragment 2vailable contains nearly half of the Sanskrit text, viz., Sections 1, 2, 4,6, 8, 10, U1, +5, 7,9, 19, 20, 23 and 24 INTRODUCTION < Ix are available only in Khotancse translation. Although the text of this work is fragmentary, I have included it in this volume for the simple reason that there is very little hope of our recovering the remaining portion, and further because the work is frequently cited by writers like Candrakirti under various ‘names, such as aa, alates, ereadaaer, daa, al@atre, suena art etc, The extent of the available portion, which is nearly half, is equal to 75 lokas of 32 syllables each, and a passage from this portion : a=: wart freer, RA aaa: Aiea, asfefar: waa enforra Wn, sehen: had: waaamRger is actually found’ quoted in Candrakirti’s commentary on Nigirjuna’s Madhyamakadistra. Candrakirti in his commentary quotes from this work five times, on pages 104, 122, 198, 218 and 219, and seems to call it Dvyardhaéatiki on page 219, Ardhagatiki' on page 104, bare Prajiiipiramiti on page 218, and also under wit arzat on page 198, The full text of Adhyardhasatika consists of 14 paragraphs in prose ending with five stanzas in anugtubh metre. The prose portion has the usual begining of a Mahayanasitra stating that the Buddha delivered it to an assembly of Bodhisattvas and con~ taining the topics of atten, aera, arraar, Right, a4, gat, DEO nit, a, ET, aa, Tain, wR, ra-edaaly and fee. The next two Prajiiaparamita texts, Nos. 4 and 5, are taken from Dr. E. Conze’s edition as it appeared in the Stno-Sndian Studies, The next two, Nos. 6 and 7 are the two versions of Prajitapiramitihrdaya, the texts of which were edited by Max Muller in Anecdota Oxontensis, Aryan Series. No. 21 is a Prajiiipiramita text in prose and its extent is 700 Slokas of 32 syllables each. There exist two earlier editions of this text of Saptasatikd, also known as Manjusriaparivarta, one by Dr. G. Tucci, Rome, 1928, based on a single Ms. from the Cambridge University Library (No. Add. 868), and the other by J. Masuda, published in the Journal of Taisho University, Vols. VI-VII, part II, Tokyo, 1980, This latter edition uses two more Mss., one belonging to Professor Kawaguchi and the other from the Collection of Mss. of the Imperial University at Tokyo. Mr. Masuda made use of Dr. Tucci’s edition as well as the Cambridge Ms. He has also compared his text with its Tibetan translation, and has also included one of the three Chinese translations just below the Sanskrit text. As the earliest Chinese translation .is dated 4. p. 502-552, we can MASATANASUTRA SAMGBABA ery well presume that the work was quite popular in the orth or fifth centuries. I have adopted Masuda’s text in the jain, used my own punctuation accepted for BST, but at places, have selected other readings from his sources. The text is rot still quite intelligible in one or two places, but there is 10 help as more Mss, material is not available. No, 22, the Ratnagumasamcayagitha, is a versified summary of the contents of Astasthasriki Prajiiparamité, chapter by chapter. The text scems to be very old, and, even in the days of Hatibhadra (8th century a. v.), the author of the commentary called Aloka on Asta., the text-tradition of this work had been corrupted. Haribhadra, therefore, had to collect @ number of Mss, in order to fix his text as he himself states at the end of the work (see pages 397-98}. It will thus be seen that the present work, like dbhsamaydlamkdra of Maitreyanitha, gives a summary of Asta. It is still difficult to say which of them is older, but it should be noted that Haribhadra thinks highly and reverentially of this work, and thought it a good act to preserve it in an authentic form. | This work was edited by Obermiller an lished in Bibliotheca _ Burldhaca in 180y, Copies of Se edition are rare even in Europe. Dr. E, Conze recently brought out @ potographic teptint from a copy belonging to Dr. Tucci, . ile 7 obtained a photograph from a copy existing in London rougt the Kindness of the Librarian of India Office. Before aa ees reached me, I discovered a Ms in the Oriental “ Seen se pearing No. 13278, and prepared my edition, The been an rom the photographs of Obermiller’s edition. ‘The paper wel Is 2 paper Ms, and has 24 folios 30 cm. by 15 cm. in the eae is white on one side and yellow on the other evidence ee fashion. And although there is no positive most probebl ©, it seems to have been prepared in Nepal, r ly in the Vajrica: M i tk ¢ Vajricirya Monastery in Kathmand ke my Ms. of Arthaviniscayasiitra (No. 19 in this very volun . appears to be about 300 years old. °) U : prose, \ may fe mentioned here that the text of Asta is all in Roddie 3s au 1 be remembered at the same time that the verse, nd ov ans stitras, for instance SDP., is in prose and Verse, an he contents of the ion i ae portion in i Sersified form at the end of that very section. Trom ‘th - . ac INTRODUCTION XI introductory phrase of this RGS, it would appear that this work, at one time, constituted the concluding portion, if not chapter, of Asta, The language of the work resembles the language of gathis in other Buddhist siitras, I should rather say that it is older than gathas in SDP or GV. According to Conze, the original of RGS may go back to about x, o. 50, The next group of four sttras, Nos, 8-11 in this volume, relates to the Pratityasamutpida which, being the first revela- tion of the Buddha after his enlightenment, is a cardinal doctrine of Buddha’s philosophy. Buddhism has no place for a creator« god, and yet there is creation as well as destruction. To explain