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Topic: Moving around a website

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A website often has more than one page. We can move
around a website and to other websites using links, the
‘Forward’ icon and the ‘Back’ icon. Hyperlinks can help us
move around too. In computing, a hyperlink, or simply a link,
is a digital reference to data that the user can follow or be
guided to by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink points to a whole
document or to a specific element within a document.
Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. If you see text that is
underlined or bold, you can click on that text to go to
another page or place on the page. Some links are behind
pictures or icons.
Do this
 Save your work and Print it.
 You can also send your work to:
 Now copy the link below and paste it on your browser
 Explore the site.

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