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The Church’s Response to Infidelity

Marriage is a gift from God. We are given a life-long partner that was approved and
witnessed by God that will stay and be committed to you until the end. Marriage is a sacred
tradition that has been passed down since the beginning of time and we are still practicing it
as one of God’s missions to all of us which is “to go forth and multiply”. In a marriage
ceremony, the couple recite vows in front of God and the witnesses and tasked to keep their
relationship holy. Marriage life is not perfect. And as time passes by, you are bound to
encounter challenges in your marriage life that will put you to the point that you will question
your decision to get married.

With the vow that both the husband and wife swore in front of God and the witnesses,
staying committed is never easy and we are always bound with temptations in our life. In
Exodus 20:14 “Thou shall not commit adultery”. This is the 7 th commandment that God
wants us to follow, but why is it that there are people being tempted on committing such acts?
God always reminds us to always stay committed and to love one another. This is what the
church wants married couples to have, to stay in love and be in love under the oath of being
together as one. The Bible also makes it clear that Christians must always be willing to
forgive any offense, no matter how trivial.

Communication is key. Maintaining a strong emotional bond, sexual intimacy, and

respecting boundaries are achievable if only both parties are constantly communicating with
each other. "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them,"
Saint Paul states in Ephesians (5:11). Saint Paul emphasizes the instead of committing
adultery towards your partner, it is better to talk and express what the issue really is. The
church believes that once both the husband and wife sit down and have a sincere and honest
conversation, they will be able to fix and produce a solution to address their problem.

Ephesians 4:32 tells us to, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, as God in Christ forgave you. God has always been reminding us to forgive one
another, but the real question is can we really forgive them? Trusting someone is not easy, it
takes a lot of time and effort for someone to completely trust you. Being told to forgive
someone is one thing, and it is also another thing as to how you can forgive someone who
broke your trust and makes you question your worth. At the end of the day, after all the
teachings that the church and God teaches us, it all comes done to you, as a couple, on how to
move forward and continue after the conflict.

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“Treat Your Marriage as a Gift from God ... - Bradenton Herald.” Bradenton Herald, 8 Apr.

Pace, Rachel. “20 Most Common Marriage Problems Faced by Married Couples.” Marriage
and Relationship Advice, 11 Aug. 2020,
Accessed 27 Oct. 2021.

“Bible Verses for Cheating & Infidelity - Help from God.” TheHopeLine, 19 May 2021,

“Church Teaching on Marriage and Family.” Church Teaching on Marriage and Family |
Diocese of Portland,

Mildes Erik Mildes Licensed Counselor and Clinical Supervisor (425) 939-9934 I believe in the healing, Erik. “Should Christians
Forgive Adultery?” Seattle Christian Counseling,
Greenlake-6-Scaled.jpg Https://
Content/Uploads/2016/05/Cropped-Cropped-Seattle-Logo.png 6827 Oswego Place NE,
Suite B SEATTLE, WA 98115 United States 6827 Oswego Place NE, Suite B
SEATTLE, WA 98115 United States, 12 Dec. 2016,

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