this phenomenon hoth physically and metaphysically, the doctrine like the Pratityasamutpida is essential. The Sdlistambasitra (No. 8) discusses the doctrine of the Buddhist theory of causa- tion on the analogy of the stem of rice from the stage of seed to that of fruit, and extends this physical phenomenon (b3hya) to the psychological one (idhyitmika). The text of this siitra as printed here has been reconstructed from its Tibetan translation by Professor N. Ayyaswami Sastri of Visva Bharati, and publi- shed in the Adyar Library Series, No. 76, Madras, 1950, It was also published in part by Louis de la vallee Poussin in his “ Theories de Douze Causes”, Ghent, 1912. The second siitra of this group, the Madhyamaka-Sili- stamba-Sitra (No. 9) is a new discovery made by Dr. V. V. Gokhale, formerly of the Fergusson College, Poona, and now Professor and Head ofthe Department of Buddhist Studies in Delhi University. He discovered the Ms. in a monastery in Lhasa in Tibet and handed it over to me for publication in this volume, and is thus being published for the first time. It is a late work as it quotes Nagirjuna’s Karikis from the Madhyamaka- astra, but is clearly based on the original Salistambasittra. For details the reader is referred to the Prefatory Note of Dr. Gokhale to No. 9. The third sitra in this group is called Pratttyusamutpadadi- vibhanganirdesa nima sitra (No. 10) as it is called in the Tibetan Translation or Vibhevga as Vasubandhu calls it in his Bhasya under III. 28. The special interest of this sitra lics in the fact that it was found inscribed in duplicate on two bricks discovered by Mr. J. A. Page in a small votive stiipa near the main stipa at Nilanda. A fragmentary portion of this sittra xIt MAHAYANA-SUTRA-SAMGRATA was also found on a dhvaja-pillar situated in the Minchon temple near Tunhuang in China and studied by Dr. V. V. Gokhale in Smo-Indian Studies, Vol. I. p. 19 The fourth sitra ( No. 11 ) somutpdda nina Mahiayanasitra, duced here as given by Prof. N. Ayyaswami Sastri of Visva Bharati in his work referred to above. The special interest of this Siitra is that is contains the famous Pratityasamutpidagatha, as uttered by Buddha: ' 3 ual tenet 8 Sr cart wart Sera at Rr ch art aa: now invariabl ly found at the end of all Buddhist works in Sanskrit. The text of the Rastrapdlaparyprecha (No. 12) is based the text published in Bibhotheea Buddinea, Vol. I, 1901, and : CF in marginal references). He based his text ona single Ms. from the Library of Cambridge University ( Bendall’s Catalogue, Add No. 1586). ‘There is one more Ms. ‘ibliothdque natonale, Paris ( Devanagari 88 ), it tobe merely a copy of the Cambridge Ms. 'y. I have adopted Finot’s tw elling and tcuation to ving it on lines adapted for this serics, Fane Puntcuation .,, The Ristrapilapariprecha isa Mahi cited in iksisamuccaya and ot! Pilasiitra, and he Century a, p_ Prepared b, found in of this group is called Pratitya- The text of this siitra is repro- yinasiitra and is often f her works under the title Rastra- ence it cannat b, cr c ¢ later than the end of the 6th he Chinese translation of Jiinagupta was reinreen 589 and G38 4, p, The Tibetan translation is aad | anitry Mdo XIII, 9, here are two Chinese tran- a hon (Digan eee Nanjio No, 23 (18), and the other by ~ napala, 940-1000 4, B.), Nonji io No. 873, The Najib ty jas oe cotespondence with Ratthapilasuttantas ‘ya, No. 82. The Ratthapila-Apadina and a a. No. 99, cqrrespond more or ‘Mya version rather than with ours. Prechi is divided i Apt i . into two and being ae Pp Ito the forming an ‘ntroduction (Nidana) ition of An + ttva or mac the Conditions which go Bodhisa i his career; the second chapter INTRODUCTION XIE contains the Jitaka of prince Punyarasmi. In the course of the first part, the sittra contains references to as many as 50 Jatakas in stanzas from 112 to 164, references to which have been supplied in foot-notes from the Jitakas in Pali, Cariyapitaka, Mahivastu, Avadinasataka, Jitakamali, Divyiivadina and Avadinakalpalata. Pictorial and sculptural representations of some of these Jatakas are found in Ajanta Caves, Boro-Bodour and Gandhara. Parti, The Buddha was once staying in Rajagrha on the mount Grdhrakiita in the midst of a company of monks and Bodhisattvas, and used to deliver discourses to them on the Law. Among the Bodhisattvas sitting around him, there was one named Primodyariija who stood up and with folded hands recited a hymn in praise of the Buddha and stood silent after the recitation. At this time, a monk named Rastrapila, after spending three months of the rainy season at Srivasti, proceeded to Rijagrha to see the Buddha. On arrival he also recited a hymn in praise of the Master and requested him to be pleased to answer a few questions on the qualities which go to make the career of a Bodhi- sattva. The Buddha then answers the question of monk Rastra- Pala, mentioning the qualitics in groups of four and also the causes of their fall. It is in this connection that he refers to some 50 incidents in his past lives, now recorded in the Jatakas, wherein he practised several virtues and vows which ultimately had helped him to attain the Buddhahood. Part II. The admonitions to Rastrapala continue in this Part, and in support of his views Buddha introduces the story of a prince Punyaragmi, This Punyarasmi was the son of a king named Arcismat, and possessed high qualities. Once gods encouraged Punyaragmi to follow a course of watchfulness in this Mundane existence, From this timc, Punyarasmi ceased to take pleasures and interest in the worldly