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MATH 135 Fall 2023: Written Assignment 3

Due at 5 PM EDT on Friday, September 29th, 2023

Covers the contents of Weeks 1–3
Q1. (5 marks) Prove or disprove each of the following statements.

(a) (1 mark) For every integer n, if n is even, then n2 − n − 3 is even.

(b) (1 mark) For every integer n, if n is odd, then n2 − n − 3 is odd.

(c) (1 mark) For every integer n, n2 − n − 3 is odd.

(d) (1 mark) For every integer n, if n2 − n − 3 is even, then n is even.

(e) (1 mark) For every integer n, if n2 − n − 3 is odd, then n is odd.

Q2. (5 marks) We say that an integer p > 1 is prime if and only if the only positive divisors of
p are 1 and p itself.

(a) (1 mark) Find all prime numbers p such that 2 ≤ p ≤ 20.

(b) (4 marks) Prove that there is no positive integer k such that for every positive integer a,
a2 + 15a + k is prime.

Q3. (5 marks) Consider the following statement:

Statement A. For all positive integers a and b, if a ̸= 1 and a ̸= 5, then 3a ∤ (4b − 1) or

a ∤ (12b + 7).

(a) (3 marks) Prove Statement A.

(b) (1 mark) State the converse of Statement A.

(c) (1 mark) Is the converse of Statement A true or false? If it is true, prove it. If it false,
provide a counter-example.

Q4. (4 marks) Prove that log6 (41) is irrational.

Q5. (4 marks) Prove that, for all real numbers x and y, x2 + 2xy − 3y 2 < 0 if and only if (y > 0
and y > x > −3y) or (y < 0 and −3y > x > y).

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