Paculanang Christian Beliefs

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Paculanang, Angel Faith BSED-

Fil. 3
Christian Beliefs and Spiritual Gifts
1. What is the meaning of "the great controversy"? Where, when and how did this originate? Upon
what issue did this controversy begin?
"The Great Controversy” refers to the cosmic battle between good and evil, God and Satan, which
began with the fall of Lucifer (who became Satan) and continues until the final resolution of this conflict.
The origins of this concept can be traced back to various biblical passages, particularly those found in the
book of Revelation, which describe the ultimate triumph of good over evil. According to Seventh-day
Adventist belief, the controversy began in heaven when Lucifer, an archangel, rebelled against God's
authority. This rebellion resulted in Satan's expulsion from heaven, and he subsequently tempted Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden, leading to the introduction of sin and the resulting conflict between good
and evil on Earth. "The Great Controversy," focuses on the ongoing battle between good and evil
throughout human history, with a particular emphasis on the final events leading up to the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ and the ultimate resolution of the conflict.
2. How did human beings become involved in this conflict? Why is the earth considered the theater
of great controversy? What impact did the great controversy have on the human race?
According to this belief, human beings became involved in this great controversy when Satan
rebelled against God and tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Earth is considered the
theater of this great controversy because it is believed to be the battleground where the conflict between
good and evil plays out. It is seen as a place where the choices and actions of human beings have
significant consequences in the larger cosmic struggle. The impact of the great controversy on the human
race is believed to be profound. It is seen as the root cause of suffering, evil, and the brokenness of the
world. According to this belief, the great controversy has led to the introduction of sin and its
consequences, such as disease, death, and moral corruption. It is also believed to have resulted in the need
for redemption and salvation, as well as the opportunity for individuals to choose between good and evil.
3. As the great controversy is engaged on this earth, what role did Jesus play in ensuring that the
ultimate victory in the cosmic conflict belongs to God?
Jesus played a pivotal role in ensuring that the ultimate victory in the cosmic conflict belongs to
God. According to Christian belief, Jesus is considered the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. He
came to earth to reconcile humanity with God and to defeat the forces of evil. Firstly, Jesus' life and
teachings demonstrated God's love, mercy, and righteousness. He showed humanity the way to live in
accordance with God's will, teaching forgiveness, compassion, and selflessness. Through His example, he
revealed God's character and provided a path for humanity to follow. Secondly, Jesus' sacrificial death on
the cross is seen as the ultimate act of love and redemption. Christians believe that through His death,
Jesus took upon himself the sins of humanity, paying the price for our wrongdoing and offering
forgiveness and salvation to all who believe in him. This victory over sin and death is central to the
Christian faith. Lastly, Jesus' resurrection from the dead is a crucial aspect of his role in the cosmic
conflict. His resurrection demonstrated his power over death and the defeat of evil. It affirmed his divinity
and provided hope for all believers in the ultimate victory of God. Through his teachings, sacrifice, and
triumph over death, Jesus revealed God's love, provided redemption for humanity, and secured the
ultimate victory over evil.
4. Discuss how the great controversy is fought in the lives of God's people so as to destroy their
allegiance to God. For example, Adam and Eve, Job, Joseph, Peter, etc.
The Great Controversy has been fought throughout history and continues to be fought in the lives
of God's people today. In this struggle, Satan seeks to destroy the allegiance of God's people and lead
them away from Him. Satan approached Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, sowing doubt and
tempting them to disobey God. He challenged their trust in God's word, appealing to their desires and
offering them a false promise of knowledge. Ultimately, they succumbed to this temptation, leading to the
fall of humanity. Satan targeted Job, a righteous and faithful servant of God, by seeking to undermine his
trust and loyalty. He inflicted severe suffering and loss upon Job, hoping to break his allegiance to God.
However, Job remained steadfast, even in the midst of his trials, and his faith was ultimately vindicated.
Joseph faced numerous challenges and temptations, including betrayal and false accusations. Yet, he
remained faithful to God, despite being sold into slavery and enduring imprisonment. His unwavering
devotion ultimately led to his exaltation and the preservation of his family. Satan desired to sift Peter like
wheat, seeking to undermine his faith and loyalty to Jesus. Peter faced moments of doubt, fear, and even
denial, but through Jesus' forgiveness and restoration, Peter's faith was strengthened, and he became a
powerful leader in the early church.
In each of these examples, we see Satan employing various tactics to destroy the allegiance of God's
people. These tactics can include deception, doubt, temptation, persecution, and even personal
weaknesses. However, God's people have the opportunity to overcome these challenges through faith,
trust, prayer, and reliance on God's strength. It is important to note that the Great Controversy is not
limited to these biblical examples but continues to unfold in the lives of believers today. The battle
encompasses both external influences and internal struggles, as Satan seeks to weaken our allegiance to
God. However, by remaining rooted in God's Word, seeking His guidance, and relying on His grace, we
can resist the enemy's attacks and stand firm in our allegiance to God.
5. Why is the great controversy a significant doctrine? How does it resolve many issues that affect
life on earth and in the universe?
The Great Controversy is a significant doctrine because it helps explain and address the
fundamental questions surrounding the existence of evil, suffering, and the ultimate purpose of life. It
seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ongoing conflict between good and evil, and the
role of humanity in this cosmic battle. The doctrine of the Great Controversy explains that this conflict
originated in heaven with the rebellion of a high-ranking angel named Lucifer, who became Satan. It
asserts that Satan's rebellion against God's authority has led to the spread of sin, suffering, and evil
throughout the universe. By understanding the Great Controversy, we can make sense of the presence of
evil in the world. It helps us recognize that the difficulties we face are not necessarily a result of God's
indifference or absence, but rather a consequence of the ongoing cosmic conflict. This understanding can
bring comfort and hope in times of adversity, knowing that God is actively working to bring about the
ultimate defeat of evil. Moreover, the doctrine of the Great Controversy highlights the importance of
human choice and free will. It emphasizes that each individual has the capacity to align themselves with
either the forces of good or evil. This understanding empowers individuals to make conscious choices that
promote love, justice, and righteousness, thereby contributing to the resolution of the conflict.

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