affairs. The king placed at his disposal all pleasures and temptations so that he should remain attached to them. The young prince, however, told his father that he took no interest in these worldly pleasures, and that on the contrary he had a longing to lead a quiet life in the forest. While he was still staying in the palace, he heard from gods the praise of Buddha, Dharma and Sarhgha. The prince immediately made up his mind to acquire qualities and virtucs of a Buddha, and approached the Buddha of his age, namely, Siddharthabuddhi, who explained to him the way of life Jeading to the attainment of Bodhi. The prince thereupon left the palace; the king followed xv MABAYANA-SUTRA-GAMGRABA him to dissuade him from his resolve, but could not succeed in doing so. The Buddha winds up the story by saying that he himself was prince Punyarasmi. The Ristrapilapariprechi has in both the parts 853 stanzas im a variety of metres. Many of these stanzas are in mixed metres and are often irregular. Of these, Dodhaka metre i quently used in combinati ion with Meghavitina, Upendravajra and their c is most fre- Indravajra and combination called Upajiti come next. Both Indravajra and Upendravajra are mixed with Rathoddhat4, Indravarhéa and Varhéastha. Puspitigri figures next and is mixed with several unnamed metres. No, 18 is a Mahiyinasitra called Bhaisajyaguru-Vaidirya- prabhasitra, and is reproduced here from Gilgit Mss., Vol. 1, edited by N. Dutt. It seems to be one of the late sitras, the subject of which gradually shifted from philosophical matters to worldly things such as evil doers and protection from them. We find here beginings of later Tantric sitras. No, 15 is called Muhdkormavibloaiga, The text and its commentary karmavibharigopadesa are reproduced here from the edition of Sylvain Lévi (Leroux, Paris, 1982) with slight altera- tions mostly regarding punctuation, M. Lévi discovered two Mss. of the work in Nepal during his second visit in 1922 through the kindness of the late Rajagutu Pandit Hemaraja Sharma. The text was found translated into Tibetan (T 338, 339, 3959, 4484) awa dee tn, Chics, wide os Turd: ‘Moustrated in Bas-rehels of Boto-Bodour in Java. M. Lévi has not only given a critical text, but has added voluminous critical notes and French Translation, and comparative tables. The topic of acts and their fruits agitat ‘i of almost all philosophers and thinkers gitated the minds divine powers of the thinker dep of the world, and the devine the t ended upon his capacity to j anterior births of an individual, Lelieved to have such powers, The topic ie found drecused in Buddhist literature in Pali as well as in Sanskrit, in Vi Satta and Abhidhamma of almost all schools, The Suk: ssucta, the Subhasutta, Kammavibhangasutta, Cakravastistit . ts : are mentioned in the present text and also several J: Ttakas, ae Nos. 16 and 17 contat i of the famous Buddhist “ie Subhavaaae recensior longer and shorter tra, Sukhavativyiha, description of the INTRODUCTION xY land of bliss. Our text of both these recensions is based upon the edition of Max Muller and Nanjio, published in Anecdote Oxoniensia, Aryan Series, Vol. I, part II, Oxford, 1883. I have made a few changes in the text mostly of punctuation. It is one of the most sacred text of the Buddhists of China and Japan, as one of the most popular Buddhist sect called Pure Land sect, considers it as its sacred text. It is translated into Tibetan (T 115), and it is said that there are as many as twelve translations made between 4. p. 148-170 and a, p. 982-1001. Out of these twelve translations only five arc known to exist, and the third by Sarhghavarman (circa a, . 252) is considered to be the best among them. This siitra exists in two recensions, one longer and the other shorter. The first part of the longer recension deals with the vows of monk Dharmikara that he would not care to attain the right knowledge of a Buddha till certain conditions are not fulfilled, and the second part deals with the description of the Pure Land. The shorter recension, on the other hand, contains description of Pure Land and the Buddhas residing there. No. 18 is Kérandavyiiha, and is mostly in prose. The text Was published in Calcutta in 1873 edited by Satyabrata Sama- stami, and my edition is based on it. The text as first printed is very corrupt, and as no good Mss, came to my hands in time, I could not much improve upon it. I understand that several scholars are working upon this text, and they may be able to give a better text. Winternitz and several scholars following him say that there are two recensions of this work, one in prose and the other in verse. I have examined a Ms, in Baroda of the versified Karandavyiha, but found that it describes the qualities of Manjusri and not of Avalokitesvara. It is thus clear that there are two texts called Kirandavytha, one in prose dealing with Avalokitesvara, and the other in verse dealing with Manju‘ri. The language of both these works, though Sanskrit of the Buddhi- sts, is horribly corrupt. It appears that both these works were composed very late, when elegance of Buddhist Sanskrit had completely vanished. I have given another sample of this horrible Sanskrit of the Jater Tantric Buddhism, in Part II of Mahdyana ~Siitra-Sarigrahe, (BST No. 18) of the Aenjusrimilalalpa which is on par with both the recensions of Karandavytha so far known. XVI MAHAYANS-SUTRA-SANGRAHA The reader will find some details about No. 19, Ardhavini- deayasitre, in the prefatory note to that work on page 309 of the present volume. No. 20. Dharmasarhgraha, contains a list