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COMPROMISE AGREEMENT ee AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS: This Compromise A, Sreement made and entered into this 20084 ee ees EEE 5 of. day i » duly represented by CHRISTINA &, BERNASCONI pursuant to tne Bo: Secretary's Certificate, attached herewit | “B* (hereinafter ro ; -and- o— BROOKSIDE HILLS RESIDENTS? (BRAD, a corporatio, laws of the Republic ASSOCIATION, INC. in accord: Secretary's Certificate, attached herewith as Annexes "C" and “D: (hereinafter: referred (0 a5 “BRAI"), ieainst ST. LOUIS REALTY co! development of Brookside Hill, Sut a HLURB Arbiter HLURB Case No, REM-012794. 778 i & HLURB Commissioners HLURB Case No. REM-A.950310.0029 ‘Office of the President q, e, OP Case No. 96-B-638} Court of Appeals- CA GR No. 53212 Supreme Court-G.R. No. 151301 (After the case had been resolved by the Supreme Cour, it was remanded back to the HLURB Arbiter for execution a Parties hereby mutually agree to ami PSOS was granted cably selile the cases subject hereof and the “mount of al claims and damages above-mentioned, Ly |. SLRC and BRAY ety agree and bind themselves that as complete serisfaction and full settlement of al en pit Y Sand damages of BRAL in the amount of ONE HUNDRED NINE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY oe aC c@ e Compromise Agreement- SLRC/BRAL Page 2. OF the herewith above agreed compromise amount of FIFTY MILLION (Php50,000,000.00) PESOS, the amount of FORTY FIVE MILLION (Php45,000,000.00) PESOS in valued property plus an imputed additional amount of property with a value of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY. EIGHT (Php 1,137,728.00) PESOS to pay for all accrued real estate taxes up to 2009 as Well a5 an agreed additional amount of property with a value of SIX MILLION FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO (Php 6,563,272.00) PESOS to pay for the registration, capital gains, real estate and any other taxes, costs or expenses needed for the transfer of ownershiphitle to BRAI, shall all be paid through the assignment of the following agreed properties in favor of BRAL T.C.T.NO, LOTNO. | AREA/SQ.M. 169135 _ Dios 4,450 (LC.C.)>7 100 7 2B 3,960 .” 556789 IB 1,699 218088 2186 2,007 137853 2 1,275 141186 \ \\ 1,209 148925 830 148926 993 SS 148927 1,032 zt y 148928 9 958 148929 10 1,956 iS SS 137854 il 666 Nee 137861 7 12h \ 148930 18 893 NG 148931 19 1,784 141188 20 1,593 © 3. lt addition to the aforesaid specified Properties and to complete the remaining balance, SLRC agrees to compensate BRAI in the amount of FIVE MILLION (Php §,000,000.00) PESOS, which amount shall be paid. in TWELVE (12) equal monthly instalimen h grace period on each wee F 1e expiration of the grace period of three (3) months until paid, Default in the Payment of any installments shall without the need of demand tender any Temaining balance immediately due and payable x SLROBRAL That all the Deed of Assignments and otiginal copies of the 5 anifestatnrittin thirty (30) days from exeeuie of th manifestation with the HLURB 2 6 SLRC, its affiiate (IMPERIAL — CREDIT CORPORATION, CONTINENTAL, HOMES, INC.) ang ULTRA — RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, theie cflicers, assigns, grantees op : Successors-in-interests are hereby deemed, without the need of any further instrument, to have free use and a Perpetual-rightof-way through any and all \ roads in the said subdivision, Homi of income generated from the \ Shall fg Teh-of-ways over any of the sett songs it the subdivision to third partes \ Shall be shared equally by both Fane rovded that anything contains in this \ Agreement notwithstanding, the Tight-of-way granted 0 any third party shall be \ With the written consent of SLC and BRAIL. We si shall immediately after the aacution hereof, file and notify the SS han appropriate manifestatnn that they have executed this ise Agreement by way of and full compli I Re a i ued by the HLURB. BRAI h, ¢xecute all necessary documents required for the Compromise Agreement with the BLURB. Said manifestation shell fey -d no later than thirty (30) and the assignment of the , ssigns, successors-in-interest hereby waive and quitelain any and all obligat interest hereby revlon oh SUe tny further legal actione cluims against SLRC, its officers "SHOWS and slockholders of whatehty fora y nature, oe sal € Mh ‘ m Compromise Agreement- SLRC/BRAT Page ised IN WITNESS WHE! -REOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the date and place first above written, ST. LOUIS REALTY CORPORATION By: Uniting (bona CHRISTINA C. BERNASCONI Authorized Representative a TIN- 116-358-809 BROOKSIDE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC. By: a MANUEL G. MAG LAQUE, Presiden: TIN. 239-197 493 tad lees, 7" MARIO T. MENESES, JR. VP Internal ROQLE B. BELLO 7 Ez VP-External are a FRANCIS "ACON ‘Tresurer wince SANTOS Aren-I Trustee s a ih M. TECSON ~~ Aren-8 Trustee MARIANO B. BAS Area-2 Trustee te Compromise Agreement SLRC/BRAI Page, ae B. oS Area3 Trustee ee fe Za EDUARDO S. MADRID Area-4 Trustee Aska baie MILAGROS B, DOLOR Afen6 Trustee VIE RE YNoso free” True =e : " | Area-15 Trustee | y E EDEN L. sy Area-10 Trustee ov ANT! oe MEDINA } ea-| at Trustee SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE oF; LH i Le Compromise Agreement- r SLRC/BRAL , Page 6 CKNOWLEDGMENT. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) )S.S. .. BEFORE | ME, y of Me this_3 eT anche ato, in_Cateds, ferzal Personally appeared the following 4 NAME, Ic No TE/PLACE ISSUED Christina C, Bernasconi » 09733744 Jan..09/09; Teresa, Rizal St. Louis Realty Corporation 00095446 Jan. 15/09; Pasig Cit Manuel G. Maglaque 18560646 Jan. 06/09; Antipolo, Rizal all personally known to me and/or identified by me through their current official identifications mentioned above, to be the persons who signed and executed this instrument, and who all represented before me that the same were affixed and made by (hem es their voluntary act and deed for the purposes stated in the instrument, and they her represented the parties signing for and in behalf of the corporation represented | Ve the requisite authorities to do so. WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL on the date and at the place first above written. ~ z ATTY, EMMANUEL . | aaa v TARY PUBLIC &, WIL DECE BER ete PIR No. S52053 SNOT AY PUBLIC) mt MM ROLL NO. aazas hue Dos. No, (ZO ; Page No.. ; Book No.__ | Series of 2009

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