of technical terms usually found in Buddhist works, The text is reproduced here as fixed by K, Kasawara, and edited by Max Miller and H. Wenzel in Anecdota Oxonicnsia, Aryan Series, Vol. J, part V, Oxford, 1885, At the end, this work is ascribed to Nagarjuna, Poona, 22nd September 1961. P. L. Vaidya STRAT TETRA TT AMT ga ae H RR eae, ATR ain gare # ailc Testi 8 faq gee E | er aa HB deat (v.28 ae RF aw maT A E ole gat mreRiaraitte & fee oe E aeaegaomat at adn ganar Yi aed A Qa awenefiat TANIA (Foe ) aT meTT et gare) neaaaane ac ow Trea gr orate area eae oT ore MeagGh Sle | ERT Waive aT gaa at (do ¢-22) amas ania. adam Bram &, sate wae Harr ar & state E 1 aa at Bia Peat an Rrra 21 do (¢) ale 22 at a aa aT gest aK mT Gere eral cafes adi ont gad fer ge, am EEE I do RR WT Ga wed sme at gat ale ont on-set wa Wa Bt ong Ba ee aa aa adane ote aber Boheme eefiege Hoe WH AE elses af agar faa wt ge ge Heat qoar ax a EEA do eam Qo H Alzada at qin aaa & | Ho kR oT 89 gat % aRteart ola wate El de ey Gah wa die gakh a Arar Ei do tele at gad ama wt at ada E oT are sar aaa afte ai ar Fecal &, Brady et at mf aE No 2¢ aH omatinte ole oma attra ar ale E SaraTral & ea aT Be gat HA saa qa ne HB, a gaa yoo wath ama bei gtarafient ama atea haa See Go wa weh wah award oa MEN EL maa gem a fet ar we aargafier are 8, Braet wars onene Deer PAT aT Seeta, ommt (eye at wafer dened | wh doen EEL Patios hee Red feat ti wagen am oak wes Sie Tar AH A. met ar aus A ge El gaa TH ora 29aR H wend at aac stittaier wets H wenftra SAT aT | Fae ere 8eRy H ager at Meese ane H naufa ge aie 98 ger 2939 H Aen gate gf 1 agin Sat denett ar ara Wart BAT aa hia do 8422 at en dt cuiiaa wi 2, Rear wart & opin fea & ) wareait an awed & fH ge af a Ws ana: gee | At waa AT ak C oat a Rea aie xviit ARTTTAAAE | PMT TaTAT H wees gONAL aT eee e-fEcqoh H Ge Z| awa fReac amare fas a ealefea afek sraan & tar ada Gar & she Feet aga ge fea sen & ara | Sel aeareat & B ange Faw eeifetac mfr afer organ fear & ate fearer 3 ane | A eames ha dated at dime aa Haak 3, cafe ote edt ge 8 ate Cae oath Hoa at wei Rea ae en 3, wet Gea a amend G1 sade denen He from aig araat Hi diet a wat ae afeina adi alt | aa er ge seamen uat r aqefy Fish val al sige Frat & | wa geT at A gag death gene—ae H manera Sat Fife GeaRT Ho ARO (RR) AM w Go VR eo H fasare | A sae at Rar AE she aa fear | Real sane ade Stem do te H feat ® | Ho 2 gafita aR eA Roo Asa sgn EH ea THA A RE Te fea E, St Haeaee | Raglan aredfratem, art fate, wm § aus 9 (onan, 2ccg) 4 Rat ® 18 ge fia ort HY Ste Re 8, ah fhehiech wetter cleat 3 ait # ek &, fra Wet To Ge aah Here Fe waar io sto gel Bi aT AAT aie tree om 0a 8Q40 H gon 21 ren RBA Ae area on ene THRs feite & gases arn anda H akie us ae a HE & desea an ots wee: Figte é | _ 8 Ser oF oA g Pras ataarag Beet ate Esher wea see Ret aw gem aie wee ot EY SRT ERY Ho 2h am to Homie da aa gamdkag, alah a mitt, Gek zea ay aey fel Em adi & aw at Sere FerAT ae HAN ( Parser ara eifeen, ake dita, we 2, OE 2, HAIRS [eC H mania) th dea EL WR oe H das gH teow me Fie af ef 8 fr E 1 sha dhe car asi ae FR aiftes emer geal H gaat mora at ne & adi wae aiten aa terns watt FY cH wrt eA ammer ataar E | Sear feet rar FH ogare (1 224 )....8) gar & elle war ar SPH WWekwo fo am TM éR-Yoe So aH ETH RQ Uh aga at WY | gr ame opal He bas oie Wad E | Rata dea dart ated (R4e $0 ) aalan am sat E | . See ge aa yas am Baal aren fig adh a Wa @ Bh SY aaa Te aT aE me aT ad aor at By saan SEH FS TI ot we a sei | eet mer Heal an wi | aqenas SA aA aha are aef aatand get an ata B , Fo Xe arrearage me ner HE | cea Te HHT A 2c0y Fo * Bea armel & ant aria a ane saat gen oar | WT aS ge sintte & | ga th ged santa we H aga ogiedt Ea gaat PAE Sra eset mA at Gara ve ae oe ey eeat 1 Hell RAR B ge ea dathar adi ae aan |B aaaat ¥ Pe ge een oe ate Pe a CE ote & gee afte ae are mega aH | Roeder an sa "ara ota Berit aaa & fi ga aah eg F—on aaa Ae HU aera Hi aber at ee caieiea wat aadiat Prat & a RR sorone Re ec gat st a aia, aa ENPaT AT Pel team eet fh anwsoae ama a gek onset Seiten % Aaa Y, dic gad gar Bdge & Bax i | ga AAT Beat Titi tesa oma dt eat 1 tar acta ear F fe at SR aga are ah eli gf 3, a dle dena a aider gota: fee et S715 | cal aif at a steve aha deg Set ar aaa FF PeaITapine unt} (gfe dea Beee de te) Hh igiae- PA Ren &, ot ome gia Dat arog Se genet sear B | oad FEMNAGTGHE | 28 a Shree (Fo ga) % Aaa ge fact sa Aa Leanna fh wa wih go Boe qd fait | TaeAe Ho Ro 2 pints at at at &, oth aa: ate ord 4 Pes BL veh 24 cs Baan A ho HEAR faa feo & ake fram wet teere an ant oo Fae ¥ Gader nsahraien, ada ais, wT , amaTe Leen d Gant geek ad F ama a Er] TAPE ET NATE | x ue oe a 8, aa 23, fn YOR ee ee ABBREVIATIONS AK (a me )—Avadina-Kalpalatd of Kgomendra, Bibliotheca Indica edition; our edition in BST Nos, 22-28, AS (so qo)—Avadana-Sataka by J. 8S, Speyer, Bibliotheca Buddhica edition; our edition in BST No, 19. Asta (sme )—Astasghasrita Prajiipiramita, od. by Rajendralal Mitra, BC—Buddhacarita of Agvaghosa, edns. by Cowell and Johnstone, BCA—Bodhicarydvatara of Sintideva, with Pafjika of Prajia- karamati, ed. by Poussin; bare text in Zapiski; our edition in BST, No. 12. BCP—Bodhicaryavatévapajika of Prajfakaramati, ed. by Poussin. our edition in BST, No. 12. CP—Curiydpifaka, PTS edition ; also by B, C, Law. CS—Catuhstave of Nigaxjuna (I. Nirupama, IL, Lokdtita, TIL. Acintya, and IV. Paramartha) DA (Reae) Divydvaddna, our edition in BST No 20; also Cowell and Neil’s edition. DBh (%e Yo )}—Dasabhiimikasittra ed. by Rahder; our edition in BST, No. 6. GM—Giigit Mss, ed. by N. Dutt. GY (are )—Gandavythasitra, ed. by Suzuki and Ideumi, Kyoto, Japan, 1949; our edition in BST, No. 5, J (se )—Jataka, ed. by Fausbol. IM (sue we} Jdiakamala of Arya Stra, ed. by H, Kern, HOS; our edition in BS'T No. 21. 2 KV (anvs)—Karandavyiha, BTS edition, LA (agte)—Larikdvatarasitira, ed. by B. Nanjio, Kyoto, Japan, 1923; reprint 1956. LV (aia )—Lalita-Vistara, our edition in BST No. 1. MS (ae ae )—Madhyamalasastra of Nagarjuna, our edition in BST No. 10. MV (7 4°)—Madhyamakewrtti called Prasannapada of Candra- kivti, our edition in BST No. 10. MVastu (ao re )—Afahavestu, ed. by E. Senart. _ MVy (0 age )—-Mahaoyutpatti ed, by I. P. Minayelf, Bibliotheca Buddhica, ori PP—Prajtiiparamita: RGS—Ratnagunasarheaya, RP (ae )—Rasfrapalapariprechd, ed. by L. Feer, Bibliotheca . Buddhica; our edition in BST No. 17. SS (fee }—Sikszisamuconya of Santideva, ed. by Bendall in Bibliotheca Buddhiea; our edition in BST No 11, SA (ate) Sttralanhkara of Asanga, od. by S. Lévi. SBE—Saered Books of the East, SN—Saundarananda of Aégvaghosa, edns, by H. P, Shastri and Johnstone, SR (afte }}-Samadhtrajasitra ed. by N. Dutt, in GM; our edition in BST No, 2, SDP (aaie )Saddharmapundarikasittrs, ed. by N. Dutt; also by crn and Nanjio; our edition in BST No. 6. SP (gave )—-Suvarnaprabhasasites, ed. by B. Nanjio and H. Idzomi, Kyoto, Japan, 1991; also by J. Nobel. SV (gate }—Sukhiu aivyiha ed. by Max Muller, T—Tibetan translation, TY followed by oumber}—Tohoku Catalogue, TG (ane )-Pathagatayuhyasaira or Gukyasamdja, GOS edn. TS (wate )—Tattwasmigraha of Santaraksita, GOS edition. von Tripitaka, Tokyo, 1924-1954, THe Vajracchedika, d. bs 3 ition in BSENe ‘@, ed. by Max Muller; our edition (N. B— Most of the works mentioned ab . E ove are planned to be included in the BUDDHIST SANSKRIT TEXTS Series; © lst will bo found at-the end of tne Volume.) , \ Aerara-aa-aae: tt g searaeatateeo a arifemateent sararetiar | 2 Parrattad: | 8 Sea ar ge | center, a ET TTT feat TEA ae Bah wet Ree aniaacatifiaad:, emaeta altace Wa: agabiPakanfaaitad: | at ag ga: ents aaa Rewn wie oes: geeEA Te Sea aa ag canta Tae aharatant a attract sera: afi-20 TSHR: | a seMETatagATER Ta afeet ogIsd gical attera ta waite aoa waaaiaa_eand waa ea Tigerigd dha Rar, aor gid Ges APTA et wer gharatafet dec serectactaacrs a ghara- Paiticamanid ceigd adkarnght | ad 8 ar ater aafel] Serta Rrrarratrenti it Tagh gfarakant aaa ae warcaatra TIA STRRR wera | Rea wed aPeera serra sao TITRA! at wa aera wae sara wT! at Wer, atfteer wareret seonari seat: nanan afeahe 20 ;’eit? ant ana afer saIRl wee aR: maT [FA] eat, elena aga? seater saronhenhethec, air Tel aera: Rei wigarahettyaarsta ¢ gaetk wnat Gaara atract veeeRaaags aT Sharatantia, cet aamaned waaiad saratal grok ae os 4 The Ms. and Hikata’s edition read before qi, the following : Th agement safer dearer, And this invocation is followed Sra: 1 ay ELT by the 21 stanzas of syrafrarert printed on pages 1 and 2 of ‘our edition of serfs. % Not in Ms. nor in H. 3 Not in Ms, but Supplied from C and T. R RETA: | qari racarnada, anit am & agaaliar acd aga ARE al sae Ret gare Rarely agent a, Gree Tami a Ree ACTA aga ze am ag TAR aaa eharaafiet diet werd oReots sa-fh a giaratatig alsa dreicamatand caste ¢ cae ge artam Ata sed onieseaieeri a anaes ammtatand oRtrer: eatin GTaRTET TR | wT: f HTT: Fran re eclin ftar aga area geR ra mEITT TOT | ant mndeamatied samaart a fafa | age gen Rea: ae lowirara, & fameareai lit aronenftaa 1a meagan Pra aR, 3 Ent stg Rates 3 aga aad dnferm, & er Tee TeRMiaiers 2 a oar arenas 4g, 8 get agacat wRe fegefiake | veer i We geen ad wie aaa ct ata Base | wa TT amd ceigint geri grand yt, « aie Ren, 4 Seren, FR, a ANAT, 7 QSAR, AGRO, aT, 4 See, FoaraRO, | STERNAL, 4 TSATL, 7 i PAM, HIRST, wT ORSSETRL, F oMERTaIOTA, a eee, aWtaaxtern, 7 TREAT, + aeitacntort, anteniarne, a nn 27 TSA CTARAATATL, A ETAT, em ne oe eo wine mths, agai wi ee 12 gare aa 8 gftarafemaiuss-Remokad | 3 Rittori oPeast Mamma statoeenteat warra- Rte [ai] awe geil gear seed atari TEATS Sow ae aRATTAR, aT APA aA ATER ar fare, eiaarenearn aire anlaea aire, dat ad Ta Tar ad oes aera same at | saci Tiomaeda Rat gare dana came steam, sawn et Ae Seanigiam saagd Rewad fainge gegantaagen | aa ae Ta wearat aeafaw’ aad often: | Peden at ana ufig- Sen, Faken wer ahem: dame ah takigarn | wee wah? alae mq gaa ganfigen, alae eeanlfen [10 a7 wed want fibegd enareisaa sem | a are fitter ara gaat am adaware | at ad Ter ema dtera: eet wagudedarm: saranfiat qa: | Aiea Aaah ane amarante amt gfe: I Tak wer, gaara ata weealaceaeg agi SAPs tama x a gag: itsierga, aet gamed aca Sera gi saoiat aerate | aa at ghtaratnie 2, BY Fay a anlage, wits A) ag wR gharafiant Rea aged waa: mei . Eas rare a Rema Pair et ae fester aT 29 Wage, faa a Aaa AEA marae gf, vA SRaratai Gafrlin sgumie aatet | abeemava fe TUMTART | AE giaraaatier saree ead agg a ATT ) Set aT saree, ser at mara, erenay saraeftar | sro Rien garantie, waciore, Sete mavens | wa gfiaa-20 Pafiaamis a een, Daesay, a ga marae! ABA SRaratante, ster alana, aren atari, Sahay waa | [AH afarataia, om staaiae? adi} ale emai Sera, a mPenahitider: efeeit | at st eer alent, ars er a ateniong, a eT maT aTaT APR L ay g ae TAT aT, 30 Sa SB LamBReae, Bee sf | alanis afaraiiaie Sarria, samt, aten: serra | ar, eae oe | St gtaratiaiey Aor eet ar, ATTA, ae A | 8 > pera eeTe | : | maha att [a] erie co pharaiatia, sue: | cat ett wafer (aR E ara | Ba: AE, 3 | ante armas, TET aMtsea, AU ATTMETA, ATRIA STFA | aa aahgel, a ata gafiged | oma fe saiiqad, “7g fant eT TTR, FT AT AI, OTA r aaa, | 3 SEE aT aT GATS, TR eR RTE OT ait geftgat | Gare eaiigas, ca ei aegis STFA “Ae | 9g aeTEToye aT aeaaTe | ee TAT, a gration er aaa | ARTEL! a a aaa, auf aT wk: | aerated & am, aaa Rima (a2) | ot apart Raia aafiee:, aici, tt erat afiat srt deat vole | a4 gRarataia sa see aA, cage ate | at et QParstiaite atkqen arene, cad date sae, 7 grins Bae Ta | aeHea:? Sex oa Ayers, ae: gaelanrat sa ? wai TAS Al Shar, agar Sakae wea! ae Ba: fa HE al agIeN, ta a Fafmanale, ate Sataa ARAL | abn eft af araknia safiiceas | a a aafteinaaRam 1 cbrotrcntend SRT | tT URS RETE, sage Sth | aener Bale? aah ar ats dima a wade Br dhaden | Ade Aah | wee AA Get w china, sameeren oa, RRA Sa | angat ataratinte Seu nan Rea:, a gaa Set chatea HA | wena 2 a EE at BaaT a aaa, sete Saat aa: itigaion, ath awa a7 SPraRai, ai Rie mal, Fi at wat Gifted? art “at een PTR, wee et mst a1 Pilea aR 1a tatats TAR, 5 Rage at 1 Riff ara Efe safes, az fae ara afad sent * aa ae, Alay a ahah aie | PaPeafa Pfft 1 RRR nga fieafe 2 wafa- Rac Alok 1 TRaghean, matremie anzet maft- RBA Ls gare Gere se aE ates < aftarakntakgsar-Raraferdt | % Preafa | ani Renta ores herent Presa | t oa ara Beak, remnants Rfiae | aat Beeh Ae, seer Rea TPT aerate ga | at Tea sear qaeae: 2 a AE PPR REL, TU HUE Pia, Aten sem afiamit aa fea aga aad aftnrerala ate SAR erence eule o Rardia a1, aad fPbafe | at fff? ated grad wed Ja: Tem: wad sad enaa: qe: [Nelea:] gatgalaeen mage Stmaisgarmshtuaissana efi | mgt garantie aie fit gi | went am gtarataiia Beer aa Roose | a ary eras aa: erage fers, gata TNH: ards apie: aking Hirer san aaa: daluaafad Med Rite: eager, sitara: edaenndlea | arent art gharahaati, Siar Ries Rien, wats Atte, ata Mgistraati- iter mar cede [ Ret?) aa eee bg @ reais, a ea iia | a Nien aa Ge See aERgeaqamfagfea- as ie geet | Aa eRarateniig, afdeadacarta, offer Tee ooegMaeaieraT | anit a garahiate de: Gedy erat ter agua asian arama: ea ates wagnigas: wgantars: | ad sha cert fate a ata aaa | masa? aot a eltesagae: alerqatagere: whl oo Aakers: | cate afaratinafie, adit fre edifedivenme dada, wigaitdiana dais, aamotatReageddaehameras dt | reed gfarcakia aatag ae ReeeRA 2 ah gharctaty der whe sa Bear fe Stent et Pelee 25 ae aay serait Marae UN ge wasnakes ga aarataitn weaeRay! scare lamas Scores: ? aaegerehl, aed Prete off cad cucereid nfafeat | aaa ea gine sencdacraa, aim af RQuaachart, + geese ahershra: | a: HAA. so aFafaPrl tac, + a saan: | aR ahaa gee afrgea:, anit agamresa | aaaraarata ad | delat aaa gfe | aera J Gand T seem to read egarqattard. & PEMMAAAAE | afiaral ara afageala a aerrela | a ae a aa: A am, Sate aT a HEPAT, MATA TCA: | TATAY ATER, a aa fda: o Rte: |S atarantr a: aaxareraniats: o- Tet ota, atseranra: | Aer sear sf Il 8 oafae aft aRarafiaiea, sdheegrneeter sitet | a adie at at sere, ata ods @ Sel at ERT | oR odteacTeneaer | aa atarataniin, siemamee after carrier ergs aaa | ere aR fe twee: | aisgene: | ates alee A | aA TRE BTR: 3H gat Fda: ? aT Fda strate: | SITE! TART TIA | Asean: Stsaere: | aiswa:, gata 4 SAT 413 nel ETA | Ta RA sy Gteh | ae Rad a dae, agzisa- mara | 3a 3 erat aia, & a Wa saa, ay RAS ART aS | Aaa, aa Pde | sae eth Pde: wee! Tatra, a Free es atael grat cen ae: sparen: | NaeER wird: saree gf aasTafat dieragraa | Sey gaa | aT SLE segmaaT eory | gaa a gaageah lsat oo gtaalaa- fy Fae Seah | eeTAGRTT Bara | Bala ATTA Re ee or ghiaaraiaaerd, sma SS ea | aerate ; + Grae ase aR TE Frloag: ePiecerterea a Fraprang: | an aoa filter: seen fox, Ast FalgRe | qa arrateanten Plime trad a stisrer Vise: Ribs ef 1 ie, but tho word looks like “mam which reading is Teportedly a; Chinese supports Sarva’. The phrage is stil not clear. M “a “a " regsumoto read isu’; H, reads a eny* which is obviously mes Doth G and T suggest gaara? and hence my reading « 3q°, 8 gftaraRenftaiesar-Ranaitad: | © wa aa gtarateniia sao? + fe gferaRanitd Trance: PRE arg at | eghrraRona, saree ont Ta sTere, Rama: se one aT Te aT) aT aA Faia agian angesd, Asem gia fife | at g Serratia, Rak onttentnd srehiony, Satay cae 6 Boia, at greater | af areata anion aqrareitian eqateran | often Re gPenaftartieg narater | wheats: | gene: ASAT: | Rena: ft faa faPregaaa, + nha) aglaafitsead & aR: af Vand at ateshepha 2 ar anferehRiioe Waste: [awed ? wa etaraiafiq Aeewas, sr 10 Wat AR: | ay gParaiae, ah a sae | cater aR Ren | madera, a ght’ vet ea Sonia: | at gtrdal atic GPa ortega | aera AAA | 7 gtartataanta Aen, alt aaitia aeeser | SRerie sata A: | at aT aaa afatar at SAAT | SRT Is SAR AR laa a: maPa, a a att areata Waraftet laa aie qatar acne, at aaedst difreen, gt ae TSR ? a fe giaratenfa aay aR, a a ah ahaa: | Rar an aP:, sai ar, efits ake, areata A: | at areat Ger gaa, agers | a a: qeaTa maET | 20 Pee Re AwRges | ALARA Ba aa, a eae Afra WR | ceneiidh:? 7 f& eharafatia, dee: accents: | Teuniadiiras weed, a Grddteas | aenenaat: ¢ eppaeat attie:, aaemfint & aMea, sadnfina we ae 1 a afta, a aie gaat | AAR datas ae ae, oa 2s SGT aA, oaTTAAATA aay AR: tt AIRY Reareala, aT A Romie | atten emeriar oatihiiar apie ar 7 Raat afigar afin meres, Ve aaa ga, 7 gH | enone? Peeve | at atec: egrega, aot erates Tl aR, cere aa ge | ematrcearmateayrs TA 50 Pique qeadataaac raceniarercen ater eas | at Ee °, q Ms. and printed texts read “saturg. x C fim: for afta. 3 Ms, and Matsumoto read atu: for agi: C and T support the reading adopted by Hl. « Ms, and C mavaa° which H adopts, ¥ Ms.a greater. é HERUTETUAE! | RTS? TATGRATSATT Raa | 7 AE TE: aa afer, safaa- AAT ATA: | TE GA Te: GU, DAS SereTARA | area AAT, amt lara & wang: | at wend cea, aire aq) ar qaoR aka, saat E eee | ag: see See aOR | a Rae ag: Gea, TR Ta: THE afiek | aogat & ahah: | gz ah dara watasa aeeers aT git a waeR | aeRETaaY t aa Tea, AwemTeTa: | TT a qearhiied a pls seri, ci ete Aivet a gold marae | wii ea afaRahe, Varig ap gid ay WL a ot einige, & eh ealete ef | ei saa daa, aaa aa SaaRe a wit samt, Cl wiastonaty dae a gel saat Ri) wa eaimeian, aka, aa gaara are, |G Meng TgE METAL | ATA apne lta ageminmRaaan la & ger: aera Wom aw aT GR | aE? ataaigha qn | aa aleigaey, aaa marae soel at wist at | ahaa af rdarditaciiaem | a a ahaa wait at | acne Bah? oe fe ade: | a Seu wes argent, at eran wbel oe we eee a aR aT CoE, cageat Ate | Bata AT ged aT Sates aL ore geaeaheMits, mame | at geet \ [ARI] afrarafiafe ae = airiogorag: ama R ASAPH | aemepte:, mane ih area gerart safaris cones ek Aes » Fide Pang fer ehaen aft Aaa wage a aT AREA HE, MAGE Lat st TST tETER GEREN RR Te ATE R ware sme, at itera | ween: abet 1 8 srvier Lag * Fo. A wtih is sumted from C and ghrarcafeartahesor-fraakad: | & TT MAPA A GT | Fa ahem agerd | anes a & wel gaat samfs | ated omfg, emraiaieeer ig: 1 Adie: ga: gen eat eficd eat a aonaPa | aera wa 4p, 78 ye: wePie Re: 1 ala: ede RTA RPT A AA omeviga wee | Taser 5 Faerattart gai air, ga aaah: ? aod af sora, 78 ‘asset wea Tt Re: efeat eera terse ater Sa 1a Boe ata fee aha psa a aes Reena EM aa het laa amen, a ar neha) gata att areas | wt aT aie | TU He AL A AT area a Reamer at aR AR aT | et Gast wal sree | gaagearrs art areas aw Gener T ARPA ariifafaca, 7 chigateata, at afagaerrert (tt ergraaea afer rarar- iomdia ga alan Soar | TET et oer often, & a atrarmermatee SES | arf TENURE TRRRaATENN- Salas, | ass aha, ateaals Baer | at a aa araltisafers at ana | 2 Suge a Gags a Gnd, ah an word a sfaan, wT aAARard a Gon, a a afagahaba a waleeaia F AARITEPS Ul RAIS TORT, SAT | ata STORIE sierra ata fea ancien ania Fa negara weiig aig wha, SoReCMT | Use ae naan RR ease alixeerra , cody aig Gets omeehs (afr srS ce ar [aR dears] a aries mmteriigea, = cat gatoqadia saa, 3 eat iMeIMeisima 21a wagers aaT fatreranat Seer seen T™Re wher fet, 3 wel Regent a aR, a HeaRae ara ana arg Cg ly a ees 4 ange | oes 2 _ Sass fer, a RA Bad at wi, powh, amet an Perifrata, aan at anaka | , «Cand T suggest ‘aftcar for “art 2 a 3 After ara, Feem la rend a sentence ¥ i oa Cand t + Notan Ms bat supphed from C and T. 2 aaralaaRgsar-arraqghaat faatar | RR AE MAA eae TURE aReAgaT fiftak | oufcre oei weramiaterad, at aaa gel | agers gett: tare ame dar fatter aarigey ete qetig Ret aoe 1 daghen & Sry one Re) sfadtmafrar geatt: | asker aaa sa | 6 TRA Th Cee emiiingep AER TH aaitraRrn valerate | Rrra fe ema aemrased Taf mee att ni, 77 ahaget wi teak | eee viamatierhrsen TEdeeRTea at nfaar | aaeeierrS ARTETA Taare, dary wig aera | qdefenare sntiahanat gaa 10 Atma, | fiers ye wef: geen gaat Ut arent ae are TA oraTaM APIS: Myfeat wake ahr ae, ag] word gah: arageh: gard, ewashigeat vera areas smgiteer wellae | aan sit eer ger waa, asf naftar: aa Sy wag cai amgh: ania: erathyn: ate} aaalegenta, 1 aia oe caMReds: TES verrgharsat = A kage aire aera, ash ge daeRt arent a gedartr car gi Tareas Ast aaa Gears eaeaha, reas aa anit aa aera a ams aar waeeat wall, aq aaa age Ta: ages 1h a as wae Wathen au APA, WaT Toa: eae, 20 ra waa, afer & atarohe gd a dare | Asht wer gar waka, ast a ater aed, afta aderafi: aie mead | aenendah 7 amen fE one a ada aaah: | area ann: ge darlene Ta, Ta ge wg: | Cay arse saeare, 8-7 wana Saya area wee RIEMT Sete Tela we fislen, ¥ gai nerelvagi camer wees, ger cent: dia: safer! ga dared | ae anmatsina dade qari Te enlient Teli, merrtaherenea | : aaa sex ust aaadl agwaedes: | aexaeT gal wag aitaal angen [ara wlamtier cat at dfhtagarda, 7 70 aga mete a ag et ferent cease art afte ta a set a dandy: carciai a cst: eg dare _— R aaecattadt faetiar | a GAAS mciaetad_saRrara waa aaa afimnfrn fifteen ef | tt Gergen aRediga | snguraaarcata- ae rar, are STRAIT, HBT: |TR gaa | samnmad: ? wae GA aefae: | miso, afien | Guay aRerren see staemriga:, ¥ wa sale ata jacana: ? ranger feBerai aed aareet st ee | a gaagaarrs at Raewrs a GgeaPa ene ae, 7B afigaieara, ait aPremreme’ | a a argemrace afer lms SF MATT TERT | aA Ta aaareE atten, 4 3 RRM Sere | ata gereare oes Saahaary | ust aha, aPrmmaR & aha | aX anaes | wraitisatiag al daa: % graguarre sift gaged + fawn, af at aera a ‘Are, FT ama a om, zh afigatvata a daftrata a Careamere _ mRgernrs ear, aaa: | ary STeSRTS waerraat nate fea Tarzana my aify 20 Ceara farrier: Reiner: anfirearran, sass we Prenat sake | engi me : 2 i i ai » “a Prog Ret, 7 weer atm glPa, a aah, we ON a wath a aR | accent aie RASEM fea, 2 fhm | & aay ad alg g aaa eH Ritata, Phi a gh ae sSond T Suggest ‘ey fear for * Feet to read a sent “Nor 3 Alter amped, Cand T nee, 4 Notin ot Can Ms. but supplied from C and T. ¢ gftarahenieRgear-anmeaatadt Fafa t RR SH 8g WETTIG qart meRigat fagafs ) snyfigere ont aReamatmterar, afi fe anager aed} | ager death 1 & one da Right aemgte uty gery Art at | arity tion & oS SARL Rem aisle aes | astra ata waPa | 5 Baomes ake, Sasenfara smtGIER aEETsTM male was wiRgRe ata | frst fe one carne gh seer gh anf, +a area” oh Bea | ae rewmanieaxeoe TaemrER TR at slit | whaeeene Tey TATT imefima, tong ag sere | adeRarre enfimPemat gear. 10 aie Aer | Seer rameee ong nafs: SABE RT II aaa ar aa ae SpraTAY ARTE HERAT Hany sfifReibeeT- Sit Fa OY Gah: aah: aR, eosAaRA arg. Sat somes gets} tar esi ae ga waa, ash maha: Bey weay wa: argh aafinn aragrgn: aed aaratieg p18 mo TURE: Gorge neaafegand @ SEgAT A: SRR | 8g we wah Renter am wate, § ar atiara: daca, 20 OARS, aries & aarti gd 7 Gana | Asli ae gar waka, 8 aisha: Gee, catia afathy seht seed | ents # S80 Ronee or ata seri: | ery am: get daritenis- Tah, ast ge "az | Games} anaaer qearenrara, 3 T RI Sega aera erga: FARIS Sea THCTTE-25 wot ne . TERT are wae, get seo: sien: seidan - Sam aatsiad dnt gai wi aalkent TR eee y “ St ON a ee agamtaeitraar | aeaaet gat wy. angi TRRRT | ary eaharaften was wt afacgerda, + a2 Sieh ig gel SE tetera ape eae TAR Se, aerate WUT: ITA FATT a araparrreaarg | aa are aumdtsh aie alert eight, gar diet a wom aaak Ga ght, a aaa, & aaah wat maaan are aah leah, ernlaat a aeneasaa faere 5 ARRAS ort TORE nig ae Centar firaitwenniaiiinne cinaingerarn: | ong dria cari siafied 33} omee amatiet vais, ee weal Tae | emer Renal wade ar efi aT SPR A ABA aT ERA aT TGR at GRoaRaa aT seit wads, See Gulgnigiag Reem: sear, aT Bonk fata aapara ORAL et Palin, erfteremra Soa ARR! a & 8 wai: lees eae be somPelae was aint | ota sere & sere gar coRen Atfieere nee, Beet GRATIS Tet: | Ferks aranarearrcanitdarh aetna wegaeT ae U1 a ait ate BPS | Bie efter aati aphrica are mgrra: ara ateeniaa afters ? ceo ABeeaa oreeRsey aT raed tere | ae RE SUSTAT aT Gena at VOPR aI, Sarhhre’d cieeta: gem sata wat ay aityge | 8 aad ar falas saa at | aithven sae erieinontaattesrn, 3 oo treet: stem: | eee Wt waeraiaaiess che [ERENT Sa ER RiraRamasna, & ae wR WAG eT a Agahe aiga, ay AY, Bat at epaeq: ereha (3 geerre atte sme ERAT aA fara, 3 afar (22) edgy aaa 18 1 4 Bmrgaty, w ve Mira wafer | ones a Fee OR Le grep TaeRT vate maine, 84 ee Raa ety anes oe frennr: |% aeat wae atte, rete Saeaes FMR grove weowlgae Gham: agate eet ser “shaft, Xl SHEEN vam, ofa op ‘ iH wnat, °C seems to suggest aveyq:, ¥ Matsumoto reads aeafraRerat though © and te ort: reading. % Ms, and H ‘FAY ex conjecture, Lsapporig oun reading, ue ge § BRarataniekgen-snaqahadifietin | % a4 aeUTar amg wmrahactire ater WERL, apafe we arma Ta, daar | saert a Reet wander wie, agg armani er | aR ard mMEAgtaaaa—gaiet aenga giz: oRetials | aa Gen wma TR aa saat qo: vitatafee | cena 5 Grad aa gewageerramar | weare—eate | aneediga evra arama Te, | at cen: Val goRE: west’ aaa, ta a: ger | et aeadiga voaada dinfaa, arred aaemer fickerrntar | Gta gee et an amd gen cdg afiafiar | aed TR aartia afer arate: | Ba gees Ay data: 10 eel qdemen: | risa | ered cheat weenaidema var areal tach wate | ser arcedige Ge were: a eRe ateahcs datera, taken claited wa, cere Tense aeeianel were | ear Tae area RRMA aaa aT AA 16 ce! 4 Ms, and Matsumoto read 44, Our reading is based on Cand ‘, Rama: | 121 aa ag AAA Baraat Aires MEMRAM HTT Fat TSAR BRT, sae aoe aarerefiat 7 aT ef aint, 3 a wt Riga lan gadanven ubeale, oa stent, a aaaniinat ereracrambeata | Be HaTTART | Fawn | GT Rea,” a at, a Gear, 7 Pert saree | are Sameer, aaa, ART Herrsatonfien | ema tafe af apahiatean ye WL, A ag | Ware, | aia te: SIT, WRASSE | TTT I TA, THT TT | ed aq Fea Sa GERI, sary ART OTL, Tay eA ams Rae oR, aT Mint Te | sat Seat RH, TT ar: (| rs arent re, a ara: | aa gheneatentry, Sommer Te a ART” afi Babe ae lee | “am Ge UK oat eam” oh BIHAR au Mike Leeda Aika, wetter eRe, Sra Bie a den ae denen | “are Ik a afgaran” zie React aa fafa: (“au fee ot aa Rare” shi Rareanhics or Rite, Rama Ramraterraera fader | “ag aiacot ot a 3 ada” af eaeninds Fe Aide | “eq a atanint ae aol ated ee Tiina oo ike: wea age: Wolgekaey Mike | aa ahaa wtaate: Ganggee:, sat ravenftar a f& gharainia seen TIMP, + Seni, 7 arhim, = sennhifaa, ¢ Garten | at sgoniear eeenerat aL aed at suaeriter at Brae Rear 1 a Reeve a den a dee BOL) a Rarer at ait ar suena at Ease Rear |) Te Gtarafiaita wadget sane, af eeRiam | a a Geiger a Gemiga, 4 Ramegar sqefiar | ait farmitge sania | fe afearaitie, aaetiar afer aaa at PgR aT Ut at RTE Tee aaa IAAT TAPIA, BY Raat afiacar sraraaaR TTT, a ATA | 4 Ms. and Matsumoto amar, 30 Teg ut 8 ataraharfieicect-aaatiaaeadia: | w wath arrarafianhi, arte, | aenenet: fa fe Sy afrera (art adfermrar, af oarmefien) et dear dat denne: | famiifa gtarafiniia Seeraatia) amered:? a7 & fink fart dirt | ar a anita, 3 sevanihar |I wren ff ataratatia, ated fea te Tea | 6 Rarraarrgnd f& Rarer art agmaeaaar, gt maenfe | ea wm & ary | et fen dar denne | fanned & Barer | at area, <4 wari ty af gtaraartr, wre wt han | akon a dara dee: a Pave art the: ) mink gf garantie a at wt doefiar0 wT Feats aT] aT STA ATTA eal, Ta saTofRar 1 7 gA- . BeaRaahe Se dan Went: + Bat ( ake] caret at seat ar | ay Rigrre Ser TT, <4 TaTTRARET NN a gharatnt, et eraad safe | a aaa, a dat, 7 Fea: |e Bart Garren serie | ar rea Rn, FAA WATTS fam |= fe giaratnta, ae wd datsait a Reatraft ( ate wRandadentharl( a Rdaten, attdataat, ef sara Ul af gfiaratenfia eq dae ar aSe ar | ct don dn Geant | a fart daa a aoe at | aay oamindeniermmatcee:, 7% i at saree U 20 a fe gtaratontir, et dla ar eaaarae ar et Saar ea BERG | fat dias aT aaa aT at et RTE RarRaae eT, ETT TATRAAT il ae gharainiey et Ages atgauft, ea Sear at ata deme la fart Ggex wage par a wena Seanianatmt # figaniat wagers, a sara kt af gtaratanitey ot dais at ararate ar) ct Bert ds domme: (4 Bard dare ar erent ay | ar at qaaaATTEReATTAT- FERPA, SE STITT y Ms. om. figrt. We. e TITER: | x os * % aa 7 Re GPa ay 859 ot Feige at ig a wen: | x Part deal PRs at | ay eV SWISR et a mermi M a TR Waratah ay one sqrt ard ot ar dat SMERTT La Aan aus an “HT AT soe ay | aT wacardaniemnParer THCRTCR, 2g STHay iy ae deena Tega, wera eat | emarteana far de : OM ema | hte ta wi ge Reto Tal | ara xaheaiar fg om ‘eta te marae pe ee Fe ot an em den dean | 3 Pert Bre ay oR a | ay 8 fer day THER erm * PRR ee { Gharafamakeo-aaamitaarda | & a gharatratie et anafl a fom ar) ct tea dar Senn: | Rant oneti ar Rema at | ar a eateemdareenearart ameter ae Reerster, ef serena | af gierateta

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